CLOT records hold information on a piece of clothing.
Subrecords known to occur in an CLOT record include (confirmed):
- EDID (required): Editor ID (variable length string)
- FULL (required): Item name (variable length string)
- SCRI (optional): Script form ID (dword)
- MODL (optional): Male biped model filename (variable length string)
- MOD2 (optional): Male world model filename (variable length string)
- MOD3 (optional): Female biped model filename (variable length string)
- MOD4 (optional): Female world model filename (variable length string)
- MODB (optional): Unknown, follows a MODL (4 bytes, confirmed)
- MO2B (optional): Unknown, follows a MOD2 (4 bytes, confirmed)
- MO3B (optional): Unknown, follows a MOD3 (4 bytes, confirmed)
- MO4B (optional): Unknown, follows a MOD4 (4 bytes, confirmed)
- MODT (optional): Unknown, follows a MODT (variable)
- MO2T (optional): Unknown, follows a MO3T (variable)
- MO3T (optional): Unknown, follows a MO4T (variable)
- MO4T (optional): Unknown, follows a MO5T (variable)
- ICON (optional): Male icon filename (variable length string)
- ICO2 (optional): Female icon filename (variable length string)
- ENAM (optional): Enchantment form ID (dword)
- DATA (required): Clothing data (8 bytes)
- BMDT (required): Clothing flags (4 bytes)
DATA SubrecordEdit
This subrecord is always 8 bytes long (confirmed) and holds the clothing data.
Name | Type/Size | Info |
Value | 4 (dword) | Clothing value |
Weight | 4 (float) | Clothing weight |
BMDT SubrecordEdit
The BMDT subrecord is always 4 bytes long (confirmed) and holds various clothing flags.
- Biped Object Flags -- 0x0001 to 0x8000 (mask 0xFFFF). See Oblivion Mod:Biped Object Flags for details
- General Flags
- 0x00010000 = Hide Rings
- 0x00020000 = Hide Amulet
- 0x00400000 = Non-Playable (opposite to checkbox in the CS)
- 0xCD000000 = Unknown default value