ObEdit is a third party replacement for the Construction Set, similar to MwEdit for Morrowind. It is currently in early development stages.
ObEdit v0.1-Alpha is the latest released version.
- Getting Started -- A basic tutorial for users new to ObEdit.
- User Interface -- Description of the program's user interface.
- Feedback -- Post feedback and suggestions for the program.
- Bugs -- Listing of bugs and their eventual solutions.
- Roadmap -- Planning of future releases and their features.
- Design Goals -- The overall goals of the project.
- Interface Development -- Discussion of the user interface.
- Event Processing -- Development of an event system for handling content updates.
- Features -- List of current and desired features.
- Credits -- External libraries and other contributors to ObEdit.
- ObEdit Project Page on SourceForge.net
- Desired Editor Features topic on the official forums