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Oblivion Mod:Revival of the Dark Brotherhood

< Mod / Oblivion: Oblivion Mod: OQM

Revival of the Dark BrotherhoodEdit

Mod Information
Author(s) Getto, Sebastien, Veronika, Niyana
Current Version 2.0
Last updated 23 Mar 2013
Links TESAll, Official site
Language Russian
Translations N/A
Requirements Shivering Isles
Playing Time  ??
Quests (Side Quests)  ?? *

* Downloading this requires registering on TESAll; I didn't really see the point for one file.


This plugin features a plot that is based on role-playing game forums. Because of this, most NPCs have had their own history, their own character, as well as their role in the world. Another feature of the plugin is that NPCs - City residents - have the appearance of players' characters, those who attended a forum dedicated to this role-playing game, and were sympathetic to the plight of the plugin.

Our primary objective was not to create fashion, stuffed with new items and monsters, and a plug-in which the most interesting and realized it would be logical continuation of the story of the protagonist as a Dark Brotherhood assassin. Topics of the quests are based on scenes from the role-playing game, and the authors have tried to capture the atmosphere maximum City of Night, Dark Brotherhood spirit and life of the assassins and other residents of the city.

The plugin includes the location City of Night, as well as a few quests in which the authors tried to implement some of the scenes described in the roleplay.

In the future we plan to continue the creation of plug-in which will be implemented by all the other upcoming quests.

To begin the quest City of Night, you must fully complete the Dark Brotherhood questline and after you become a Listener of the Night Mother, go to sleep (a few hours). You will dream, in which you get all the necessary instructions. Refer to the list of quests in the readme.

(This translation is via Google Translate and may not be completely accurate.)

