Oblivion Mod:Unofficial Oblivion Patch/Cell Audit
< Mod / Oblivion: Oblivion Mod: Unofficial Oblivion PatchAuditsEdit
(Complete checks of all objects in worldspaces for placement errors.)
Completed comprehensive cell-by-cell check of 5,125 cells of exterior (Tamriel worldspace) areas, all 439 occupied cells of all OblivionRD001-007 (random countryside gate), DABoethiaRealm, DAPeryiteRealm, MQ10BrumaOblivionGate, MS13CheydinhalOblivionWorld and OblivionMQKVatch worldspaces, all 152 occupied cells of CamoranParadise, all 20 occupied cells of MS37World (Frostfire Glade), all 67 occupied PalePassWorld worldspace area cells (except for 3,3 due to local map marker engine bug). Found:
- Ayleid blocks hidden underground: 25
- Backwards-flowing waterfall components: 2
- Banners not attached to walls: 2
- Blood decals embedded in objects: 3
- Blood decals embedded underground: 2 (1 moved up, 1 deleted as there was already one above-ground)
- Blood decals not attached to walls/ground: 4
- Broken columns embedded underground/in rocks/other columns: 5
- Butterfly bounding boxes embedded in walls/rocks/trees/ground: 67
- Chests/crates/barrels/sacks partially embedded in objects: 13
- Clumps of Clams completely embedded (hidden) in rocks/underground: 2
- Cobwebs embedded (hidden) in rocks: 1
- Corpse clips not attached to hanging rope/rope not attached: 9
- Cypress Knees embedded in rocks/trees/underground/other Cypress Knees: 1,004
- Doors completely embedded in walls: 1 (24,-3; deleted as useless)
- Doors embedded underground: 6 (deleted as useless as had no target, ref. name or enable parent)
- Duplicated-in-place objects: 36
- Duplicated-in-place harvestable flora: 2 (moved)
- Fallen trees embedded in walls/rocks/trees/underground: 176
- Flickery blood decals (semi-embedded): 1
- Floating/out of water clumps of Clams: 181
- Flying Alkanets: 23
- Flying Aloe Vera plants: 9
- Flying Amanitas: 16
- Flying Arrowroot plants: 7
- Flying Ayleid blocks: 7
- Flying Bergamot: 58
- Flying Blackberry bushes: 2
- Flying Bloodgrass: 7
- Flying Bog Beacons: 2
- Flying braziers/firelogs: 3
- Flying Carrot plants: 32
- Flying Clouded Funnel Cap: 10
- Flying Columbines: 14
- Flying Corn stalks: 39
- Flying Cypress Knees: 66
- Flying Domica Redworts: 4
- Flying Dragon's Tongue: 1
- Flying Fennel: 2
- Flying ferns: 1
- Flying firelogs: 6
- Flying Flax: 10
- Flying Fleshy Pods: 1
- Flying Foxgloves: 14
- Flying Ginseng: 3
- Flying Grape Vines: 6
- Flying Green Stain Cup: 9
- Flying ladders: 1
- Flying ivy (not attached to wall): 2
- Flying Lady's Smock: 6
- Flying Lavender: 30
- Flying Leek plants: 4
- Flying Lettuce plants: 10
- Flying Lily of the Valley: 1
- Flying LOD houses: 4
- Flying Mandrakes: 44
- Flying masts: 1 (5,10)
- Flying Milk Thistles: 9
- Flying misc. items: 13
- Flying Monkshoods: 39 (including one up a tree)
- Flying Morning Glories: 3
- Flying Motherworts: 14
- Flying/improperly grounded mushrooms/fungi: 541
- Flying Nightshades: 15
- Flying Potato plants: 4
- Flying Primroses: 12
- Flying Pumpkin plants: 1
- Flying Radish plants: 6
- Flying/floating rocks: 549 (6 of these were at canopy height)
- Flying shelf fungi (not attached to tree): 7
- Flying shrubs: 698 (including four at canopy height)
- Flying signs (not attached to post): 12
- Flying Somnalius plants: 15
- Flying Spiddal Sticks: 1
- Flying Steel-Blue Entoloma: 14
- Flying St. John's Worts: 6
- Flying statues: 2
- Flying Strawberry bushes: 81
- Flying Summer Boletes: 3
- Flying tents/bedrolls: 5
- Flying Tiger Lilies: 4
- Flying Tobacco plants: 2
- Flying Tomato plants: 7
- Flying trees: 103
- Flying Viper's Bugloss: 62
- Flying Watermelon plants: 1
- Flying Wormwood plants: 2
- Flying X-Markers: 3
- Flying/improperly grounded benches/chairs/stools/tables/bedrolls/tents: 82
- Flying/improperly grounded crates/chests/coffins/barrels/buckets/sacks: 101
- Flying/embedded pathgrid nodes: One in -42,-13 about ten stories above the ground, five in -13,7, one in -19,28, two in -14,5, one in -28,-1, one in -25,3, one in -25,2, one in -28,5, one in -30,0, one in -2,23, one in 39,-17, one in 33,-17, one in 37,-16, one in 32,-17, one in -9,8, one in -12,13, one in -12,31, one in -16,-1, one in 16,12, one in 27,17, three in 36,20 and two hidden in a rock removed, and three hidden in an impassible Ayleid statue base in 14,-7 removed
- Harvestable flora partly/completely embedded in rocks/trees/logs/walls/other flora: 5,844
- Harvestable flora partly/completely embedded underground: 674
- Improperly grounded candles: 2
- Improperly grounded barrels/crates/carts: 15
- Improperly grounded bedrolls: 3
- Improperly grounded cypress knees: 414
- Improperly grounded logs: 2
- Improperly grounded misc items: 15
- Improperly grounded obelisks: 1
- Improperly grounded stall: 1
- Improperly placed/unsupported fence pieces: 88
- Improperly rooted Alkanets: 50
- Improperly rooted Aloe Vera: 7
- Improperly rooted Arrowroot: 8
- Improperly rooted Bergamot: 703
- Improperly rooted Bloodgrass: 87
- Improperly rooted Carrot plants: 19
- Improperly rooted Columbine: 63
- Improperly rooted Domica Redwort: 3
- Improperly rooted Dragon's Tongue: 1
- Improperly rooted Fennel: 4
- Improperly rooted ferns: 2
- Improperly rooted Flax: 37
- Improperly rooted Foxgloves: 83
- Improperly rooted Ginseng: 40
- Improperly rooted Goldenrod: 1
- Improperly rooted Harrada: 16
- Improperly rooted Lady's Mantle: 4
- Improperly rooted Lady's Smock: 19
- Improperly rooted Lavender: 156
- Improperly rooted Mana Blooms: 2
- Improperly rooted Mandrakes: 5
- Improperly rooted Milk Thistles: 402
- Improperly rooted Monkshood: 201
- Improperly rooted Motherwort: 66
- Improperly rooted Nightshade: 106
- Improperly rooted Nirnroot: 11
- Improperly rooted Pitcher Plant: 1
- Improperly rooted Primrose: 9
- Improperly rooted Pumpkin Vine: 1
- Improperly rooted Radish plants: 4
- Improperly rooted Somnalius: 2
- Improperly rooted Spiddal Sticks: 15
- Improperly rooted Stinkhorns: 2
- Improperly rooted St. John's Worts: 31
- Improperly rooted Tobacco: 3
- Improperly rooted vines: 2
- Improperly rooted Viper's Bugloss: 1,341
- Improperly rooted Wheat: 1
- Improperly rooted Wormwood: 4
- Lilypads noticeably above/below water's surface: 1,825
- Other water flora out of water/below surface: 214
- Misaligned/see-through doors: 10
- Misc. objects embedded in other objects/underground: 28
- Missing fenceposts/unsupported fence: 2
- Non-harvestable/dead flora partly/completely embedded underground: 3
- NPCs embedded underground: 1 (Boldon, Kvatch encampment)
- Oblivion gate components incorrectly enabled/disabled based on parent state or missing parent: 14
- Rips in landscape: 1 (19,-10 underwater)
- Rocks/blocks balanced on one point/impossibly balanced: 565
- Rocks completely embedded (hidden) underground: 4,533
- Rocks partially/completely embedded in walls/trees/logs/fences/stairs or completely embedded in other rocks: 11,252
- Rocks embedded in trees: 123
- Sacks embedded underground: 1
- See-through Ayleid blocks: 3
- See-through deck components: 2
- See-through rocks: 3,002 (including one boulder so open it could be walked into and the near-flying necromancer's altar base at Fort Linchal)
- See-through underside bedrolls: 2
- See-through underside candles: 9
- See-through underside Oblivion blades: 2
- See-through underside Pitcher Plants: 1
- See-through underside tents: 1
- See-through underside trees/shrubs: 3,883
- See-through underside walls: 5
- See-through walls/arches/blocks/columns/stairs: 302
- Shelf fungi improperly embedded in tree/rock: 202
- Shrubs partially/completely embedded in rocks/walls/trees/logs/fences: 13,277
- Shrubs partially/completely embedded underground: 244 (including ten in 36,-30 whose leaf cells were corrupted due to being obliquely rotated)
- Trees partially/completely embedded in rocks/walls/fences/other trees: 4,101
- Trees partially/completely embedded underground: 1,055
- Unharvestable flora partly/completely embedded underground: 14
- Unnaturally sharp land peaks/valleys: 52
- Unnaturally straight/sharp ground texture boundaries: 1,081
- Vines not stuck to walls: 13
- Walls/columns completely embedded/hidden underground: 285
- Walls with gaps: 5
- Wildlife/NPC spawn points on/embedded in large rocks or other objects or underground: 59