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Text Fixes: Books/scrolls/handbills/notesEdit

EditorID Display Name From >> To
AgnarJournal Agnar's Journal "childrens'" >> "children's", "flaxon" >> "flaxen", "sorcerer" >> "sorceror"
Book1CheapBiographyofBarenziahvI Biography of Barenziah, v 1 "appropriately-and" >> "appropriately -- and"
Book1CheapBiographyofBarenziahvII Biography of Barenziah, v 2 "origin-heiress" >> "origin: heiress", "Khajiit" >> "Khajiiti"
Book1CheapBiographyofBarenziahvIII Biography of Barenziah, v 3 "that that" >> "that the", "friendship-and" >> "friendship -- and", "circumstances-supposedly" >> "circumstances; supposedly", "Champion-she" >> "Champion -- she", "fool-save perhaps Barenziah's -- and" >> "fool, save perhaps Barenziah's, and", "could not" >> "cannot"
Book1CheapBriefHistoryoftheEmpirev1 Brief History of the Empire, v 1 "Summurset" >> "Summerset" [two instances], "defence" >> "defense"
Book1CheapBriefHistoryoftheEmpirev2 Brief History of the Empire, v 2 "behaviour" >> "behavior", "Summurset" >> "Summerset", "Potema. The" >> "Potema, the", "unlikely-for" >> "unlikely -- for", "that previous" >> "that the previous", "conspiracy minded" >> "conspiracy-minded"
Book1CheapBriefHistoryoftheEmpirev4 Brief History of the Empire, v 4 "well-practised" >> "well-practiced", "endeavours-but" >> "endeavors -- but"
Book1CheapCharterMagesGuild Mages Guild Charter "commiting" >> "committing"
Book1CheapGuideAnvil Guide to Anvil "Regretably" >> "Regrettably", "Quillweave" >> "Quill-Weave", "ramshackled" >> "ramshackle", "well- ordered" >> "well-ordered"
Book1CheapGuideCheydinhal Guide to Cheydinhal "his selection" >> "her selection", "his prices" >> "her prices" (referring to Mach-Na)
Book1CheapGuideChorrol Guide to Chorrol "gra-Bagrol" >> "gra-Bargol", "concotions" >> "concoctions", "acccomplished" >> "accomplished", "nevers" >> "never", "well- traveled" >> "well-traveled"
Book1CheapGuideLeyawiin Guide to Leyawiin "Niven" >> "Niben", "Annuad" >> "Anuad", "Khajitt" >> "Khajiit", "Black Comapany" >> "Blackwood Company"
Book1CheapGuideSkingrad Guide to Skingrad "hardwork" >> "hard work", "drunkeness" >> "drunkenness", "HighTown" >> "Hightown", "residence are" >> "residences are"
Book1CheapReportDisasterIonith Report: Disaster at Ionith "defences" >> "defenses", "succesfully" >> "successfully", "obtains" >> "obtained"
Book2CommonBeggarPrince Beggar Prince "stalking" >> "stalked", "it's citizens" >> "its citizens"
Book2CommonBookofDaedra The Book of Daedra "mortals souls" >> "mortals' souls"
Book2CommonDarkestDarkness Darkest Darkness "Mehrunes Razor" >> "Mehrunes' Razor"
Book2CommonFrontierConquest Frontier, Conquest "proto-Cyrodilians" >> "proto-Cyrodiils"
Book2CommonFundamentsofAlchemy Fundaments of Alchemy "properites" >> "properties", "great Alchemist" >> "great Alchemist" [removed double space]
Book2CommonGalerionTheMystic Galerion The Mystic "nonexistant" >> "nonexistent", "Summurset" >> "Summerset", "Galarion" >> "Galerion", "small scale" >> "small-scale", "Trechtus's" >> "Trechtus'"
Book2CommonManualArmor Manual of Armor "orchish" >> "orcish", "from iron" >> "of iron", "constant" >> "constantly"
Book2CommonManualArms01 Manual of Arms "hammmer" >> "hammer", "desirablility" >> "desirability", ",however" >> ", however"
Book2CommonManualMixedUnitTactics Mixed Unit Tactics "Khajiti"" "Khajiiti" [two instances]
Book2CommonManualSpellcraft Manual of Spellcraft "fledging" >> "fledgling", "ArchMagister" >> "Archmagister"
Book2CommonMorrowindImperialProvince On Morrowind "Sumerset" >> "Summerset"
Book2CommonOverviewofGodsandWorship Gods and Worship "Practioners" >> "Practitioners", "gods" >> "Gods" [three instances], "This my" >> "This is my"
Book2CommonRealBarenziahV1 The Real Barenziah, v 1 "of daily" >> "in daily", "Sym­machu" >> "Symmachus", "neighbor" >> "neighboring", "aston" >> "astonishment", "occa" >> "occasions", "dis" >> "disguised", "protec" >> "protection", "par­ticula" >> "particular", "sol" >> "soldiers", "threat" >> "threatened", "never­theles" >> "nevertheless", "alot" >> "a lot", "Mournhold-a" >> "Mournhold -- a", "attend-and" >> "attend -- and", "oath-that" >> "oath -- that", "presentable-or" >> "presentable -- or", "eyes-before" >> "eyes -- before", "reasoned-correctly" >> "reasoned -- correctly", "out-that" >> "out -- that", "realized-but" >> "realized -- but", "Silgrod" >> "Silgrad" [two instances]
Book2CommonRealBarenziahV3 The Real Barenziah, v 3 "Mourn" >> "Mournhold", "Sym" >> "Symmachus", "gen­era" >> "general", "prefer-ence" >> "preference", "contrib" >> "contributing", "emp" >> "emptiness", "are like" >> "are likely"
Book2CommonRealBarenziahV4 The Real Barenziah, v 4 "vis" >> "visits", "forgot" >> "forgotten", "hand" >> "handsome", "any" >> "anything", "for­gotte" >> "forgotten", "mar" >> "marriage", "weath" >> "weathered", "pro" >> "produced", "free" >> "freedom", "con" >> "conversation", "cham-ber" >> "chamber", "con­trol" >> "controls", "pretence" >> "pretense", "aban" >> "abandoned", "admantium" >> "adamantium", "mas" >> "massive", "hold" >> "holding", >> exis­tenc" >> " existence", "suf" >> "suffered", "tele" >> "teleport", "would I" >> "I would"
Book2CommonRealBarenziahV5 The Real Barenziah, v 5 "carven" >> "carved", "parlour" >> "parlor", "Summurset" >> "Summerset", "suddenly he" >> "suddenly it", "till when" >> "until when", "pretence" >> "pretense" [two instances]
Book2CommonRuinsofKemelZe Ruins of Kemel-Ze "carven" >> "carved", "golden kind" >> "golden king", "Vvardenfel" >> "Vvardenfell" [two instances]
Book2CommonShortLifeUrielSeptim A Life of Uriel Septim VII "Publically" >> "Publicly", "ruly" >> "unruly", "Anabolis's" >> "Antabolis'"
Book2CommonThiefOfVirtue Thief of Virtue "a tremble" >> "a-tremble", "husbands" >> "husband's", "doest" >> "dost"
Book2CommonThievesGuildMythOrMenace Myth or Menace? "attempted solve" >> "attempted to solve", "thieved" >> "thieves", "Nevarine" >> "Nerevarine", "it's members" >> "its members", "short lived" >> "short-lived"
Book3Valuable2920v11a 2920, Sun's Dusk (v11) "shudders" >> "shutters"
Book3Valuable2920v12a 2920, Evening Star (v12) "plantlife" >> "plant life", "sweeping" >> "swept", "behind one" >> "into one"
Book3Valuable2920v3a 2920, First Seed (v3) "that Akavir" >> "that Akaviri", "the Akavir" >> "the Akaviri", "Bodrums" >> "Bodrum", "conservatorium" >> "conservatorium."
Book3ValuableArgonianAccountBook2 The Argonian Account, Book 2 "grinded" >> "ground", "long forgotten" >> "long-forgotten"
Book3ValuableArgonianAccountBook4 The Argonian Account, Book 4 "assimiliated" >> "assimilated", "uncorrupt" >> "incorrupt"
Book3ValuableAzuraandtheBox Azura and the Box "finally truth" >> "final truth"
Book3ValuableDwemerHistory Dwemer History and Culture "examing" >> "examining", "unlikeable" >> "unlikable"
Book3ValuableFeyfolkenI Feyfolken I "SUNDAS'S" >> "SUNDAS'", "Summurset" >> ""Summerset" [two instances]
Book3ValuableFeyfolkenIII Feyfolken III "primative" >> "primitive", "Thaubad" >> "Thaurbad"
Book3ValuableHistoryOfLockPicking History of Lock Picking "wealthly" >> "wealthy", "reliablity" >> "reliability", "lockmaker's" >> "locksmith's", "lofting" >> "lifting"
Book3ValuableMadnessofPelagius The Madness of Pelagius "Betony" >> "Bretony", "king's" >> "king", "Suns Dawn" >> "Sun's Dawn" [two instances]
Book3ValuableMagicFromTheSky Magic from the Sky "meteroic" >> "meteoric", "reseroirs" >> "reservoirs", "Ayelid" >> "Ayleid", "Ayleids Wells" >> "Ayleid Wells"
Book3ValuablePallav2a Palla, volume 2 "Summurset" >> "Summerset", "great grandfather" >> "great-grandfather", "great grandfather's" >> "great-grandfather's"
Book3ValuablePrincessTalaraV5 Mystery of Talara, v 5 "supercedes" >> "supersedes", "Princess's" >> "Princess'" [two instances]
Book3ValuableProvincesofTamriel Provinces of Tamriel "northeastmost" >> "northeasternmost", "Vvardenfel" >> "Vvardenfell"
Book3ValuableTamrielicLore Tamrielic Lore "Dark Elven goddess" >> "Daedra", "and the goddess" >> "and the Daedra", "It is she" >> "It is he", "Ring of the Khajiit" >> "Ring of Khajiit", "Mehrunes Razor" >> "Mehrunes' Razor", "Mehrune's Razor" >> "Mehrunes' Razor", "lhas" >> "has", "it's wielder" >> "its wielder", "wearers" >> "wearer's", "Eidelon" >> "Eleidon", "sought after" >> "sought-after", "to be resist" >> "to resist"
Book3ValuableTheFirmament The Firmament "magick" >> "magicka", "Heartfire" >> "Hearthfire", "season" >> "Season" [five instances]
Book3ValuableVarietiesofDaedra Varieties of Daedra "and and" >> "and", "obsequeous" >> "obsequious", "Kymarcher's" >> "Kynmarcher's", "Kymarcher" >> "Kynmarcher", "temperment" >> "temperament"
Book3ValuableWolfQueenV8 The Wolf Queen, v 8 "month long" >> "month-long", "Katarish" >> "Katariah", "coronated" >> "coroneted", "hundred shops" >> "hundred ships"
Book4RareArcanaRestored Arcana Restored "havest" >> "has t", "wickednesses" >> "wickedness", "you" >> "thee", "your" >> thine", "yourself" >> "thyself" [two instances]
Book4RareBrothersofDarkness The Brothers of Darkness "Alimahera's" >> "Arlimahera's", "coven-occasionally" >> "coven -- occasionally", "be-there" >> "be -- there", "Tong-the" >> "Tong -- the"
Book4RareCharterFightersGuildFirstEdition Fighters Guild History, 1st Ed. "strategem" >> "stratagem", "pauldon and a grieve" >> "pauldron and a greave", "Versidae" >> "Versidue" [six instances], "Savirien-Chovak" >> "Savirien-Chorak"
Book4RareCleansingoftheFane Cleansing of the Fane "succour" >> "succor"
Book4RareFiveSongsofKingWulfharth Five Songs of King Wulfharth "Kogoran" >> "Kogoruhn"
Book4RareFragmentOnArtaeum Fragment: On Artaeum "Sumurset" >> "Summerset", "counsellors" >> "counselors", "Tamrielan" >> "Tamrielic", "Summurset" >> "Summerset" [three instances]
Book4RareGloriesAndLaments Glories and Laments "tumulus" >> "tumultus", "deeping" >> "deepening", "Ayelid" >> "Ayleid", "owar" >> "of war", "those would" >> "those who would", "columns and" >> "columns and" [removed double space], "nor the were they" >> "nor were they"
Book4RareHangingGardens Hanging Gardens "Aldmeris is" >> "Aldmeris are"
Book4RareLastKingOfAyleids The Last King of the Ayleids "Maruhk" >> "Marukh", (removed double spaces; 24 instances)
Book4RareOldWays The Old Ways "counselled" >> "counseled", "counsellors" >> "counselors" [two instances]
Book4RareOriginoftheMagesGuild Origin of the Mages Guild "counsellors" >> "counselors", "Tamrielan" >> "Tamrielic", "Summurset" >> "Summerset" [three instances]
Book4RarePostingoftheHunt The Posting of the Hunt "describe explains" >> "describe"
Book4RareRedBookofRiddles The Red Book of Riddles "diverse" >> "divers"
Book4RareSancreTor Remanada "estrangment" >> "estrangement", "ancienttimes" >> "ancient times"
Book4RareWildElves The Wild Elves "Gwilym" >> "Gwylim" [two instances]
Broadsheet01BlackwoodCompany A New Guild for Fighters? "indiscriminant" >> "indiscriminate", "person" >> "persons"
Broadsheet01CheydinhalHeirSaved Cheydinhal Heir Saved! "offer his aid" >> "offer aid" [refers to the player, who may be female]
Broadsheet01NakedDinner Pranks Spoils Society Gathering! "he was" >> "the prankster was", 'his own" >> "their own", "he realized he" >> "they realized they" [all changes refer to the player, who may be female] , [space] >> "..." (ellipsis)
Broadsheet01NightMotherRituals Night Mother Rituals! "witnesseses" >> "witnesses", "merchant's" >> "merchants", "wellfare" >> "welfare"
Broadsheet01PainterSafe Greatest Painter Safe! "great living" >> "greatest living"
Broadsheet01PalePass Pale Pass Discovery! "Jeral" >> "Jerall" [two instances]
Broadsheet01VampireNest Vampire Nest in the City! "have one" >> "have been one"
ClutterAnvilShop05 Handbill "Fo'c'c'le" >> "Fo'c's'le"
ClutterBravilShop05 Handbill "Wizard's" >> "Wizards"
ClutterBrumaShop02 Handbill "horse" >> "horse's"
ClutterBrumaShop03 Handbill "noisesome" >> "noisome"
ClutterBusiness01 Letter "acceptible" >> "acceptable"
ClutterBusiness02 Letter "to long" >> "too long"
ClutterChapelBravilMara Handbill "spriit" >> "spirit"
ClutterChorrolShop01 Handbill "areas" >> "area's"
ClutterICShop03 Handbill "a widest" >> "the widest"
ClutterInstructions04 Note "privvy" >> "privy"
Dark04BodyNotes Notes: Captain Montrose "We're not dealing" >> "We're dealing"
Dark10SpecialCeledaenJournal The Path of Transcendence "sit in" >> "sat in"
Dark17Diary Traitor's Diary "punge" >> "plunge"
DarkLachanceOrders0 Dead Drop Orders #3 "J 'Ghasta" >> "J'Ghasta" [six instances]
DarkLachanceOrders1 Dead Drop Orders #4 "J 'Ghasta" >> "J'Ghasta"
DarkLachanceOrders2 Dead Drop Orders #5 "and and" >> "and"
DarkLachanceOrders3 Dead Drop Orders #6 "forgone" >> "foregone"
DarkLachanceOrders4 Dead Drop Orders #7 "J 'Ghasta" >> "J'Ghasta"
FGD01BrenusAstisJournal Brenus Astis' Journal "Cyrodiilic" >> ""Cyrodilic"
FGD06ViranusJournal A Bloody Journal "forgone" >> "foregone", "Viranus" >> "Vitellus" (two instances)
HouseChorrolDiningAddonsAreaReceipt House Dining Upgrade "addons" >> "add-ons"
HouseChorrolServantsQuartersReceipt House Servants Quarters "servants" >> "servants'" [also corrected title]
HouseSkingradServantsQuartersReceipt House Servants Quarters "servants" >> "servants'" [also corrected title]
LostBoyCaverns002 Crumpled piece of paper "crumpled" >> "Crumpled" [title]
MG06ManualSpellcraft Manual of Spellcraft "fledging" >> "fledgling"
MG11NecromancersMoon Necromancer's Moon "enternally" >> "eternally"
MG11Note Hastily Scrawled Note "Istirius" >> "Istirus"
MQ02CrumpledPinerLetter01 Crumpled Piece of Paper "Goods" >> "Good"
MQ05CommentariesV3 Mythic Dawn Commentaries 3 "noviates" >> "novitiates", "Mysteriuum" >> "Mysterium"
MQ05CommentariesV4 Mythic Dawn Commentaries 4 "dreughs" >> "dreugh", "NRN" >> "NIRN"
MS06LogEmmaMay Log of the Emma May "Tuesday" >> "Tirdas"
MS12DiaryCopy Akaviri Diary Translation "Remus'" >> "Reman's", "Remus" >> "Reman"
MS26AudensNote Ramblings of Audens Avidius "his" >> "their" [refers to the player, who may be female]
MS29MacabreManifest Macabre Manifest "Staute" >> "Statue"
MS37Knightfall Knightfall "Jerals" >> "Jeralls"
MS38GlarthirsNotes01 Glarthir's Notes "Mondas" >> "Morndas"
MS38GlarthirsNotes02 Glarthir's Notes "Maruhkati" >> "Marukhati"
MS39NirnrootMissive Nirnroot Missive "Chivius's" >> "Chivius'" [four instances]
MS47AncotarsJournal Ancotar's Journal "Empedocles's" >> "Empedocles'", "Rains" >> "Rain's" [two instances]
MSFinOldNote Crumpled Note "Heartfire" >> "Hearthfire"
SKLxAcrobatics1 Thief "wildy" >> "wild", "place," >> "place;", "been" >> "being"
SKLxAcrobatics2 A Dance in Fire, v1 "[[font" >> "[font", "St Alessia" >> "St. Alessia", "was." >> "was:", "scribes" >> "scribes'", "Khajiti" >> "Khajiiti", "countryside. Past" >> "countryside, past"
SKLxAcrobatics3 A Dance in Fire, v4 "Atrius's" >> "Atrius'", "Reglius's" >> "Reglius'" [two instances]
SKLxAcrobatics5 Mystery of Talara, v 1 "tale end" >> "tail end", "it way" >> "its way", "caused. " >> "caused. ", "ago. " >> "ago. "
SKLxAlchemy1 A Game at Dinner "Forward" >> "Foreword", "Summurset" >> "Summerset", "counsellorship" >> "counselorship", "unholiness's" >> "unholiness'", "suppliers" >> "supplier"
SKLxAlchemy4 De Rerum Dirennis "are stuff" >> "are the stuff", "lesser known" >> "lesser-known", "great great grandfather" >> "great-great-grandfather", "Will O The Wisp" >> "Will-O-The-Wisp" [two instances], "Summurset" >> "Summerset" [three instances]
SKLxAlchemy5 Calcinator Treatise "noticable" >> "noticeable"
SKLxAlteration1 Daughter of the Niben "archetectural" >> "architectural", "reconizable" >> "recognizable", "Empress's" >> "Empress'"
SKLxArmorer1 The Armorer's Challenge "Empress's" >> "Empress'"
SKLxArmorer2 Last Scabbard of Akrash "had had" >> "had", "particular as" >> "particularly as"
SKLxArmorer3 Light Armor Repair "armor," >> "armor:", "windows panes" >> "windowpanes" "allign" >> "align"
SKLxArmorer4 Cherim's Heart of Anequina "in command" >> "on command", "principle" >> "principal", "Khajiti" >> "Khajiiti" [five instances]
SKLxAthletics1 The Ransom of Zarek "by carriage" >> "my carriage", "him time" >> "him less time"
SKLxAthletics2 A Dance in Fire, v3 "Jurus's" >> "Jurus'", "Summurset" >> "Summerset", "Breath" >> "Breathe", "he were" >> "he was"
SKLxAthletics3 The Red Kitchen Reader "that that" >> "that"
SKLxAthletics4 Beggar "Futhermore" >> 'Furthermore", "taxcollector" >> "tax collector", "that that" >> "that", "the Lahpyrcopa" >> "then Lahpyrcopa", "particular unusual" >> "particularly unusual"
SKLxAthletics5 The Argonian Account, Book 1 [space] >> "..."
SKLxBlade1 Words and Philosophy "than their" >> "that their", "interview, responding" >> "interview responding", "proven.")." >> "proven.")", "him.")." >> "him.")", "Summurset" >> "Summerset" [two instances]
SKLxBlade2 2920, Morning Star (v1) "Giovesse" >> "Giovese", "an Akavir" >> "an Akaviri"
SKLxBlade3 Fire and Darkness "inpractical" >> "impractical", "Versidae-Shae" >> "Versidue-Shaie" , "murder-for- profit" >> "murder-for-profit", [space] >> "..."
SKLxBlade4 Song Of Hrormir "Evensnow" >> "Eversnow", "mayst" >> "mayest", "Wherest" >> "Wherefore"
SKLxBlade5 Battle of Sancre Tor "resulting" >> "resulted"
SKLxBlock1 Death Blow of Abernanit "villiany's" >> "villainy's", "cruellest" >> "cruelest", "the the" >> "the", "absord" >> "absorb", "fever glassed" >> "fever-glassed"
SKLxBlock3 A Dance in Fire, v2 "labyrinthian" >> "labyrinthine", "Jurus's" >> "Jurus'", "millennia's" >> "millennium's", "minutes time" >> "minutes' time", "sharing" >> "shared"
SKLxBlock4 Warrior "existance" >> "existence", "filligree" >> "filigree"
SKLxBlock5 The Warp in the West "unsecure" >> "insecure", "wherebouts" >> "whereabouts", "Phyrgias" >> "Phrygias", "Phygias" >> "Phrygias"
SKLxBlunt3 Night Falls on Sentinel "Betony" >> "Bretony", "being question" >> "being questioned", "surprise. Even" >> "surprise, even", "a that" >> "o' that"
SKLxBlunt4 King "commited" >> "committed", "occurance" >> "occurrence", "an simple" >> "a simple", "its entire" >> "his entire", [space] >> "..."
SKLxBlunt5 Mace Etiquette "it's path" >> "its path"
SKLxConjuration1 The Doors of Oblivion "Nevevarine" >> "Nerevarine", "eageR" >> "eager", [space] >> "..."
SKLxConjuration2 Liminal Bridges "infinitessimal" >> "infinitesimal", "morpolith" >> "morpholith", "morpoliths" >> "morpholiths", "circumpenetra- tion" >> "circumpenetration" [two instances]
SKLxConjuration3 2920, Hearth Fire (v9) "ever day" >> "every day", "side the" >> "side of the", "its their" >> "it's their"
SKLxConjuration4 2920, Frostfall (v10) "hows" >> "how", "Summurset" >> "Summerset"
SKLxDestruction1 The Horrors of Castle Xyr "don't know no" >> "know no", "garb stands" >> "garb, stands", "No thank" >> "No, thank", "master Sedura" >> "master, Sedura", "Xyr is" >> "Xyr, is", "coulda been" >> "would be", "We got" >> "We have", "fades I'm" >> "fades, I'm", "fortitude to" >> "fortitude against", "ever day" >> "every day", "ashlander" >> "Ashlander" [three instances], "been round" >> "been 'round", "crystalized" " "crystallized", "expotentially" >> "exponentially", "similiar" >> "similar", "ANANA/IACHILLA" >> "ANARA/IACHILLA" [two instances], "Anana/Iachilla" >> "Anara/Iachilla", "torchs" >> "torches", "mage" >> "mage.", "Horrors" >> "Horror" [title]
SKLxDestruction2 Response to Bero's Speech "heresay" >> "hearsay", "megalomaniac" >> "megalomaniacal", "spell matters" >> "spell matter", "Destruction, is" >> "Destruction is"
SKLxDestruction3 A Hypothetical Treachery "labyrinthian" >> "labyrinthine"
SKLxHandtoHand1 Immortal Blood "commiting" >> "committing", "Sumurset" >> "Summerset"
SKLxHandtoHand2 The Wolf Queen, v 2 "whose" >> "whom", "Vhokken idea" >> "Vhokken's idea", "it's isn't" >> "it isn't"
SKLxHandtoHand4 Way of the Exposed Palm "pugiliists" >> "pugilists, "equiplibrium" >> "equilibrium", "concentrateded" >> "concentrated"
SKLxHandtoHand5 Master Zoaraym's Tale "Omathan" >> "Omothan"
SKLxHeavyArmor2 2920, MidYear (v6) "a two weeks" >> "a two week", "clan" >> "clad", "idea opportunity" >> "ideal opportunity", "wonderous" >> "wondrous", "Juilek. "Is" >> "Juilek, "is", "word that" >> "word of"
SKLxHeavyArmor3 Chimarvamidium "Barif has" >> "Barif had", "it's meaning" >> "its meaning", "collection, which" >> "collection which"
SKLxHeavyArmor4 How Orsinium Passed to Orcs "emisary" >> "emissary", "Your try" >> "You try", "Berylth" " "Berylith" [four instances]
SKLxHeavyArmor5 History of the Fighters Guild "strategem" >> "stratagem", "pauldon and a grieve" >> "paulrdon and a greave", "Versidae" >> "Versidue" [six instances], "Savirien-Chovak" >> "Savirien-Chorak"
SKLxIllusion1 The Wolf Queen, v 3 "choses" >> "chooses", "will dead" >> "will be dead", "few months" >> "few months'"
SKLxIllusion2 The Argonian Account, Book 3 "viscuous" >> "viscous", "sympathesized" >> "sympathized", [space] >> "..."
SKLxIllusion3 Incident in Necrom "combatter" >> "combattant", "questors" >> "questers"
SKLxIllusion4 Palla, volume 1 "Tendixus's" >> "Tendixus'", "poured" >> "pored", "be young" >> "be a young"
SKLxIllusion5 Mystery of Talara, v 4 "learned her" >> "learned from her", "Emperor the late king your brother" >> "Emperor that the late king, your brother,"
SKLxLightArmor1 The Rear Guard "a apple" >> "an apple"
SKLxLightArmor2 Ice and Chitin "was would" >> "would", "warlords'" >> "warchiefs'"
SKLxLightArmor3 Lord Jornibret's Last Dance "It 'twas" >> "'Twas"
SKLxLightArmor4 The Refugees "brined" >> "briny", "Dishelved" >> "Disheveled", "grieves" >> "greaves", "Kaltos's" >> "Kaltos'", "phastasm" >> "phantasm", "from the Doomed" >> "for the Doomed", [space} >> "..."
SKLxLightArmor5 Rislav The Righteous "Sungard" >> "Sunguard", "version of king" >> "version of the king"
SKLxMarksman1 The Gold Ribbon of Merit "bolts" >> "arrows", "bolt" >> "arrow"
SKLxMarksman2 A Dance in Fire, v5 "Summurset" >> "Summerset", "bolt" >> "arrow", "Smoken" >> "Smoke and"
SKLxMarksman5 The Black Arrow, v 2 "at it" >> "as it"
SKLxMercantile1 The Buying Game "Summurset" >> "Summerset", "all, you" >> "all; you", "open- mindedness" >> "open-mindedness", "shop. Even" >> "shop, even"
SKLxMercantile2 The Wolf Queen, v 4 "Antiochus's" >> "Antiochus'", "great great great great great granduncle" >> "great-great-great-great-great-granduncle", "stain" >> "strain", "splitting" >> "spitting", "Artaeum. The" >> "Artaeum, the"
SKLxMercantile4 A Dance in Fire, v6 "Summurset" >> "Summerset", "addendums" >> "addenda", "Valenwood war" >> "Valenwood's war", "Summurset" >> "Summerset", "Jurus's" >> "Jurus'"
SKLxMercantile5 A Dance in Fire, v 7 "I'm said" >> "I said", "Summurset" >> "Summerset"
SKLxMysticism2 2920, Sun's Dawn (v2) "Summurset" >> "Summerset" [two instances], "waves" >> "waved", "hold worthless" >> "holds worthless"
SKLxMysticism4 Before the Ages of Man "understaoo" >> "understood", "Dysnasty" >> "Dynasty", "indepenent" >> "independent", "Vvardenfel" >> "Vvardenfell", "Cyrodill" >> "Cyrodiil", "the their" >> "their", "settleed" >> "settled", "sorceror" >> "sorcerer", "settled in" >> "settled in" [removed double space]
SKLxMysticism5 Souls, Black and White "necromatic" >> "necromnatic", "has demonstrated" >> "have demonstrated"
SKLxRestoration1 Withershins "everything" >> "every time", "censors" >> "censers", "wellworn" >> "well-worn", "headress" >> "headdress", "sachel" >> "satchel"
SKLxRestoration2 Notes on Racial Phylogeny "only their" >> "only in their", "but their" >> "but in their", "troglophile" >> "limnophilic"
SKLxRestoration3 The Exodus [space] >> "..."
SKLxRestoration4 2920, Rain's Hand (v4) Rain's Hand: "Summurset" >> "Summerset" [three instances], "censors" >> "censers", "Akavir" >> "Akaviri" [two instances]
SKLxRestoration5 Mystery of Talara, v 2 "was long" >> "was a long", "a ways" >> "a way", "Lets" >> "Let's"
SKLxSecurity2 The Wolf Queen, v 1 "Magnus's" >> "Magnus'", "Tamrilean" >> "Tamrielic", "Cyrodiilic" >> "Cyrodilic"
SKLxSecurity3 Proper Lock Design "villianous" >> "villainous", "it's" >> "its"
SKLxSecurity4 Advances in Lock Picking "spings" >> "springs"
SKLxSecurity5 Surfeit of Thieves "that that there" >> "that they", "St Eadnua" >> "St. Eadnua", "in time" >> "to time"
SKLxSneak1 The Wolf Queen, v 6 "the war may not permit it" >> "thought the war may not have permitted it"
SKLxSneak2 2920, Last Seed (v8) "Gilderdale" >> "Gilverdale"
SKLxSneak3 Sacred Witness "priveleged" >> "privileged"
SKLxSneak4 Legend of Krately House "MINESTES" >> "MINISTES" [six instances], "Minestes" >> "Ministes" [two instances], "superstitians" >> "superstitions", "SILANUS" >> "SILENUS", "supersitionalist" >> "superstitionalist", "piece" >> "pieces"
SKLxSneak5 Purloined Shadows "survival" >> "survive", "their head" >> "their heads", [space] >> "..."
SKLxSpeechcraft1 Biography of the Wolf Queen "midst the" >> "midst of the", "month long" >> "month-long"
SKLxSpeechcraft2 The Wolf Queen, v 5 "Yokunda" >> "Yokuda", "days" >> "days'"
SKLxSpeechcraft3 2920, Second Seed (v5) "neivous" >> "nervous"
SKLxSpeechcraft4 The Wolf Queen, v 7 "bath" >> "bathe", "He had been" >> "He has been"
TG01AmantiusDiary Amantius Allectus' Diary "exhorbitant" >> "exorbitant", "is still" >> "is as still", "others Drinkers" >> "other Drinkers"
TG02TaxRecord Waterfront Tax Records "Kastay" >> 'Kastav"
TG04ElderScrollsHistory Divining the Elder Scrolls "Scolls" >> "Scrolls"
TG05HrormirsNotes Fragment: Song of Hrormir "Wherest" >> "Wherefore"
TG07ForgedListCandidates Forged List of Candidates "unqualifed" >> "unqualified"
TG07SealedForgedList Sealed Forged Candidate List "unqualifed" >> "unqualified"
TG08BlindPriests Pension of the Ancestor Moth "nuture" >> "nurture" [two instances], "geneology" >> "genealogy", "wonderous" >> "wondrous", "priviledge" >> "privilege", "demenses" >> "demesnes", "geneologies" >> "genealogies", "longer," >> "longer"
TG08InvestigateGrayCowl Instructions: the Gray Cowl "weild" >> "wield"
TG10JakbenFamilyHistory Imbel Genealogy "Vardenfell" >> "Vvardenfell" [two instances]
TG11HeistPlan Plan for the Big Heist "to to" >> "to", "City" >> "Palace"
TG11TaxRecord Waterfront Tax Records "Kastay" >> 'Kastav"
VilverinJournal Dirty Scroll "khajiit" >> "Khajiit"
VilverinLetter Undelivered Letter "cemetary" >> "cemetery"