This is an archive of past Oblivion talk:Paranoia discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links. |
Telling Dion
Dion, the captain of the Skingrad guard, can be informed about Galrthir's murderous plans - however I am not sure what this does, since I decided to wait until after the third surveillance mission to have Glarthir arrested which was too late since he decided to kill me after my report. --Trithemius 08:38, 27 March 2006 (EST)
- Before Glarthir handing out the murder task, talking with the guards or Dion doesn't do anything. They will just ask you to keep an eye on him. They can't do anything before he has committed a crime. -FMan/TX 17:59, 27 March 2006 (UTC)
Don't really see any need to specifically mention his key or looting his house. Almost any character in the game can be killed or pickpocketed for their key letting you loot their house... Endareth 00:18, 5 April 2006 (EDT)
- You can find and loot 800 Golds in Glarthir's house, in his basket on the ground. Okerampa 06:51, 18 April 2006 (EDT)
Cheap House
Surely, this is a cheap way to aquire a house? If Glarthir is dead and I have taken his key off his dead body, he won't be needing his house anymore? Great place to start storing all of my over-encumbered and heavy items - me thinks !! — Unsigned comment by Squirrel (talk • contribs) at 05:18 on 8 June 2006
- Don't do it! I thought the same thing after completing Unfriendly Competition and started using Agarmir's house to store my stuff. I had Agarmir's key, figured no one else was going to use the house. Then I went and did a couple tough quests, came back, and poof, my stuff was all gone. The game will reset the contents even of unused houses given enough time. One caveat is that I was stashing my stuff in a barrel; I think I've seen reports in forums that if you just dump your stuff on the floor it may last longer. But the safest thing to do is buy your own house.--Nephele 01:35, 8 June 2006 (EDT)
Glarthir uses weapons?
I don't think the tip involving stealing Glarthir's axe is correct. Every time I have completed the quest, and before looting his house, he has attacked me or the guards unarmed, regardless of the axe. Confirmation anyone? --Actreal 02:24, 8 June 2006 (EDT)
- In my case he was definitely fighting the guards using his axe. --Vook 05:49, 8 June 2006 (EDT)
- Okay, my game has an abnormally stupid Glarthir then. ;p --Actreal 06:03, 8 June 2006 (EDT)
- My Glarthir was equally stupid. I think this has to do with how/when you start the fight with him. I just turned him in to the guards, so the fight began while he was behind the chapel, and he didn't have time to get his axe. I'm assuming that if you give him the opportunity to return to his house (by telling him everyone is after him, for example), he will go and get the axe. -- Jketola 11:38, 8 June 2006 (EDT)
- Okay, my game has an abnormally stupid Glarthir then. ;p --Actreal 06:03, 8 June 2006 (EDT)
Mythic Dawn
I found a note among Glarthir's conspiracy paperwork indicating that he suspected the Mythic Dawn in addtion to all the townsfolk, the blades and me. I'm not to far in the game, but weren't they the guys who assasinated the king? I tried various combinations of actions to get useful info out of Glarthir, but no dice. Just a red herring? — Unsigned comment by Ate50eggs (talk • contribs) at 18:21 on 17 August 2006
- Yes that's correct. I don't what his conspriacy but I'm assuming that he might know smothing about the blades secret of Martin as the last heir to the throne. -- 14:18, 3 February 2007 (EST)
- I think you're misunderstanding all of this.. unless I'm mistaken, there IS no conspiracy, Glarthir is just crazy. The Mythic Dawn is the group that assassinated the king, and the Blades were the group that were supposed to protect him, however, it's pretty much irrelevant as he's just highly suspicious of everyone. Hence the quest name, "Paranoia" -- 08:28, 4 September 2007 (EDT)
I was messing with some guards as The Gray Fox when Davide Surrile shouted "Murder! Murder!" and then I killed him. I got a quest update for Paranoia, saying that once I kill all the people on Glarthir's list, I should see him. Problem is, I tipped him off and the guards already got him. Thunderhorse 17:32, 17 February 2007 (EST)
- Interesting glitch :) If Davide Surilie dies for any reason it runs a script for the Paranoia quest. If at any point you had given Glarthir a reason to want Davide dead (told Glarthir that Davide was spying on him; or sent Glarthir on a general killing rampage), then the script blindly assumes that you just killed him for Glarthir. It sets the quest to be at stage 52... even if you're already well past that point in the quest (e.g., at stage 100 and done with the quest). The same glitch can occur for either of Glarthir's other targets.
- I don't see any obvious way to fix it. Although presumably the only impact is that you now have the quest in your unfinished quests (and your completed quests statistic might have gone down by 1; I'm not exactly sure how that gets tallied). --Nephele 18:01, 17 February 2007 (EST)
- No, I couldn't find it in my unfinished quests or completed quests. Thunderhorse 18:54, 17 February 2007 (EST)
Don't Delay
I got the quest and put it on the back burner for a while. Well one day while I was strolling through Skingrad I found glarthir dead in front of the church. When speaking to NPCs about him they say someone got sick of his behavior and killed him.
~Unrelated -> At some point and time during the game, not sure when, my main character's fame and infamy became the same as his alter ego's Gray Fox. So I went from Fame 56 Infamy 34 to Fame 5 Infamy 106. Plus I got the 6100 gold bounty that went with it. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:06 on 18 April 2007
2 updates with 1 wait?
I used the wait feature to meet Glarthir and tell him about B. Peneles. The quest updated, no problem, he told me to watch Mr. Sextius. I decided to leave my character standing idle (not paused, not waiting) while I checked the wiki regarding how to continue on so I get the fame point. Well, about an hour in game-time passed and suddenly Glarthir came back, approached my character, and said "What can you tell me about Toutius Sextius?" So, luckily, I didn't have to waste 24 hours between being given the quest update and updating it again. I wonder if this would work all the time? --CharmSpell 15:35, 2 July 2007 (EDT)
- Hey, that's happened to me before too! I don't know why though. But at least I can conform for you that it happens from time to time. Leo Star Dragon 1 06:03, 24 June 2012 (UTC)
Not sure if this is a glitch but i was doing the part where i kill the so called 'conspirers' the death note told me to kill david surillie first since he was the ring leader, well i forgot and killed Bernadette instead, suddenly i lost all the markers and when i asked Dion the guard he sayed that someone finally got fed up and killed Glarthir is this a glitch, and i am using the ps3. --Umbacano 12:06 , March 16 2008 (EST)
- I looked at the construction editor and Dion only offers that topic if Glarthir is actually dead. On the 360 I killed his list out of order and it didn't effect the quest at all, and he gave me the 1000 gold after they were all dead. Most likely he died on his own during your assassinations, and it messed things up. I would reload an older save and find out why he ended up dead, and try to save him or do things differently. It has been reported that he can end up dead some times without your involvement, and cause problems with the quest. I am guessing that is what happened rather than a glitch in the quest. If the quest glitched and he started killing people on his own then Dion would have offered other dialog to you like, "he went crazy," "it's unbelievable," or "at least we stopped him." --Shalley303 05:08, 16 March 2008 (EDT)
2300 Gold and 1 Fame point?
Is it possible to get 2300 gold (500 by confirming one of the first two and David, 800 from his house, 1000 from the reward) and the 1 fame point from turning him in? My idea would be to turn him in after collecting the 1000 gold reward from killing his suspects. In other words, going both paths at the same time. I'll try this as soon as I can and report back here. -- 13:29, 26 April 2008 (EDT)
- If you killed Glarthir for the quest, then kill one of the people on his hit list later, your journal will say you need to meet Glarthir at midnight to receive your reward. However, it's impossible to receive your reward given that Glarthir is dead.
- Could you use the Staff of Worms or Risen Flesh for this? --Debatra 17:01, 21 June 2008 (EDT)
- no i don't think so because you can't talk to people that you reanamiate--GUM!!! 13:30, 26 March 2010 (UTC)
- But you can talk to people if you use "Resurrect" on them. The Console Command "Resurrect" just happens to "Reset" them too though, by the way, so be warned. However, if you have "Resurrect" as a Spell, like from a mod, then if done right, they will resume from where they left off at prior to death. For example, the CC method gives them back their original clothes, and appearance sometimes. While the latter method doesn't. However, there's a catch. Some NPCs won't be glitched because of quests, while some will. At least, that's been my experiences when experimenting. Leo Star Dragon 1 06:01, 24 June 2012 (UTC)
- no i don't think so because you can't talk to people that you reanamiate--GUM!!! 13:30, 26 March 2010 (UTC)
Pushing Toutius off the Bridge
- (moved from the article)
- If you are low leveled and just need some gold, only say that Toutius is a spy and wait at the castle bridge. Walk into him so he slides sideways and eventually off the bridge. He will die, you can take all the stuff, get your payment from Glarthir, and you will not be fined for any deaths. (hint: also try to turn Glarthir in after you are fully paid, I have not tried it but it may work out so you are paid for the murders and reporting Glarthir)
This seems unnecessarily long-winded. As the article explains, you don't have to kill anybody at any time to get a large amount of gold. Waiting around until you can push Toutius off the bridge seems pointless. –Rpeh•T•C•E• 01:02, 15 May 2008 (EDT)
This article is bad. Very bad. Time for a cleanup. I've cut out a lot of the unnecessary stuff, rephrased, trimmed and clipped and ended up with this. If anybody has any comments - like I've taken out too much for instance - please let me know. I'll be overwriting this article in a week or so. –Rpeh•T•C•E• 12:30, 4 June 2008 (EDT)
Glarthir doesn't attack or give me a list.
I have repeated this over 5 times; The time is past 1am, I talk to Glarthir regarding Davide Surilie:
I say he wasn't conspiring and I get a message saying he is trying to kill me but he continues to live normally, attacking him counts as assault but gives me the "Glarthir is dead. My attempts to convince... have ended in tragedy." message. (He doesn't have his axe when I attack him)
I say he was conspiring, if I choose to "kill" Davide Surilie for him I cannot report him.
The glitch repeats itself every time and I would be happy to upload the save. I am currently seeing if it is to do with the time by using a different save. Also it hasn't been reported before so I'm thinking a mod may be the problem? robolee-unregistered 21:10, 17 June 2008 (EDT)
- I encountered a strange bug with Glarthir, rather earlier in the process, but it may be the same cause as yours. I was traveling through Skingrad on my way to Anvil, with no intention of doing Glarthir's quest just yet. However, he managed to track me down and speak to me. I ignored him and continued to Anvil, returning several days later. When I attempted to speak with Glarthir, he just gave me his "we can't be seen in public" spiel, and wouldn't talk to me at night behind the chapel (he did go there every night, though). So it seems that leaving Skingrad after talking to him the first time caused the quest to glitch (I managed to fix it by resetting one of the quest variables with the console). Did you travel away from Skingrad for a number of days while in the middle of the quest? I'm left wondering if it's something to do with the respawn period messing up the quest variables, but I don't know why that should happen. --Gaebrial 03:48, 18 June 2008 (EDT)
- I have the same bug as Gaebrial on my PS3. I cannot talk to Glarthir anymore. Gaebrial, you said you fixed this by resetting one of the quest variables. Can you tell me how and what you did? Remember I do not play it on the Mac, but you appear to be the only person besides me who has encountered this bug. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 12:15 on 28 October 2008
- I've encountered this same bug on the 360. Glarthir told me to meet him at midnight, the only time I left the city after that was to run up to the castle and buy the house in Skingrad. Met Glarthir at midnight and he says "Leave me alone. I can't talk right now." — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:37 on 31 January 2009
"You can kill Toutius Sextius in his house with a Poison Apple after he is done riding his horse"
Does he actually ride a horse? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:02 on 29 June 2008
- Yes, late in the afternoon he'll ride around near Cursed Mine on his Bay Horse. Which in itself is a prime opportunity to kill him without witnesses. You can even try getting the bandit who guards the mine entrance to attack him.Dark Spark 16:21, 29 June 2008 (EDT)
Alternate Ending
I stumbled across a different way to finish the quest. Toutius Sextius happened to be dead already before I started the quest (some mob wandered into town and killed him before being killed by a guard -- undoubtedly caused by some mod I have installed). Consequently, I reported to Glarthir that Bernadette was not spying on him, then reported that Toutius doesn't matter because he is dead. Glarthir assumed I had killed him because there was no other way, but after that he trusted me. When I reported that Davide was not spying on him either, he said "I was sure....but you proved yourself trustworthy" or something. The quest finished with the text: "Glarthir seems pleased with my efforts in investigating the people he believed were conspiring against him. He paid me well for my work," and I think he gave me like 500g. I was actually quite happy with this outcome, it seems to be the best for everyone involved -- except maybe for Toutius, but his death was an act of God, so unavoidable =) 18:25, 26 July 2008 (EDT)
- i've completed this quest several times with my other characters, but for some reason this time its not working. Glarthir asked me to meet him behind the chapel, so i did, but instead of telling me to start watching people he says " don't know...i need to go now" or something like that, he still stays behind the chapel for most of the night, but he never gives me the rest of the quest, i tried loading earlier saves and didn't didn't seem to help either, Dion did already warn me about Glarthir before i met him behind the chapel, could it be somehting to do with that, he approached me a little earlier than usual. thanks for any help — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:56 on 21 August 2008
- It is possible to complete the quest by killing every person when Glarthir ask you to spy on them and reporting back that they're dead. Glarthir will pay you the spy money each time and then go home happy. — Unsigned comment by (talk) 23 June 2009
- Hi! Hmm. Glarthir has only talked to my PCs like that, if he was killed prematurely by any method or cause, before quest completion, but only if active, and then Resurrected via the Spell. OH! Also if you set him to "Essential", and he gets knocked unconscious, he will also talk and behave like that too. I just pretend he got Amnesia! ;-) However, if the quest is glitched or the game crashes to desktop, then it doesn't matter what I pretend. But anyway, the point is, how could you have had that happen to Glarthir too and not known about it? Just wondering. Leo Star Dragon 1 06:13, 24 June 2012 (UTC)
aylied rivavalists ?
wen i told glarthir iwasent gonna kill them i followed him and he always used to say "maby the mythic dawn or the aylied rivavlaists" what is he on about ?
oh and the murhaki selectives — Unsigned comment by Ryan6329 (talk • contribs) at 16:20 on 26 September 2008
Strange Guard talk
I was standing near Glarthir's body doing some alchemy when a guard walked past. I was startled when the guard said something like this "Oh my god, I sorry, are you alright?" then he said something about a dead body. He was looking at Glarthir when he said this. I have played this game for almost a year now and have never heard that before. Can anybody find out the full statement? (I'm on PS3)TheOtherZack 19:00, 1 October 2008 (EDT)
- With a quick search through the dialogue, I couldn't find the phrase (or part of it) that you quoted. It's quite possible to you've heard two unrelated phrases together coincidentally. It happens all the time. --Timenn < talk > 08:45, 3 October 2008 (EDT)
- Uh, watchmen and guards do actually behave that way and say those words from time to time, when they encounter a person's corpse, not an animals. Sometimes that can be seen either checking a pulse or looting them too, I'm not sure what the game makers' intentions were there. Oddly enough, they even do it sometimes with someone they killed! So I suppose then that they are "covering up" something they did by mistake by pretending to just find the body and calling out that there's been a murder! Leo Star Dragon 1 06:18, 24 June 2012 (UTC)
Trapped Glarthir...?
So, this is a bit odd and I didn't see anything about it. But, well, Glarthir is trapped "Inside" Toutius Sextius house. By inside I mean outside, but detect life shows him inside the walls. I can talk to him, but he simply tells me to go away. Any way to fix this? (360 version, so I can't spawn him again or move him with console commands.)
On a related note, I did see him bugging out a lot earlier. For example, I was exiting Smugglers cave under Anvil when he entered, and immediately exited. He was nowhere to be found outside. Same happened in eh West Weald inn, and I swear I saw him enter Rosethorn Manor, when I didn't own the house yet (Unsure on this last one, as it was very quick, and seems more unlikely). -- 06:22, 23 December 2008 (EST)
Starting this quest with Open Cities
I began this quest soon after loading the "Open Cities" mod into Oblivion. Apparently, though Glarthir walks behind the church normally to meet with you, the game's scripts are still referenced to the old waypoint in the now-abandoned Skingrad urban cell. Because he is far, far away from this old quest marker, the game will not let you continue with Paranoia (he just says, "I told you not to speak to me in public! etc."). There may be other quests that have this difficulty; Open Cities may be one of the best mods out there, but I recommend against loading it into an already-existing game. Load it in before starting a new one instead. 12:25, 10 February 2009 (EST)
- I'd say this is a bug with the Open Cities mod - you should contact the authors about it. It should be fairly easy for them to fix. Either way, we don't usually discuss mod content in our articles, so it doesn't really belong here. --TheRealLurlock Talk 13:08, 10 February 2009 (EST)
- Consider them contacted. Though I've had no issue with it, and nobody to date has reported such a problem, I'll look into it anyway. Never know. Arthmoor 01:10, 20 February 2009 (EST)
Pickpocket 3 items?
"Note that it may be possible to pickpocket him up to 3 times (3 items), one for each person you've indicted as a spy." In the notes section. What does that even mean? Does he have 3 more items to pickpocket? What does that have to do with the spies? --Mptrj 15:52, 22 June 2009 (EDT)
- Read the rest of the note right before it, and it will make sense. Each time you update a killing status, he won't mind if you pickpocket him once. Since three people get killed, you can do it three times total. I am not sure if it is limited to once. Maybe someone else can vouch for it. --Mr. Oblivion(T-C) 16:00, 22 June 2009 (EDT)
Post Quest Dialogue
Moved from article:
- Interestingly enough, if you turn the note into Dion or the other town gaurds, after they have killed Glarthir when you ask them about Glarthir they will go into the "He turned up dead" dialogue as though they don't know who killed him
- I'm curious, how exactly Glarthir was killed. It seems that the "Sad story. But at least we stopped him in time, thanks to you." line is used when the guard you informed of Glarthir has been near Glarthir himself. That's how the script works. But if you inform a guard, and kill Glarthir yourself (or another guard) without the informed guard being close to Glarthir (range < 300) this dialogue will not be used. --Timenn < talk > 09:21, 27 June 2009 (UTC)
Glarthir stuck in chapel
Two or three times now (both before and after I modded the game), I've gone to meet Glarthir (usually on the second or third night) and found him (through use of Detect Life) standing outside... but trapped within the walls of the chapel. It's easy to fix - standing outside the chapel and using tcl on him in the console will trigger him to walk out and talk to you, and he can then be returned to normal - but annoying. Anyone else have this happen? 19:58, 19 August 2009 (UTC)
Completing quest with no body count?
Is it possible to complete this quest WITHOUT anyone's death, including Glathir? And I mean complete, so the quest would show up on the completed quests list. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 28 August 2009
- No. Either Glarthir dies, or one or more of his "suspects" will have to suffer (or both). There's no happy ending. --Timenn-<talk> 13:20, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
- Unless you cheat of course. Set Glarthir to Essential. Then he will only be knocked out for a while. Sometimes this is like knocking him to his senses, and he won't kill anyone. Sometimes you may have to hit him again and again until he "forgets" what he was doing. However, sometimes the people talk about him as if he did die anyway, even though he didn't. I've done this a few times. Oh! You can always set the Targets to Essential, so that he can't kill them either. However, in my experiences, when they come too, they attack Glarthir, and a long brawl begins, with each taking turns knocking each other out! I hope that helps! Leo Star Dragon 1 06:24, 24 June 2012 (UTC)
Just Kill The Freak
When you first meet him behind the church and slay him right away, you will receive no bounty and the log will just note that you killed Glarthir. This way you will not receive his payments, but its a good way to end the quest when Toutius walked off the bridge and killed himself, hence disabling the normal course of the quest..— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:52 on 12 September 2009
- Hi! You can still do that without anyone walking off any bridges! I'm just saying. Leo Star Dragon 1 06:26, 24 June 2012 (UTC)
Shortening the Paranoia Quest Timeline a bit (After Midnight)
Eventhough Glarthir tells you to meet him behind the Chapel at Midnight, he actually shows up earlier, at around 10:30-11:00 PM. If you speak to him before midnight, he'll go through his routine quest dialogue: 1) give you your assignment, (for example: watch Bernadette Penelles) 2) tell you to meet him at Midnight the following day, (24 hours later) 3) he'll then walk home and enter his house
Here's the time-saving benefit: After he's gone into his house, enough time will have passed so that it's shortly after Midnight, and Glarthir will come out and walk back to the meeting spot behind the chapel and wait for you, eventhough 24 hours haven't passed. You can now talk to him again, make your report,(you don't actually have to spend a day watching each NPC named by Glarthir; watching them doesn't trigger anything Quest-related,) and advance the Quest. Do the same early-visit thing the next night with the Toutius Sextius leg of the quest, and again with Davide Surillie's segment. You'll shorten the amount of game-days spent on this somewhat boring and pointless side quest.
And, if you haven't completed Finding Your Roots for Sinderion, you might as well load yourself up with several batches of Nirnroot before starting Paranoia. Since you'll be waiting for 24 hours between each Paranoia mission leg anyway, and Sinderion requires you to wait for 24 hours for him to concoct his potions, you might as well weave these two Skingrad-based missions together. 17:01, 14 January 2010 (UTC)
- It has been added to the article. Thanks! Talk Wolok gro-Barok Contributions 11:55, 17 January 2010 (UTC)
- Okay, now we're at why I came here this morning, to do some research on this quest and on Glarthir! This doesn't seem to be working for me at the moment. Ignoring him, seems to work for reloads. But trying to include him too, seems to cause "timing errors" according to a pop-up error message. The game freezes and I have to use "Shift-Alt-Delete" to quit. Then the saves won't reload, but not due to "corruption notices", but due to the same supposed timing errors. So I have to delete, and keep trying to reload, until I get one far back enough in time, that it will load without crashing. I'me relieved that I don't have to do a total restart, but I'm annoyed that I have to repeat quest stages for each quest! Could be a mod's fault, I don't know. Maybe an update's fault, I don't know. (For "Windows 7" I mean, not the game itself.) Hmm. Oddly enough, some months if not years back, I didn't use to have this problem with doing both quests at the same time, nor even with the Mages Guild requirement quest, for that matter. Well, ARGH! Sigh. Leo Star Dragon 1 06:34, 24 June 2012 (UTC)
Weird Thing That Happened While I played
After this quest was over (I killed Davide Surilie for Glarthir) I walked into the Skingrad Gate and I saw both Toutius Sextius behind me and Glarthir behind me. Then, for some unknown reason, Glarthir attacked Toutius Sextius and killed him! And this is after the quest was over, and I told him Sextius wasn't even following him. Im playing on the 360 if that makes a diffrence. Can someone tell me why this happened, I really don't know. — Unsigned comment by Lord Jeerus (talk • contribs) at 23:41 on 18 January 2010
- Yeah, that's not even in the design. Basically programmers call this electronic sentience. It's when the in-game artificial intelligence for the characters/enemies gets more complex over time as you play the game due to random mutations in the code. What you saw was the real Glarthir acting out. Please be careful when you continue to play this game. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:00 on 4 June 2010
- ...I kind of feel like that's a logical explanation. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 10:31 on 20 July 2010
- What's funny is the game does have enough little variables to make something like this happen independently of the player. Aggression/disposition/responsibility all affect whether characters fight. My best guess would be, if you had no interference at all, that Glarthir pickpocketed Toutius or committed some illegal act (his responsibility is below 30) that caused Toutius to blow the whistle on him and attack. I could be wrong.-- 03:43, 27 January 2011 (UTC)
- ...I kind of feel like that's a logical explanation. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 10:31 on 20 July 2010
- Hello! Way before I even heard of "The Elder Scrolls" games, I was playing the series called "Virtual Girlfriend" I think. They warned that uninstalling and reinstalling, as well as deleting games, would cause the game's AI to change. This was mentioned not just as a warning, but as a game plus that you shouldn't get bored with the game because it would be ever changing, or words to that affect. I also read something like that about a "Jurassic Park" game back then too, when I played it. I would say that thus far, my experiences with this game have included such subtle changes too. It is because of that, that I always regret or hate having to uninstall and reinstall software with AI, whether or not I got a new computer and I had to do so, or because the game glitched too much and I had to start from scratch. This is just, FYI. Leo Star Dragon 1 06:42, 24 June 2012 (UTC)
Not possible to kill the suspects
Numerous times, I've tried killing the three suspects. I did kill Toutis Fextius, but I can't find any way to kill the two others (Bernadette Peneles and Davide Furilie). I've tried to kill them when they're working, but the guards always catch me. I've killed them in their beds, but the guards always finds out. I've tried given them poisoned apples, but they never eat them, even though they don't have food on them or around them. What kind of bug is this!? By the way, I'm master sneak and playing on the 360, if anything of that helps. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:49 on 13 February 2010
- That's the hazard of trying to kill them. It may well be that you don't have good enough stats to do so, though usually some method can be found. With poisoned apples, you have to make sure that they cannot find any other food source anywhere. It's not necessary to kill them for the quest anyway. As for the guards responding, that's not a bug, that's by design. If you're going to commit random murders, the guards will generally take a dim view of your behaviour. ‒ Robin Hood↝Talk 22:56, 7 March 2010 (UTC)
Pickpocket lockpicks
If Glarthir goes to kill the people himself, he will have lockpicks on his person. You can pickpocket these, and Glarthir will be unable to get into their house at night, and will just stand at the door. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 01:17 on 8 April 2010
800 gold -> 800 Item's stolen
After getting Glarthir's key, i went to his house to pick up the 800 gold pieces. Sadly, for some reason they show up as your item's stolen (so i had 800 item's stolen all of a sudden, from 0 ). I didn't think this would happen with Gold, since any other gold in his house (on the shelves, desks etc.) didn't report as a stolen item. Maybe add this to the notes for the characters that don't want to have any stolen items in their achievement's page? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:44 on 1 May 2010
- Oddly enough. yes, each individual gold peicecounts for one thing you have stolen. This always happens and is not unique to Paranoia.--Arch-Mage MattTalk 22:08, 1 May 2010 (UTC)
annoying bug
im getting the bug that is stated last on the bug list of this quest, Glarthir is continuously telling me we cant talk and other variations of that. basically, i cant finish this quest. in the bug list of this quest, they state that PC users can continue this quest, anyone can tell me how? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 08:04 on 7 June 2010
- You can continue the quest using the console to setstage I dont play on the pc but they have information on setstage on the bottom of the page Arny 08:07, 7 June 2010 (UTC)
Dion dying?
If Dion dies, can you continue the quest? I assume so, because I remember being able to report Glarthir to other guards. However, that makes me wonder why Dion is even named in the first place. Funny story about my question, though... I ran into Glarthir on the way to the Mages' Guild to get my recommendation. I decided that I'd probably do the quest eventually and continued on my way. Progressing through the Mages' Guild quests, I found myself outside Skingrad to meet Count Hassildor at 2AM. I waited for 12ish hours, only to find Dion trying to arrest me. I killed the three enemies and fled to complete the quest (I carry stolen stuff all the time, and it's a pain to lose it paying fines and getting locked up). *sigh* So yeah, that's why I ask. :P — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 12:26 on 6 August 2010
- Yes, you can report glathir to all skingrad guards. Also, aren't all guard captains named? So it isn't irregular that Dion is named... -- 00:46, 4 July 2011 (UTC)
- Yes, they are. I presume it is because they just happen to all be quest related. Also, they tend to not have shields or helmets. (Not counting if you give them any, like I do sometimes, as a gift.)I think that's not just a sign of their rank, but an easier method for you to find them among so many guards. Leo Star Dragon 1 06:49, 24 June 2012 (UTC)
Fame point?
Why is this quest so weird? To get fame point, i have to lie to glathir and then turn him in, if i tell him th truth i get none. I want to get fame but i don't want to be a betrayal, i feel so guilty. 00:53, 6 February 2011 (UTC)
- I'm with you there. I'm in the mood now to look for mods that give other options for the outcome, like the ones they did for the "Anvil Sirens". Leo Star Dragon 1 06:55, 24 June 2012 (UTC)
Moved note
- On occaision, when waiting for Glarthir he will sometimes become trapped inside the chapel walls, upon waiting a few hours later will appear outside and act as though it is not time to talk not prompting the quest to continue.
Sounds familiar, may have been mentioned before, just moving this note word for word from Glarthir's page.--Catmaniac66 03:09, 10 February 2011 (UTC)
any way to stop forcing this quest?
This seems to be the only Oblivion quest that starts without initiating something, just by way of walking near Glarthir. It's tough to be anywhere in Skingrad without this kicking off. Is there a console command, or add-on or something to disable that, and decide to do it on your own time? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:19 on 27 April 2011 (UTC)
- This has been previously mentioned, but once again, Glarthir will reappear by the chapel every night while the quest is active. This quest can indeed be shrugged off indefinitely, but bugs, such as Glarthir's death, might occur. - Neural Tempest 02:19, 27 April 2011 (UTC)
- To give you the answer I think you are looking for, you can keep an eye out for him, and kill him before he talks to you.--Catmaniac66 03:07, 27 April 2011 (UTC)
Glarthir Trapped
So because Glarthir stalked me down and followed me while I was doing the Summitmist Quest for the Dark Brotherhood, he followed me into the house. Now he's trapped in there. Does anyone know a way to get him out so I can get on with his quest? MrHappyJavaMan 17:36, 19 September 2011 (UTC)
- Hmm...maybe that place should be mentioned... Anyway, you can use the console to move him to a different place on PC. Simple use the command
294C8.moveto player
. This is where 294C8 is the reference of Glathir. I think. No guarantees, but I'm thinking it should work. Side note, this moves him to you (surprised?) so just use it outside the building, in Skingrad preferably. --DKong27 Tk Ctr Em 17:45, 19 September 2011 (UTC)
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