This is an archive of past Oblivion talk:The Ultimate Heist discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links. |
Final cutscene bug
I got the bug where the Countess sits backwards in the chair and the cutscene freezes, even though my rank is Master Thief, and I completed the quests in order. I just thought I'd mention that there's apparently another way to get the bug without the rank being wrong. Vlad the Imperial 20:50, 18 August 2009 (UTC)
I'm having the same exact problem. I managed to beat the main quest, and I can survive without screwing around with the Cowl of Nocturnal, but still, its annoying as heck. Nobody knows a fix for this yet?
Movable Ayleid guys before shooting the Arrow of Extrication
I don't know what they're called, since I can't find their name right now, but you can jump on their pillars and push them to the side by walking into them, perhaps at the end of the room so it's easier to sneak past them. I thought this may be a nice tip.-- 22:42, 31 December 2008 (EST)
Leveled Guardians
It might be worth noting that the guardians found in the Sewers and Catacombs will be leveled. I did the quest at level 1 and only faced skeletons, and on another trip, I faced Wraithes in the Catacombs. The article specifically notes you would be facing vampires, and this could be misleading. 11:31, 4 September 2008 (EDT)
- The majority of the creatures that you encounter while playing the game are leveled, so it doesn't seem particularly noteworthy for this one quest. The information about vampires is specific to Beneath the Bloodworks and is correct: the enemies found in that area are vampires, at all levels. --NepheleTalk 21:40, 7 September 2008 (EDT)
Cleaned Up
Just wanted to let you guys know I just went through this page and cleaned up the "wheat from the chaff". Hopefully it is a little more straightforward now, doesnt have as much opinions or bizarre ways to do the quest. Should just have a pretty straightforward walkthrough now. Illigx 23:51, 19 September 2008 (EDT)
Aparentlly at level 23 there are no undead with bows, and now im gunna have to go and get it back from my house. I don't want to have to go through all of that again. Anything in the hall of epochs carry ANY bow? I could use the help, thanks. --Ptowery 10:04, 31 October 2008 (EDT)
- As it says at Hall of Epochs, there is always one Skeleton Archer in the hall -- even at level 23, where there is a 50% chance of it being an archer-variety Skeleton Hero and a 50% chance of it being a Skeleton Champion, both of which carry a bow. That's also why the article says that "One of the undead here should have a bow." --NepheleTalk 13:09, 31 October 2008 (EDT)
Fighting Ayleids
Is this the only occasion where you actually see Ayleids? --Oblivion nerd 10:26, 7 December 2008 (EST)
- They're just magical statues, and Altmer with different stats and visual effects. You could see what their faces look like in the CS, but they're surely just default bandits or something. 11:16, 7 December 2008 (EST)
- Ok, thanks. I never paid attention the first time I did the quest (Sniped 'em with my bow). The second time I realized they said Ayleids. --Oblivion nerd 18:28, 7 December 2008 (EST)
Bug in Sewers?
I was in the area right before Beneath the Bloodworks, where there's an unlocked gate. I had the Boots of Springheel Jak equipped, and opened the gate. The gate opened, and because I was standing in front of it, it pushed me through the walls or something. Next thing I know, I'm standing in water outside the walls. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 3 Januray 2009
Can't Get into The Palace
I've done everyhting i'ved had to do to get the door revealed after shooting the arrow. i went through it the first time but was caught because quest didnt update. now when i go back it says i need a key to open the door. what key?
- I think this happened to me too, though what happened is that I, after opening the door using the Arrow of Extrication, went to Cloud Ruler Temple to train some more stealth before entering it (at this point, before leaving, I was able to open the door). Then when I came back (after about 24 hours in-game time), it says a key is needed! I guess I have to find the arrow and fire it against the statue again, but I can't find it and I don't even know if it'll help. Anyone with any experience regarding this bug? Is it "reopenable", or do I have to load a previous save? Thanks! SwedishBerzerker at 15:54, 13 May 2009 (EDT)
- UPDATE: You have to enter the door as you unlock it, or it'll be locked forever it seems. SwedishBerzerker at 15:25, 14 May 2009 (EDT)
u have to go as you fire because you only get one chance to fire the arrow — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 18 November 2009
Possible bug in Elder Scroll room
On the PS3 version at least (not GOTY), entering the Elder Scroll room from the upstairs seems to cause a bug (instead of entering downstairs via the lever-operated door). This is what happens: I descend the the spiral staircase, and then as I near the foot of it, the door (that you would normally open via lever) swings open. Then I sit down in the chair, and the monk descends the stair...and the moment he hits the foot of the stair, battle music plays and he doesn't give you the scroll. And of course, the controls are locked...
I tried this several times, using several different previous saves, and the monk never gave the scroll. Doing it the way this walkthrough states did work, though. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 23 March 2009
- Is this with the downloaded version of Shivering Isles, or not? (It can add specific bugs)I remember, before I had SI installed, I did that quest (A VERY long time ago) without issues. I remember coming down a staircase. But I'm not reliable unless I do it again.
- Chunk of Ham 22:16, 22 March 2009 (EDT)
- I do not have the Shivering Isles expansion. This was coming down that huge, spiral staircase, without opening the door on the hottom. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 23 March 2009
- There are several bugs related to that part of the quest, as you've probably already seen on the article. I just tried entering the library from above, however, and everything worked fine. It sounds like you've been detected before you sat down, so it's not a bug. –Rpeh•T•C•E• 02:30, 23 March 2009 (EDT)
- Hmm, maybe, but I tried this several times, sometimes waiting for a while at the bottom just to test out if I actually was detected. I also tried doing it fast, or waiting on the top before going down (they detect me even if I stand perfectly still after a few seconds if I hang around the top). It seems I'm only "detected" the moment the monk hits the bottom of the stairs after the controls are locked. Ah well, probably some weird glitch that happened to happen with my particular character/saved game.
It happened to me too. It is now impossible for me to get the Elder Scroll. Ongar the World-Weary 06:23, 25 August 2009 (UTC)
Distance Problem
I can throw a feather farther than I can shoot this arrow. It only gets about one fourth the way to the keyhole before it drops to the floor. What's happining?BruceG 12:35, 12 April 2009 (EDT)
- Are you holding down the fire key before loosing the arrow? If you just tap fire, the arrow will always drop short. –Rpeh•T•C•E• 13:21, 12 April 2009 (EDT)
That worked, Thanks.BruceG 14:13, 12 April 2009 (EDT)
annoying high councilor
anyone else having trouble passing the guy in the palace he waers a red robe and ive managed to sneak upto him and am hiding in the shadows. i wonder if the key is when her trurns around or something but i allways get caught no matter what.
minor spoiler inconvenience.
Before starting this quest The Master Forger is called "A Stranger" however, when going to give the wedding ring to Millona Umbranox, his name is changed to "The Stranger" is this because Corvus and "A Stranger" are different NPCs?--Repeater 14:30, 21 April 2009 (EDT)
- Nope The/A Stranger and Corvus Umbranox are effectively the same person; which can be confusing during the forgery quest, since Corvus effectively directs you to himself. Other than a simple error from Bethie it might just be that now he is the stranger: you kind of know who he is. --SerCenKing Talk 14:57, 21 April 2009 (EDT)
Ok, thanks, I really do have problems to notice something like that :P--Repeater 15:20, 21 April 2009 (EDT)
So am I right in thinking that inside the Guildmaster quarters I can store my junk? Or have I got to store it somewhere else?--Repeater 15:40, 21 April 2009 (EDT)
Keyhole Pillar doesn't move
At the point where you have to shoot the Arrow Of Extrication at the Keyhole Pillar I jumped down just before the arrow hit the target, therefore making the statue turn back. Nevertheless I got the quest-update. I fought and killed the Ayleid Guardians only to discover the hidden door is still hidden under the statue. I don't have any savegame do redo the whole thing so anyone got any suggestion? Thanks 12:11, 21 May 2009 (EDT)
- Are you on a PC, or a gaming console? Also, what about the auto-save? Yeah, it's a nuisance to go back that far, but it's better than nothing. --Robin Hood (Talk • E-mail • Contribs) 12:58, 21 May 2009 (EDT)
It's on PC and no luck with the autosave either. Nvm though since this is the third time I do the Thieves Guild but still. If anyone can think of something... Isn't there a console command to trigger it to open or something? 15:10, 21 May 2009 (EDT)
- Yeah, it should be easy enough to bypass the keyhole pillar with the console. Try opening up the console with the keyhole pillar in view, then click on the pillar. Assuming you don't miss, it'll say "Keyhole Pillar" at the top. Then just type "disable" (without the quotes), close the console, and you should be good to go. --Robin Hood (Talk • E-mail • Contribs) 01:08, 22 May 2009 (EDT)
Push block not opening.
In the room to the south of the main Epochs room with the very hard lock. The push block won't open the door at the bottom of the room. My last journal update is "These walls look like they are meant to move. Maybe the place i need to stand to fire the arrow is behind them. I'd better look for a way to get through them." This is also on xbox360 so no console help for me. :(
I managed to open it.. I changed into the boots of springheel jak and tried it noting happened.. so i just went back into the main room walking around pushed the guardians off their pillers just because i felt like it being frustrated.. then i went back for one last attempt and it opened? So i don't know why..
ADDITION: I had the same problem. I pressed both blocks. The walls came down, but the gates to the pressure point wouldn't open. After reading this I pushed the statues off their platforms and went back to the block that raises the platforms back up. When I returned to the main room with the statues the walls were up, but the gates were open. It's a strange glitch, but at least I finish the quest... after much frustration. (XBOX 360 version)
Jumping To The Platform
I had the bug where pushing the final pushblock did not open the gates, and the remedy listed on the page (restart the game, reload, try again) still didn't work. My only option was to jump onto the platform. Here's one way to do it.
With a base acrobatics skill of around 40 (everyone should have this) and wearing the Boots of Springheel Jak, this can be accomplished with two easy jumps. The first jump is from a ledge that faces one of the gates to another ledge on the roof of the structure directly above the gate. The second jump takes you over the roof of the structure so that you begin to fall past the front opening (the part that faces the statues), and you just use your movement keys while falling to drop back into the room. Do not try to jump into the room through the back opening (on the opposite side of the statues) because even though it looks like you can make it, the stone block barriers will prevent you from entering the room.
- The problem is that is likely a solution that helped only the author. There are just too many possibilities that can influence this method. Assuming that players have an Acrobatics skill of 40 is already substantially narrowing the pool of players that are helped by this solution, for example. Instead we try to focus in these walkthrough for solutions that work for the vast majority of the players. --Timenn < talk > 17:53, 12 June 2009 (EDT)
- I made a mistake, the acrobatics skill should be 30, not 40. I never trained acrobatics so this score is achieved by just normal gameplay to level 20. Also, that score is not a minimum; the jump may be possible with less. That should probably have been said. I just thought the more information the better on a wiki as long as it doesn't clutter things up, but I understand your position. My first attempt certainly did add to the clutter as more text on the main page. However the second attempt as a link didn't extend the text any, and I only added it because the text on the main page suggested jumping as a solution and the obvious way to do it (jumping from the closest ledge) doesn't work. While it is a solution that worked for me, I don't think there is another way to get to the platform without an unbelievable acrobatics score. Hopefully people will be able to find this here through a search, but as for me personally, I did not think to look at the discussion page for further solutions when I was having trouble completing this quest. — Unsigned comment by Archknave (talk • contribs) on 13 June 2009
Ayleid Longsword
Is there actually any way to get these? — Unsigned comment by REAL DEADGUT (talk • contribs) on 6 July 2009
Unknown Bug
- (moved from Oblivion_talk:Glitches)
Right, I was doing the final Thieves Guild Quest, the Ultimate Heist, and I now have a gamebreaking bug. I don't know if it's widespread, but its a major game breaker.
So I sneaked in, activated the giant hourglass, and got out of the palace. I'm absolutely sure no one saw me, because I had both the Ring of Khajit and Ghostwalk on, and I Ghostwalked immediately after touching the hourglass. Once I exited, I fast-travelled initially to the Arena, because that's where I thought the entrance was. But then I discovered I couldn't move. Couldn't draw my weapon, fire off a spell, move, talk, activate, nothing. I tried setting my bounty, fast-travelling to Skingrad East Gate, where there's a guard next to it. But he can't detect me; I swdp'd to be sure, and yep, he can't detect me. I thought, maybe its the Ring, 35% Chameleon? Then it got weirder. I can't remove the ring. Because it says I'm in combat. I couldn't remove any pieces of my armour, but I could switch stuff in. The weirdest part is that even after I replaced the Ring of Khajit with the Ring of Grey, the Chameleon was still active; at least, the visual effect was, so I assumed Chameleon was still working. I've tried most console commands I know of, but still to no avail.
I'm running Windows Vista. It's at 1.2416, and had these .esps & .esm active at the time the bug occured:
- HorseCombatMaster.esm
- Bab.esm
- Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp
- Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp
- UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp
- 100% Harvest Chance.esp
- Adonnays Elven Weaponry.esp
- Deadly Reflex 5 - Combat Moves.esp
- Tyreal Armor.esp
- MidasSpells.esp
- Akatosh Mount By Saiden Storm.esp
- Lich King's Helm v1_0.esp
- New Frostmourne Sword by Jojjo v1_0.esp
- P1DKeyChain.esp
- Bab.esp
- CuteElf11.esp
I don't have any of the DLCs or Shivering Isles. If it helps, my Obsidian periodically crashed before that, and generally crashed when I tried to exit it. I never really thought much about it back them though.
I googled, and couldn't find much ... any, really ... information on a bug like this. This could be related to the mods, but I'm not really sure.
--Iron Within, Iron Without! 14:46, 15 July 2009 (UTC)
Does anyone know what the bounty will be if you get caught stealing the Elder Scroll? Because "Theft" is 0.5 * the item value. What is the item value? Skink 21:09, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
Yield Bug
- (moved from the article)
- Occasionally after returning to the trapdoor in the guard's quarters in an attempt to keep the Boots of Springheel Jack, your game will glitch, causing the guards to reject your yield and others to ignore you altogether. Even if you attack them they will not interact with you, merely saying things like "Hey, I'm on your side!".
I don't understand this. It sounds like the same bug as the previous one ("If you get caught after you have the Elder Scroll, the guards will chase you and you'll be stuck in combat mode—unable to fast travel, rest, or wait—even if you pay off your fines to Armand Christophe") but with something about a yield. What yield? Where and when? Why are the guards attacking? Perhaps the author can clarify this. –rpeh•T•C•E• 07:26, 15 July 2009 (UTC)
Set Time?
- (moved from the article)
- It's possible to have go through to the palace without the Alyeid guardians ever fighting, since they seem to have a set time limit before they'll awake and attack. (somewhere around 24 hours game time.)
- What does this mean??? –rpeh•T•C•E• 07:28, 28 July 2009 (UTC)
- Well, the didn't attack me and I was running right by them. Maybe he's right, maybe not.It's a Teddy Lich! 02:22, 13 August 2009 (UTC)
Arrow of Extrication Bug
When I try to load the arrow of extrication to fire it at the keyhole, it wont let me, a message just pops up in my inventory saying: "You cannot fire this quest arrow", someone please help!!!!— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 01:07 on 31 July 2009 (UTC)
- I think you need to get the quest journal update, which makes the arrow a non-quest item. Have you received the message saying that you should fire the arrow? SwedishBerzerker at 11:41, 31 July 2009 (UTC)
Can't open gates I and J
I have pressed the blocks I have removed the walls I've gotten the quest updates but the gates blocking the pressure pad won't open. The button that moves the walls is the same as the one that opens the gates right???? I have xbox360
What happens if heist fails. (Moved)
- Moved from archive.
Just being curious what happens if you fail the heist.
I never done that before, and just wondered what would happen? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:36 on 12 August 2009 (UTC)
- It depends on what you are referring to. Most failures can be solved by doing it right (like shooting the arrow) the next time. There is one instance where you can completely fail, when you start a fight with the Monks. See the journal entry and judge for yourself: I got into a fight with the monks. The heist is ruined. There is no way to get the Elder Scroll now. My only option is to flee the palace. I am certain the Gray Fox will expel me from the guild. I don't think they'll let me back in.
- --Timenn-<talk> 11:54, 13 August 2009 (UTC)
Ultimate Heist problem
I have a proper annoying snag with my Ultimate Heist mission. I have fired the Arrow of Extrication and the pillar has risen revealing the door into the Imperial Guards Chambers. As soon as I try to open the door, it tells me that I need a key and that I can't pick this lock. I've looked everywhere in case something dropped it and I've even gone back to my house and collected all my keys from there, but still no luck. Somebody must have the solution for this. I'm playing on a PS3 by the way.— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:39 on 22 August 2009 (UTC)
Monk won't come.
When I sit in the chair, the enemy music starts playing, and the monk won't come to me. Is it possible to kill a monk and get the scroll? I tried that also, but I can't find it. Ongar the World-Weary 06:35, 25 August 2009 (UTC)
Is there a way?
I was wondering is there a way you can get back into the imperial palace via the old way AFTER you have done the heist because i saw quite a few things i wanted but couldint get because i was getting chased by guards and monks and is it possible to get a key from chancellor ocato and go back up
- Not without the console on the computer. There is no way to access the rest of the Imperial Palace once the quest is completed.— Unsigned comment by (talk) on 19 September, 2009
ultimate heist
im on the last thing where i give the ring to what is her name and then "grey fox" talks to her bla bla bla... says im goin 2 be guild master he walks away. the "queen" sits in her chair backwards and i cant go anywhere or talk to anyone the only thing i can do is look around in place.... what is goin on.. i re load 100 times tryed completing a million other quests go back to this one and still i dont get anywhere any help.??? — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 8 September 2009
Getting or Finding Amusei on console
So I'm playing on a PS3 and I was not able to begin this quest because I could not get Amusei to meet me in the Imperial City. I happened to go back to Summonist Manor in Skingrad (I had already completed the related Dark Brotherhood quest at this house) and I immediately met Amusei and he gave me the Ultimate Heist quest. Hope this might work for anyone else stuck here. This (potentially) could also have happened because I just returned from the Shivering Isles and this was the first city I visited. 20:48, 9 September 2009 (UTC)
problem in elvish room
when i arrived in the elvish room with the broken staircase, i killed the wraith and rat then jumpen up the broken staircase and pushed the buttons. ive used all combinations i can think of but the iron gate wong open even though the red crystals attack the iron gate not the right door??````— Unsigned comment by (talk)
sorry, no its in zone 3 in the lost catacombs right before J on the map nevermind it must have just a glitch....i just tried and it worked thanks anyway— Unsigned comment by (talk)
Amusei won't find me
After completing the last quest, I straight away got the diary update that I could do this one, because I had already fenced 1000 gold, now when I wait around in Imperial City, he won't find me, I have no idea where I'd find him, I've slept in two different inns, and walked around the town, but he just isn't coming, any ideas why?— Unsigned comment by Oxxee (talk • contribs) on September 25, 2009
It seems all I had to do was make the "Independent Thievery" quest not my active quest and he arrived. — Unsigned comment by Oxxee (talk • contribs) on September 25, 2009
Locked In The Library
When you grab the Elder Scroll you get locked in the library and are supposed to go upstairs and get through the door. This door is also locked and needs to be picked. Unfortunately I broke all my picks trying to get through the damn thing (I know, I know...), and now I appear to be stuck. I've tried stealing keys from the two priests and the prelate, but all they have are Imperial Palace Keys which are useless. To the best of my knowledge you are completely locked in if you run out of picks. The best 'solution' I've got right now is to reload and go back to my house to get the Skeleton Key before trying again. I'll make a save so I can try and find another solution. This is on the 360 so I can't use the console. 16:18, 10 October 2009 (UTC)
P.S. A quasi-solution would be to find a spare lockpick in one of the two sacks in the library. This relies on luck that that's what's in them, of course. I wasn't that lucky.
Glass of Time Bug
If you have the unofficial patch and you attempt to skip the glass of time part, you will get the update saying you found the sewers but the door to the old way will not be open. It will get stuck in its 'not open' state even if you attempt to go back and touch the glass of time. The journal will not update saying you touched the glass of time and you will not be able to open the door to the old way, assumedly because it was done in the wrong order. The only way I found around this was to force the journal update for the glass of time through the console. (setstage TG11Heist 40) Zchan 23:25, 13 October 2009 (UTC)
No need to lower the walls and free the undead
In the room, where you need to shoot the arrow, there are these walls with the undead behind them and the main page states that you have to lower them. Well, it doesn't work, I pushed every single button in the area, but the walls never lowered. Well, it doesn't matter. Why free the undead anyway? Just jump to the spot from which you have to shoot the arrow. Go to the closed gate, fortify your acrobatics skill, jump down from the bridge, then move to the left, while still in the air and you'll end up on the other side of the gate, right where you have to stand to shoot the arrow (next to the trigger on the floor that turns the statue). This way you can also get around closed gates in Oblivion, just jump forward and move to the right or left while still in the air to land on the other side of the obstacle.
Beware that fortifying your acrobatics skill beyond 600 (including your base acrobatics skill and vampire bonus) will result in a bug when jumping, you will probably wind up in a wall (or in a lake of lava if you do it in Oblivion). WRFan 18:40, 15 October 2009 (UTC)
you cant do that there is a invisable wall
you go on one side of the wall and there should be a wall and press the button and go through the secret path way in a anther room andthen you go to the bottom then press the button and go back up and ther should be no more walls
she sits backwards
mistakenly placed in archives
I have took the elder scroll to the GF and I got the wedding ring and gave it to the anvil countess but after thwe cut scene the GF walks away and the countess is sitting backwards on her throne even worse i cant move so i did the quest from the beggining three times with the same result............Im screwed aren't I — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 06:43 on 19 November 2009 (UTC)
You should sign your comments, it makes it easier to give you advice. If you use Mods then you should download the Unofficial Patch, I am pretty sure that it fixes this glitch. There are also console commands to advance the quest so you can finish it. --Kri-Dar 12:49, 20 November 2009 (UTC) 12:47, 20 November 2009 (UTC)
Arrow of Extraction trouble
I'm at the part when you fire the arrow of extraction at the keyhole. I aim and shoot with silver arrows until i hear the metal on metal sound. Then i switch to the arrow of extraction and fire but nothing happens. I didn't move the bow at all so it should still be lined up. Then i switched back to the normal arrows and it made the noise again. I'm getting kind of aggravated because I've tried a lot of times.— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:55 on 26 November 2009
- Maybe it's because of the weight. The steel arrow weight .1 while the arrow of extrication weights .2 so maybe that makes the arrow drop faster. Try to aim just a little bit upper and the arrow should strike. I hope this solves your problem :).--S'drassa 20:09, 26 November 2009 (UTC)
Still no luck. I can shoot ten ebony arrows in a row and only 2 would hit without me moving it.
Stuck in the Old Way
Okay, apparently I'm the only one with this problem, and it makes me feel like I must be missing something. I am stuck in the first section of the Old Way. I activated the Glass of Time, proceeded to the Aboretum where I went through the sewers, eventually under the Bloodworks, came to the door to the Old Way, went inside, received the jornal update that I need to be looking for a door for the Arrow of Extrication, and I have gone in circles around Zone 1 of the Old Way. Everything is dead now, all the doors have been unlocked, etc. and I just keep finding myself in the same place again and again. When I printed out the maps that this site gives of Zone 1 of the Old Way, I find that it talks of "the Imperial Battlemage's Chambers" being a door labeled "M" that leads out of the dungeon, but I can find no such door, nor can I find any more detailed unstructions or walkthroughs. I have pretty much completed every other aspect of the basic game (became Fighters Guildmaster, the Arch-Mage, the Listener, etc.) and have even beaten the Knights of the Nine plugin, so I'd rather quit the game altogether than start over; but of course, who could want to quit the game when they are so close to beating it? Could this possibly be a wretched bug or am I just missing something? If anyone could show me a screenshot perhaps of what the door looks like or give me some detailed instructions, I would be ever-so-grateful. RLD05F@ACU.EDU -Becky — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:41 on 2 December 2009 (UTC)
- Have you fired the Arrow of Extrication into that statue? --Michaeldsuarez (Talk) (Deeds) 00:45, 2 December 2009 (UTC)
- Are you already in the Hall of Epochs? If you're then take a look at the map in the zone 4 of The Old Way. You will notice a door (H) that leads to a zone with the same name. You need to go into that zone to activate a switch and raise the pillars blocking the pressure plate to allow you to fire the arrow.--MC• S'drassa •T2M 00:59, 2 December 2009 (UTC)
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