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Apocryphal Pages is a collection of 74 books found in Apocrypha that make up part of the Eidetic Memory.

Title Author Description Location
ON-icon-book-Generic 212.png
Administrative Ledger, Entry 3,412
A Cipher's words on the nature of the Chorus
ON-icon-quest-Captain's Log.png
Altered Naanurrel's Logbook
Naanurrel A logbook with an altered bargain from the Prince of Knowledge
ON-icon-book-Generic 533.png
Beasts of the Gallery
the Ciphers of the Eye A guide to the occupants of the Feral Gallery
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Blightcrown's Notes
Blightcrown A cultist's thoughts on his masterpiece
ON-icon-book-Note 03.png
Call to the Cloisters
Orders for a Hidden Kindred plot
  • On road leading to the Sidereal Cloisters (map)
  • Within the Sidereal Cloisters after entering the second door, on the large square dais (map)
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png
Chamber Instructions
Cipher Aermid Instructions for the use of the Pool of Inquiry
ON-icon-book-Daedric Princes Lore 04.png
Chronicle of Apocrypha
An entry in the Chronicle of Apocrypha
ON-icon-book-Closed 08.png
Cipher Akacirn's Journal
Cipher Akacirn A journal detailing a Cipher's plans
  • Within Quires Wind through the portal to Akacirn's Dwelling (Quest Related), on the Upper Dwelling in a Bookshelf (map)
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png
Cipher Dreyla's Note
ON-icon-book-Note 05.png
Cipher Nelfynn's Note
A A letter offering a reward for a forbidden book
ON-icon-book-Note 05.png
Cipher Sabinius's Apology
Cipher Sabinius A final apology from a fooled Cipher
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png
Cipher Tlaxalt's Note
A A letter offering a reward for a forbidden book
ON-icon-book-Generic 135.png
Ciphers of the Eye
Leramil the Wise A scholar's account of a group of mortals found in Apocrypha
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Coded Missive
Clagius Lampronius Orders from an infiltrating cultist
  • In the southern chamber of the Sidereal Cloisters (Quest Related) (map)
  • In the second chamber of the Sidereal Cloisters (Post Quest) (map)
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png
Conversations with Sleeps-Fitfully
A transcription of a conversation about joining the Chorus
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png
The Curse of Blackscale Island
A chapter from an adventure story
ON-icon-book-Generic 443.png
The Currency of Secrets
Cipher Plautis The value of secrets amongst the Ciphers of the Eye
ON-icon-book-Generic 231.png
The Dangers of Truth
Cipher Fandinninlur The difference between knowledge and truth, and the danger of Known Things
ON-icon-book-Generic 443.png
Deal with a Daedric Prince
Rindral Thirano, healer of Tear, circa 2E 573 A healer's account of his deal made with the Taskmaster
ON-icon-book-Generic 133.png
Denizens of Apocrypha
Cipher Plautis A guide to the Daedra and others found in Apocrypha
ON-icon-book-Generic 255.png
The Doom of the Hushed
Leramil the Wise A mage's account of how the Hushed come to be
ON-icon-book-Daedric Princes Lore 09.png
Dreams of the Forgotten
Fragments of a book
ON-icon-book-Generic 121.png
Fanlyrion's Journal
Fanlyrion A journal of someone attempting a ritual in Apocrypha
ON-icon-book-Generic 454.png
Fargrave: A City of Myth
An introduction to a book about Fargrave
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png
First Servant's Letter, Page 1
The First Servant The first page of a letter about a plan
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png
First Servant's Letter, Page 2
The First Servant
ON-icon-book-Scroll 03.png
Ilasaba's Excuses
Ilasaba A Khajiit's hidden reasons for not attending a party
ON-icon-book-Generic 135.png
Herma-Mora: The Woodland Man?
Reginus Buca A scholar's theory on the etymology of Herma-Mora in Atmoran culture
ON-icon-book-Generic 125.png
How Rajhin Stole the Book that Knows
Rajhin's exploits in the Library of Hermorah
ON-icon-book-Generic 321.png
Journal of the First Remnant
The First Remnant How the Remnants came into Hermaeus Mora's service
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png
Kynmarcher Strix's Journal
Kynmarcher Strix A Kynmarcher's frustration at the security measures of Hermaeus Mora
  • Bastion Nymic, in Dreaming Quarter section, on the south entrance of the first western loop (map)
ON-icon-book-Generic 122.png
Larydeilmo is Sane
Larydeilmo A collection of ramblings of an explorer of Apocrypha
ON-icon-book-Generic 554.png
The Legend of Fathoms Drift
Naeruuna, Magus of Eyevea A look at Hermaeus Mora as a Sea God and the realm of Fathoms Drift
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png
List of Books
A list of books to steal
  • In the second chamber of Sidereal Cloisters (map)
ON-icon-book-Generic 253.png
The Littlest Tomeshell
Cipher Mukheesh A true-ish story about a tomeshell
ON-icon-book-Generic 223.png
Master of the Tides of Fate
Leramil the Wise A mage's thoughts on one of Hermaeus Mora's titles
ON-icon-book-Note 03.png
Memories Lost
A page from a first-hand account of an ancient cipher's lost memories
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png
Morian Zenas Cell Note
Morian Zenas Notes from an exhibit in the Feral Gallery
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png
The Never-Woven
Martina Abor A researcher's journal on fateweaving
ON-icon-quest-Captain's Log.png
Naanurrel's Logbook
Naanurrel A captain's logbook with a bargain from the Hermaeus Mora
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
Note from Uxunath
Uxunath The Dreamcarvers plan to enter the Crux
ON-icon-book-Generic 212.png
Notes on Doors of Oblivion
Morian Zenas A man's thoughts on "The Doors of Oblivion"
  • The Feral Gallery, in the "Immortal Exhibits", down a dead-end side-passage guarded by a Bloodknight, in a sunken collapsed cell with a red light (map)
ON-icon-book-Generic 443.png
Ode to Vaermina
Garina Rathri, Poet of Necrom (d. 2E 120) A poem exalting Vaermina
ON-icon-book-Generic 134.png
On Cipher's Midden
A guide to the settlement of Cipher's Midden
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png
On the Fulcrum Obscura
Ashy fragments from a book about an artifact
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
On the Infinite Panopticon
A page from The Book of Unseen Secrets about a mysterious location in Apocrypha
ON-icon-book-Generic 554.png
On the Nature of Nymics
Divayth Fyr A Telvanni mage's thoughts on Daedric Nymics
ON-icon-book-Daedric Princes Lore 08.png
On the Pact Primordial
A fragment of an obscure book regarding the planes of Oblivion
ON-icon-book-Generic 535.png
On Tracts Perilous
Cipher Sethali An overview of dangerous tomes found around Tamriel
ON-icon-book-Scroll 02.png
Onri Murien's Hidden Wishes
Onri Murien A list of unspoken wishes
  • Inside the Great Hall of Secrets, Obscured Forum in front of a bookshelf on the northern wall (map)
ON-icon-book-Generic 234.png
Pact of the Daggerfall Devil
A contract between Hermaeus Mora and the Daggerfall Devil
ON-icon-book-Generic 321.png
Pact of the Remnants
The Pact of the Remnants clan of Apocrypha
ON-icon-book-Generic 115.png
Plague Concoctor's Instructions
Instructions for a Peryite ritual in Bastion Nymic
ON-icon-book-Generic 221.png
Planar Exploration Vol. 14: Darkreave Curators
Harcourt Marcott An overview of a Dremora Clan dedicated to Hermaeus Mora
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
A Plea for Aid
Head Cipher Frielvi Request for assistance at the Feral Gallery
ON-icon-quest-Book 03.png
Predestination and Paradox: A Treatise
Elder Cipher of the Eye Nelqueriel
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png
Recipe for Book Soup
A guide to creating soup from an unusual ingredient
ON-icon-book-Note 05.png
Reminders for Underweave Watchlings
Reminders for watchlings working in the Underweave
ON-icon-book-Generic 152.png
The Remnant Truth
Horatius Hoff Accounts of a mysterious clan which targets scholars
ON-icon-book-Daedric Princes Lore 07.png
Secret of the Tormenting Eye
A warning about a long missing Black Book
ON-icon-book-Generic 533.png
Sentient Beasts of the Gallery
the Ciphers of the Eye A work in progress guide to the inmates of the Feral Gallery
ON-icon-book-Generic 311.png
Song of Fate
A song about wishes and deals with Mora
ON-icon-book-Generic 214.png
A Summoner's Guide to Nymics
Cipher Sethali An overview of nymics in relation to Daedra and summoning
ON-icon-book-Generic 432.png
Tamrielic Twins of Myth
A brief excerpt on twins in Tamrielic folklore
ON-icon-book-Generic 443.png
Tidefall Cantos I
A selection of cantos from a longer work
ON-icon-book-Generic 112.png
Torvesard's Journal
Torvesard The journal of a Clanless Daedra
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png
Uldazaan's Letter
Uldazaan the Heresy-Keeper A letter suggesting a meeting place for an exchange
  • Within Quires Wind, through the portal to Akacirn's Dwelling (Quest Related) (map)
ON-icon-book-Generic 112.png
Uluscant's Manifesto
Uluscant An Ayleid priest's words to his followers in Bisnensel
  • The Disquiet Study, Shrine of Hyrma Mora, on the ground before the portal to the Pool of Inquiry (map)
  • In the first room, northeast corner (post-quest) (map)
ON-icon-quest-Clockwork Book 01.png
Voidprowler Journal
A to-do list of a Voidprowler
ON-icon-book-Generic 215.png
What About Glyphics?
Cipher Drodos Drom An overview of what glyphics are
ON-icon-book-Generic 454.png
White-Gold: The Ayleid Perspective
The start of foreward for a text about the Ayleids
ON-icon-book-Generic 354.png
Working in the Infinite Panopticon
Cataloger Volgunn A cataloger's recollections of working within the Infinite Panopticon
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png
Your New Target
Kynreeve Kyruphae
ON-icon-book-Scroll 04.png
Zeirinia's Silent Admission
Zeirinia A private confession to an old crime
  • Inside the Great Hall of Secrets, Obscured Forum on the ground on the far southern end of the room (map)