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Online:Blackmarrow Dissector

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Blackmarrow Dissector
Location Fang Lair
Race Imperial, Nord, Redguard Gender Varies
Health Normal106,092Veteran300,750
Reaction Hostile Class Spellblade
Other Information
Faction(s) Blackmarrow Cult
A Blackmarrow Dissector

Blackmarrow Dissectors are spellblades who serve the Blackmarrow Cult found in Fang Lair.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Quick Strike
A basic melee attack that deals low physical damage.
Heavy Attack
The spellblade performs an overhead swing that causes a frost explosion, dealing high frost damage. This can be blocked to set them off-balance.
Hand of Flame
The spellblade sends three fire lines towards its target, indicated by moving red circles, dealing moderate flame damage. The fires split off a second time shortly afterward. This can be interrupted to set the spellblade off-balance.
Lightning Grasp
The spellblade raises their hand and shoot a bolt of lightning which spawns numerous small pools of energy on the floor, indicated by small red circles, dealing low shock damage each.
Ice Cage
The spellblade summons a ring of frost around themselves, indicated by a donut-shaped red circle, dealing continuous moderate frost damage and snaring targets.
Xivlai's Servant
The spellblade summons a Daedra. It can either be a Clannfear, Flame Atronach, Flame Ogrim, Scamp, Spider Daedra, or a Winged Twilight.


Conversations can occasionally be heard between cult members:

Blackmarrow Harvester : "I don't see why we need to stand guard."
Blackmarrow Dissector : "With things so close to completion, Lizabet's expecting trouble."
Blackmarrow Harvester : "There's no shortage of bones here up to the task."
Blackmarrow Dissector : "Can't trust it to mindless guardians, if the Scalecaller's minions come sniffing around."
Blackmarrow Harvester : "The who?"
Blackmarrow Dissector : "What tomb have you been buried under? Zaan. The Scalecaller. Our mortal enemy."
Blackmarrow Harvester : "Oh, uh—yeah I knew that … don't tell Lizabet."
Blackmarrow Harvester: "This place is vast. Old too. How much death you think this place has seen over the years?"
Blackmarrow Dissector: "Tens of thousands. Without a doubt. These old Dwemer ruins were often cities in their own right in their time."
Blackmarrow Harvester: "Why all the fresh corpses then?"
Blackmarrow Dissector: "Trouble is brewing. No time to excavate all those old bones."
Blackmarrow Revivifier: "All right, whose experiment nearly killed me last night? Fess up."
Blackmarrow Dissector: "What are you talking about?"
Blackmarrow Revivifier: "Those twisted toadstools—started popping up to vomit their spores everywhere. I was coughing up blood all night!"
Blackmarrow Dissector: "Lizabet said to seed them around— to deter intruders."
Blackmarrow Revivifier: "A little warning might have been nice."

They will also shout out things when engaging in combat:

Blackmarrow Dissector: "Making corpses is my favorite part!"
Blackmarrow Dissector: "Now I reap the harvest of the blade!"
Blackmarrow Dissector: "My blade has a soul. You will join it!"
Blackmarrow Dissector: "Now I chop you up!"
Blackmarrow Dissector: "Cut here, cut there, and keep the good bits!"
Blackmarrow Dissector: "Your corpse will be my prize!"