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Location Falinesti Winter Site
Race Wood Elf Gender Male
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Faction(s) Mages Guild

Brelor is a Wood Elf member of the Mages Guild found at the Winter Site.

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Quest-Related EventsEdit

Approach his camp prior to starting the quest and you'll hear him say:

"I know the answer lies within the stones. I know it."

Speak to him and he'll say:

"Frost trolls. Why did they have to go and stir up frost trolls?"
What frost trolls?
"The Walking City of Falinesti used to spend its winters here. Since then, the Falinesti Faithful come on pilgrimage to pray for its return.
But Dominion soldiers pressed the pilgrims into service. They made them dig. Well, they dug up frost trolls."
Why would Dominion soldiers do that?
"General Endare ordered them to find Rajhin's Mantle. She believes it's under the Falinesti Winter Site.
But Rajhin's Mantle is the relic of a trickster god. She doesn't comprehend the dangers. It must be kept out of General Endare's hands!"
I can help you do that.

You can get more info if you want:

"I'll take any help you can offer. General Endare has a reputation for being incredibly thorough, whether on the battlefield or off. If the rumors are correct and Rajhin's Mantle is truly here, she will find it.
Unless we were to find it first."
Why don't you want General Endare to find it?
"I'm concerned about its misuse. Unless you're prepared to handle them correctly, relics such as these can … corrode you.
I would tell General Endare myself, but I don't trust her intentions. Not after she pressed these pilgrims into service."

If you received the quest already from Githiril, he'll instead greet you with:

"You aren't with the pilgrims, are you? Then perhaps you can be of assistance.
General Endare scours this place for Rajhin's Mantle, but the relic must be kept from her hands. Either she misunderstands the dangers, or she thinks they don't apply to her."
Why don't you want General Endare to find it?
"I'm concerned about its misuse. Unless you're prepared to handle them correctly, relics such as these can … corrode you.
I would tell General Endare myself, but I don't trust her intentions. Not after she pressed these pilgrims into service."

If you've started Fit to Rule, you can tell him:

Queen Ayrenn needs Rajhin's Mantle for her ratification ceremony.
"Then she's in luck! I served the Eight Divines before joining the Mages Guild. I know what must be done to safely transport a relic such as Rajhin's Mantle.
We'll just need to find it before General Endare does."
Where should we start looking?
"The Falinesti Faithful believe the Welkynd stones hold the memories of the Walking City. Earlier, I heard soldiers speaking of the same stones.
If you can see me past the frost trolls, perhaps we can see what the stones have to do with Rajhin's Mantle."

Before you search, you can ask him more questions:

If it's called Rajhin's Mantle, what do you know of Rajhin?
"Rajhin is a Khajiit trickster god, also worshiped by thieves and deceivers.
The Khajiit swap tales of Rajhin's greatest pranks. It is said his Seven Shadows do his bidding throughout Tamriel."
Seven Shadows?
"Yes, each Shadow reflects a different aspect of Rajhin's personality and power. This could be a convenient metaphor, actual living shadows, or something else entirely."
How does Rajhin's Mantle connect to the Walking City?
"I have a theory … but until I can support it, speculation is less than useless.
Perhaps the Welkynd stones will reveal more."
Tell me about General Endare.
"A famous High Elf general … or infamous, depending on who you ask. Her Jade Dragoons are well respected, but she has an aggressive reputation.
The last I heard, she was in Haven."
Why would General Endare be looking for Rajhin's Mantle?
"A very good question, which raises another.
Rajhin's Mantle is a Khajiit legend. Why does she seek it out in Grahtwood, the home of the Wood Elf king? What could have brought it to the Falinesti Winter Site?"
Why are you afraid of frost trolls?
"Arms as tall as a person, an endless hunger, and jaws that can snap off a horse's leg in a single bite.
Why am I afraid of frost trolls? The real question is, why aren't you?"

Speak to him before starting the search, he'll reiterate:

"General Endare's soldiers spoke of Welkynd stones in the area. If you can get me there safely, perhaps we'll learn how they relate to Rajhin's Mantle."

If you get in combat with the trolls in the area, he will either say:

Brelor: "Half an ear! Stuck between its teeth!"
Brelor: "Don't let it eat me!"
Brelor: "It smells of wet fur and death!"
Brelor: "Burn it! Quickly, set it aflame!"
Brelor: "It's going to kill us!"
Brelor: "It's going to tear us in half!"
Brelor: "Frost trolls! All around us!"
Brelor: "There's no hope! We'll be its next meal!"
Brelor: "All three of its eyes are staring at me!"
Brelor: "Frost troll! A frost troll!"

At the first Welkynd stone, he'll say:

Brelor: "Let's see what these stones reveal."

Speaking to him here after witnessing the scene:

"General Endare can't have been interested in ancient dinner invitations.
No, there must be more to this. We should find another Welkynd stone and see what we can learn."

At the second Welkynd Stone:

Brelor : "There must be more to see."

Speaking to him here after witnessing the scene:

"Who is Lady Nairume? Was that truly Rajhin's Shadow? He seemed rather obsessed with her.
We must get to the bottom of this."

At the third Welkynd Stone:

Brelor: "What else can we learn?"

After witnessing the final scene.

Brelor: "Now we know why the Falinesti Faithful were forced to dig. We should speak of this."

Speaking to him about Rajhin's Mantle:

"General Endare was certain she'd find Rajhin's Mantle beneath the Falinesti Winter Site. She made the Falinesti Faithful dig for that frozen vault. It seems they have uncovered it.
And it would certainly explain the frost trolls."
How can we find Rajhin's Mantle before General Endare?
"Perhaps Cirtor can help. The Falinesti Faithful aren't led by anyone, but after the soldiers arrived he worked to keep tempers calm. He may know where to find the vault."
Where do we find Cirtor?

You can ask him more about the Falinesti Faithful:

"Last I saw, he was in an encampment near the dig site. Mostly Falinesti Faithful, with a handful of soldiers.
We should avoid the site itself—the frost trolls are down there."
What can you tell me about the Falinesti Faithful?
"They're peaceful sorts. Most believe their faith will one day draw the Walking City back from wherever it disappeared."
How would they do that?
"You'd be better off asking them to explain their own delusion.
I've noted it's not a religious experience for everybody. Some use the annual pilgrimage to hold a revel in Falinesti's honor. Any excuse to celebrate."

Falinesti FaithfulEdit

Before reaching Cirtor, he'll be a little on edge:

"Did you hear that? Was it a frost troll?
We should get to Cirtor as soon as we can."

When you reached to Cirtor's camp and before you speak to Cirtor:

"Something's different. There are much fewer soldiers than before.
We should speak with Cirtor. We may already be too late."

Once you've spoken to Cirtor, he'll refuse to follow you anywhere near the trolls:

"I'm sorry, it's … I'll be useless, with all those frost trolls about. I hope you understand.
You be careful in those caves, would you?"

If you knew the cave where the general was last seen beforehand:

"I wish I could join you, but…with all those frost trolls, I'd only hold you back.
You be careful in that cave, would you?"

After rescuing Lady Nairume, they will be found outside briefly speaking:

Brelor: "You say the frost trolls surrounded your prison for how many years? Truly detestable, my lady."
Nairume: "They were quite terrifying, even when projecting my construct in their midst."

Speak to him.

"Forgive me for stating the obvious, but you're alive!
We heard some terrible noises in the caves below. What happened?"
I have Rajhin's Mantle.
"And you freed Lady Nairume! She's quite agreeable, and could prove to be a living repository of knowledge regarding the Walking City.
I hope General Endare didn't give you any trouble."
Rajhin's Mantle drove her mad. I had to kill her.
"I see. I don't know why she did all of this, but she was once a hero. I can't imagine her soldiers will take it well.
But as you see, such relics are dangerous. I can deliver it to the Elden Root Mages Guild where its powers can be contained."
Queen Ayrenn needs it for her ratification ceremony.
"I'll alert the Altmer Embassy when I've returned to Elden Root. Once I have it at the Mages Guild, I'll see if I can discern a safer way to handle it during her ratification ceremony."
All right. Here it is.
"Excellent. I can't bear to think of the outcome had you not been here.
But no matter. Lady Nairume and I will return to Elden Root as soon as it's safe."

If you exit out of the conversation before turning in the quest, he will alternatively say:

"I'll bring Nairume to Elden Root. I don't know if she'll be happy there, but perhaps the Elden Tree will remind her of Falinesti.
Are you ready to hand over Rajhin's Mantle? I promise to keep it safe."
Here, take it. (Leads to quest completion dialogue)

Speaking to him after the quest:

"Once Rajhin's Mantle is secured at the Elden Root Mages Guild, I hope to aid Nairume in locating her Walking City.
To think, I came here to visit a friend. Yet I leave with a great purpose. Does all adventure have such a strange beginning?"