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Online:Broken Coast Archer

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Broken Coast Archer
Location Horseshoe Island
Race Wood Elf Gender Varies
Health 31,364
Reaction Neutral Class Archer
Other Information
Faction(s) Broken Coast Bandits
Broken Coast Archers

Broken Coast Archers are Bosmer archers who can be found on Horseshoe Island.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Quick Shot
A basic ranged attack that does minor physical damage.
Arrow Spray
The enemy shoots a spray of arrows in the direction it is facing as indicated by a red cone. This attack does moderate physical damage as well as snares all enemies hit. This attack can be interrupted to set the enemy off balance or simply avoided. Blocking also prevents the snare and reduces the damage.

Quest-Related EventsEdit

When you beat them in combat, they will say:

Broken Coast Archer: "I surrender! Please, just let me go!"
Broken Coast Archer: "Deros put us up to this! Don't kill me!"
Broken Coast Archer: "No more! I don't want to die!"
Broken Coast Archer: "You win, I'm out of here!"