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Online:Brother Perry

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Brother Perry
Location Vanne Farm, Moonlit Maw, Weeping Giant
Race Breton Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Spirit Wardens
Brother Perry

Brother Perry is a Breton member of the Spirit Wardens encountered multiples times across Stormhaven.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

The Slumbering FarmerEdit

Approach the Vanne Farm, and you'll come across a monk in literal binds asking you:

"Could you please untie me?"

Whether you met him for the first time or before, he will ask you to untie him in order to discuss what the Supernal Dreamers are up to:

"It's good that you've come along, friend. The Vanne family is in dire need of aid.
If you could untie me, we could have a more civil conversation?"
Who tied you up?
"The Supernal Dreamers. I should have seen this coming, but I failed and I need your help to set matters straight.
The Dreamers have captured Ingride Vanne, the owner of this farm, and I fear they have dark plans for her."
What kind of dark plans?
"I am certainly eager to explain the situation further, but do you think we could continue the conversation over by the bridge?"
Sure. Let me untie you.

Untie him and he'll start running to your destination:

Brother Perry : "Come with me to the bridge. We can speak safely there."

Once you've caught up with him, he'll reveal that the Supernal Dreamers attacked the farm where he was staying and that Ingride Vanne is in danger. You can ask him questions about Vaermina, Pariah Abbey and even pressure him to give you his amulet to help you with the ritual:

"Perhaps we can now have a civil conversation. I'm Perry. Brother Perry, traveling through Alcaire on my way back to Pariah Abbey.
Ingride Vanne offered me a room for the night. It just happened to be the night the Supernal Dreamers attacked."
Do you know why they attacked?
"They serve Vaermina, the Daedric Prince of Nightmares. I know this because I am an initiate at Pariah Abbey.
We knew the Dreamers were active in Alcaire, but their intentions for Ingride Vanne suggest a more aggressive plan than we imagined."
Tell me more about Vaermina.
"Vaermina is the most horrid of Daedric Princes. Dreams and nightmares are her dark domain.
Whatever her agenda on our plane may be—you can trust it is not good. The Supernal Dreamers intentions with Ingride Vanne make that clear."
What is Pariah Abbey? / You said something about Pariah Abbey?
"The Abbey is home to the Spirit Wardens, devoted to Azura, Queen of Dawn and Dusk.
Yes, we are a cult, but King Emeric makes allowances because Azura is benevolent. Vaermina is not—as her intentions with Ingride Vanne make clear."
What intentions with Ingride Vanne?
"The Supernal Dreamers have put her into an enchanted sleep, tied down in front of a portal—undoubtedly from Vaermina's dark domain. They will summon a daedric spirit to inhabit Ingride's body.
You need to break the enchantment to free her."
How do I break the enchantment?
"It will not be easy, and you will need to move quickly, but it can be done.
You will need to reverse the daedric ritual, which will require gathering a few … somewhat grisly items. Then you must follow the directions exactly to break the spell."
What items do I need for the ritual? / What are the items? (If you use the Intimidate Option) (Skips all questions and proceeds with quest dialogue.)
[Intimidate] Hold on. You're helping me with this.
"I'm afraid I would only be a liability in a fight.
I can, however, offer you my amulet for some assistance, but you will still need to gather the items."

You will need to take the hearts of a scamp and a Dremora as well a ritual candle to help him perform the ritual to free Ingride:

"You will need to acquire the hearts of two different daedra. A scamp and a Dremora should do. Then find my ritual candle in the Vannes' barn.
Take the items to where Ingride lies in the Stonebridge Mill, and there you will perform the ritual."
Which one do I use first?
"Offer the Dremora heart first to summon the dark spirit, then light the ritual candle to enchant it, and finally offer the scamp heart to dispel it.
Memorize this, for it must be done in this order."
What if I use them in the wrong order?
"When one meddles in such dark practices, anything is possible.
I suggest you proceed with care and make sure to enact the ritual properly."

If you speak to him again, he'll only say:

"Azura go with you, friend. I hope her blessing might dispel the curse of Vaermina's cultists."

You can still find Perry around the bridge after the quest. He'll say:

"I'm relieved you were able to help the Vannes. I'll be heading back to Pariah Abbey now.
You should stop by some time. I'll tell you everything you ever wanted to know about the Spirit Wardens."

Dreams to NightmaresEdit

On the north side of Pariah Abbey near the entrance of the Moonlit Maw, you'll find Brother Perry in dire straits yet again. He'll be lying on the ground in pain alongside a dead Supernal Dreamer:

"It was a trap! They knew we would come."

Speaking to him:

"It was a trap. They knew we were coming!"
What trap? Who knew?
"The Supernal Dreamers! Master Muzgu said they were up to no good—and he was right!
He and Brother Gerard are fighting them off. I … ran to get help. Can you save them?"
I'll see what I can do.

Speaking to him again:

"I'll be all right. I'm hurt, but I'll live.
But I think I've been here long enough. I'm heading for points east."

Azura's RelicsEdit

If you speak to him before collecting the relics, he'll send you away:

"Shh! Not right now. Just leave me here for a few more minutes."

After finding the relics the Supernal Dreamers have stolen, you'll come across a familiar face from Vanne Farm:

"This is familiar. I remember you from Alcaire … the Vanne Farm!
Funny we should end up surrounded by Supernal Dreamers again."

If you've not met before, he'll say:

"There's a friendly face. After being surrounded by Supernal Dreamers for so long, it's refreshing.
The more I get to know these people, the more I despise them."
Are you the Warden who was helping Tabakah?
"I was, and still am. I just allowed myself to be captured so I could listen to what the Supernal Dreamers were planning here.
I've learned this much—it's far more serious than just a few stolen relics."
What do you mean?
"There were some extremely powerful relics here—ancient conjuration boxes.
It seems the Supernal Dreamers have learned how to activate these devices, and they plan to use them to summon terrible fiends."
Can we stop them?
"You can. The Dreamers won't let us just waltz through their camp, and I'm not much use in a fight.
Leave the other relics with me though. You just need to find the key to the boxes somewhere in the camp and then seal them closed."
I can handle that.
"I appreciate your confidence. One last thing: these conjuration boxes are inhabited by spirits. I can't predict what will happen when you close them, but it must be done.
Afterwards, meet me down where Tabakah's camped out. Good luck, friend."

Speaking to him again:

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Just close those conjuration boxes.
I'll be waiting for you at Tabakah's camp."
You really don't need to be untied?
"Haha. No. I promise. After being tied up recently in Alcaire, I decided to study the art of escaping these kinds of binds.
The crude ones used by the Supernal Dreamers are especially easy. I'll be free any minute."

Once you've closed the conjuration boxes and defeat Vaermina's Weaver, you'll find Perry back at Tabakah's camp:

"The towers. Were you able to close the conjuration boxes in the towers?"
Yes. Some Daedra got through, but I destroyed them.
"It's a good thing you were here, or I imagine they would have summoned many more.
I'm going to take these relics back to Pariah Abbey. I can escort Tabakah back too."

After the quest.

If you have already helped him at Vanne Farm:

"I have to say it. I'm starting to feel like Azura's using you as her champion. First at Vanne Farm in Alcaire, now here. I know I'm grateful.
I'd say goodbye, but I'll probably run into you again in a few days."

Otherwise if you haven't:

"I promised to protect Tabakah, but I hope the road back to Pariah Abbey isn't too bad.
I know a few enchantments, but they won't do me much good against a group of bandits."

Vaermina's GambitEdit

If you completed Azura's Relics, you can find him in the castle after saving King Emeric and can speak to him before the king:

"And so we meet again. Tabakah and I were actually just on our way back to the Abbey.
We heard Abbot Durak was here so we came to tell him that the shrine was cleansed. I guess you beat us to it, though."