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ON-icon-skill-Aedric Spear-Burning Light.png Burning Light
Line Aedric Spear
Skill Rank Line Rank
Rank I 1 22
Rank II 2 36
Burning Light I: When you deal damage you generate a stack of Burning Light for 3 seconds. After reaching 4 stacks, you deal 600 Magic Damage to your target. This effect can stack once every half second and scales off your highest offensive stats.
Burning Light II: When you deal damage you generate a stack of Burning Light for 3 seconds. After reaching 4 stacks, you deal 1199 Magic Damage to your target. This effect can stack once every half second and scales off your highest offensive stats.

Burning Light gives you a stack of Burning Light every time you deal damage, up to 1 every 0.5 seconds, and deals bonus Magic Damage after reaching 4 stacks.


  • Using Area Effect abilities against a group of enemies can make it difficult, if not impossible, to hit the preferred target with the bonus damage from this ability.

Patch NotesEdit

  • The damage from this passive is now derived from your highest stats (stamina or magicka based).
  • This passive ability now deals Physical Damage or Magic Damage, based on whether your Weapon Damage or Spell Damage is higher respectively.
  • Increased the damage done by this passive ability by approximately 9%.
  • This passive has been slightly reworked so that the damage now triggers when you deal damage 4 times within rapid succession to an enemy with an Aedric Spear ability, rather than having a 25% chance to proc per hit. Note that the time window is long enough that abilities that hit at least once every second between will continue to proc this passive.
  • This passive now has a 3 second window between each stack, rather than a 1.1 second window, to reduce the cadence in which you must consistently attack with an Aedric Spear ability.
  • This passive now only deals Magic Damage, rather than Magic or Physical Damage, but continues to scale off your highest stats.
  • This passive now triggers after dealing damage with any attack, rather than only Aedric Spear abilities.
  • Increased the cooldown of stack generation to 500ms, up from 1ms.
  • Reduced the damage of the proc by approximately 33%.
    • Currently, this passive is strong arming the Templar into only using Puncturing Strikes as your spammable ability, removing a lot of the potential for other abilities that center around different gameplay. With maintaining the original identity of keeping up the pressure against your primary target, we've removed the restrictions of damage source completely and added a longer cooldown window to reduce burst potential and message spam on the server, helping the passive stabilize to a more expected power budget while vastly improving its flexibility.