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Online:Cadwell's Surprise Box

< Elder Scrolls Online: Mementos
Surprise boxes are fun! Why, you never know what will pop out. But wait. Is that … Cadwell?
Cadwell's Surprise Box
ON-icon-memento-Cadwell's Surprise Box.png
Cadwell's Surprise Box
Acquired From Combining 5 Revelry Shards
Price 000001515Event Tickets (all shards from the Impresario)

Cadwell's Surprise Box is obtained by combining 5 Revelry Shards which can be obtained from Jester's Festival Boxes or bought from the Impresario during the 2022 Jester's Festival.


  • The player winds up the Surprise Box and is startled when Sir Cadwell's head appears and starts singing. The full quote is a line from Cadwell's introduction in the Wailing Prison: "One fine day in the middle of the night, two dead kings got up to fight. Back to back they faced each other, drew their bows … and stabbed themselves!" This song is a known Easter egg.
