Cantor Krin'ze | |||
Location | Moonmont Wayshrine | ||
Race | Dagi | Gender | Female |
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Follower | Beyond a Veil of Twilight | ||
Faction(s) | Twilight Cantors |
Cantor Krin'ze is a Dagi member of the Twilight Cantors who can first encountered near the Moonmont Wayshrine in Reaper's March. She will initially be working alongside Inquisitor Sabannar and High Cantor Viti, but becomes entwined in the strange case of Zerith-var after she requests you investigate an omen on her behalf.
Related QuestsEdit
- A Moonlit Shadow: Investigate a fallen star at the Moonmont on behalf of a Twilight Cantor.
- Beyond a Veil of Twilight: Help Cantor Krin'ze look for her friend Izalgo.
- Paths Out Of Darkness: Please add a description for this quest
- The Dark Behind the World: Face Ravith-morna before she can summon a moon beast.
Quest-Related EventsEdit
A Moonlit ShadowEdit
As you approach you will find Cantor Krin'ze speaking with some members of the Twilight Cantors and Torval Curiata:
- Cantor Krin'ze: "A fallen star is an omen of someone in need."
- High Cantor Viti: "Priorities, my sahida. The answer is no."
- Inquisitor Sabannar: "We have greater concerns. Let someone else see to your fallen star."
You can talk to her:
- "Greetings, wanderer. I am Krin'ze, a Twilight Cantor. A singer in service to Azurah.
Did you happen to see the falling star? A sure sign from the Mother of All Khajiit that someone is in great need. I am certain of it." - I didn't see a falling star.
- "It blazed with blue soulfire, burning the sky as it fell toward Moonmont. The signs could not be more clear. I wanted to investigate, but High Cantor Viti forbade me."
- If someone is in need of help, why won't they let you look into it?
- "The tall inquisitor here has need of the Twilight Cantors. Viti and I have been conscripted into service, and that service is elsewhere. Apparently.
But you could investigate. Surely Azurah will reward your curiosity." - All right. I'll investigate this star that fell near Moonmont.
After you agree to search for the fallen star, you can continue to ask her questions:
- "Thank you, walker. Watch for the spirit of a little cat. Azurah often sends such messengers when the need is great.
And do be careful. Rumor has it that Moonmont is overrun with dro-m'Athra. May Azurah keep the dark from ensnaring your spirit." - You really think I'll encounter the spirit of a cat? / You mentioned the spirit of a little cat?
- "Oh, I do indeed! I caught a glimpse of such a spirit to the south, but when I requested permission to investigate, Cantor Viti refused to grant it.
We cantors have many, many songs describing such events. Another sign that someone needs help." - Could this cat spirit be a trick of some sort?
- "With those large, friendly eyes and the cutest little whiskers? No. Dark spirits like dro-m'Athra take a different shape and have for thousands of years. This is no trick of Namiira.
Find the spirit and determine what must be done."
- "With those large, friendly eyes and the cutest little whiskers? No. Dark spirits like dro-m'Athra take a different shape and have for thousands of years. This is no trick of Namiira.
- "Oh, I do indeed! I caught a glimpse of such a spirit to the south, but when I requested permission to investigate, Cantor Viti refused to grant it.
- Can you tell me more about the others with you? / Can you tell me about the others with you?
- "High Cantor Viti and Inquisitor Sabannar? Certainly.
You could talk to them yourself, but they have little patience for strangers." - Tell me about High Cantor Viti.
- "I am still getting used to such a formal title for her. I am her sahida. Her protege.
In Viti, Azurah's love and devotion takes a much more … rigid form than other Twilight Cantors you may have met. But I value her guidance all the same." - Tell me more about the Twilight Cantors.
- "Outsiders sometimes think of us as acolytes of Azurah. Our devotion to her allows us to exorcise dark spirits through the art of song.
When not on a mission, we wander where we like. Or we used to."
- "Outsiders sometimes think of us as acolytes of Azurah. Our devotion to her allows us to exorcise dark spirits through the art of song.
- I know Adara-hai [sic] of the Twilight Cantors. Is she involved in this? (Appears if you previously met Adara'hai)
- "I am still getting used to such a formal title for her. I am her sahida. Her protege.
- "High Cantor Viti and Inquisitor Sabannar? Certainly.
- Tell me about Inquisitor Sabannar.
- "I tried to get on his good side, walker. I really did. He does not seem to have one.
He is an Inquisitor of the Torval Curiata. The militant arm of those who uphold the Riddle'Thar epiphany. As far as I can tell, he is very good at his job."- Riddle'Thar Epiphany?/ What was that term, the Riddle'Thar Epiphany?
- "A tenet of faith that reveres the moon spirits, Jone and Jode.
We cantors, instead, are permitted to serve and follow Azurah. Our songs are too valuable for us to be excluded from the faith."
- "A tenet of faith that reveres the moon spirits, Jone and Jode.
- Have you worked with Inquisitor Sabannar long?
- "Too long, it feels like.
The Inquisitors only recently pressed us into service. They have need of our songs or would hardly bother with us otherwise. Our worship of Azurah does not fit in their neat little box of what constitutes proper faith."
- "Too long, it feels like.
- Why are you helping the Inquisitor? / Then why help them at all? (Appears if you ask one of the above questions)
- "Refuse those who require our songs? Kes kridesi! It is unthinkable.
Yes, they force us into these uniforms and bestow our elders with fancy, high-ranking titles. And they keep us from wandering where we like. Still, they need our help."
- "Refuse those who require our songs? Kes kridesi! It is unthinkable.
- Riddle'Thar Epiphany?/ What was that term, the Riddle'Thar Epiphany?
- Tell me about dro-m'Athra./ Tell me more about dro-m'Athra.
- "When Khajiit in strife hear the drums of the Bent Dance, it means the Void of Namiira seeks to ensnare their souls.
Twilight Cantors like myself can exorcise that darkness. But if we do not get there in time or fail, the Khajiit become dro-m'Athra." - The Bent Dance?/ What was that about the Bent Dance?
- "The beating of the dark heart of Lorkhaj. If one listens for the whispers of Namiira, the Lady of Decay, the drums of the Bent Dance are sure to follow.
To speak too much of these evil things only serves to invite them in. Be wary."
- "The beating of the dark heart of Lorkhaj. If one listens for the whispers of Namiira, the Lady of Decay, the drums of the Bent Dance are sure to follow.
- What should I do if I encounter dro-m'Athra at Moonmont?
- "Defend yourself. When you defeat dro-m'Athra they retreat to the Void, Namiira's plane of darkness.
If you had a Twilight Cantor with you, we could banish their spirits permanently. But as much as I would like to accompany you, I am forbidden."
- "Defend yourself. When you defeat dro-m'Athra they retreat to the Void, Namiira's plane of darkness.
- "When Khajiit in strife hear the drums of the Bent Dance, it means the Void of Namiira seeks to ensnare their souls.
When you find Ja'kh but haven't pet him yet, you can speak to Krin'ze again:
- "Hmm? Apologies, walker. I have a song stuck in my head. I was trying to remember the next verse."
After you leave the Tomb of Zerith-var, following after the eponymous Zerith-var:
- Cantor Krin'ze: "I know it fell around here somewhere …."
- <She notices Zerith-var and then you.>
- Cantor Krin'ze: "Bright Moons, walker! Who was that?"
Speak with her to explain what happened:
- "Walker, that Khajiit … was that the person in need?"
- I found the spirit cat. It led me to this tomb. Zerith-var was inside. But what are you doing here?
- "I could not ignore Azurah's sign any longer, so I slipped away when the high cantor and the Inquisitor were otherwise engaged.
But what was this Zerith-var doing inside an ancient tomb? Did he follow the spirit cat, as well?" - He awoke inside the tomb. He's been in there for a long time. I think it's his tomb.
- "Well, he certainly did not appear to be a corpse, at least as far as I could tell. Maybe he fell and hit his head or something. Though that doesn't explain the glowing eyes.
Where did this Zerith-var go?" - He wants me to meet him in Rawl'kha.
She will be preoccupied to prepare for an attack under the orders of the Torval Curiata:
- "Ziss! I need to get back. I am beholden to the Torval Curiata, and they are mobilizing for some sort of attack.
I will try to find you in Rawl'kha if I can slip away again. Good luck, walker. And stay safe." - How did you manage to slip away from Inquisitor Sabannar?
- "High Cantor Viti was kind enough to distract him for me with bracing talk of righteousness and heresy. Plus, I have always been good at slipping through the shadows.
But I cannot linger. My voice is needed wherever the Inquisitor takes us next."
If you speak to her again:
- "Ziss'vo. I wish I could go with you, but my song is needed elsewhere.
I will try to find you again. Perhaps the high cantor can give guidance once she hears of this soul sent from another time. Be well!"
You can encounter her later inside the Ruined Reliquary within the Claw's Strike. You will witness Twilight Cantors performing a ritual against a dro-m'Athra. Zerith-var will be shocked at what occurs:
- <The Cantors sing and the dro-m'Athra explodes in golden light and Cantor Krin'ze getting hurt in the process.>
- Cantor Ta'khida: "Krin'ze! Are you all right?"
- Cantor Krin'ze: "I will be fine. We must go after the others!"
- High Cantor Viti: "We will handle it. Join us when you have recovered."
- <Cantor Ta'khida and High Cantor Viti run into the next room.>
- Zerith-var: "They destroyed a dro-m'Athra! Its soul. It is … gone!"
You can then speak with Cantor Krin'ze about what happened:
- "Walker? And that strange Khajiit from Moonmont. Zerith-var, was it?
It is too dangerous for you to be here. These dro-m'Athra and the powerful ones leading them. I have never seen their like before. None of us have!" - Zerith-var and I tracked the dro-m'Athra here.
- "Walker, you must leave. The leaders of this incursion, they are why the Inquisitors conscripted us. To fight back against this … this dark power.
We obliterated as many as we could, but our songs are not enough." - Zerith showed me a Hidden Moon shrine in Rawl'kha. We did a rite that guided us here.
- "Hidden Moon? I never heard of this clan. I will have to ask High Cantor Viti about it. She would know. But that is for later.
If you have come to help, Azurah knows we could use it right now." - Zerith says Azurah sent him here to deal with the Rajaska.
- "Rajaska? An appropriate name for the powerful spirits. I knew that fallen star was a sign. But now is the time for action, not discussion.
High Cantor Viti went after this … Rajaska. Please, help her. Before more cantors turn to the Bent Dance." - All right. We'll do what we can to help the other Twilight Cantors.
Speaking to her again:
- "Normal dro-m'Athra are challenge enough, but beyond that door lies something from my nightmares.
If any of my sisters or the Inquisitors remain standing, please, save them."
Heading into Abandoned Altar chamber, you will witness Cantor Ta'khida and High Cantor Viti fighting Ravith-morna. They will be swiftly defeated as High Cantor Viti is thrown to the side and Cantor Ta'khida is transformed into a Rajaska. Cantor Krin'ze will run down to High Cantor Viti to help her:
- "Viti is hurt! I have to try to help her!"
After you defeat Ta'khida-morna you can speak with Krin'ze:
- "Viti is fine, thank goodness. And were you and Zerith-var not here to drive off our fallen sister, I am sure we would have been next."
Zerith-var will then have you accompany him to the Temple of the Dark Moon on Khenarthi's Roost only to find it destroyed. While searching for items in the ruins to empower the moonclaw, you are ambushed by Inquisitor Tashkier and learn the Torval Curiata now has a kill order for him.
After the moonclaw's power is restored, a new dro-m'Athra incursion is detected and the portal brings you to The Vile Manse where you meet High Cantor Viti and an injured Cantor Krin'ze:
- <Zerith-var runs towards the Manse and climbs up the stairs.>
- Zerith-var: "Ziss'vo, this oviit dwelling! What an eyesore!"
- <He then sees High Cantor Viti and Cantor Krin'ze.>
- Zerith-var: "The young cantor! And the other one."
- Cantor Krin'ze: "Viti! You've done enough. Let them help."
- High Cantor Viti: "Do not touch her, necromancer!"
- Zerith-var: "Are you injured, ja'rithantii? Let me tend to your wounds."
- <A blue light appears in Zerith-var's hand and he begins healing Cantor Krin'ze.>
You can then speak with her to find out what happened at the manse, and also learn where the Inquistors got their information:
- "Walker! I am relieved to see you alive. I thought I could trust my mentor with what I learned about Zerith-var, but she turned right around and told the Inquisitors!
Thank Azurah you managed to evade them. But I fear you arrived too late." - Too late for what? What happened after we left you at Claw's Strike?
- "After you left, more Inquisitors rallied us for another incursion here at the Vile Manse. But it was even more of the same. The rest of our sisters were dragged away by that thing. That … Rajaska.
I failed them." - Dragged them where?
- "To the undercroft beneath the Vile Manse. If my fellow Twilight Cantors are not dro-m'Athra already, they will be soon. And then they will be lost for good.
There is nothing that can be done." - Actually, we might be able to help. Let me talk to Zerith-var.
If spoken to afterwards:
- "Please! Save my fellow cantors."
Speaking with Zerith-var, he will say this is what he meant for and agrees to go and rescue the trapped Twilight Cantors:
- Zerith-var: "Shake the fear from your heart, ja'rithantii. We will see your cantors saved."
- Cantor Krin'ze: "But the Rajaska! Do you have a death-wish?"
- Zerith-var: "No. I have faith."
You find the dro-m'Athra in the Undercroft, and Ravith-morna will corrupt Cantor Zayabi when you reach them. While Zayabi-morna is slain, Zerith-var redeems her soul and you are able to rescue Cantor Cer'enza and Cantor Tharis-jo.
After you leave the Vile Manse, you will find Zerith-var apologising to Cantor Krin'ze for being unable to help any further:
- Zerith-var: "I am sorry, rithantiin. I can cleanse your souls, but I am powerless to stop the corruption before it overtakes you."
- Cantor Krin'ze: "This the Twilight Cantors can do. Quickly, Viti! Aid me!"
- <High Cantor Viti and Cantor Krin'ze use their powers and Cantors Cer'enza and Tharis-jo are quickly cleansed.>
Speaking to her afterwards:
- "Zayabi didn't make it?
You and Zerith-var saved who you could. Thank you, walker. I will write an ode to your bravery. Just after I finish a hymn in remembrance of Zayabi and Ta'khida."
If you spoke to Zerith-var but haven't turned in the quest yet, she will say:
- "Thanks to you and Zerith-var, these cantors are safe now. I am so glad I sent you to investigate that fallen star!"
After you have spoken with Zerith-var and gained him as a companion and completing the quest, you can speak with Cantor Krin'ze:
- "Once we are through mourning, I will have plenty to say to High Cantor Viti. Sending those Inquisitors after you! If I had known she would betray my trust so, I would have told her nothing.
Wish me luck that I can make her see reason, walker." - What's next for you and the other Twilight Cantors?
- "I hope we go back to our regular duties—wandering Elsweyr, answering summons, practicing songs, and tending to exorcisms.
But this business with the Rajaska and the Inquisitors … it feels like it has just begun." - Are you going to work with the Inquisitors again?
- "If they press me, I will have no choice.
Do not worry. I won't tell them anything else about you and Zerith-var. I think I can convince the others you saved to do the same. Viti … is being unreasonable. I am sorry about that."
- "If they press me, I will have no choice.
- Zerith thinks you and the other Twilight Cantors are at risk of being hunted by the Rajaska.
- "I supposed as much. Their leader can turn other Khajiit into dro-m'Athra with a swiftness unlike anything I have ever seen!
But with cantors, we become like her. Our voices turned into dark weapons. I never thought we could be twisted in such a way." - Are you going to warn other Twilight Cantors about this?
- "I will certainly try. I would leave it to the high cantor, but I overheard her say she does not wish to cause my brothers and sisters to panic and neglect their duties.
But the cantors need to know!" - Are you going to tell people about Zerith-var?
- "I want to tell people he can be trusted. That he truly was sent by Azurah. But it may take some convincing. And saying as much could get me in trouble with the Torval Curiata.
I will have to be careful with what I say, and I who I say it to."
- "I want to tell people he can be trusted. That he truly was sent by Azurah. But it may take some convincing. And saying as much could get me in trouble with the Torval Curiata.
- "I will certainly try. I would leave it to the high cantor, but I overheard her say she does not wish to cause my brothers and sisters to panic and neglect their duties.
- "I supposed as much. Their leader can turn other Khajiit into dro-m'Athra with a swiftness unlike anything I have ever seen!
- Do you think our paths will cross again?
- "Of course. If I learn something from the Inquisitors about the Rajaska, I will find a way to contact you and Zerith.
And I will try to research more on the Rajaska. Wish me luck."
- "Of course. If I learn something from the Inquisitors about the Rajaska, I will find a way to contact you and Zerith.
Beyond a Veil of TwilightEdit
Once you have gain a friendly rapport with Zerith-var, he will tell he recently received a letter from Krin'ze. In it she asks to meet with you and him at the Redfur Trading Post in Grahtwood, though she does not give the reason why.
When you enter Redfur Trading Post, you will find Cantor Krin'ze outside the Tomb of Anahbi and she calls you over:
- Cantor Krin'ze: "Bright moons! There you are. Over here!"
- Zerith-var: "We came as quickly as we could, ja'rithantii."
Talk to her to see why she wanted to meet:
- "I am relieved to see you both. I could not say much in my letter, just in case it was intercepted.
Izalgo, a cantor from my order, was tending to an exorcism nearby. An escort of Inquisitors accompanied him, but now they are all missing!" - What do you need us to do?
- "Izalgo is not the first Twilight Cantor to disappear and the Inquisitor investigations go nowhere.
I risk much just talking to you. High Cantor Viti says the Inquisitors have forbidden all contact with you and Zerith-var. Especially Zerith-var." - Didn't High Cantor Viti tell the Inquisitors what we did at the Vile Manse?
- "The enforcers of faith have a very specific definition of heresy. I am more concerned about cantors becoming dro-m'Athra than I am about changing minds.
Can you ask around about Izalgo? Perhaps someone here in the trading post saw where he went." - All right, we'll see if anyone saw Cantor Izalgo.
- "Meet me behind the temple northwest of the trading post when you finish. Cantor Izalgo is a Cathay Khajiit with spotted fur and sweet brown eyes.
I suppose it seems too much to hope that he just ran off for a tryst with some honey-tongued local."
You can then ask her some more questions:
- You said Cantor Izalgo isn't the first of your order to go missing?
- "Normally, we cantors are a nomadic and solitary bunch. Easy prey for a Rajaska.
We correspond with each other often, trading songs and stories of our travels. But some of the other cantors have fallen silent. I fear the worst."- The other Twilight Cantors haven't been warned about the danger?
- "It is hard to get word to every member of a group as scattered as ours. Besides, we cannot pause in our duties.
We exorcise dark spirits, but we cannot cleanse bent souls the way Zerith can. Namiira never sleeps."- Aren't the inquisitors of the Torval Curiata focused on protecting you?
- "Viti says they are, in their own way. They are intent on attacking the Rajaska, instead of defending those they prey upon.
I am sure they would get that done faster if they worked with you and Zerith. But nobody pays attention to my suggestions."
- What else can you tell me about Cantor Izalgo?
- "Izalgo is a little scatterbrained. I swear, he would lose his tail if it were not attached to his arse! And yet he always manages to keep track of that journal of his.
He has the most beautiful voice. I hope you get the chance to hear him sing." - How well do you know him?
- "Well enough to know that if he has not replied to one of my letters, it means something is wrong.
We are more than just fellow cantors. I sang at his nephew's name-day. I really hope you can find him."
- "Well enough to know that if he has not replied to one of my letters, it means something is wrong.
- "Izalgo is a little scatterbrained. I swear, he would lose his tail if it were not attached to his arse! And yet he always manages to keep track of that journal of his.
- What were you doing before Cantor Izalgo disappeared?
- "Plenty of field work, actually. Not all exorcisms. Tending to those in need, writing songs, singing whatever I wanted whenever I wished to.
Quite the change of pace from what I had been doing before all this." - Before? You mean before you were conscripted by the Inquisitors?
- "Before that, even. I was sahida under High Cantor Viti. Her protege. We had a falling out. She refuses to see the good in what you and Zerith can do.
I am free to wander on my own now. Despite the risks, I plan to make the most of it." - You gave up being protege of High Cantor Viti because of me and Zerith?
- "Viti is an exceptional mentor. But I could not remain with someone who ignored such an obvious sign from Azurah.
But she is not an Inquisitor. She may yet come around. I just hope that happens sooner rather than later."
- "Viti is an exceptional mentor. But I could not remain with someone who ignored such an obvious sign from Azurah.
- "Before that, even. I was sahida under High Cantor Viti. Her protege. We had a falling out. She refuses to see the good in what you and Zerith can do.
- "Plenty of field work, actually. Not all exorcisms. Tending to those in need, writing songs, singing whatever I wanted whenever I wished to.
When you find a lead of where Izalgo might be, you can speak to her again:
- "Good luck finding Izalgo. Azurah guide your path."
After getting a lead directing you to Goldfolly, you find the Rajaska had killed or corrupted the Inquisitors accompanying Cantor Izalgo, who had been taken by them. You also find his journal which shows Izalgo had been lured there by Ravith-morna via his dreams. While you return to Cantor Krin'ze, you will be stopped by High Cantor Viti is also in town and she has no trust for Zerith-var or you.
As you approach Cantor Krin'ze, she will call you over and Zerith-var as you to talk to her:
- Cantor Krin'ze: "Oh, you have returned. Thank Azurah!"
- Zerith-var: "Tamiit, tell her what we found. I need to collect my thoughts."
Talk with Cantor Krin'ze and tell her what you found:
- "I was about to come looking for you when High Cantor Viti found me.
She demanded to know what I was doing here. Do not worry. I did not mention either of you." - She knows we're here. We ran into her on our way to meet you.
- "Ziss! Well, if it helps, I do not think she will send for the Inquisitors as long as I am with you. She worries about me. She just refuses to see reason where Zerith-var is concerned.
But what news do you bring? Did you find Cantor Izalgo?" - No, but we found his journal at Goldfolly. The inquisitors with him didn't make it.
- "I am sorry about the Inquisitors, but my concern is for Izalgo. Let me see. Oh. Were the other cantors lured with dreams such as this? We have no defense against such darkness. No song that can cure such a summons.
We must stop this Ravith-morna." - We're at a dead end. I'm not sure where they would have taken Cantor Izalgo.
- "Zerith knows about the Rajaska. Well, Zerith and perhaps the inquisitors. I do not need to tell you that they will not help us.
If only we could find Ravith-morna. Then maybe Zerith could save the cantors bent by her song." - Zerith battled Ravith-morna in the past.
- "He knows her from his life before? Let us hear it from him, then.
Zerith, who was this Ravith before the darkness took her?"
Zerith-var will then comment:
- Zerith-var: "I hoped we would not have to shed light on that chapter of my past."
- Cantor Krin'ze: "Azurah sent you back for a reason. Could this not be it?"
Speaking to Krin'ze before Zerith-var:
- "Your tamiit has gone awfully quiet, walker. You should see what holds his tongue and make him tell us about Ravith-morna."
Talking with Zerith-var he will struggle with talking about Ravith as she used to be, the memories are painful and fresh for him. He will suggest showing you his memories instead with a ritual, and Krin'ze will clarify what he means:
- Cantor Krin'ze: "Zerith speaks of Jode's Light. West of Dune in Reaper's March. There is a ritual chamber at the back of the western atrium. For the ritual of Ku-ji'zho, yes?"
- Zerith-var: "I am glad to hear it is still known in this time. You are welcome to travel with us, ja'rithantii."
- Cantor Krin'ze: "I would not miss it! I will gather the components needed for this ritual and meet you there."
Speaking with Krin'ze before leaving:
- "Ku-ji'zho! I have read about it but to see it performed! I will meet you at Jode's Light after I gather what we need for the ritual.
Do not worry. No dark dreams trouble me. And I know how to keep myself safe from danger on the roads."
When you enter the Ritual Chamber in Jode's Light, Cantor Krin'ze will be waiting for you:
- Cantor Krin'ze: "Welcome! Khenarthi blessed me with swift travels and I have prepared the chamber. All we need now is the two of you."
- Zerith-var: "Jode's love and S'rendarr's charity! Thank you, Krin'ze."
- Zerith-var: "Tamiit, you will lead us through my past as we peer into the shadows of memory. Begin by igniting the braziers here."
Speaking with her before lighting the braziers:
- "All is in readiness, walker. Do as Zerith said and ignite the two braziers."
After lighting the two braziers, you will need to join Cantor Krin'ze and Zerith-var in meditation. Talking with Cantor Krin'ze about this:
- "We must meditate, walker. It is necessary for the ritual."
As you begin to meditate, you are pulled into Zerith-var's memory of the Shrine of the Hidden Moon where he first met Moon-Singer Ravith.
- <Cantor Krin'ze runs into the room.>
- Cantor Krin'ze: "This place, it is beautiful!"
- Zerith-var: "We stand in the meditation chamber of the Hidden Moon temple, as it was in my youth. Tamiit, you will guide us. Touch the light of memory when you wish to proceed."
Speaking with Cantor Krin'ze before viewing the memory:
- "How strange to see Zerith-var without his glowing eyes. And the way he holds himself. Very different from the Zerith we know now."
You will witness Zerith-var's and Ravith's first meeting. After speaking with Zerith-var about it, you will be pulled into his second memory of the Zhan Khaj Adeptorium, where he and Ravith are shown training.
- Cantor Krin'ze: "Kra, look at the size of this place! Is this a training session?"
- Zerith-var: "Just so. Years passed, and Ravith and I bonded deeply. With that depth came darkness."
If you talk to Krin'ze before viewing the second memory, she will comment:
- "It seems young Zerith-var had quite a high opinion of himself.
I can see how someone like Ravith would have been good for him back then. Just as you are good for him now."
In the second memory, you will see Ravith and Zerith-var training in the Zhan Khaj Adeptorium and Zerith-var will explain that they became close in ways the Moon-singers and Hidden Moon would discourage. You then witness first time the Bent Dance touched them, with Ravith's new song obliterating the summoned Bone Goliath's body and soul completely which disturbs Zerith-var greatly.
Speaking to Cantor Krin'ze afterwards:
- "That … that was … I do not have the words! Talk to Zerith and see what he has to say about what we just witnessed."
The last memory takes you to the Star Haven Adeptorium, where Cantor Krin'ze runs ahead:
- Cantor Krin'ze: "This is Star Haven Adeptorium! Dark moons, so many dead."
- Zerith-var: "The work of a voice both great and terrible. Touch the light of memory and you will see."
She reaches where Zerith-var and Moon-Singer Talbira are confronting Ravith-morna. Moon-Singer Talbira singing desperately as she somehow binds Ravith-morna in place, an injured Zerith-var will be lying on the ground nearby:
- Cantor Krin'ze: "Ravith. She's … fallen to the darkness."
- Zerith-var: "Fallen so far and so quickly, I was helpless to stop it. And I was ill-prepared to see to her end."
Speaking with Cantor Krin'ze before viewing the memory:
- "What happened here … it chills me to my very soul!"
Viewing the memory, it shows Talbira pleading with Zerith to pick up his blade and slay the bound Ravith-morna. The memory abruptly ends when Zerith-var becomes too distressed to continue. After talking to Zerith-var you return to the real world:
- Cantor Krin'ze: "We have left the memories? Azurah be praised!"
- Zerith-var: "I could not witness any more. Talk to Krin'ze, tamiit."
At Zerith-var's request you talk to Krin'ze to go over what you learnt:
- "Back at the trading post, I thought Zerith's concern was misplaced. But now ….
I am glad he ended that last memory where he did. I feel shaken. Cold. Like we just saw the face of Namiira herself." - From what we did see, do you have any idea what we should do next?
- "Hmm. From what we saw, Ravith-morna was just as powerful then, as she is now. But Moon-Singer Talbira used a song to hold her in place.
A song strong enough to hold the first Rajaska. If I could somehow learn that song …." - Do the Twlight Cantors have any record of such a song?
- "If we did, it would be nothing but dust now. Most Moon-Singer songs were purged following the Riddle'Thar epiphany.
But there is a place in Rimmen Necropolis. The Tomb of the Moon-Singers. Perhaps we could speak with Talbira herself there." - You want to speak with Moon-Singer Talbira's spirit?
- "Zerith can invite forward the dead, yes? If he calls forth Moon-Singer Talbira, she could share her song with me. A song that can hold fast even the first Rajaska.
We have to do something to save the other Twilight Cantors. This could be it." - Let's see what Zerith thinks.
Zerith-var agrees to the idea and opens a portal to the Rimmen Necropolis, you can speak with Krin'ze before you leave:
- "Portal travel? I have rarely used such magic. Still, I am with you and Zerith to the end, walker. Let us step through it and see what awaits us in the necropolis."
- Something we saw in the ritual bothered you, didn't it?
- "That song we saw Ravith sing. You remember. Zerith was horrified when it destroyed the construct he called forth.
It struck me because we Twilight Cantors try to exorcise darkness from a bending soul. If we cannot, we banish them, as Ravith did." - You never saw that as a problem before.
- "I did not know there was any other way! We can stop a soul from bending. Our songs may even have saved Ravith before she became Ravith-morna.
But we cannot do what Zerith does. No one can. Not these days." - Why do you think he didn't free Ravith from the darkness?
- "He loved her, walker. I imagine he tried. But no amount of love can force someone to seek redemption. You must want it for yourself.
Ravith prayed for power, sought it from whoever was listening. It seems Namiira answered her call."
Once inside Rimmen Necropolis:
- Zerith-var: "My moonclaw. It senses Daedra and unquiet undead."
- Zerith-var: "The tomb is much deeper in, to the east. We will carve a path for you, Krin'ze."
- Cantor Krin'ze: "Oh—all right. Azurah guide you both."
Talking to Cantor Krin'ze before leaving:
- "Zerith-var seems overly protective. I suppose I cannot blame him. Not after what we saw in his memories."
Once you reach the entrance to the Tomb of the Moon-Singers:
- Zerith-var: "There is the door to the crypt. Now that it is safe, let us send for Krin'ze."
- <Cantor Krin'ze catches up to you.>
- Cantor Krin'ze: "No need. I am here."
- Zerith-var: "You followed us, ja'rithantii?"
- Cantor Krin'ze: "The Hidden Moon and the ancient Moon-Singers worked together, yes?"
- Cantor Krin'ze: "If I am to learn their songs, I should walk as they did. Now, shall we enter?"
After entering the Tomb of the Moon-Singers:
- "This is a holy place. Can you not feel it, walker?"
In the Moon-Singer's Cinerarium, you will find a large urn and a stone tablet titled In Memory of Moon-Singer Talbira. Cantor Krin'ze and Zerith-var walk towards the urn and Zerith will want you to check it first. Once the Urn's owner is confirmed, Zerith-var will begin the ritual but something unexpected occurs:
- Zerith-var: "Moon-Singer Talbira, I beseech you …. Azurah's light!"
- <As Zerith-var speaks, Moon-Singer Talbira's spirit coalesces above the jar, only for it to become a golden ball of light that enters Cantor Krin'ze.>
- Cantor Krin'ze: "My head! Such pain!"
- Cantor Krin'ze: "What is happening?"
- <Cantor Krin'ze will be surrounded with a gold aura and her eyes glow with the same light.>
Speak with Krin'ze to see what is going on:
- "Moon-Singer Talbira, I saw her spirit and then ….
The pain. I did not imagine it, did I? Her spirit … collided with mine?" - I'm not sure. You screamed in pain. Are you injured?
- "No, the pain only lasted a moment and then it passed. But I do feel strange. Like remembering something I never knew I forgot.
Like the song. Talbira's song. I know it! Bright moons, I can hear it!" - I don't understand.
- "Moon-Singer Talbira taught it to me. Or rather, she does not need to. She is here! She has always been here. She ….
Wait. Do you feel that? Something is coming." - That doesn't sound good.
Cantor Krin'ze runs further into the room and stops as Izalgo-morna appears:
- Cantor Krin'ze: "A rising darkness. Do you feel it? Oh no … Izalgo?"
- Cantor Krin'ze: "No! Cantor Izalgo has fallen!"
- Zerith-var: "Krin'ze, use this portal. Go! We will deal with Izalgo-morna."
- <Cantor Krin'ze runs into the poral that is opened.>
After you defeat Izalgo-morna, you can enter the portal back to the Tomb of Zerith-var where Cantor Krin'ze has been waiting for you:
- Cantor Krin'ze: "Thank Azurah! I was about to come after you. I know Talbira's song! I could have helped."
- Zerith-var: "Izalgo's soul is at peace. Save your voice for when we face Ravith-morna."
You can talk to Krin'ze about what happened:
- "Izalgo. My poor friend. May his voice join the chorus of our brothers and sisters in the Sands Behind the Stars.
In a way, his disappearance led us to Moon-Singer Talbira. Oh, I wish he was still here. I have so much I want to tell him." - What happened to you back at Rimmen Necropolis?
- "Moon-Singer Talbira's spirit entered my soul. I saw, I am still seeing, so very much. Glimpses of a life I do not recognize. From an age I never knew.
And I hear it. Talbira's song. As though I have known it my whole life." - So Moon-Singer Talbira possessed you?
- "This is like no possession. At least, not one I have ever seen. It is hard to tell where she ends and I begin now. She does not seek to control me. Just … teach me.
She gives freely. Of her songs, her knowledge. And … a message." - What message?
- "Forgiveness cannot abide when truth festers in shadow. I shall have to meditate on her meaning. Perhaps it is a mindset I can use to practice Talbira's song.
You should speak to Zerith, walker. I think he has need of his tamiit." - All right. I'll talk to Zerith.
You can continue talking to her and ask questions:
- "My soul and that of Moon-Singer Talbira's … are they the same now? Am I her? Is she me?
I would ask to travel with you and Zerith, but I have so much to figure out now. So much to practice and learn." - Are you sure you're all right? / And you're sure you're all right? / And you're sure you're feeling all right?
- "You know me, yes? You need to trust me right now. I am an exorcist. I know the signs of dark spirits.
The things the Void whispers, tempting us into darkness. I sense nothing like that from Talbira." - Has Talbira showed you anything else?
- "It's hard for her to show me anything right now. And yet I can't shake the feeling that our souls are deeply connected.
I'll have to go looking for myself. Remembering things from a life I didn't know I lived is … very strange." - You're taking this very well.
- "I am a bit overwhelmed. But with your help we have found a song that can stop Ravith-morna.
And I've made a deep connection with one of my ancient sisters. I am awed by the grace of Azurah. And ready to sing."
- "I am a bit overwhelmed. But with your help we have found a song that can stop Ravith-morna.
- "It's hard for her to show me anything right now. And yet I can't shake the feeling that our souls are deeply connected.
- "You know me, yes? You need to trust me right now. I am an exorcist. I know the signs of dark spirits.
- What was Talbira's message, again?
- "Forgiveness cannot abide while truth festers in shadow.
Mysterious, isn't it? There must be some reason for shrouding her exact meaning from me. I'm eager to discover it for myself!" - What do you think it means? / What do you think Talbira's message means, then? (Appears if you exit conversation from Zerith-Var before turning in quest)
- "It certainly seems … feels? As if it has something to do with Zerith and Ravith-morna.
He works to forgive and redeem fallen souls. Perhaps some truth must still be revealed before he can forgive her for what she's done."
- "It certainly seems … feels? As if it has something to do with Zerith and Ravith-morna.
- If you and Talbira share a soul, why don't you know specifically what she's talking about? (Appears if you exit conversation from Zerith-Var before turning in quest)
- "This is all very new to me! I still have much to discover. Azurah teaches us that living Khajiit are unbound by fate.
We find our own paths, walker. As I will find mine with Talbira."
- "This is all very new to me! I still have much to discover. Azurah teaches us that living Khajiit are unbound by fate.
- "Forgiveness cannot abide while truth festers in shadow.
- What's next for you?
- "I know Talbira's song. Now I need to practice. I'll also see if I can teach it to other Twilight Cantors.
I just hope nobody asks too many questions about how I learned it. Especially the Inquisitors." - What will you tell the Inquisitors if they end up questioning you?
- "That I wrote the song myself. If Talbira's soul has been reborn in me … well. That's not really a lie, is it?
I won't mention you and Zerith, don't worry."
- "That I wrote the song myself. If Talbira's soul has been reborn in me … well. That's not really a lie, is it?
- "I know Talbira's song. Now I need to practice. I'll also see if I can teach it to other Twilight Cantors.
After the quest, she will say:
- "I have a song to practice, walker! Let us speak some other time."
Paths Out Of DarknessEdit
After you reach Close rapport with Zerith-var, he will approach you after receiving a letter from High Cantor Viti to meet in Pa'alat. He is suspicious of this, and so decides to meet with Cantor Krin'ze in Dune to ask her opinion.
You will find Cantor Krin'ze awaiting you on the outskirts of Dune, with the ghostly Ja'kh at her side:
- Cantor Krin'ze: "Over here, tamiiti!"
- Zerith-var: "Thank you for meeting us, ja'rithantii. Tamiit, you know what we seek. Speak while I keep watch."
Speak with her about the situation and get her thoughts on the matter:
- "How sweet to see this little spirit cat again. Ja'kh, yes?
We should keep this reunion brief, walker. The Inquisitors see you as the cause of the Rajaska outbreak. They have forbidden all contact. At the urging of High Cantor Viti, perhaps?"' - That's what we wanted to ask you about. High Cantor Viti asked to meet with Zerith and me.
- "She did? And you suspect a trap? The Viti that served as my mentor would never lure someone in like that. Even someone she considered an enemy. But … things have certainly changed in our time apart.
Where did she suggest you meet?" - At an abandoned camp southwest of Pa'alat.
- "Pa'alat? The town just west of here?
Listen. Inquisitors are not known for their subtlety. If this meeting is really a trap, their presence would not be difficult to spot. I suggest you ask around Pa'alat and see what people are talking about." - All right. We'll head to Pa'alat and see if anyone has noticed any Inquisitors in the area.
Before you leave, you can ask Cantor Krin'ze more questions:
- "I would accompany you to Pa'alat if I could, but I should keep my distance. It will only spell trouble if we're spotted together by the Inquisitors.
In the meantime, Ja'kh can keep me company, yes?" - Anything else we should know about High Cantor Viti?
- "High Cantor. Such titles these Inquisitors inflicted upon us.
Viti always said it didn't matter what they called us, or what fancy uniforms they made us wear. She said we were all facing the same enemy, so we had to work together." - Didn't Zerith say something similar to her at the Vile Manse?
- "Just so. She is not used to others standing up to her like that. I would have myself, but I never had reason to. Until Zerith came along.
Viti has a good heart, walker. It saddens me to see her led astray by the Inquisitors." - How is the moon-singer's song coming along?
- "I am close to getting Talbira's song just right. She feels like a part of me I never knew was there. But the Inquisitors keep us busy. Be glad you have not been pressed into service!
Still, I wish I could tell Viti about it. I miss her guidance."
After you finish your conversation, Zerith-var will say farewell and leaves Ja'kh with Krin'ze before you head to Pa'alat. After speaking with the Pa'alat locals and receiving the Summons of the Inquisition letter, you learn the Inquisitors seek High Cantor Viti in order to blame the Twilight Cantors for the spread of the Rajaska.
With this in mind, you head to the meeting spot and witness Grand Inquisitor Arsalan speaking with High Cantor Viti, demanding he tell her where Cantor Krin'ze is and Viti refuses to tell him anything. When he leaves, you can speak with Viti and see what she wants. Viti says she wants to make amends and asks for your help. She wants Zerith-var to demonstrate his ability to redeem souls to her, in return she will provide all the informed the Inquisitors have on the Rajaska and Ravith-morna. If you decide to help Viti, she will want to meet with you in Orcrest.
At this, Zerith-var will suggest demonstrating his powers right now:
- Zerith-var: "We need not go to Orcrest. I will happily demonstrate my powers here. And once you reveal where to find Ravith-morna, we can end the Rajaska threat."
- High Cantor Viti: "No, hadaliit. It must be Orcrest. For—wait, someone approaches!"
- <Cantor Krin'ze runs up to your group.>
- Cantor Krin'ze: "When do you plan to make amends with your former sahida, high cantor?"
- High Cantor Viti: "Krin'ze? This one hoped you were far from the reach of the Inquisitors. Please, sahida. Let us speak."
- <Cantors Viti and Krin'ze walk over to the side.>
- Zerith-var: "A promising reunion. Let us give them a moment."
If you try to speak with Cantor Krin'ze at this point:
- "Please, friend. I need a moment to speak to Viti alone."
Speaking with Zerith-var, he will agree to go to Orcrest and uses his Moonclaw to open a portal:
- Zerith-var: "Now, if all the talking is done, let us get to Orcrest."
- High Cantor Viti: "You surpassed the need for this one's tutelage long ago, Krin'ze. Viti would be honored for you to teach her Talbira's song."
- Cantor Krin'ze: "Then we will face these troubles together, as equals. But your guidance will always be appreciated."
Talking with Cantor Krin'ze before going through the portal:
- "I have heard only dark words spoken of the once-proud city of Orcrest. A place of danger and disease. May Azurah watch over us."
When you arrive in Orcrest, she will not want to stay long:
- "The reality appears much worse than the stories I have heard of this place. Please, walker. You and Zerith must hurry and find this cellar the high cantor speaks of."
You and Zerith-var fight you way through to the entrance of the Orcrest Town Hall Cellar. Once inside, you find some space to open a portal:
- Zerith-var: "This will work. Let me send for our rithantiin."
- <The portal opens and the cantors emerge from it.>
- High Cantor Viti: "Yes, this is it. Viti remembers these halls. Come, quickly!"
- <High Cantor Viti runs off down the passage.>
- Cantor Krin'ze: "Viti, wait! This way, my friends!"
- <Cantor Krin'ze chases after her.>
You follow Viti to the Inner Cellar, where she will walk towards a skeleton tied to a rack:
- High Cantor Viti: "Everything is just as it was."
- Cantor Krin'ze: "Viti! Please. Tell us why you brought us here."
Talking to Krin'ze before Viti:
- "I have never seen Viti so distraught. Talk to her, walker."
When you talk with High Cantor Viti, she explains the body in the room is her sister's, Eifa. During the time of the Knahaten Flu Eifa had turned to necromancy in an attempt to resurrect the plague dead, and from her desperation she fell to the Bent Dance. By the time Viti returned to the city, Eifa's corruption was so advanced that the cantor's songs could not cleanse her. She was then forced to kill Eifa before she fully turned into a dro-m'Athra, as a song of banishment would destroy her soul. Viti will then ask for Zerith-var to save her sister's soul and he will agree to try.
Speaking with Krin'ze during this:
- "Viti had a sister? I had no idea. I hope you and Zerith can help guide her to Azurah's Crossing, walker."
Midway through the ritual, Grand Inquisitor Arsalan will attack Zerith-var and you will have to fight him to the death. While this happens, Cantors Krin'ze and Viti will run to the otherside of the room to stay out of the way. After Grand Inquisitor Arsalan is slain Zerith-var will completed and Eifa's purified spirit will be called forth.
If you speak to her before the ritual ends:
- "My connection to Moon-Singer Talbira feels so natural. But I expect if the Inquisitors were to learn of it, they would consider it some sort of heresy."
Talking to Krin'ze before Viti after the ritual:
- "Zerith's ritual, it was so beautiful! And I can still feel his words, resonating with Moon-Singer Talbira's song.
I have much to think about, walker."
When you speak with High Cantor Viti, she will be thankful for what has been done and keeps up her end of the bargain and tells you the current known location of Ravith-morna. But as the conversation ends, Eifa will pipe up and ask to speak with you. Krin'ze will comment when asked:
- "Eifa … she is so beautiful! I wonder what she wants to tell you, walker."
Speaking with Eifa, she explains the spirits on the paths to the Crossing could hear Ravith-morna's Chorus as they sing. And the song is a summoning for a Moon Beast, that will hunt any souls on the path and drag them into the Void. After hearing this, Zerith-var will be ready to fight Ravith-morna and creates a portal to Predator Mesa. Cantor Krin'ze will have her own preparations when you talk to her:
- "I must preserve my voice for when my song is needed. But I am prepared for this, walker. Talbira and I are ready to sing.
Lead us to Ravith-morna and we will help Zerith-var fulfill the purpose that Azurah has given him."
When you arrive at Predator Mesa, Zerith-var will have the cantors stay at the entrance as you locate the Shrine of Namiira, he means to summon them once it is time to fight Ravith-morna. Exploring the shrine, you find it crawling with Rajaska chorus members and you find Ravith-morna at the deepest section and will fight her Ravenous Sa-m'Athra to disrupt the ritual.
After you defeat the two Sa-m'Athra, Ravith-morna will stop floating and draws her staff:
- Ravith-morna: "You cannot defeat me, th'murr. Your weapons, your Hidden Moon prayers, they are not strong enough to stop me."
- <Ravith-morna jumps down onto the ground.>
- Zerith-var: "Perhaps not by ourselves, but we are not alone."
- <Zerith-var uses his Moonclaw and opens a portal nearby, Cantors Krin'ze and Viti appear.>
- Zerith-var: "Cantor Krin'ze! The song, now!"
- Cantor Krin'ze: "Right!"
- <Golden light surrounds Krin'ze as she sings, Ravith-morna is bound in the air with magic.>
You assist by dispelling Void energy as it appears, but then Ravith-mora reveals a secret that disrupts everything:
- Ravith-morna: "Isn't this familiar? Talbira's song. Zerith, ready to strike. Remember what happened next, th'murr?"
- <Spectral forms of Zerith-var, Moon-Singer Talbira and Ravith-morna appear, showing what happened at the Star Haven Adeptorium.>
- Memory of Ravith-morna: "Our hearts beat as one, Zerith. What will it do to you if you turn your blade upon me?"
- Memory of Moon-Singer Talbira: "Zerith, you must strike now!"
- Memory of Zerith-var: "I … I am sorry. Besha ahnz'ii."
- <The spectral Zerith-var takes out his knife and stabs Moon-Singer Talbira.>
- Cantor Krin'ze: "Zerith, no!"
- Zerith-var: "Focus, Krin'ze! Do not let your song falter!"
- <Ravith-morna disappears and dark energy surrounds Cantor Krin'ze.>
- High Cantor Viti: "Too late! She has escaped!"
- Cantor Krin'ze: "Tell me it is not true. Tell me you did not turn your blade on Moon-Singer Talbira?"
- Zerith-var: "Krin'ze … I could not find the words …."
- Cantor Krin'ze: "Her soul is my soul! Her pain, her betrayal—her hatred! It lives in me!"
- <Cantor Krin'ze's face and body begins to shift into a dro-m'Athra.>
- High Cantor Viti: "Krin'ze, hear my voice. Do not let this darkness bend you!"
- <High Cantor Viti touches Krin'ze and cleanses her, before taking her through the portal.>
- High Cantor Viti: "Come with Viti, sister. Let her songs calm your spirit. Tamiiti, do not follow us. Wait to hear from us, yes?"
With the two cantors gone, you and Zerith-var return to the outskirts of Pa'alat and have a serious talk.
The Dark Behind the WorldEdit
When Zerith-var reaches Allied rapport, his Moonclaw will draw him to Khenarthi's Rise, an old training ground in Reaper's March. As you explore the ruins you find Cantor Kri'ze motionless and in some kind of trance. When you approach her, Moon-Singer Talbira's spirit will appear and tells you and Zerith-var to restore what you can of Khenarthi's Rise.
You will then go around Khenarthi's Rise and restoring order to various parts of the ruin. During this a few Twilight Cantor spirits will appear and will speak to Zerith-var and impart their wisdom. Once you are done, you can return to Cantor Krin'ze and the spectral Moon-Singer Talbira:
- Moon-Singer Talbira: "These grounds are hallowed once more, twin moons. You repaired Khenarthi's Rise. Now, we repair the spirit."
- Moon-Singer Talbira: "A revelation of forgiveness dawns on Krin'ze. Heed her words now."
- <Moon-Singer Talbira disappears and Cantor Kri'ze wakes from her trance.>
- Cantor Kri'ze: "Zerith? Walker? I felt Azurah call to you! I feared you might not answer."
Speak with Cantor Krin'ze to see how she is doing:
- "It is good to see you, my friends! I came here to commune with spirits. To find a path through the darkness. They taught me so much. Epiphanies on history, songs, and faith.
And Zerith! Has the truth dawned on him yet? Is he finally ready?" - What truth? What does he need to be ready for?
- "Forgiveness. Not from me, or Talbira, or any of the Hidden Moon that once called this place home.
Guilt is a wound on Zerith-var's heart. It ties him to Ravith-morna and opens the door for the Void to rush in. Do you see? He must let it go." - Zerith's guilt ties him to Ravith-morna?
- "Why else would they both return now? Azurah did not refuse Zerith's soul at the Crossing! He held himself back.
It is all so clear to me now. Clinging to his guilt only serves Ravith-morna. Forgiving himself is the only way to close his wound." - So all we have to do to stop Ravith-morna is convince Zerith to forgive himself?
- "Far from the only thing. But the most important thing? Certainly. I think Azurah cast him in your path for a reason. After all this time, if anyone can convince him to move on, it is you.
Oh! Have you seen Viti? She went to get the other cantors." - High Cantor Viti? I was wondering where she was.
- "Viti brought me here. A good place to hide and dispel the darkness, yes?
Talk to Zerith, walker. His training keeps his soul from bending, but his guilt is an open wound to the Void that Ravith-morna draws from. He must understand that to end her."
Before you talk to Zerith-var, you can ask Krin'ze questions:
- That trance you were in. Is that how you know that Zerith's guilt is giving Ravith-morna her power?
- "Trance? Oh, I was communing with the spirits. They reminded me that Azurah wants us, her followers, to love ourselves. When we do not, it wounds her as it does us.
Those wounds become doors to the Void. I helped Moon-Singer Talbira close that door." - Are you saying Moon-Singer Talbira felt guilty, too?
- "How do you think she felt? To ask her partner to kill the one he loved? After all, she introduced them.
Zerith's heart is not the only one wounded by guilt. But he is the only one whose heart was so tightly lashed to Ravith." - And that sort of connection is strong enough for Ravith-morna to draw power from him?
- "Love is a willing bond between two souls. I can think of no stronger connection. Ravith and Zerith were both devotees of Azurah. Love is all she teaches.
Well, that and forgiveness. So now Zerith needs to be reminded of the latter."
- "Love is a willing bond between two souls. I can think of no stronger connection. Ravith and Zerith were both devotees of Azurah. Love is all she teaches.
- "How do you think she felt? To ask her partner to kill the one he loved? After all, she introduced them.
- "Trance? Oh, I was communing with the spirits. They reminded me that Azurah wants us, her followers, to love ourselves. When we do not, it wounds her as it does us.
- You said High Cantor Viti went to get the other Twilight Cantors?
- "Yes. I had dreams of a sanctuary in the mountains. Memories from Talbira. A forgotten place where the Twilight Cantors could hide from Ravith's Chorus. Finding it was not easy. Getting here, less so.
I am not even sure how long I have been here." - And High Cantor Viti came with you?
- "Yes, Viti helped get us here. Then, with Talbira's assistance, I started to commune with the spirits that fill this place. Viti left to gather the Twilight Cantors. To bring them here for safety.
You did not happen to see her when you arrived?" - No. We haven't seen High Cantor Viti since we parted ways in Predator Mesa.
- "Strange. Time passed differently with the spirits, but she should have returned by now. Did something happen? No, I will not give in to fear by speculating. I am renewed.
I need to be to stand with you twin moons and see the end of Ravith-morna."
- "Strange. Time passed differently with the spirits, but she should have returned by now. Did something happen? No, I will not give in to fear by speculating. I am renewed.
- "Yes, Viti helped get us here. Then, with Talbira's assistance, I started to commune with the spirits that fill this place. Viti left to gather the Twilight Cantors. To bring them here for safety.
- "Yes. I had dreams of a sanctuary in the mountains. Memories from Talbira. A forgotten place where the Twilight Cantors could hide from Ravith's Chorus. Finding it was not easy. Getting here, less so.
Speaking with Zerith-var you will help him with moving forward. He then will ask you to use the remaining Moon-Sugar water to assist him with the ritual to locate Ravith-morna. If you talk to Cantor Krin'ze beforehand:
- "This is the ritual that led you to Claw's Strike when all this started? I remember how surprised I was to see you!
I will watch and try to learn what I can. Perhaps Zerith does not need to be the only one to revive the rites of the Hidden Moon."
Zerith-var will kneel before the ritual basin as you pour in the fluid and he will begin to pray:
- Zerith-var: "Mother of twilight, guide your faithful as the unerring arm swings the finely-honed blade. We seek the den of Ravith's Chorus."
- <The brazier sitting in front of the lion statue lights up with blue flame, Zerith then gets up.>
- Zerith-var: "My moonclaw knows the path. The veil thins at Star Haven Adeptorium, in Northern Elsweyr. I will open our way."
- <Zerith-var uses his Moonclaw to open a portal, suddenly all the braziers along the wall light up in blue flames.>
- Cantor Kri'ze: "Zerith! These flames, what do they mean?"
- Zerith-var: "By the moons! Hordes of dro-m'Athra approach. And worse! Through the portal, quickly!"
Talking with Cantor Krin'ze before entering the portal:
- "I may tremble, walker, but I am not afraid. Talbira has walked this path before. She and Azurah guide me now."
When you arrive at Star Haven Adeptorium, you will find bodies of Inquisitors scattered around and things will be on fire:
- Cantor Kri'ze: "Such darkness! And so near. Those bodies. Are they Inquisitors?"
- Zerith-var: "Combat ahead. The Inquisitors must have hunted the Rajaska, but their faith did not protect them."
- Cantor Kri'ze: "They would not try to face the Rajaska alone … oh, no."
At this point you will need to talk to Cantor Kri'ze:
- "Ravith-morna is near. I can feel her darkness. But the Inquisitors, what were they thinking?
If they hunted the Rajaska down, they would never attack without …." - What are you thinking, Krin'ze?
- "That the Inquisitors intercepted High Cantor Viti and made the Twilight Cantors come with them on this assault. They have fallen, but the Rajaska need the cantors alive. Otherwise they cannot bend them to join their chorus.
We have to save them!" - Zerith and I will do our best.
Zerith-var will tell Krin'ze to stay back will you and he look for the surviving cantors:
- "Please hurry, walker! The Bent Dance beats quickly, but the songs of the Rajaska work much faster!"
Continuing down the path westwards, you will soon encounter High Cantor Viti leading two fellow cantors up the stairs and away from the Rajaska:
- High Cantor Viti: "Come! We can hold them off no longer!"
- <She notices you and Zerith-var.>
- High Cantor Viti: "You two! Thank the moons! Is Krin'ze here, too?"
- <Cantor Kri'ze runs up from behind you.>
- Cantor Kri'ze: "I am here, Viti! Thank Azurah you are all right."
- Zerith-var: "Ziss! You move like a shadow, ja'rithantii."
Talking to Krin'ze before Viti:
- "Viti is safe, thank the moons. But where are the other cantors? This cannot be all that remains."
Once you have spoken to High Cantor Viti, Krin'ze will stay behind:
- Cantor Kri'ze: "I will tend to Viti while you do what you can for the other Twilight Cantors. Send for me when you find Ravith-morna."
- Zerith-var: "Prepare your voice, Krin'ze. We will need Talbira's song sooner rather than later."
Talking to Krin'ze before leaving:
- "Viti and I will be fine. Save the other Twilight Cantors!"
When you have rescued Cantors Cer'enza, Cantor Nari and Tharis-jo, Zerith's moonclaw will draw him southwards. As you cross the bridge, there will be a noise and the sky will darken, with a blue tear appearing in the sky. Speaking with Zerith, he will explain it is a tear in reality and a shortcut between the Great Darkness and the Crossing.
Heading closer to the tear in the sky, you will find a portal to The Great Darkness:
- Zerith-var: "Ra'ham. We cannot do this without Krin'ze."
- <Cantor Kri'ze arrives behind you.>
- Cantor Kri'ze: "I am here. Viti leads the others to a safe place."
- Cantor Kri'ze: "Your weapons, my voice, and Talbira's song. I am ready to follow you into the darkness."
- Zerith-var: "With the guidance of my tamiit, I am finally ready to set things right. Krin'ze … Talbira, if she listens, too …."
- Cantor Kri'ze: "We do not need your assurances, Zerith-var. We have faith."
- <Cantor Krin'ze enters the portal.>
- Zerith-var: "So you do, ja'rithantii. So you do. Let us step into the portal and end this."
After you arrive in the Great Darkness, there will a loud growl that shakes your surroundings:
- Cantor Kri'ze: "The moon beast! Are we too late?"
- Zerith-var: "Like redemption, it is never too late. Let us show Ravith this is so."
Speaking with Krin'ze at this point:
- "Even in my nightmares, I have never seen a sky like this."
You will need to fight your way through Ravenous Sa-m'Athra and Rajaska, you will find Ravith-morna singing as her Moon Beast watches from its perch:
- <Cantor Krin'ze will hide to the side as you and Zerith-var approach.>
- Zerith-var: "Answer this dirge with our song of battle!"
- <Ravith-morna turns and looks at Zerith-var.>
- Ravith-morna: "Your heart allowed me to return to Nirni and bring my moon beast to life, th'murr. Should your soul be the first it drags into the dark?"
- Cantor Krin'ze: "Do not listen to her, Zerith. Your path turns from the darkness."
At this point you will need to defeat Ravith-morna. Speaking with Cantor Krin'ze before fighting:
- "You and Zerith must weaken Ravith-morna. I will save my voice until the time comes to sing Moon-Singer Talbira's song!"
After you defeat Ravith-morna, Zerith-var will spring his plan into action:
- Zerith-var: "Krin'ze! It must be now!"
- <Cantor Krin'ze steps forward and sings the Song of Binding, golden bands of light surround Ravith-morna.>
- Ravith-morna: "No! The Mother of All Khajiit will never take me back!"
- Zerith-var: "Azurah, let your light drive the darkness from this riven soul. Azurah, lend me strength to guide her back to you. Azurah, by the power of the Hidden Moon, recall Ravith!"
- <Ravith-morna dissolves into golden light that is replaced by Ravith who looks at her hands.>
- Cantor Krin'ze: "Ravith cast off the dark. She seeks redemption!"
There is a loud thud as the Moon Beast jumps down from it's perch and approaches you:
- Cantor Krin'ze: "But the moon beast. We are too late!"
- Ravith: "You can banish it, tamiiti. The two of you, together, now!"
- Zerith-var: "Krin'ze, Ravith, sing! Tamiit, aid me! Let your hand guide mine!"
- <Ravith and Krin'ze sing in tandem while Zerith-var uses his power the Moon Beast, and it begins to sway unsteady. At this you help Zerith-var by adding your own power.>
- Zerith-var: "Rise, Hidden Moon!"
- <Zerith-var's Moonclaw glows brightly and the Moon Beast breaks apart with blue light.>
- (?): "The moon beast. It fades into the Void. We did it!"
Ravith and Zerith-var will have some final words before her soul departs. Afterwards Zerith-var creates a portal back to Nirn. Talking to Krin'ze before leaving:
- "The darkness that Zerith held fast to … I feel it fading. Like night giving way to the light of dawn."
The portal will take your group back to Zerith-var's Tomb, this time it will be filled with the surviving Cantors:
- High Cantor Viti: "Krin'ze! You are safe!"
- <Cantor Krin'ze runs up to High Cantor Viti.>
- Cantor Krin'ze: "We did it, Viti! Let me tell you everything."
- Zerith-var: "The wound in my soul closes. At last, I know peace."
Talking to Cantor Krin'ze before Zerith-var:
- "It is over. At last. Talbira smiles to see her brightest student travel to the Sands Behind the Stars.
Zerith looks as though he wishes to speak with you, walker. Go to him."
After you have spoken with Zerith-var and completed the quest, you can return to Krin'ze:
- "Crossing paths with you outside Moonmont, it seems like a lifetime ago. So much of my world has been changed since we first met. And I am thankful for it every day."
- What's next for you, Krin'ze?
- "A rest, I think. We Twilight Cantors are not used to all this excitement.
Some quiet, far-off place where I can give my voice respite. And when I return? I will work with the other Twilight Cantors to learn more about the Hidden Moon." - What about Moon-Singer Talbira?
- "She is still with me, of course. She is at peace now, seeing Ravith and Zerith made whole again. But her life was cut short. I do not mind sharing mine with her. Perhaps she has more to teach me.
Thank you, walker. For everything you did."