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Chat is a system primarily used for communicating with other online players of Elder Scrolls Online. It also serves as a means of inputting commands to the game that affect the player character.

Text Chat (PC/Mac)Edit

Players can bring up a chat window by pressing the "Enter" key (Windows) or "Return" key (OS X). A box appears in the bottom left corner, which contains a log of what other players have recently said as well as a text field for the player to add to the conversation. A profanity filter is in place in order to prevent other players from reading offensive content.

Audience ScopeEdit

The scope of the audience that will receive the chat is specified by prefacing the chat message with one of the following commands. Any future chats will continue to use the same scope until a new chat is used.

Command Audience Audience Can be Anywhere
/s or /say Players in the surrounding area (this is the default channel) No 
/e, /emote, /me Players in the surrounding area; has a different display format to /say, used to roleplay character actions (e.g., /me waves would give a chat result of "[Name] waves") No 
/g, /group, /p, or /party Players who are currently part of the user's group Yes 
/g#, /guild# Members of the guild, where # is 1 through 5 corresponding to one of the 5 guilds you may belong to (e.g., /guild1) Yes 
/o#, /officer# Officers of the guild only, where # is 1 through 5 corresponding to one of the 5 guilds you may belong to (e.g., /officer1) Yes 
/t, /tell, /w, or /whisper A user who is indicated by @AccountName (e.g., /whisper @ExampleUser would cause subsequent messages to only be heard by ExampleUser) Yes 
/r, /reply, or /respond The user who last whispered you as the target. Yes 
/y or /yell Players in the surrounding area (wider than /say but not as wide as /zone). No 
/z or /zone Players who are in the same zone. In Cyrodiil or the Imperial City, only members of your own Alliance will see it. No 
/dez or /dezone German-speaking players who are in the same zone. No 
/enz or /enzone English-speaking players who are in the same zone. No 
/frz or /frzone French-speaking players who are in the same zone. No 
/jpz or /jpzone Japanese-speaking players who are in the same zone. No 
/ruz or /ruzone Russian-speaking players who are in the same zone. No 
/esz or /eszone Spanish-speaking players who are in the same zone. No 
/zhz or /zhzone Chinese-speaking players who are in the same zone. No 

Chat BubblesEdit

Currently in beta, chat bubbles can be activated from the Interface Settings menu and display a text box above a player's head when they use the chat system. There are toggle options for displaying bubbles for each of the available audience scopes except for /zone and /guild, as well as the option to only see the chat bubbles of those players who are known to you, either through your Contacts list or Guild rosters[verification needed — is that what Known Players means?].

Special CommandsEdit

Several game commands, often referred to as slash commands, are activated by being typed into the chat box. These commands do not appear in the chat log of other players. Emotes are also activated using slash commands.

Command Effect
/reloadui Reloads the user interface and closes all open menus. Useful for when you are stuck on a menu or need to reload a plug-in. Does not kill you.
/stuck For the cost of a regular teleport, characters can be teleported to the nearest wayshrine with this command. It is useful for getting out of places that a character cannot emerge from; for example, phasing into the ground by accident.
Logs the player out. This bypasses normal game restrictions for when a player is not permitted to log out (e.g. combat).
/quit Quits the game. This bypasses normal game restrictions for when a player is not permitted to quit (e.g. combat).
/chatlog Saves a copy of the character's chatlog to \Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\Logs\ChatLog.log (Windows)
/bug Brings up the bug report window.
/feedback Brings up the feedback window.
/help Brings up the help window.
/chat Brings up the chat with customer support window.
/fps Displays the current frame rate.
/latency Displays the current server/client latency.
/played Displays the total play time on the current character.
/invite Invite another player to your group (e.g., /invite PlayerName would invite PlayerName to your group, or /invite @AccountName to use the player's @AccountName)
/readycheck Initiates a ready-check for your group
/script Run a Lua API function.
The following can also be used to enter a different instance or "shard" of a zone (if the target is in that instance) in an attempt to reach an instance with a lower population.
/jumptofriend Jump to the Wayshrine closest to a named friend. (e.g., /jumptofriend CharacterName or /jumptofriend @AccountName)
/jumptogroupmember Jump to the Wayshrine closest to a named group member. (e.g., /jumptogroupmember CharacterName or /jumptogroupmember @AccountName)
/jumptoguildmember Jump to the Wayshrine closest to a named guild member. (e.g., /jumptoguildmember CharacterName or /jumptoguildmember @AccountName)
/jumptoleader Jump to the Wayshrine closest to the group leader.

Text Chat (Consoles)Edit

Text Chat for PS4 and Xbox One players was added in Update 11, and fully supports peripheral keyboards. Text chat can be enabled from the Social settings menu, by pressing "Enter" on an attached keyboard, or by pressing the Menu and Map buttons simultaneously. All of the Audience Scope channels present in the PC/Mac text chat are available on console, with the exception of the language-specific zone channels /enz, /dez, /frz, and /jpz. All available channels, as well as all emotes, can be activated using the corresponding Slash Command. The special slash commands, such as /logout and /reloadui, are supported.

An expanded version of Text Chat is available under the Social menu, in which you can scroll through previous messages, select players for social interactions, and view details of linked items.

Voice Chat (Consoles)Edit

Using the built-in console systems, PS4 and Xbox One players can chat with other players in-game as long as they have the appropriate peripheral, such as a headset. There are a number of different chat channels that can be joined, each of which can be muted individually. You can choose to speak in any one channel at a time, or choose none to just listen to other players. You can listen concurrently to Area chat and any one other channel.


Channel Audience Audience Can be Anywhere
  Area Players in the surrounding area No 
  Group Players who are currently part of the user's group Yes 
  Guild #, All Members 1 Members of the guild, where # is 1 through 5 corresponding to one of the 5 guilds you may belong to

Each guild has three "All Members" channels depending on how many members the guild has; each channel can hold up to 100 participants

  Guild #, All Members 2
  Guild #, All Members 3
  Guild #, Officers Officers of the guild only, where # is 1 through 5 corresponding to one of the 5 guilds you may belong to Yes 


A character using an emote

Emotes are commands that cause your character to perform an animation. They are simply aesthetic, and add an extra level to in-game socialization. Personalities can be used to change certain emotes.

On PC and Mac, all emotes are activated by bringing up the chat window, then typing in the emote command and nothing else. These commands do not appear in the chat log of other players. On PS4 and Xbox, emotes must be selected through the "Social" menu, and up to eight emotes can be assigned to quick-slots accessed using D-pad Right.

Quick ChatEdit

There are 22 premade phrases that can be selected and assigned to the emote quick-slots. When you use a Quick Chat phrase, it will appear as a text chat bubble, visible to those around you. A few phrases also have an accompanying emote. Quick Chat is available by default on consoles, and on PC with the Gamepad UI mode.

Phrase Text Emote
Hello Hello. Greet
Goodbye Goodbye. Greet
Heal Me Heal me. None
Low on Magicka I am low on Magicka. None
Low on Stamina I am low on Stamina. None
No No. No
Yes Yes. Nod head
Group up? Would you like to join a group? None
Trade Would you like to trade? None
Spread out Spread out. None
Get close Get close to one another. None
Phrase Text Emote
Attack the boss Attack the boss. None
Handle the adds Handle the adds. None
Synergy Synergy ability is cast. None
Move away Move away from me. None
Is everyone ready? Is everyone ready? Follow me
Pulling I am pulling. None
Tank the boss Tank and taunt the boss. None
Ignore the adds Ignore the adds. None
Sorry I'm sorry about that. Humble
Good job. God job, everyone. Celebration
Self-congratulate That's right, I'm pretty amazing. Brush off shoulder

For a complete list of all emotes, see: Emotes.


  • During the development of ESO, a community contest was held to choose an emote that would be added to the game. The winning entry was submitted by Trevor Baggett, for the /honor and /dishonor emotes (video). The winner received $75 store credit for the Bethesda Merchandise Store, a poster, a t-shirt, and an invite to a beta test, as well as the chance to work with a member of the animation team while creating the emotes.
  • The /dance emote defaults to the dance of your character's race. Some costumes and disguises will cause this to default to Breton instead.


  • Two incomplete emotes, "Read letter" and "Read letter lookup", exist in the console UI. ?
  • Normally, dance emotes like /danceredguard have different moves based on gender that cannot be performed by characters of the opposite gender. However, quickslotting and equipping a polymorph, starting the dance emote, then hitting the quickslot key to unequip the polymorph will result in your character continuing to dance with the moves of the polymorph's inherent gender (male for the Skeleton and Cadaverous Assassin polymorphs, female for the Draugr polymorph), regardless of your character's gender. ?