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Personalities are Collectibles that change the animations your character uses, including certain emotes.

As of Update 45, new dialogue tones are being added including Flirty, Grim, Joker, Kind, Merciful, Neutral, None, and Ruthless.

Appears only with Dark Brotherhood


Feeling brash and brassy? Adopt the swaggering attitude of a cocksure killer and show the world that death and danger are your bread and butter.
Alters the /eat3, /greet, /leanback, and /leanside emotes.

The Assassin personality is the DLC loyalty reward for the Dark Brotherhood DLC. Visiting the Gold Coast zone for the first time will reward you with the personality. It affects walking, running, emotes, and idles.


Sometimes the tiresome constraints of civilized behavior just … become … too confining! Must stretch, must hunch over, must snarl and snap. Must be … a Beast!

The Beast personality is awarded for completing the March of Sacrifices Challenger achievement. It was called the "Maniac" personality in the game files when it was datamined in 2016.

Brassy AssassinEdit

Emulate the distinctive attitude of a certain bold and brassy Morag Tong assassin with this brash and irreverent personality—and just hope she finds it flattering rather than irritating!
Alters the /idle2, /beckon, and /armscrossed emotes.
Brassy Assassin

The Brassy Assassin personality was available in the Crown Store for 012001200   from July 6th to July 10th, 2017 and for 00750750   from March 11th to March 14th, 2019.


"Personnes of pleasante disposition make ye most merrie companions, whether for roistering at taverne or massacre of ye Elfs" — Pelinal Whitestrake
Alters the /stretch and /idle2 emotes.

The Cheerful personality is available for purchase from the Crown Store as part of the Personality Emotions Pack for 00500500  . It changes Idle animations, Idle emotes and the /stretch emote.


"A commander must project confidence and mastery, or no one will want to obey her orders. Behave as if you're the one making the rules, not following them. Walk like you own the place, and stand like an Emperor."Magus-General Septima Tharn
Alters the /rubhands, /handsonhips and /brushoff emotes.

The Commander personality is available for purchase from the Crown Store for 00700700  . It affects Rub Hands, Hands on Hips and Brush off Shoulder and idle animations.

Deadlands FirewalkerEdit

You wandered the turbulent landscape of the Deadlands and proved your strength. Flame is now your feisty partner instead of a deadly foe, ready to face whatever grueling challenges Oblivion has to offer.
Deadlands Firewalker

The Deadlands Firewalker personality is acquired by combining a Vial of Simmering Daedric Brew, Vial of Bubbling Daedric Brew and Vial of Scalding Daedric Brew with an Unstable Morpholith pet. All the fragments became available from the Impresario for 000001010  during the Midyear Mayhem June 2021 event. It has a unique jumping animation and affects the following emotes: /approve, /idle2, /idle3 and /doom.

It was previously called the "Breton Hero" personality in the game files. Originally, it was temporarily featured in the PTS notes for version 2.7.0 and was removed upon the launch of the Homestead update. Its description read as follows: You've seen it all, gone through untold mayhem and survived, yet you're surrounded by ignorant and cheerful idiots who have no idea what the world's really like. Time to retreat into brooding melancholy, glowering contemptuously at everyone. Fools.
Alters the /approve, /idle2, and /idle3 emotes.


Thish ish gonna make you wobble an' weave like you're intoxit … inebriash … drunk ash a skunk. It even worksh on High Elves.
Alters the /laugh, /cheer, /drink, and /sick emotes.

The Drunk personality was available for purchase from the Crown Store for 012001,200   from September 15, 2016 to (?). September 15th, 2017 to November 6th, 2017. It returned from May 9 to May 13, 2019, then March 12 to March 19, 2020, and later from March 15 to 18, 2021. It was available at a discount to ESO Plus members in 2021, being offered at 00960960  . It affects the following emotes: /laugh, /cheer, /drink and /sick.


"One may have to associate with individuals of low degree, but that's no reason for vulgar behavior, indelicate gestures, or poor posture. Class always tells, don't you think?" — Duchess Olivie Delrusc
Alters the /flirt, /preen, and /tilt emotes.

The Duchess personality is available in the Crown Store for 010001,000  . It changes idle animations as well as flirting, preening and tilting.


Seething with fury at the injustice of it all? This is the personality for you.
Alters the /armscrossed emote.

The Furious personality is available in the Crown Store as part of the Personality Emotions Pack for 00500500  . It changes idle animations and the /armscrossed emote.


You're valiant, you're bold, you're larger than life and twice as awesome—and you want everyone to know it.
Alters the /greet, /drink, and /rude emotes.

The Heroic personality is the DLC loyalty reward for the Shadows of the Hist DLC. Entering either the Cradle of Shadows or the Ruins of Mazzatun dungeons for the first time will reward you with the personality. It emulates King Kurog's walking and idle animations, and affects greeting, drinking and being /rude.


Whether you're feeling flamboyant and theatrical, or just ready to jape and jeer at the world, adopt the mocking mannerisms of the Jester and poke some fun at those who take life too seriously. Time to yuk it up!
Alters the /cheer, /spit, /leanside, /bow, /idle2, /idle3, and /idle4 emotes.

The Jester personality is available in the Crown Store for 010001,000   during the Jester's Festival. It pairs well with the Wall Pantomime and Hand Puppet emotes.

Maniacal JesterEdit

Liven up Tamriel with your rakish lunacy—and keep people on their toes with your dagger-sharp wit. Plus actual daggers. Or hammers for those dullards who don't get the jest.
Alters the /idle2, /idle3, /threaten, /taunt and /laugh emotes.
Maniacal Jester

The Maniacal Jester personality is available as an Apex-level reward in Grim Harlequin Crates.

Master of SchemesEdit

Look at these fools, plotting your downfall. Luckily you've already put plans into motion. Plans within plans—enough to impress even Molag Bal! But these buffoons don't understand the artistry of your endeavors. Perhaps you should enlighten them.
Alters the /angry, /doom, /beckon, /idle2, and /idle3 emotes.
Master of Schemes

The Master of Schemes personality is acquired by combining the Cold Iron Gauntlet, Grim Iron Mask, and Tyrant's Soul Gem fragments with a Molag Bal Illusion Imp pet. The fragments were available for purchase from the Impresario during the Anniversary Jubilee 2024 and Zeal of Zenithar 2024 events.


When the tragic burden of life in Tamriel is simply too much to bear, express your sorrow and grief with this personality.
Alters the /sigh and /no emotes.

The Melancholy personality is available in the Crown Store as part of the Personality Emotions Pack for 00500500  . It changes sighing and shaking head.


Ready your instruments! It's time to show off your vast musical talents with stunning performances of the lute, flute, and drums!

The Minstrel personality was available in the Crown Store for 020002000   from April 13th to April 28th, 2022. It alters the /lute, /idle2, /bow, /drum, /tap, /idle3, /flute, /twiddle, /beckon, /idle4, /idle5, and /pointr emotes.

Passion's MuseEdit

You allow the music of Dibella to flow through you, and in turn to those you meet. The spirit of the Passion Dancer guides your movement in all the things you do.
Alters the /stretch, /idle2, /lute, and /ritual emotes.
Passion's Muse

The Passion's Muse personality is acquired by combining a Bottle of Silver Mist, Delicate Dancer's Baton and some Pressed Lily Petal Insoles with a Passion Dancer Blossom pet. All the fragments became available during the Jester's Festival 2023 event.


Ever notice how everyone in Tamriel keeps a journal? Now you can show the world that you're making your own scholarly record of your adventures and the deeds of those around you. Perhaps the pen IS mightier than the sword.
Alters the /threaten, /annoyed, /tilt, /kneel, and /yes emotes.

The Scholar personality was available for purchase from the Crown Store for 00500500   from April 6th, 2017 to November 6th, 2017. It returned from April 16 to April 20, 2020. It is also available as a Superior-level reward from Scalecaller Crates. It changes the idle animations (writing notes) and the /exasperated emote.


You've braved dangerous waters and seedy back-alleys. Now, on land or sea, your telltale swagger marks you as someone who's comfortable in all manner of deadly environments!
Alters the /comehere, /idle, /idle2, /idle3, /point, /salute, /salute2, /search, /walk, and /wave emotes.

The Swashbuckler personality was available in the Crown Store for 00900900   from January 9th to 13th, 2020, during the Undaunted Celebration Event. It has returned to the store every year since its release.

Telvanni MagisterEdit

"We have one rule that governs the actions of every member of House Telvanni—there are no rules. We are ambitious, curious, devious, and, yes, power-hungry. For the mage with the most power wins, and the winner is always right."—Magister Gothren
Alters the /read, /juggleflame, /ritual, /doom, /idle2, /idle4, and /armscrossed emotes.
Telvanni Magister

The Telvanni Magister personality is a quest reward for completing The Heart of a Telvanni, which is the final quest in the Telvanni questline.


"If you're going to sneak, for the love of Tava don't do it half-heartedly. Hide! Be furtive! Lurk like you mean it! Because I'm done bailing you out of the Abah's Watch lock-up." — Zeira of the Thieves Guild.
Alters the /idle2, /idle3 and /rubhands emotes.

The Thief personality is available for purchase from the Crown Store for 012001,200  .

Treasure HunterEdit

As a Treasure Hunter, forever poking around in shadowy nooks and crannies for loose gems, lost journals, and hidden levers, what could be more important to you than your trusty ever-burning torch? Never again be lost in the dark without it!
Alters the /crouch, /take, /read, /phew, /search, and /twiddle emotes.
Treasure Hunter

The Treasure Hunter personality was available in the Crown Store for 00800800  . It is now available as a Legendary-level reward in Frost Atronach Crates. It causes your character to carry an illuminating torch, occasionally kneeling down to inspect the ground. It was re-released in the Crown Store from October 1st through 5th, 2020 at a discount for ESO Plus members, costing 00640640  . It also returned in 2022 from May 12th to May 19th.

A "Torch" personality was temporarily featured in the PTS notes for version 2.4.0, but was removed upon the launch of the Dark Brotherhood DLC (version 2.4.5.). It is likely that this was replaced by the Treasure Hunter personality.

Worm WizardEdit

There's just something about Worm Anchorites, those creepy necromancers of the Worm Cult, and the sinister way they act. It's almost as if dealing with the undead has an unhealthy effect on one's personality.
Alters the /bless, /dishonor, /doom and /ritual emotes
Worm Wizard

The Worm Wizard personality is awarded for completing the Fang Lair Challenger achievement. It affects several emotes.


Graargh URR agg rhhh HAAAGH gug gug gug. RrrrrRRrrrrawww! GHORF blafffft urgl! Sneg?
Alters the /eat3, /idle2, /idle3, /greet, and /idle4 emotes.

The Zombie personality was available in the Crown Store for 015001500   from October 23rd through 27th, 2017. It is now available as a Legendary-level reward in Hollowjack Crown Crates. It pairs well with the Decayed Zombie skin.

Unreleased PersonalitiesEdit

Bracing WindEdit

This personality was temporarily featured in the PTS notes for version 2.4.0, but was removed upon launch of Dark Brotherhood DLC (version 2.4.5.). It is unknown at this time if the personality will come back or not, and it no longer appears to exist in the game data.


This personality was temporarily featured in the PTS notes for version 2.4.0, but was removed upon launch of Dark Brotherhood DLC (version 2.4.5.). It is unknown at this time if the personality will come back or not, and it no longer appears to exist in the game data.
