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ON-icon-skill-Restoration Staff-Cycle of Life.png Cycle of Life
Line Restoration Staff
Skill Rank Line Rank
Rank I 1 25
Rank II 2 30
Cycle of Life I(WITH RESTORATION STAFF EQUIPPED) Your fully-charged Heavy Attacks restore 15% more Magicka.
Cycle of Life II(WITH RESTORATION STAFF EQUIPPED) Your fully-charged Heavy Attacks restore 30% more Magicka.

Cycle of Life increases the Magicka restored whenever you perform a heavy attack with a Restoration Staff.

Patch NotesEdit

  • The Restoration staff passive Cycle of Life now increases magicka restore instead of increasing damage.
  • Fixed an issue where this passive was still increasing your damage. We have removed the damage increase, and using this passive will now correctly only increase your magicka restore.