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Online:Dremora Geomancer

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
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Dremora Geomancer
Location Scrivener's Hall
Race Dremora Gender Male
Health Normal(?)Veteran220,094
Reaction Hostile Class Geomancer

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Dremora Geomancer's basic Light flame damage Attack
Dremora Geomancer's basic Heavy flame damage Attack. This can be interrupted and sets Dremora Geomancer off-balance.
Crushing Hand
Dremora Geomancer zaps a target, creating an rock open hand under the target that deal low shock damage in a small area. After a short delay the hand closes, dealing moderate physical damage, stunning and snaring targets in a small area
Rock Spikes
Dremora Geomancer creates a small area in front of themselves that travel in a straight line, dealing damage, snaring and stunning targets.
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