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Traveling Merchant
Location The road between Sunhold and Eldbur Sanctuary
Race High Elf Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Store Type Traveling Merchant

Falordilmo is a High Elf traveling merchant who can be found anywhere on the road from Sunhold in the southwest of Summerset to Eldbur Sanctuary in the east.


"I would advise caution if you're passing Sil-Var-Woad. Creatures have escaped the menagerie, and most aren't exactly tame."
"Pretty strange happenings in ruins of the Keep of Eleven ForcesĀ [sic] People go in, different people come out. What could possibly be going on in there?"
"There is dark news out of Sunhold. Maormer flags fly in the harbor. Be careful if you're heading there."


  • Originally, Falordilmo travelled the road alongisde a flame atronach horse called Ember, though this was changed at some point and now Ember is now found rooted in place near the Sunhold Wayshrine.