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Online:Flame Hound Alpha

< Elder Scrolls Online: Creatures
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Flame Hound Alpha
Location Volcanic Vents
Species Wolf
Health (?) Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile

The Flame Hound Alpha is a large flame hound and one of the possible bosses that can appear at Volcanic Vents on High Isle, Amenos, and Galen.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

A basic melee attack dealing low physical damage.
Rolling Charge/Flame Charge
The Flame Hound Alpha summons three "Flame Hound Specters" in a triangular fashion, which then all charge forward, dealing moderate physical damage and knocking down targets hit.
Burning Ground
The above ability creates a fire trail, indicated by a red rectangle, that deals continous moderate flame damage.
Fire Rain
The Flame Hound Alpha howls, causing molten rain to fall down into the arena, indicated by several large red circles, each dealing continuous moderate flame damage.


There is one achievement associated with this enemy:

Achievement Points Description
   Basalt Assault 10 Defeat each of the following Volcanic Vent bosses.
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