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Rescue the Blackfeather Court from a cult.
Zone: Blackwood
Quest Giver: Duke of Crows
Location(s): Arpenia
Concurrent Quest: Conflict of Interest
Reward: Glittering Belt of Tribute
Average Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Standard Experience XP
ID: 6642
Free the Blackfeather Court from shinies
I encountered a projection of the Duke of Crows outside Arpenia. He and the rest of the Blackfeather Court are trapped against their will to help a mage open a connection to the Evergloam. I agreed to help the Duke free the members of the Court.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Speak with the Duke of Crows outside of Arpenia.
  2. Free the Blackfeather Court in three locations.
  3. Talk to the Duke of Crows.
  4. Find and free the Duke of Crows.
  5. Exit the ruins.
  6. Speak to the Duke of Crows.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Upon arriving outside of Arpenia, the Duke of Crows will be waiting for you. Speak with him, and he will explain his incorporeality and where the rest of the Court is.

If you are meeting for the first time:
If you have met before:
"Hail! Come closer. You stand before a projection of the Duke of the Blackfeather Court. A grievous injustice has been done here and I must implore you for aid. Implore!
My flock has been tricked! Lured here with foul magic and promises of shinies!"
"It is you! Hail, crow-friend! My keen eyes recognized your ambling gait! The Duke of the Blackfeather Court requires your aid. My flock was lured here by peasant cultists. We were tricked by promises of shinies and now we are all trapped! Trapped!"
Why were you lured here?
"A foolish mage wishes to open a connection to the Evergloam to join his featherless cult to our mistress, Nocturnal. Pah!
I speak to you through the magic of this place, but neither I nor the Court can leave until we are freed. Please, help us!"
What do you need me to do?
"Come with me inside and free us from the cult's clutches! Though I am very mighty, it is not within my power to save myself or my Court! I need your assistance!
The Blackfeather Court will owe you a great boon if you take on this sacred duty."
I'll help you rescue the rest of the Blackfeather Court.
Duke of Crows: "The others are inside. I will show you!"

Upon entering the ruins, make your way to the end of the first hallway and turn left to find the Duke of Crows again. He warns you that this is where the cultists gather. If you'd like, you may speak to him for an explanation.

The ensnared Page of Poking

Regardless of your choice, you must now make your way down the hallway into the northeastern chamber. The mirror, Dame Coughcaw, and two unnamed Court members will be on top of the scaffolding. Smash the mirror.

Duke of Crows: "There, my knight! There! Destroy the mirror of lies!"
Dame Coughcaw: "Who is that sleek crow I spy?"
<Smash the mirror.>
Duke of Crows: "Fly, fly! Still more remain. Let us be swift!"
The ensnared Steward of Plumes

Follow the hallway on this tier into the southern-central chamber to find the Page of Poking, along with five other unnamed Court members, along with the mirror, which you must smash.

Page of Poking: "They watch! They see every time I look away! Away!"
Duke of Crows: "More of the Blackfeather Court. Smash the mirror, crow-friend!"
<Smash the mirror.>
Duke of Crows: "Take my wing, my knights! Turn your keen eyes from the shinies!"

Proceed down the southern hallway to the southeastern chamber. The Steward of Plumes, three unnamed Court members, and the third (and last) mirror are here. As with the rest, smash the third mirror.

Duke of Crows: "There! Members of the Court! Break the mirror and free them!"
Steward of Plumes: "When I move, he moves. What magic is this?"
<Smash the mirror.>
Duke of Crows: "Crow-friend! The Duke wishes to speak with you!"
The final mirror

After destroying all three of the mirrors marked on the map, the Duke of Crows will want to speak with you about the last mirror that traps the crows.

"The tricky shinies have been destroyed! But one remains! It stands in the room where those peasant cultists attempt to open their gate. A few members of the Court are still trapped there, including myself!
You must disrupt their ritual to free us."
How will I do that?
"The cultists drain my Court's immense power while we are paralyzed. If my vassals and I were not so transfixed by the shinies, we could free ourselves!
But until we remove the temptation, we cannot tear our gaze away!"
So you want me to smash the mirror?
"Smash, smash! Destroy the mirror and my vassals will be free!
No longer will we be cowed and bound to these featherless masters. These fools will feel the sharpness of our breaks, the cutting wind of our feathers! Go, my tall soldier! Go!"

Upon reaching the westernmost room, you will find the Duke of Crows and three unnamed Court members transfixed by the final mirror. Smash it.

Duke of Crows: "Fools! Fear our magnificence!"
Duke of Crows: "Free us, crow-friend! Free us!"
<Smash the mirror.>
Duke of Crows: "Victory! Triumph! Let us speak outside, my beakless warrior!"
The Blackfeather Court Freed

You are now directed to exit the ruins and speak with the Duke of Crows one final time.

Duke of Crows: "Join us, crow-friend!"
"Behold, the Blackfeather Court is free! Thank you, crow-friend. You have done exceptionally well. You may have eyes of jelly, but your heart is as strong as a crow."
Are you all free to return to your home now?
"Yes, yes! Thanks to you, crow-friend. It is a triumphant day for the Blackfeather Court!
I found a shiny in this place, but I no longer trust it. It must be gone. Gone! Take it, as a tribute from the Court."

He will give you a Glittering Belt of Tribute and a bit of gold as thanks.

Quest StagesEdit

Glittering Lies
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I need to enter the ruins at Arpenia to rescue the trapped members of the Blackfeather Court.
Objective: Enter Arpenia Ruins
I need to locate the trapped members of the Blackfeather Court and free them.
Objective: Free the Blackfeather Court: 0/3
Optional Step: Talk to the Duke of Crows
I freed some members of the Blackfeather Court. I should speak with the Duke about what comes next.
Objective: Talk to the Duke of Crows
There is one final room where the cultists plan to open their gate to the Evergloam. I need to shatter the last mirror to free the remaining members of the Blackfeather Court and the Duke himself.
Objective: Free the Duke of Crows
I disrupted the ritual and freed the remaining members of the Blackfeather Court. The Duke wishes to speak to me outside the ruins.
Objective: Exit Arpenia Ruins
Finishes quest  I should speak with the Duke of Crows and make sure the Blackfeather Court is all right.
Objective: Talk to the Duke of Crows
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.