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Online:Heloise Menoit

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Heloise Menoit
Location Hinault Farm, Ravenwatch Castle
Race Breton Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Shornhelm Guard (medic), House Ravenwatch (depending on choice)
Condition Vampire
Heloise Menoit

Heloise Menoit is a Breton healer helping the soldiers at Hinault Farm. At the conclusion of the quest, you will have to decide whether or not to let her live after she is infected by a bloodfiend. If you let her live, she will later be encountered as a vampire at Shornhelm Castle after completing the Rivenspire story arc.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest Related EventsEdit

Under SiegeEdit

Inside the Old Tower, you'll find the Breton tending to the injured:

"What do you want? Can't you see all these wounded, all this blood? I feel like I'll never be clean again, and I still have so much to do here."
I brought you some healing supplies.
"Divines be praised! Thank you so much. With these supplies, I can properly tend to the wounded."
Anything else I can do to help?

After giving the healing supplies to her, you will accompany her to find the Hinault family:

"If you're willing to help, I won't say no.
I'm worried about the Hinault family. We haven't seen them since the battle started. I want to check on them, make sure they're all right, but I don't want to navigate a horde of Montclairs on my own."
I can accompany you.
"That's what I was hoping you'd say. Lieutenant Fairfax doesn't want anyone to leave the tower, but I'm sure he'll agree to let me go if you accompany me.
Give me a moment to finish tending to these soldiers and I'll meet you outside."
I'll meet you outside when you're ready.
"I just … I just need a moment. I'll meet you outside."
How did you survive the initial attack?
"Just because I'm a healer doesn't mean I don't know my way around a battlefield. I kept my head low, followed orders, and took care of the wounded.
Thankfully, I had a few supplies, but what you brought me is a godsend!"

Exit the tower and she'll eventually join you:

Heloise Menoit: "I'm here. Talk to me when you're ready to check on the Hinault family."

If you leave the area she will say:

Heloise Menoit: "Where are you going?"

If you don't go back to the farm house, she'll return to the tower interior.

Heloise Menoit: "Fine. I'm heading back to the tower."

When you return back to the tower to escort her again:

"Oh, there you are! Are you ready to try again?"
Yes. Let's go.
"Give me a moment to finish what I'm doing here.
Go on outside. I'll meet you there."

If you speak to her outside:

"I'm ready when you are."
Then let's go.
"Follow me and stay close. It's not that far."
Lead on.

She'll lead you a short ways to the farmhouse:

Heloise Menoit: "This is the Hinault Farmhouse. Why don't you go up and see if anyone is home?"

Speaking to her before knocking the door:

"Gennove Hinault and his family are probably hiding inside the farmhouse.
Knock on the door and see if they're all right, but try not to startle them."

Knock on the door and speak to Gennove through the locked door. He'll ask for some weapons for him and his family before he'll agree to leave:

Heloise Menoit: "Gennove makes a good point, but I think I can help. Come talk to me when you have a moment."

Hearing her out:

"One thing you can always count on after a battle—lots of extra weapons.
I saw some of the soldiers tossing weapons into the barn. You should be able to find everything Gennove asked for in there."
You're not coming with me?
"You can handle this on your own. There's fresh blood inside the farmhouse. Can't you smell it?
I need to collect my healing supplies from the tower so I can help Gennove and his family."
Very well. I'll find weapons while you get your healing kit. We'll meet back here.
"Right. Good. Whatever.
The sooner we get this done, the sooner I can get something to eat. Suddenly I'm starving."

Heloise will run off after her supplies.

Go after the weapons, but when you return you find the door unlocked and Heloise inside with a deceased Gennove:

"I'm not sure I can stand much more of this. The bodies … the blood ….
I wanted to save this family, but look what happened. It feels like everything has suddenly gone wrong."
Tell me what happened.
"I don't know! I came back and found that the door was open. Gennove must have sacrificed himself so the rest of the family could escape. But blessed Arkay, why did they open the door?"
I collected the weapons Gennove asked for.
"The weapons? Of course. It's just the enormity of it all. It's frazzled my nerves. But the rest of the Hinault family—you have to find them!
Before you go, I have to tell you something. The dead … they sometimes return as bloodfiends."
Bloodfiends? Is that what did this?
"I'm not sure, but the lieutenant thinks the Montclairs are responsible.
If any of the Hinaults were killed, you have to burn their bodies. Take this torch and start with Gennove. Then collect his ashes so his family can give him a proper burial."

Speaking to her again:

"Use the torch and burn poor Gennove's body. If bloodfiends are really involved, we can't take any chances.
But make sure you collect his ashes. It wasn't his fault he died like that. He deserves to be buried in hallowed ground."

Burn the corpse and she'll say:

"Please, find the rest of the Hinaults. They couldn't have gone far.
And remember, if any of them have been killed, you need to burn their bodies and collect their ashes."

You'll eventually find only two living members of the family who'll make their way to the Old Tower. Heloise will enter and cause a commotion:

Mayla Hinault: "Divines protect us! It's the monster!"
Jowan Hinault: "Stay back, foul creature!"
Heloise Menoit: "Monster? What did I …?"
Jowan Hinault: "She's a bloodfiend! She entered our farmhouse and killed our father!"
Heloise Menoit: "No! That can't be true!"

Follow Heloise outside and you'll lose her trail. Lieutenant Fairfax will give you a direction and you'll follow a trail of books and supplies that leads you to a ruined home. As you approach the house, you can overhear her saying:

Heloise Menoit: "Oh, Stendarr! What's wrong with me?"
Heloise Menoit now a vampire

Upon entering, you will find Heloise kneeling inside the home, her nature as a vampire now clear.

"Please, stay back! I'm so hungry and I don't want to hurt you!"
Heloise, you need to talk to me. Tell me what happened.
"I think … I think Hinault's son is right. I think I did attack his father."
Why do you think that?
"I'm not sure. My memory comes back to me in flashes. I smell blood, so fresh and strong. I've just been so hungry!
I think … I think … I think I consumed Gennove's blood! Why am I so hungry?"
When did this begin?
"Begin? I don't know. Days ago? Weeks? No … I was scratched.
During the battle with the Montclairs … I remember a snarl … something touched my arm. I forgot about it until I noticed the deep scratch while I was tending to the wounded soldiers."
What does this have to do with a scratch?
"Since then, I've been dreaming while I'm awake. I dream about teeth and blood. So much blood!
I can smell it all around me. And I'm hungry … so hungry."
What do you think we should do?
"I'll go away. Far away. I'll find a place to hide, someplace where I can't hurt anyone.
I don't trust myself. Stendarr help me! I'm so hungry!"
No, I can't let you go. You have to die.
"Please, this isn't right! I've done … terrible things. But I'm still me—most of the time, anyway. I think it's only when the hunger takes me that my mind goes … somewhere else.
Please. I … I don't want to die."
Do you really want to be responsible for more deaths?
"You're right. It's the only safe path. I knew that all along. That's why … well, a good healer can craft a poison as well as a poultice. When I dropped my kit, I held on to it. I knew this was how it had to end.
Tell Fairfax I'm sorry."
All right. I'll let you go.
"I can do this. I can control it. It's only when I'm hungry that I lose control.
I'll live in the wilderness, far from people. I'll survive on animals. Never people! Never! I'm sure I can control it."
Then go. I'll tell the Lieutenant what happened.
"Lieutenant Fairfax. Sometimes I thought he had a … fondness for me. I hope he didn't. I really hope he hated me. I can't think about what might have been.
Tell him not to look for me. I want him to hate me with all his heart."

If you chose to kill Heloise, she will stand and drink a bottle of poison, killing her instantly. However, if you chose to spare her, she will run off to the north.

Ravenwatch CastleEdit

If she was spared, she can later be found at Ravenwatch Castle in the library. After you and she parted ways, she was picked up by the Ravenwatch who taught her control.

"Friend! I'm so glad to see you again.
I've been keeping up my end of the bargain—with Verandis' help, of course."
How'd you end up here, Heloise?
"Verandis approached me not long after we parted ways. He told me he knew what I was going through. He offered me another way, the type of way I was looking for. A way to live alongside people and not be a monster."

The Crown of ShornhelmEdit

Heloise at Shornhelm Castle

She will attend the coronation of the new ruler of Rivenspire if still alive, where she will reunite with Fairfax.

"I had a feeling I might see you here. I wasn't sure if I was ready to face you.
You saw me in such a dark moment. But they taught me how to control the hunger."
I'm glad to hear that.
"Yes. Verandis was a good teacher. I'm sad that he's gone.
He found me after you let me go. Offered me a chance to be normal again. Or close to normal, as the case may be. I'll never forget him."