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Location Red Eagle Ridge, Solitude
Race Nord Gender Female
Health 15,000
Reaction Friendly

Helsi is a Nord citizen of Karthwatch who was captured by Reachmen at Red Eagle Ridge. She is Bjora's mother. She later moves to Solitude with the other survivors.

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Once you reach Red Eagle Ridge, Hafskjar will notice Helsi and other survivors at one of the camps. Once the guards are killed, Helsi will get up and begin untying the others.

Helsi: "Hafskjar? Just in time!"

You can then talk to Helsi who will have some things to say about her daughter:

"No idea how you two fought through this camp, stranger, but thank the gods you're here.
The Reachmen hauled the other captives into that eastern tower. The Warleader kept demanding to know about a "stolen heir." I'm convinced he means Bjora."
What's special about Bjora?
"I … thought this was long over. Years ago, we raided a Reach tribe camping too close to our territory. After the fight, I heard a child crying in one of the tents. I took pity and brought her home to raise as a Nord.
But, Bjora is of the Reach."
Why would they want her back?
"Who knows what these vicious Witchmen intend? But I want to find her before they can do any more harm.
Since you and Hafskjar survived the camp, do you think you can make it into that tower?"
I can search the tower for Bjora and the others.
"May Kyne bless your bravery. Once these two are safely away from here, I'll join you.
Based on our past fights against Reachmen, my guess is the Warleader locked the tower up tight. You'll likely find a key near him. Good luck."

Afterwards, you can ask some questions before taking the tower:

"Take Hafskjar to rescue Bjora and the others in the tower. I've got these two. We won't be drinking with Shor in Sovngarde this day, thanks to you."
Does Bjora know she's from the Reach?
"I never told her. Only those that were on that raid with me know the truth. We kept the secret so she could live without scorn. Bjora would never have friends like Hafskjar or join the town guard if others knew."
Why would she be the subject of scorn?
"Violence between Reachmen and the Nords of Karth has lasted generations. They take our land and we push back. Even after building Karthwatch, we still endure raids. And, each time more of our neighbors fall. Bjora shouldn't suffer for their crimes."
And you think "stolen heir" refers to Bjora? Heir to what?
"I know nothing about Bjora's heritage. She was alone when I found her. A small baby wailing in a crib. If she was so important, why would those barbarians put her in harm's way?
Besides, she's my daughter now. I don't care what she was before."
How did you get free?
"You can never bind a true Nord warrior for long. Besides, our captors were in a hurry to bring the others into the tower and failed to tie proper knots.
I'm still glad you came, though. Your attack will give us cover to escape."
Helsi: "Hafskjar, you need to find Bjora! Go with the stranger. I'll take care of these two."

Once you unlock Red Eagle Tower, Helsi will arrive to free the other prisoners. You will learn from Emilinna that Bjora was taken to meet with some witches. If you talk to Helsi she will tell about a shortcut.

"There's an old hunter's path down the mountain that will lead us safely beyond Karthwatch. It's overgrown enough to hide the villagers from enemy eyes.
Go find Bjora. I don't care where she came from — she's my daughter."
What do you know of this place?
"It's an old Reach bastion. Dedicated to some ancient ancestor or whatever. We drove Reachmen from here where the High King gave us Karthald Hold. I remember it was crawling with witches."
The other survivors mentioned the Reachmen taking Bjora to witches.
"Shor's bones! If those witches harm her ….
Past the bastion are some ancient stones. Witchmen used to practice blood sacrifices there before we ran them out. Maybe they took Bjora there."

After you have rescued Bjora, you can return to Fenrar's camp. Helsi will be there with the others:

Fenrar: "Kyne's breath it's good to see you all. We've made it."
Helsi: "We'll find somewhere new. If we stick together, we'll survive this."
<Bjora notices you.>
Bjora: "Here's the one who saved me."
Fenrar: "We are in your debt, wanderer."

Speaking to her before Hafskjar:

"I knew I could trust you to find Bjora. My daughter means everything to me. Thank you.
She didn't want to talk about it, but she looks … changed. Haunted. It will take some time to recover from this."

You can talk to her again after completing the quest:

"The hold is gone. We'll have to find a new home. That's fine by me as long as we're together. The Nords of Karth are survivors."


Following their rescue, Helsi will relocate to Solitude with the others:

"This place stinks. I miss the fresh air from the mountains of Karthald. At least we're alive."