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Home Settlement Dead-Water Village
Location Root-Whisper Village
Race Naga Gender Male
Health 39,959
15,000 (At his campsite/At the pavilion/At the entrance to the Path of the Lily/In Bhoki's House)
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Follower Death Among the Dead-Water
Faction(s) Dead-Water Tribe

Kishi is a Naga warrior of the Dead-Water Tribe and the son of the tribe's former ka-deelith, Bhoki. He is considered unusual in the tribe, which places tradition as paramount, as he questions everything.

He is one of the last egg clutches to pass the Trial of Ascension in the last few seasons and places the blame for the dead neophyte warriors on the teachings of the new ka-deelith, Mewah-Jez. His intervention in the latest trial saved the young warriors' lives but lead to him being sentenced to death. Beel-Ranu, one of those rescued, is looking for outside help to save him.

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Rescuing KishiEdit

Kishi is first encountered in the northwestern ruined section of the Dead-Water Village, where he has been tied up and left at the mercy of Bogshell, a large haj mota. Despite this, he is defiant in the face of death, as he heard taunting the beast upon approach.

Kishi: "Come and feast, creature! May you break your teeth upon my scales."

Once Bogshell has been killed, Kishi will be surprised an outsider saved him.

Kishi: "An outsider? Here? Ojel, help me get loose from these bonds."
<His bonds are cut.>
Kishi: "I proclaim my gratitude."
Kishi: "Let's go over there so we can talk."

Once in a safe spot, Kishi will be willing to speak with you.

"The season turns strange. First, I break the laws of the tribe to save lives. Now an outsider appears out of nowhere to rescue me from certain death. You have my thanks and my respect.
Unless you seek a reward. Then I respect you less."
Bhoki sent me to help you. He wants you to flee and never return to the tribe.
"My egg-sire? How unexpected. When last we talked, he urged me not to oppose the ka-deelith. But I refuse to let the Dead-Water become nothing but a memory.
Unlike Bhoki, I have drunk from the river of courage and refuse to turn away from my tribe."
Why are you so intent on opposing the ka-deelith?
"Mewah-Jez the war-teacher instructs our novices. Trains them to walk the Path of the Lily. Her methods … instead of making us strong, they lead to nothing but death.
I speak true. My clutch was the last to make it through the rite unscathed."
What does all this have to do with Bhoki and the rite of passage?
"Bhoki was our war-teacher until one mistake led to his disgrace. Now Mewah-Jez trains the novices. In six seasons, she has lost every clutch that walked the Path, blaming them for being too weak.
If this continues, the tribe cannot survive."

Once you have spoken with him, Kishi will get ready to leave, saying:

Kishi: "Tell Bhoki that you have saved me. Tell him that I will find a way to save our tribe."

Kishi's Camp and a PlanEdit

Once you have spoken with Bhoki, Mewah-Jez will take him prisoner as a means to lure Kishi back. Once you find Kishi's camp in the swamp, you find him with Beel-Ranu, one of the Naga he rescued.

Kishi: "Impressive. You navigate the swamp like a true warrior of the Dead-Water."
Beel-Ranu: "Didn't I say so, Kishi? There is something special about this outsider."

He can then be told the news as well as be asked about his plan.

"Bhoki's fire stones? I suppose he told you how to find my camp?
I stare in wonder. Though I appreciate the aid you provided, I must ask why the outsider is here."
Mewah-Jez has taken Bhoki prisoner. She plans to use him to lure you back to the village.
"Mewah-Jez is a pox upon our tribe! I need to find a way to convince the war-chief that Bhoki's training techniques are not only sound but represent the best way to save the Dead-Water.
To accomplish this I'll need your help, if you're willing."
What do you need me to do?
"Help me show the war-chief that the old ways truly are the best. Specifically, the methods Bhoki once used to train our novices.
I'm proof that Bhoki's techniques of using wits and strategy are more effective than simply relying on brute strength."
Bhoki said you had a plan.
"And a daring plan it is! I will mentor you, use Bhoki's techniques to guide you through the Path of the Lily. When an outsider succeeds where Dead-Water novices failed, it will prove that Mewah-Jez is wrong.
Can I count on you, outsider?"
I'll help you prove Bhoki's techniques.

Kishi can then be asked questions about the past and the Raj-Kaal.

"We must return to my village and go to the war-chief's pavilion. Only Raj-Kaal Seelan can grant an outsider permission to walk the Path of the Lily.
Just choose your words carefully. The war-chief's ego bruises easily and he's quick to anger."
I don't understand why Mewah-Jez replaced Bhoki as the war-teacher.
"My egg-sire resigned his position after the unfortunate events surrounding the rite of passage some seven seasons ago.
One of Bhoki's students, a young Naga named Chukala, considered himself to be better than the others. Better than his training."
What did Chukala do?
"Chukala ignored Bhoki's lessons and charged onto the Path of the Lily like a wamasu in the hatchery. He boasted that warriors needed only their strength to win the day, not clever tricks and careful observation.
Unfortunately, he succeeded."
And that embarrassed Bhoki?
"No, but Chukala challenged Bhoki. Said he was weak and unfit to teach warriors. They fought, and the commotion attracted the predators that prowl the Path.
Chukala and the novices were killed. Bhoki was injured. He resigned in shame after that."
And then Mewah-Jez took over?
"She demanded the war-chief give her the position. You see, Chukala was her egg-brother. She wanted to honor his memory by teaching novices the things Chukala believed.
Those instructions killed many novices before I intervened."
Will the war-chief really permit an outsider to walk the Path of the Lily?
"Raj-Kaal Seelan is as wise as he is cautious. He sees the problem even if tradition and decorum tie his hands and keep him from acting.
If we can provide him with a clear and viable option, I believe he will jump at the chance to grab it."
That doesn't change the fact that I'm not a member of the tribe.
"No, it doesn't. He may even order his warriors to strike us down for simply suggesting the idea.
But the war-chief respects Bhoki. I have to believe he will give us a chance. For Bhoki's sake if not for the welfare of the tribe."

Audience with Raj-Kaal SeelanEdit

As you approach the Raj-Kaal's pavilion, the following conversation will happen.

Mewah-Jez: "The outsider dares to approach this sacred pavilion?"
Raj-Kaal Seelan: "Lower your spines, ka-deelith. It is the rare outsider that dares approach the Naga-Kur."
Kishi: "I mentor the outsider! We ask to walk the Path of the Lily!"
<The surrounding warriors draw their blades.>
Mewah-Jez: "Blashphemy! Kill them all!"
Raj-Kaal Seelan: "Hold! I will hear what Kishi and the outsider have to say."

If you speak with Kishi before speaking with the Raj-Kaal, he will warn you:

"Choose your words carefully, ojel. An angry war-chief won't do us any good."

After you convince Raj-Kaal Seelan to let you attempt the trial, the following conversation will happen:

Raj-Kaal Seelan: "Mewah-Jez, prepare the Path. The outsider will undergo the same rite as our novices."
Mewah-Jez: "War-chief, no! you cannot allow Kishi to disrespect our cherished customs!"
Raj-Kaal Seelan: "Do as I command, war-teacher! I want to see how the ojel fares."
Kishi: "This will work, Bhoki. You'll see."

Before you head off to the Path of the Lily, if you speak to him, he says:

"Are you ready, friend-outsider? We shall walk the Path as mentor and novice! Then we will prove Mewah-Jez wrong."

Walking the Path of the LilyEdit

Kishi can be found at the entrance to the Path of the Lily, along with Mewah-Jez. You can overhear their conversation as you approach.

Kishi: "This is about saving people, Mewah-Jez."
Mewah-Jez: "Though weakness and trickery? You dishonor our tribe and my egg-brother's memory!"
Mewah-Jez: "No matter. If my novices cannot succeed, your outsider has no chance. No chance at all."

When Kishi is spoken to, he will explain his own theory on why the novices fail:

"Mewah-Jez's novices fail because they attempt to use brute force to complete the rite of passage. Listen to my words and we will succeed where they have failed.
Trust me as I trust you."
What do I need to do?
"The first part of the Path involves the trial of movement. You must find a way to get past one of the largest, deepest pools of quicksand in all of Murkmire.
Remember the vine-tongues? The plants are the key to navigating this hazard."
I used up all the fire stones.
"Bhoki accompanied his novices, so I will accompany you. I cannot interfere in your trials, only offer advice. But you can use me as a tool, directing me to provide minor aid at times.
For example, my arrows can be used to attract the vine-tongues."
So my first goal is to use the vine-tongues to move across the quicksand?
"Yes, with the ultimate goal of reaching the signal totem and igniting it to show that you have completed the first challenge.
Take this arrow and point it whenever you want me to use my bow. Are you ready to begin?"
I'm ready.

If you speak to him again before proceeding:

"Enter the Path of the Lily whenever you're ready to begin."

Once you enter the path, Kishi becomes your follower and reminds you of what to do:

Kishi: "Point the arrow I gave you and I'll take care of the rest."

If you are dragged into quicksand, Kishi pulls you out and says:

Kishi: "Careful, friend-outsider! I'm stretching the rules of the Path by pulling you out of the quicksand"

Once the first signal totem is lit:

Kishi: "So far, so good. Now let me tell you about the next section of the Path."

When spoken to he, will fist congratulate you on passing the quicksand.

"You picked the proper path through the quicksand. Well done!
Dangerous plants and carnivorous beasts fill the next section of the Path. They will do their best to end your trial with every step you take."
Any advice before I start the next part of the Path?
"Remember that I am a weapon in your arsenal. Use the arrow I gave you to direct me against the dangerous plants as you see fit.
There will be two signal totems to ignite along this section of the Path."
Does Mewah-Jez aid her novices the way you're helping me?
"No, Mewah-Jez considers Bhoki's techniques to be obsolete. A war-teacher who helps her novices only enables their weaknesses. She prefers to instruct from a distance and let her charges succeed or fail on their own.
Proceed with care, my friend."

Once you have completed the second trial of the Path:

Kishi: "You finished the second trial. Let's find a safe spot to speak."
<Find a spot further along the path.>
Kishi: "This spot is good. Let's talk."
"You have done exceptionally well, friend-outsider! I think we may actually succeed and reach the sacred lily!
Overconfidence can fell even the mightiest warrior, though. The final challenge awaits us. Do not let your guard down."
What can I expect to face in the final challenge?
"Deroh-Zah guards the sacred lily. He is powerful and hard to kill, but he isn't invincible.
Here. Take this sack of fire stones. Use them and your wits, and I'm sure you'll survive. You can do this. I have faith in you."
Who or what is Deroh-Zah?
"Deroh-Zah is an Argonian behemoth, created by our Hist to protect the sacred lily and test the mettle of our novice warriors.
Know that the creature has tasted the blood of many novices. He will not fall easily, I am sorry to say."

If he spoken to again before confronting Deroh-Zah, he says:

"The final challenge will be the most difficult one yet. Prepare yourself, friend-outsider."

During the fight with Deroh-Zah, he warns you about the vine-tongues:

Kishi: "Use your brains as well as your brawn!"
Kishi: "Point the arrow I gave you and I'll take care of the rest."
Kishi: "Use the vine-tongues!"
Kishi: "Remember the fire stones!"

Once Deroh-Zah is defeated:

Kishi: "And that is how we walk the Path of the Lily!"

If Kishi is spoken to before obtaining the lily, he says:

"I knew Bhoki's methods would work, I just knew it!
But let's stay focused. Take the sacred lily and we can complete your rite of passage."

Once you have picked the sacred lily, Kishi says:

Kishi: "And with that, I'll light the final signal totem."
Kishi: "Let's return to the village and present the sacred lily to the war-chief. You did well, friend-outsider!"

If you speak to him then, he thanks you for doing this with him:

"You are the first outsider to walk the Path of the Lily. Moreover, you are the first novice to succeed and not die since Bhoki resigned his position as war-teacher.
Thank you for doing this, friend-outsider. We will meet back in the village"

The Raj-Kaal's Judgement and AfterwardsEdit

Back at the pavilion, Kishi and Mewah-Jez appear before the Raj-Kaal and as you approach, you will overhear them speak:

Mewah-Jez: "Where is the outsider, Kishi? Did the quicksand swallow them?"
Kishi: "The outsider approaches now, bearing the sacred lily. You haven't seen one in a while, have you Mewah-Jez?"
Raj-Kaal Seelan: "Step forward, outsider!"
Mewah-Jez: "That is not possible!"
Kishi: "My friend-outsider will explain. I'm going to take Bhoki home now."

<Kishi walks off to Bhoki's House.>

After you have spoken with Raj-Kaal Seelan and heard his decision, you can go and tell Kishi about his new position in the Tribe. He will be at his egg-side's side, and when you enter the home, you will overhear them talking.

Kishi: "Your methods were as successful as ever, egg-sire. The outsider claimed the sacred lily."
Bhoki: "I hear your words, Kishi, and my spines swell with pride."

You can then speak with Kishi and congratulate him for becoming the new ka-deelith.

"Few Naga live to be as old as Bhoki. Most of our warriors die early, but not my egg-sire! He has used his wits and strength to overcome every challenge.
His lessons helped me guide you through the Path of the Lily."
The war-chief wants you to be the tribe's new war-teacher.
"I am honored and thankful that my plan worked. Now I need to rebuild confidence in the young ones. Get the next season of hatchlings ready to walk the Path.
The Dead-Water will always face adversity. I want to give them the tools to survive."
The war-chief also said he wants Mewah-Jez to assist you.
"The war-chief is wise. Two ka-deeliths can impart more wisdom than one, provided Mewah-Jez cooperates and agrees to work with me. Otherwise, we will clash like Bhoki and Chukala did.
We can only wait and see."
Good luck, Kishi.
"Thank you, friend-outsider.
For an ojel, you made an excellent Naga-Kur warrior. Please, take this as a symbol of my appreciation. You have done a wonderful thing for me and my tribe."

Once the quest is completed, Mewah-Jez enters the room after some thinking to make peace with Kishi.

Mewah-Jez: "Kishi … we must have words."
Kishi: "I will not apologize for my actions, Mewah-jez."
Mewah-Jez: "I seek none. You have done what I could not. Your novice survived and walked the Path."
Kishi: "What are you saying, Mewah-Jez?"
Mewah-Jez: "I am saying that you have my support. Teach … and I will learn."
Kishi: "Then together, we will make the Dead-Water even stronger than before."

Kishi can be spoken to again, where thanks you for your help:

"I owe you a debt, friend-outsider. Know that you will always find aid with the Dead-Water tribe—at least as long as I serve as our ka-deelith."



If you return to the village at a later date, you can find Kishi and Mewah-Jez training the novices. He is pleased with their progress, saying:

"The novices take to the new training techniques like mud slugs to water! They show great aptitude at using both their wits and their weapons.
We have a long way to go, but I have high hopes for the future of the Dead-Water!"

Root-Whisper VillageEdit

He will visit Root-Whisper Village along with Mewah-Jez to witness the rebirth of the Hist and a tribe. If Jaxsik-Orrn became the Spirit Guide, he says:

"Jaxsik has made her tribe proud, friend-outsider. I assume you had something to do with that. You are like a strong breeze after too many days of still air."

If it was Xukas, he will instead say:

"Jaxsik will make an excellent leader. You chose well, friend-outsider."


  • During the fight against the lily's guardian, Kishi will still advise you to guide him to use his arrows in one of his dialogue hints, despite having given you flame stones beforehand, which you use instead of the signal during the encounter.