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Online:Krisandra Edrald

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Krisandra Edrald
Location Edrald Estate
Race Breton Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Krisandra Edrald

Krisandra Edrald is a Breton and, along with her husband Allan, the proprietor of the Edrald Estate. She is a mage of minor skill.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

A Change of HeartEdit

As revealed by her journal, she is responsible for the Daedra abducting her family along with her. You find her in the Deadlands, kept prisoner by skeletal hands, pleading for help from afar:

Krisandra Edrald: "Please, I don't want to die!"
Krisandra in the Deadlands

After freeing her, you can speak with Krisandra and her first thought is about her daughter's whereabouts:

"The Daedra! They took my little girl! Arlie. Have you seen my Arlie?"
She's safe.
"Oh, thank Julianos. I should never have gone into the Undercroft. I should never have taken that key!"
Why did you?
"Ask Dulkhi! None of this would have happened if she … if she … But it doesn't matter now. I just want Arlie to be happy again! Is that so wrong?"
You put her in danger.
"You're right. I should have listened to Allan. He said we should just wait it out. He was right."
Get to safety. Your daughter is waiting. (If you haven't saved Allan Edrald yet, she will also ask about him.)
"And my husband? Is Allan all right?"
I'll find him.
"Do be careful. I don't need to tell you how dangerous this place is!"

If you return back to her where Federic and her daughter are waiting before rescuing her husband:

"Have you seen Allan?"
I'll find him.
"Oh, I do hope he's not dead. I couldn't bear it!"

However, if you have already saved Allan she will instead tell you about the Daedra behind the kidnapping and why they need to be stopped.

Get to safety. Your family is waiting.
"One last thing. The Daedric Lord here, Velark, has a relic called a Sigil Stone. It's attuned to our manor in Rivenspire. If it isn't destroyed, she … she could come through at any time. Please, promise me you'll destroy it!"
I promise.
"Thank you. Julianos guide you in your quest."

She will head back to where her family is at, you can speak to her there before you destroy the Sigil Stone:

"When you destroy the Sigil Stone it will consume you in the blast, but don't worry! It'll bring you back to the place it was attuned to.
At least, that's what's written in the books... I'm sure you'll be fine!"

After you have saved the family and stopped the Daedra from returning, she can be found outside the manor with her daughter. She will thank you, saying:

"Thank you for saving us. To think I … I nearly killed us all."

Once you have spoken with Arlie, Federic and Dulkhi will come outside to speak with her. Depending on the advice you gave them, the conversations will be different. Sometimes Krisandra will join in.

If you convince both Dulkhi and Federic to leave and seek their fortunes, Krisandra will be worried about their safety.

Dulkhi: "Arlie. Baroness."
<Federic walks up beside her.>
Dulkhi: "We're … Federic and I …."
Federic: "We're leaving, Arlie"
Arlie: "Leaving? But where will you go?"
Federic: "To Daggerfall."
Dulkhi: "To seek our fortunes."
Arlie: "But Federic, you've only just arrived! And Dulkhi …."
Federic: "It must be done, Arlie. This isn't the place for us. Not for now, anyway."
Dulkhi: "It's time we made our own way in the world."
Krisandra Edrald: "But you're just children!"
Federic: "No, Baroness. We aren't. And it's time we acted it."
Dulkhi: "But that doesn't mean we won't miss you! We'll write!"
Federic: "We will, at that."
Arlie: "Then … if there's no changing your minds, I … I suppose this is goodbye."
Dulkhi: "Goodbye, Arlie. Baroness."
Federic: "We'll see you again, some day."
Krisandra Edrald: "Be careful out there!"

If you speak with her after the pair have left, she will see that her daughter is very upset.

"Whatever will become of our dearest Arlie, now? With Dulkhi and Federic leaving, it's as though the light has gone out of her eyes.
Perhaps I can find someone in Shornhelm to keep her company."

However, if Dulkhi and Federic both end up staying the Baroness will be concerned and deftly ignore her own part in the mess:

"Now that Federic's returned for good, everything will be right again!"

If Dulkhi stayed and Federic left, she will be upset by Federic's announcement:

Federic Seychelle: "Arlie. Baroness. I'm leaving."
Krisandra Edrald: "Federic!"

Afterward, speak to her again:

"I'll be more understanding with Dulkhi. I promise. With Federic leaving … mind you, I still don't approve. But she is a good lass. She doesn't deserve what I did to her."

If Federic stayed and Dulkhi left, she and Dulkhi will have a sort of amends:

Dulkhi: "Baroness … I know you are angry with me, but I have always thought of you as a mother. I will try to do you proud."
Krisandra Edrald: "Dulkhi, I may have … overreacted. Know that I am sorry for what happened. I should have listened to Allan."

Speak to her again, and she will say:

"I am sorry to see Dulkhi go, but it really is for the best. Soon my Arlie will be happily married, and we can all get on with our lives!"

Some time after the quest, she will be back inside her manor in her room.

The Crown of ShornhelmEdit

Krisandra with her husband in Shornhelm Castle

She can be found attending the coronation along with her family. Her greeting to you will depend on the choices made involving the love triangle.

If both Dulkhi and Federic left the estate:

"My daughter may not be happy, but she learned a valuable lesson."

If Dulkhi left and Federic stayed:

"I hope my daughter finds a way to be happy. I know Federic cares for her, but I'm just not sure he'll satisfy her... more adventurous desires."

If Dulkhi stayed and Federic left:

"I'm glad that my daughter's happy, but I'm not sure I can ever trust Dulkhi. Not after what happened."

If both Dulkhi and Federic stayed:

"You saved our family and the kingdom, so I guess that makes us doubly in your debt.
And if High King Emeric can choose a new ruler for Rivenspire, my daughter should be able to choose her...preferences as well."