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Online:Arlie Edrald

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Arlie Edrald
Location Edrald Estate
Race Breton Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Arlie Edrald

Arlie Edrald is a Breton and the daughter of the proprietors of the Edrald Estate, Baron Allan and Baroness Krisandra Edrald. You investigate her disappearance at the request of her fiancé.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

A Change of HeartEdit

Arlie in the Deadlands

After locating the Oblivion Gate at the estate's undercroft, you find her on the other side of the portal leading to the Deadlands.

"Thank the Eight! When we found the portal closed, I feared the worst."
Are you all right?
"A little tired, but unhurt. Dulkhi and I managed to overpower our captors. Mother and Father—they're still trapped. I'm afraid to ask… but would you be willing to look for them?"
Of course.

She will talk a bit about the Daedra captured both her and her family:

"Federic brought you, didn't he? I knew he'd not forget me, but I worried... Dulkhi, will you go with our new friend? I need a moment with Federic."
Federic insisted I help.
"Oh, I knew he wouldn't abandon me. Thank you for coming. If we get through this… we will be in your debt."
How did you get here?
"During the night there was a crash and then … then these terrible creatures crawled up out of the basement. Father, he tried to fight them off, but they overwhelmed him! They caught us and dragged us here, to this awful place."
Did you see where they took your parents?
"No, but there are ruins everywhere. Maybe near one of those? I'm sorry, but I'm not sure."

Speaking to her before you set off to save her parents:

"You are surely one of the Aedra, sent by Stendarr himself!
But that's silly, of course. Was...was it Federic who brought you? I'd worried he'd forgotten me."
Federic was insistent that I help find you. (Repeats relevant dialogue)

Speaking to her before you destroy the Sigil Stone:

"You saved them! You saved them both. Now please, end this nightmare once and for all!"

After the DeadlandsEdit

Before you speak to Dulkhi, you can go outside of the manor, you can speak to Arlie:

"I don't know how you managed it, but everyone's back! We're in your debt."

After returning from the Deadlands, Dulkhi directs you to speak with Arlie. You find her fighting with her mother outside the manor:

Arlie Edrald: "I know you were only thinking of me, Mother, but I sometimes wonder about your temper!"

She then turns to you:

"Ah, our savior! Thank you again, for everything you've done."
You wished to speak with me?
"Only to say that, without you, none of this would have been possible. My father, my mother, Dulkhi, maybe even Federic... we would all be dead, right now.
If you have ever need of a home... please. You will be welcome here."

After completing the quest, you receive Edrald's Wedding Veil as a reward.

If you earlier told both Federic and Dulkhi to stay, after talking to Arlie, Federic and Dulkhi will walk up to her to have a little conversation.

Federic Seychelle: "Arlie, dear, you really must settle something for us."
Dulkhi: "Tell him!"
Arlie Edrald: "Tell him what?"
Dulkhi: "That I'm the one you love. It's obvious!"
Arlie Edrald: "What?"
Federic Seychelle: "It is not! Surely you love me, Arlie! Tell her!"
Arlie Edrald: "I.. uh... uh... please, don't make me do this..."
Federic Seychelle: "Oh, Arlie, we're only having a bit of fun!"
Dulkhi: "You don't really have to choose between us."
Federic Seychelle: "Not right away, at any rate."
Dulkhi: "Federic!"
Federic Seychelle: "Well, she's going to have to choose sometime!"

Speaking to her again:

"How wonderful it is, to have everyone safe at home! We owe you everything, my friend. I do hope you'll visit. We could go to the windmill and you can tell me all your stories!"

However, if you told both of them to go out into the world, this will happen instead:

Dulkhi: "Arlie. Baroness."
<Federic walks up beside her.>
Dulkhi: "We're … Federic and I …."
Federic Seychelle: "We're leaving, Arlie"
Arlie Edrald: "Leaving? But where will you go?"
Federic Seychelle: "To Daggerfall."
Dulkhi: "To seek our fortunes."
Arlie Edrald: "But Federic, you've only just arrived! And Dulkhi …."
Federic Seychelle: "It must be done, Arlie. This isn't the place for us. Not for now, anyway."
Dulkhi: "It's time we made our own way in the world."
Krisandra Edrald: "But you're just children!"
Federic Seychelle: "No, Baroness. We aren't. And it's time we acted it."
Dulkhi: "But that doesn't mean we won't miss you! We'll write!"
Federic Seychelle: "We will, at that."
Arlie Edrald: "Then … if there's no changing your minds, I … I suppose this is goodbye."
Dulkhi: "Goodbye, Arlie. Baroness."
Federic Seychelle: "We'll see you again, some day."
Krisandra Edrald: "Be careful out there!"

If speak with her after this, Arlie will wonder if she should also leave.

"Federic and Dulkhi have both left. Perhaps I should leave, as well. Perhaps the Mages Guild has a place for me."

If Federic stays and Dulkhi leaves.

Dulkhi: "Arlie … I know this is sudden, but I'm leaving for Wayrest."
Arlie Edrald: "What? But why?"
Dulkhi: "I've learned all I can, here. If these last few days have taught me anything, it's that I must learn to stand on my own."
Arlie Edrald: "I … I think I understand. But Dulkhi … you will always have a place, here."
Dulkhi: "Thank you."
Dulkhi: "Baroness … I know you are angry with me, but I have always thought of you as a mother. I will try to do you proud."
Krisandra Edrald: "Dulkhi, I may have … overreacted. Know that I am sorry for what happened. I should have listened to Allan."
Dulkhi: "Take care of yourselves. I will write when I can."
Arlie Edrald: "We'll miss you!"
Dulkhi: "And I, you."

Speaking to her again:

"I'll miss Dulkhi. She was a good … friend."'

If you told Federic to go and Dulkhi to stay, then Federic approaches Arlie by himself.

Federic Seychelle: "Arlie. Baroness. I'm leaving."
Krisandra Edrald: "Federic!"
Arlie Edrald: "But you've just returned!"
Federic Seychelle: "I know, my love, but please hear me out."
Federic Seychelle: "I am a weak man. I have no knowledge of combat or the world."
Federic Seychelle: "If this were to happen again. If raiders were to attack, or one of the Covenant's many enemies ... there is nothing I could do to stop them!"
Federic Seychelle: "I will not be a slave to the whims of fate. When I return ... if I return ... I will be better able to defend us from the many dangers of this world."
Arlie Edrald: "Is there nothing I can say to make you stay?"
Federic Seychelle: "No, my love. I've made up my mind about this."
Arlie Edrald: "I have truly no say in the matter?"
Federic Seychelle: "If something happened to you, I would never forgive myself. So I must go."
Arlie Edrald: "Then go."
Federic Seychelle: "Take care, my love."
Arlie Edrald: "Federic ...."

Speaking to her again:

"It's so strange to have Federic return after all this time only to leave again. But I think I'm done being lonely. Dulkhi has been wonderful to me. It's time I gave her a chance."

Some time after the quest, she will be back inside the manor on the upper floor, sitting by the fireplace.

The Crown of ShornhelmEdit

Arlie in Shornhelm Castle

After the events of the Lightless Remnant, Arlie can be found at Shornhelm Castle. If both Federic and Dulkhi are elsewhere, Arlie will be by herself at the new ruler's coronation.

"You can't have your ballom pudding and eat it, too. I hope our new ruler realizes that. Gods know, I do."
Are you disappointed about how everything turned out?
"Not at all. The more I think about it, the more I realize I don't want to be tied down.
Why settle for one lover for the rest of my life? We're living in the Second Era, for Mara's sake! Times are changing and a woman can do as she pleases!"

However, if Arlie is accompanied by both of them, she will instead say:

"You know, I think I've decided it's more fun when you don't choose … even when you have to. It's fun having everyone waiting for you to make up your mind."
You're happy leading both along?
"I'm not leading them on. They know how things are. If they don't like it, they can leave. But then they'll be missing out on all this … me."

If she is accompanied by Dulkhi:

"Dulkhi and I will never forget what you did for us. We've never been more in love!"
Are you happy with your decision?
"Well, I do wish Dulkhi would bathe a little more often, but she's learning what pleases me. I'm working on molding her into the perfect lover—and teaching her good manners at the same time."

If she is accompanied by Federic:

"Hmm. You know, that's the first time I've seen countess Tamrith in her full armor. She looks so very … yummy.
I mean, regal! That's what I meant!"
Do you find the countess attractive?
"I've always appreciated her fine figure and pretty eyes, but she looks even more regal now.
Perhaps I'll pay her a visit the next time Federic is away on business. I'm sure we can find so very much to … talk about."