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Online:Federic Seychelle

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Federic Seychelle
Location Edrald Estate
Race Breton Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
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Follower A Change of Heart
Federic Seychelle

Federic Seychelle is a Breton and the bethrothed of Arlie Edrald, the daughter of the owners of the Edrald Estate. He recently returned to the Estate only to find everyone was missing.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

A Change of HeartEdit

He can be found standing alongside the road near the Estate and will ask if you have heard anything from about the family that lives there. He will run towards you asking:

"You there! Please, you must help!"

Speaking to him:

"Traveler, please. Have you heard tidings of the Edrald family? I've just come from their manor and they're gone! Just gone!"
Tell me what's wrong.
"I've just arrived from Wayrest. Preparations are underway for my Arlie and I to be married! When I returned the estates were deserted. her family, the servant … gone! I don't know what could have happened to them!"
Any idea where they might have gone?
"No I don't. Arlie's parents have owned this estate since before I was born. We were to be wed but a month from now. I know that Rivenspire has bigger problems right now, but … this is my future. Will you help me look for them?"
We can search together.

After agreeing to help him, you can ask him more questions about the situation.

"Thank you. I'm fairly competent with a dueling blade, but I'm out of my element here. Let's start in the manor house. There has to be some clue there."
What else can you tell me about the situation?
"Not much to say, really. I was in Wayrest sealing writs and appropriating documents in preparation for the wedding. To come back only to find my beloved missing … it is most disheartening."
Your beloved, that would be Arlie?
"The Lady Arlie Edrald, of the Westmark Edralds. A storied family of some means. Arlie's grandam was a powerful mage, you see.
Her adventures took her all over Tamriel. We were betrothed when we were children, and this has been my home ever since."

Investigating the EstateEdit

Once you enter the Manor House, Federic will comment:

Federic Seychelle: "Quiet as the grave. Wherever they are, they're not here."

If you enter the basement before reading the journal:

Federic Seychelle: "That trap door led down to an undercroft beneath the manor, but Arlie's mother sealed it up long ago."

If you enter Arlie's room before reading the journal, he will say:

Federic Seychelle: "Arlie's room. Dear, sweet Arlie. If anything's happened to her, I don't know what I'll do."

If you enter the bedroom that comes after Arlie's room and before reading the journal, he will say:

Federic Seychelle: "I grew up in these rooms. They're just as I left them."

After you find Krisandra Edrald journal:

Federic Seychelle: "Dulkhi was causing her worry? The servant? My word! We should search her quarters. Perhaps something there will hint at what happened."

You can also take the opportunity to ask Federic about Dulkhi.

"I can't believe it. Dulkhi has always been the sweetest thing."
What do you know about her?
"Dulkhi was orphaned when I was very young. Baron Edrald owed her father a debt, so naturally he took her in. Raised her as one of his own. And now … if she's done something, if she's hurt my Arlie …."

If you enter the basement after reading the journal:

Federic Seychelle: "Funny, it smells like brimstone in here."'

If you enter Arlie's room after reading the journal, he will say:

Federic Seychelle: "My dearest Arlie. Whou would harm such a vision of grace?"

As you approach Dulkhi's Quarters, he will say:

Federic Seychelle: "There! Stendarr's mercy, let her have left some clue."

Once you find Dulkhi's Diary, Federic will run and over and read over her diary:

Federic Seychelle: "This might be it …."

He will be uncomfortable about the findings of Dulkhi having personal one-on-one time with Arlie and there's a clue that the Baroness is hiding something at the windmill:

"This seems to be Dulkhi's diary. She was concerned … she writes about Arlie's sad smiles. Missing me, no doubt. She brought Arlie flowers … and then, they went to the windmill. Oh dear!"
What's wrong?
"Well, it's just that … the windmill is our spot. Me and Arlie's. It's where we went to … you know. Rendezvous. So why would she take Dulkhi there? It doesn't make any sense!"
What else does it say?
"Not much. Not about that, anyway … wait. They saw the Baroness hid something away at the windmill. It doesn't say what. Traveler, the Baroness never goes out there. Why would she hide something?"
Anything else?
"Nothing. Nothing, but I'm shaking like a leaf. Here, take it away from me. Let's go. Let's check out the windmill."

After you leave the servant quarters, you can speak with Federic. He is not taking the idea that Arlie may have a fling with Dulkhi well:

"I don't understand. Arlie loves me. She told me so! And what could the Baroness possibly have to hide in that windmill? I'm so...confused."
She couldn't have changed her mind?
'"Arlie and I, we've known each other since we were children! We were meant to be together! Why would she jeopardize that for some fling? It's unthinkable!"
But what if it's true?
"It's not. It can't be! I don't know what sort of game this conniving mountebank is up to, but her journal says there's something hidden at the windmill. It's the only lead we've got!"

Once you arrive at the windmill:

Federic Seychelle: "When we were children, Arlie and I came here to get away from the world. What I wouldn't give to have her with us now."

While you search the windmill, you can find two things of importance, first is another journal of Krisandra Edrald's which to Federic will say:

Federic Seychelle: "Arlie told her mother? Then it's true. It's all true."

You can speak to him about the revelation of the affair before you pick up the key:

"I had hoped Dulkhi was mad, but if the Baroness knew....
Come on. Let's keep moving."
Are you going to be all right?
"That's up to Arlie. If she loves that Orc more than she loves me....
There must be another explanation. There has to be!"

The second is the key to the Undercroft:

Federic Seychelle: "That's the key to the Undercroft. That must have been what the Baroness hid there! But why? We should investigate."

Before heading into the Undercroft, you have the opportunity to ask Federic about the place.

"Arlie's grandma was a powerful mage. When we were children, she used to show us things—marvelous things you could scarcely imagine.
When she died, the Baroness locked up the Undercroft. She said it was too dangerous. Perhaps now we know why."
What do you think we'll find down there? / What do you think we'll find in the Undercroft?
"I don't know. Whatever's down there was locked up for a reason. I just hope Arlie's safe."
Are you going to be all right?
"That's up to Arlie. If she loves that Orc more than she loves me ….
There must be another explanation. There just has to be!"

The UndercroftEdit

When you unlock the entrance to the Undercroft:

Federic Seychelle: "The Undercroft. Steel yourself, we don't know what's down there."

When you go down inside, speaking to him:

"Gods! It's like something out of a story!"

As you investigate the place, you can find the second volume of Krisandra's journal which reveals that she made a deal with daedric forces.

Federic Seychelle: "Arlie's mother did this? She summoned a Daedric prince to … to … But why?"

You can then speak with Federic about these revelations:

"Why would the Baroness do this?"
So the Baroness is a mage?
"No! I mean, yes! Not one of any note. She knew a few spells. I think Arlie's grandam taught her. But a Daedric prince!"
What do you think happened?
"Nothing good. Come on, we need to keep looking."

When you enter the cavern which has a closed daedric portal in the center, Federic will be shocked.

Federic Seychelle: "Stendarr's mercy!"
<He runs up to the portal.>
Federic Seychelle: "What is that? Are you seeing this?"

You can ask him about his guess about where the portal leads:

Do you know what this portal is?
"You're asking me? I'm entirely out of my depth!
It's a doorway to … somewhere. Perhaps something down here will tell us how to open it."

As you start to use the basins to attune the portal, Federic will notice the effects.

If you choose the wrong basin first:

Federic Seychelle: "Nothing."
Federic Seychelle: "Still nothing. Damn."
Federic Seychelle: "Whatever you're doing, it isn't working."
After achieving Minor Attunement
Federic Seychelle: "What did you just do? It's getting hot over here!"
Federic Seychelle: "It's as if the air itself is catching flame…"
Federic Seychelle: "If you keep that up, we'll burn alive!"

If you already achieved Minor Attunement but went for the Basin of Water next, the attunement process will reset:

Federic Seychelle: "It's back to where it was when we came in!"
Federic Seychelle: "Nope. No, it's stopped again."
Federic Seychelle: "Blast! Keep trying, I think you're on to something!"
After achieving Major Attunement
Federic Seychelle: "The air is starting to fill with dust!"
Federic Seychelle: "Ugh…it's getting hard to breathe."
Federic Seychelle: "We're going to suffocate at this rate."
After achieving Final Attunement
<The portal opens.>
Federic Seychelle: "That did it!"

Before entering the portal, you can speak with Federic.

"Do you think we'll be all right, going through there? I have to admit, all this fire and brimstone business. I'm a bit … flustered."
Do we have any other options?
"Well, discretion is the better part of valor, but … no. You're right. Let us see this through. Arlie's counting on us."

The Deadlands RescueEdit

Once you enter the portal, Arlie will be near the entrance with Dulkhi tending to her. Federic will shout to her before running to her:

Federic Seychelle: "Arlie!"

If you speak with him, he will be relieved that Arlie is alive.

"You've done it! Arlie, she's … she's alive!"

After you speak with Arlie and head off to say her parents, Federic will say:

"Please, my friend. If anyone can save Arlie's mother and father, it's you."

Speaking to him before you destroy the Sigil Stone:

"To think, it's nearly over."

When you have saved Arlie's parents and returned to the Undercroft, Federic will want to ask you something.

"My friend, you are truly a hero worthy of song. I can't begin to express the depths of my thanks. You've done so much for me already … might I ask your advice?"
Advice about what?
"My future. As we've walked together, I've come to see how small my life really is. If you hadn't come along, my dearest Arlie and her family would be dead. And perhaps myself, as well.
I feel—perhaps I should strike out on my own. Become like you."
Stay here. Be happy with what you have.
"You are right, of course. Had I not left, none of this would ever have happened. There is something to be said for strength of arms … but it is not to be my lot in life."
It's never too late to learn to defend yourself and those you love.
"Sage advice. So be it! Once the estate has returned to order, I will return to Wayrest and enlist in the guard. I will miss my Arlie dearly, but at least when I return it will be as her capable defender.
I am sure she'll wait for me."

Speaking to him again before you go after Dulkhi:

"We are lucky you came along when you did. Had you been but a moment later... I hate to think what might have happened."


Once you have spoken with Arlie and received your reward, Federic and Dulkhi will approach her with some words to say. Depending on the advice you gave the both of them, these conversations will go in different directions.

If you told them both to stay:

Federic Seychelle: "Arlie, dear, you really must settle something for us."
Dulkhi: "Tell him!"
Arlie Edrald: "Tell him what?"
Dulkhi: "That I'm the one you love. It's obvious!"
Arlie Edrald: "What?"
Federic Seychelle: "It is not! Surely you love me, Arlie! Tell her!"
Arlie Edrald: "I.. uh... uh... please, don't make me do this..."
Federic Seychelle: "Oh, Arlie, we're only having a bit of fun!"
Dulkhi: "You don't really have to choose between us."
Federic Seychelle: "Not right away, at any rate."
Dulkhi: "Federic!"
Federic Seychelle: "Well, she's going to have to choose sometime!"

Speaking to him:

"And so everything returns to the way it should be, yes? Only I think the Baroness will be a little less quick to follow in her mother-in-law's footsteps, from now on."

However, if you told both of them to go out into the world, this will happen instead:

Dulkhi: "Arlie. Baroness."
<Federic walks up beside her.>
Dulkhi: "We're … Federic and I …."
Federic Seychelle: "We're leaving, Arlie"
Arlie Edrald: "Leaving? But where will you go?"
Federic Seychelle: "To Daggerfall."
Dulkhi: "To seek our fortunes."
Arlie Edrald: "But Federic, you've only just arrived! And Dulkhi …."
Federic Seychelle: "It must be done, Arlie. This isn't the place for us. Not for now, anyway."
Dulkhi: "It's time we made our own way in the world."
Krisandra Edrald: "But you're just children!"
Federic Seychelle: "No, Baroness. We aren't. And it's time we acted it."
Dulkhi: "But that doesn't mean we won't miss you! We'll write!"
Federic Seychelle: "We will, at that."
Arlie Edrald: "Then … if there's no changing your minds, I … I suppose this is goodbye."
Dulkhi: "Goodbye, Arlie. Baroness."
Federic Seychelle: "We'll see you again, some day."
Krisandra Edrald: "Be careful out there!"

He and Dulkhi will then leave together.

If you told Federic to go and Dulkhi to stay, then Federic approaches Arlie by himself.

Federic Seychelle: "Arlie. Baroness. I'm leaving."
Krisandra Edrald: "Federic!"
Arlie Edrald: "But you've just returned!"
Federic Seychelle: "I know, my love, but please hear me out."
Federic Seychelle: "I am a weak man. I have no knowledge of combat or the world."
Federic Seychelle: "If this were to happen again. If raiders were to attack, or one of the Covenant's many enemies ... there is nothing I could do to stop them!"
Federic Seychelle: "I will not be a slave to the whims of fate. When I return ... if I return ... I will be better able to defend us from the many dangers of this world."
Arlie Edrald: "Is there nothing I can say to make you stay?"
Federic Seychelle: "No, my love. I've made up my mind about this."
Arlie Edrald: "I have truly no say in the matter?"
Federic Seychelle: "If something happened to you, I would never forgive myself. So I must go."
Arlie Edrald: "Then go."
Federic Seychelle: "Take care, my love."
Arlie Edrald: "Federic ...."

He will then walk off the property by himself and disappear.

If Federic stays and Dulkhi leaves, Federic will not join the ladies outside and does not have any final words immediately after the ending dialogue.

Whether you have Federic stay with Dulkhi leaving or not, if you leave the estate and return again, he can be found upstairs in the manor with Arlie.

If Dulkhi left the manor, he will say:

"Without Dulkhi, we will be hard pressed for help, but we'll get on, somehow.
Thank you again, my friend. For everything."

The Crown of ShornhelmEdit

Federic and Arlie in Shornhelm Castle

After the events of the Lightless Remnant, if you convince Federic and Dulkhi to both stay with Arlie, you'll find them at the castle. If you speak with him, he will say:

"Can you believe it? She still won't make up her mind!"

If you convinced him to stay, but Dulkhi left, he will say:

"Don't worry. I'm keeping a tight watch on her. No more odd behavior. She promised! And I intend to hold her to that."
Do you think she's happy?
"After everything we went through to make this work, she damn well better be."