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< Elder Scrolls Online: People / Vendors
Achievement Furnisher
Home City Dhalmora
Alten Corimont
Fort Amol
Southern Morrowind Gate
Abah's Landing
Race Argonian Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Store Type Achievement Furnisher
Listens-to-Sea's old look

Listens-to-Sea is an Argonian achievement furnisher who can be found in each of the Ebonheart Pact zones, as well as Abah's Landing and Imperial City, specifically:


If you don't own a house:

"A home is like an egg. Soft and comfortable on the inside, hard and protective on the outside. You really should get a home."
"No home? I suppose we can deal with that. I don't know what you'll do with it, but I'll happily sell it to you anyway."
"In Black Marsh, every leaf covers your head like a roof and the very swamp serves as a carpet for your feet. Unlike you, I prefer an actual house, but I'm a lizard of discriminating taste."
"A person without a roof over their head gets wet when it rains. Don't be that person."

If you do own a house, her dialogue will vary depending on how many achievements you've completed in the Ebonheart Pact's zones[verification needed — I got every EP achievement,but still get stage 1 dialogue]:

Stage 1

"A little fame can be dangerous, but at least we can do business."
"A reputation clings to a person like mud clings to a boat. Always make sure yours is a good one."
"I can only deal with clients possessing either fame or notoriety. Guild rules and all that. I suppose you qualify, though."
"You're the one who did the thing that everyone is talking about? Yes, I think I've heard of you."

Stage 2

"Tales of your exploits fill the taverns. Allow me the honor to provide you with something to commemorate your accomplishments. You can display it in your home or not. That's entirely up to you."
"Fame spreads like weeds in a garden. But fame is like the good weeds. Not the strangling, kill all the plants weeds. Um, can I show you my wares?"
"Ah, the hero of the Pact graces my shop. This one is unworthy, but let me show you what I selected especially for your home."
"Your reputation in Pact lands multiplies like torchbugs in the moonlight. Soon you'll be as famous as the great Narsis Dren, if I may be so bold."

Stage 3

"I am not worthy to wallow in the mud of your greatness. Even so, I have something special for your home, if that appeals to you."
"The rich and the famous intimidate me, so you must realize how flustered someone of your status makes me feel."
"I've been saving a few items for that special someone, and you certainly qualify. Let me show you what I have today."
"The champion of the Pact! What an honor! Would you like to see something exclusive I selected just for your home?"


Image Name Type Cost Achievement Description
  Atmoran Eagle Totem Medallion (page) Undercroft
(Symbolic Decor)
000030003,000   Reward for: Hero of Bleakrock Ancient Nord medallion struck with the image of an Atmoran eagle totem.
  Atmoran Snake Totem Medallion (page) Undercroft
(Symbolic Decor)
000030003,000   Reward for: Hero of Bleakrock Ancient Nord medallion struck with the image of an Atmoran snake totem.
  Atmoran Whale Totem Medallion (page) Undercroft
(Symbolic Decor)
000030003,000   Reward for: Hero of Bleakrock Ancient Nord medallion struck with the image of an Atmoran whale totem.
  The Dutiful Guar (page) Courtyard
0001250012,500   This guar looks so real it could draw breath, leading some to suggest the subject of this piece lies beneath the bronze.
  Tri-Angled Truth Altar (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
000075007,500   With markings that show veneration to old gods, this splendid altar required consummate geometric knowledge to create.
  Ashen Infernace Gate (page) Structures
0001250012,500   Foreboding and grim, this gate emanates a sense of danger and gloom. Are you fearless or foolish enough to welcome whatever might pass through it into your home?
  Blood Fountain (page) Courtyard
00100000100,000   Reward for: Hearts of Darkness A grim reminder that the victories in Stonefalls were not without a price.
  Daedric Sconce (page) Lighting
000050005,000   Reward for: Sadal's Overthrower An ominous light source pillaged from Oblivion.
  Lacquered Kwama Egg (page) Undercroft
000010001,000   Reward for: Stonefalls Adventurer An exquisite painted trophy memorializing heroic triumphs in Stonefalls.
  Remnant of Balreth (page) Undercroft
(Grave Goods)
0001500015,000   Reward for: Balreth's Bane A hunk of bone and char, left over from the defeat of Balreth.
  Serien's Stand (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
0001000010,000   Reward for: General Serien's Demise A remembrance of the last stand of the obstreperous General Serien.
  Blessed Dais of Almalexia (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
00100000100,000   Elegant. Grand. Pointed. Much like Almalexia herself. Woe unto those who would let this blessed dais fall into dust and disuse.
  Brazier of Frozen Flame (page) Lighting
(Enchanted Lights)
0002000020,000   With its dazzling mix of sapphire and silver hues, this brazier lights up dramatically with an icy blaze.
  Ruby Dragon Skull (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
0002500025,000   The size and luster of this ruby would be a magnificent addition to any Dragon's hoard, even if wasn't masterfully cut into their likeness.
  Swamp Anemone (page) Conservatory
0001500015,000   Reward for: Deshaan Adventurer A living trophy and constant reminder of the lush fungal foliage of Deshaan.
  Touch of Plague (page) Workshop
00000500500   Reward for: Plague Ender A sealed container, believed to hold a sample of the Llodos plague.
  Tribunal Altar (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
0002500025,000   Reward for: Temple Knight Each side of this pillar represents one of the three members of the Tribunal: Almalexia, Sotha Sil, and Vivec.
  Tribunal Rug (page) Parlor
(Rugs and Carpets)
000050005,000   Reward for: Plague Eater A circular rug, emblazoned with the bronze symbol of the Tribunal.
  Veloth's Reliquary (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
0005000050,000   Reward for: Vox Slayer Relish this replica reliquary for retaining relics of the revered Veloth.
Alten Corimont
  Argonian Egg (page) Undercroft
000025002,500   Reward for: Egg Protector A replica of an egg of the reptilian Argonians of Shadowfen.
  Mimic Hist Tree (page) Conservatory
0002000020,000   Reward for: Egg and Root A convincing replica of one of the mystically-sentient trees revered by the Argonians.
  Nest of Shadows (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
0004000040,000   Deadly and dramatic, this metal serpent encircles, and some say threatens, the lavender-hued egg nestled in its coils.
  Oblivion Stone (page) Undercroft
(Symbolic Decor)
000050005,000   Reward for: Skin-Stealer Destroyer A dark chunk of raw stone, branded with the Daedric sigil Khot.
  Replica Mnemic Egg (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
00100000100,000   Reward for: Shadowfen Adventurer Following attempts by the Aldmeri Dominion to capture the Mnemic Egg, several replicas were created to foil future attempts.
  Replica Stone Nest (page) Structures
0001000010,000   Reward for: Mnemic Egg Guardian Traditionally, the dais that holds Mnemic Egg is referred to as its nest.
Fort Amol
  Carved Whale Totem (page) Gallery
0002500025,000   Crafted from opal, this whale totem expresses a sense of simple joy to some. Others, however, believe it to hold more spiritual significance.
  Dragon Shrine Altar (page) Structures
0002000020,000   Reward for: Skald-King's Salvation Long ago the ancient Nords worshiped living Dragons at altars like this one.
  Lob's Challenge Horn (page) Parlor
000010001,000   Reward for: Giant-Friend Winding this horn in Giant country could have hazardous results.
  Sacred Chalice of Ysgramor (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
000075007,500   Whether you choose to honor the Harbinger by keeping this chalice on display or by filling it with the best mead in Skyrim, it will serve you well.
  Standing Slab (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
000050005,000   Reward for: Eastmarch Adventurer This menhir of the ancient Nords stands in solemn tribute to the hero of Eastmarch.
  Throne of the Skald-King (page) Gallery
0005000050,000   Reward for: Blood Feud A replica of the throne of High King Jorunn granted in gratitude for services to Eastmarch.
  Visage of the Skald (page) Courtyard
0002500025,000   Reward for: Skald-King's Arrow A traditional trophy of high-ranking bards of Skyrim.
  Ancient Cultist Totem (page) Undercroft
(Grave Goods)
000050005,000   Reward for: Ysgramor's Prodigy Legend claims that the skulls beneath Fallowstone Vault hark back to the age of the Dragon Cult.
  Ebony Fox Totem (page) Gallery
000075007,500   The mischievous fox of this totem calls to kindred spirits. Watch closely anyone drawn to it, then judge accordingly.
  Rune-Carved Mammoth Skull (page) Gallery
(Mounted Decor)
0002500025,000   The metal accents on this well-dressed mammoth skull add much to its impressive staging.
  Statue of the Wolf (page) Courtyard
000075007,500   Reward for: Wormsquasher A recreation of the statue that has sat outside Fallowstone Hall for longer than anyone can remember.
  Torn Worm Cult Banner (page) Parlor
0001000010,000   Reward for: Shattered Remnants One of many trophies taken following the defeat of the Worm Cult in The Rift.
  Totem of the Reach (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
000040004,000   Reward for: Reach Crusher This totem doesn't seem to carry the usual death curse. No one's died yet, at least.
  Ysgramor Statue (page) Courtyard
0002000020,000   Reward for: The Rift Adventurer A statue honoring the Nord culture hero Ysgramor, "The Harbinger of us all."
Southern Morrowind Gate
  Decoy Elder Scroll (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
0200000200,000  Reward for: Alliance War Grand Overlord At exceptional cost, a small number of decoy Elder Scroll cases were commisioned early in the Three Banners War. The enchantments can be adjusted to mimic either an offensive or defensive scroll.
  Defaced Covenant Flag (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
00020002,000  Reward for: Alliance War Legate A ragged and torn flag, stripped from a captured Daggerfall Covenant keep.
  Defaced Dominion Flag (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
00020002,000  Reward for: Alliance War Legate A ragged and torn flag, stripped from a captured Aldmeri Dominion keep.
  Disconnected Transitus Shrine (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
0100000100,000  Reward for: Alliance War Overlord Though no longer connected to the Transitus Shrine Network, this shrine still emanates power.
  Dueling Banner (page) Parlor
002000020,000  Reward for: Master Duelist A banner representing a challenge to the death. Only a supremely confident duelist would decorate their home with such a thing.
  Pact Camp Banner (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
00010001,000  Reward for: Alliance War Legionary An Ebonheart Pact banner, mounted to a pike twice the height of the average soldier.
  Pact Hero Shield (page) Parlor
Reward for: Hero of the Ebonheart Pact This crest is awarded only to the greatest heroes of the Ebonheart Pact.
  Pact Keep Pennant (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
00080008,000  Reward for: Alliance War Grand Warlord A massive Ebonheart Pact pennant, waving in the wind.
  Pact Pennant, Small (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
0000200200  Reward for: Alliance War Volunteer The banner of the Ebonheart Pact, mounted to its post at roughly shoulder height.
  Pact Wall Banner, Large (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
00030003,000  Reward for: Alliance War Veteran An Ebonheart banner awarded to the most devoted veterans of the Pact.
  Pact Wall Banner, Medium (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
0000600600  Reward for: Alliance War Tyro An Ebonheart Pact banner, roughly twice the height of the average soldier.
  Pact Wall Banner, Small (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
0000400400  Reward for: Alliance War Recruit A small banner of the Ebonheart Pact, hanging from a pair of chains.
  Spare Pact Ballista Figurehead (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
00050005,000  Reward for: Alliance War Sergeant This tasteful figure is bound to look good no matter where you place it.
  Surplus Flaming Oil (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
001000010,000  Reward for: Alliance War First Sergeant Decommissioned Covenant materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
  Surplus Pact Ballista (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
002000020,000  Reward for: Alliance War Lieutenant Decommissioned Pact materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
  Surplus Pact Battering Ram (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
002500025,000  Reward for: Alliance War Centurion Decommissioned Pact materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
  Surplus Pact Cold Fire Ballista (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
003000030,000  Reward for: Alliance War General Originally torn from the clutches of Molag Bal's forces, this ballista has been retrofitted with Ebonheart Pact fittings.
  Surplus Pact Cold Fire Trebuchet (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
005000050,000  Reward for: Alliance War Warlord Originally torn from the clutches of Molag Bal's forces, this trebuchet has been retrofitted with Ebonheart Pact fittings.
  Surplus Pact Fire Ballista (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
003000030,000  Reward for: Alliance War Colonel Decommissioned Pact materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
  Surplus Pact Firepot Trebuchet (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
004500045,000  Reward for: Alliance War Brigadier Decommissioned Pact materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
  Surplus Pact Forward Camp (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
005000050,000  Reward for: Alliance War Prefect Decommissioned Pact materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
  Surplus Pact Iceball Trebuchet (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
005000050,000  Reward for: Alliance War August Palatine Decommissioned Pact materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
  Surplus Pact Lightning Ballista (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
003000030,000  Reward for: Alliance War Praetorian Decommissioned Pact materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
  Surplus Pact Meatbag Catapult (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
003000030,000  Reward for: Alliance War Palatine Decommissioned Pact materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
  Surplus Pact Oil Catapult (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
002500025,000  Reward for: Alliance War Tribune Decommissioned Pact materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
  Surplus Pact Point Capture Flag (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
00040004,000  Reward for: Alliance War Corporal Flags such as this one are used to claim territory for the Ebonheart Pact.
  Surplus Pact Scattershot Catapult (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
001500015,000  Reward for: Alliance War Captain Decommissioned Pact materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
  Surplus Pact Stone Trebuchet (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
004000040,000  Reward for: Alliance War Major Decommissioned Pact materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
  Throne of Cyrodiil (page) Gallery
0250000250,000  Reward for: Emperor! Even in the tumult of the Three Banners War, sitting atop the Ruby Throne is a rare and coveted privilege.
  Volendrung Replica (page) Gallery
20000002,000,000  Reward for: Volendrung Vanquisher This replica war hammer bears an uncanny resemblance to Volendrung, an artifact associated with the Daedric Prince Malacath.
Abah's Landing
  Abah's Landing Banner (page) Parlor
0001000010,000   Reward for: Hew's Bane Grand Adventurer The flag of the Free and Open Trading Port of Abah's Landing.
  An Adoring Fan (page) Parlor
000025002,500   Reward for: Wedding Crashers A souvenir of your visit to an exclusive Hew's Bane soiree.
  Distracting Harpy Egg (page) Undercroft
000015001,500   Reward for: What Price, Freedom? "The hideous harpy, half-avian abomination, is shunned by all the faithful of Tava." —The Revered Mubdaraz
  Hanging Wedding Lantern (page) Lighting
000030003,000   Reward for: Wedding Crashers Ah, the soiree at Hubalajad's Palace--what a night that was! This will help you remember it.
  Hiding Place (page) Hearth
(Baskets and Bags)
000010001,000   Reward for: Always Travel Separately A typical nondescript Abah's Landing basket. No one would ever think of looking in there!
  Iron Wheel Banner (page) Parlor
0001500015,000   Reward for: Iron Wheel Infiltration The banner of those over-achieving law enforcers known as the Iron Wheel.
  Jar of Green Dye (page) Workshop
00000500500   Reward for: Never, Ever Steal From the Guild Enough concentrated green dye to make Hammerfell look like Valenwood.
  Large Covered Well (page) Courtyard
0001500015,000   Reward for: A Life Deferred Water is precious in the desert, so the Redguards craft their wells with care.
  Morwha's Blessing (page) Courtyard
00100000100,000   The four-armed Yokudan fertility goddess Morwha stands enshrined and flanked by her winged guardians, promising prosperity to all who stand before her.
  Opulent Dowry Chest (page) Suite
0005000050,000   Reward for: Broken Wheel When a child is born to the Redguard nobility, a coffer is set aside to start collecting his or her wedding dowry.
  Pale Garden Flowers (page) Conservatory
00000500500   Reward for: Iron Wheel Infiltration These flowers are a reminder of how short and ephemeral a thief's life can be.
  Reliquary Skull (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
0002500025,000   Reward for: Welcome to the Thieves Guild A replica of the Giovessen Skull, a relic whose history extends back nearly 600 years.
  Statue of Shadows (page) Courtyard
0002500025,000   Reward for: Honor Among Thieves Though all are impressed by the grave solemnity of this statue, none can agree on whom it represents.
  Vibrant Garden Flowers (page) Conservatory
00000500500   Reward for: Seeds Untilled The life of a desert flower is brief but bright, so the Redguards treasure them for their gardens.
  Yokudan Puzzle Column (page) Workshop
000050005,000   Reward for: Never, Ever Steal From the Guild Puzzle locks based on rotating stone pillars have been used in vaults and labyrinths since time immemorial. This version hails from ancient Yokuda.
  Yokudan Skystone Scabbard (page) Gallery
0001000010,000   Imagine what the sword that belonged to this stunning scabbard might have looked like! As it stands, the scabbard alone deserves all the attention it garners.