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Online:Mirrormoor Dragon Frog

< Elder Scrolls Online: Non-Combat Pets: M
Though these dragon frogs are striking to look at, not much can be said for their intelligence. When two of them meet face to face, they become mesmerized by their own reflection in the other's body. The resulting standoff can last for hours.
Mirrormoor Dragon Frog
ON-icon-pet-Mirrormoor Dragon Frog.png
Mirrormoor Dragon Frog
Type Exotic
Default Name Glasstongue
Acquired From Mirrormoor Crate
Reward Level Epic
Price 0004040 Crown Gems
020002,000 Seals of Endeavor
Category Non-Combat Pets (Exotic)
Quality Legendary
Limit Type Special Collectible

The Mirrormoor Dragon Frog is available as an Epic-level reward in Mirrormoor Crown Crates. Its default name is "Glasstongue".
