Servant of Vivec, offering his master's wisdom
Quick WalkthroughEdit
Detailed WalkthroughEdit
Disciple Sildras has become a little disillusioned with the Tribunal, and seeks their blessings as comfort.
- "I have no reassurance to offer. Do what you think best in the time remaining."
- What troubles you?
- "I am a disciple of the Tribunal. My people come to me for comfort, yet I have none to give. The Three are silent. I lift my voice, but they do not answer.
- The Covenant circles Ebonheart, and I cannot even pray for wisdom."
- Why can't you pray to the Three?
- "The Tribunal punishes the people for my faithless ways. The shrines to Almalexia, Sotha Sil, and Vivec are surrounded by a foul smell and angry alit.
- Please. Do what I cannot. Burn these flowers at the shrines. Then pray for Ebonheart."
- I'll see what I can do.
- "Burn the flowers at each shrine. They're a rare variety of gold kanet called 'Roland's Tears' and are sacred to the Three.
- I pray they hear you."
When you're done speaking with Sildras, head to Almalexia's shrine. Burn the pile of offal in front of it, dispatch the alit if you're so inclined, and pray at the shrine. A ghostly servant of Almalexia will appear.
- "My Lady Almalexia bids you carry a message to Disciple Sildras."
- What is this message? / What message does Almalexia have for Sildras?
- "The Tribunal does not abandon their people. Just as a parent shelters children from dangers they cannot comprehend, the Three shelter the Dunmer from threats beyond their ken."
- Is there anything more?
- "Tell him that My Lady is mindful of his doubt and fear. There is no shame in either, so long as he helps others bear their burdens.
- By helping others, his fears will be allayed, but if he spreads his despair, My Lady will chastise him."
After hearing Almalexia's words of comfort, head to the shrine of Sotha Sil. Once there, repeat the exact same process, ending with listening to the words of the servant of Sotha Sil.
- "Speak."
- Sildras wants to know if the Tribunal hears his prayers.
- "All prayers are heard. Not all are acknowledged."
- Are you saying Sotha Sil doesn't care?
- "Every small cog drives a greater gear. Each is necessary; otherwise, the whole collapses.
- When any cog shivers from the stresses on it, the Master feels it, but the load he assigns it is no more than he knows it can bear."
Run the process a third and final time at the shrine of Vivec, with his servant.
- "I appear at my lord's behest.
- Or perhaps I was always here, and you merely lacked the ability to see me."
- Sildras wants to know if the Tribunal hears his prayers. / Disciple Sildras is wondering why the Tribunal is silent. / Disciple Sildras wonders why the Tribunal is silent.
- "Actions carry conviction better than words. A skilled Poet arranges for others to be where they should be, when they should be, to fulfill his needs and desires.
- Yet the question Sildras asked was not the one in his heart."
- What was the question in his heart?
- "A man of poisoned words put doubt in Sildras' heart. He said the Poet is less than He once was.
- Tell the disciple that Vivec's Words and Wit and Way of War are as keen as always. What is Vivec beyond these?"
The only thing left now is to return and speak to Sildras. He will be reassured, and motivated to fix the damage his worry has done to the morale of the townsfolk. He implicates Rhavil Urano in his recent lack of faith, and rewards you for your services with gold and perhaps a newfound understanding of the Tribunal.
- "I can feel the blessings upon you. It's a power I've not felt myself for many years."
- I am to comfort you. Almalexia protects us. She relies on you to aid her children.
- "I … I see. I hadn't considered there might be threats more grave than the Covenant invasion. You would think, given all we know of the treachery of Coldharbour, that I would see that.
- What of Sotha Sil?"
- His messenger said he knows you are strong enough to bear your tasks.
- "I am ashamed. The Three have shown more faith in me than I have in them.
- I dread asking this, but what of Lord Vivec."
- He said not to worry about your true concern: that he is not what he once was.
- "Ha! I should have known. Vivec is the most subtle of the Three.
- It's true. I've been counseling a Dunmer who questions his faith. He told me the Tribunal are losing their powers."
- Did this Dark Elf have any proof?
- "Only indirectly. We see the Three less every year. They no longer make their annual pilgrimage to Red Mountain on Vvardenfell, and no one knows why.
- It all seemed so convincing when he said it."
- What is this Dark Elf's name?
- "His name is Rhavil Urano. He hasn't come to pray for days now. He was in such despair.
- I think he'd even stopped bathing. The last time I saw him, he smelled terrible, like fresh offal."
- Interesting. The beasts surrounding the shrines were drawn there by piles of offal.
- "What? Have I been a fool? I questioned my faith for the flimsiest of reasons and caused others to question theirs. I have much to do to correct my failure.
- I wish I knew why Rhavil Urano's doubting words were so compelling."
It is not necessary to complete the shrines in any particular order.
Quest StagesEdit
Night of the Soul | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
Disciple Sildras needs someone to pray at three shrines surrounding Ebonheart, one for each leader of the Tribunal. He's hoping for a message from the gods, but expects only silence, and he's unwilling to face that himself.
Objective: Seek Almalexia's Blessing
Objective: Seek Sotha Sil's Blessing
Objective: Seek Vivec's Blessing
Objective Hint: Burn the Pile of Offal
As I was warned, all three shrines were troubled by ravenous alits. However, that had nothing to do with disapproval by the Tribunal. They were drawn by piles of offal left near each shrine. I should return to Disciple Sildras with this news.
Objective: Talk to Disciple Sildras
I've told Disciple Sildras about the messages the Tribunal gave me. He found that encouraging.
Objective: Talk to Disciple Sildras
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.