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Traveling Merchant
Location Traveling the roads of the Telvanni Peninsula
Race Argonian Gender Male
Health 25,974
Reaction Friendly
Store Type Traveling Merchant

Nusum is an Argonian traveling merchant who can be found walking the roads of the Telvanni Peninsula with his netch calf, Bloof.


"I saw an Ashlander the other day. Surprising, considering that few make their homes here in the Telvanni Peninsula. We had a nice chat while he looked over my goods."
"I find the funerary rituals of the Dark Elves fascinating. Before I started my route, I spent some time in Necrom, learning about their traditions. I saw no spirits, but perhaps that's because I have no kin here."
"Ah, you found me. Excellent. One day I hope to have a map of my route through the peninsula, but until that happens, I rely on memory and luck.
Memory to walk my route and luck to bring me customers."