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Online:One-Eye's Guard

< Elder Scrolls Online: People

One-Eye's Guards are Argonian guards hired by One-Eye to protect her town of Alten Corimont. They wear Argonian-style medium armor and are equipped with a two handed weapon or a one handed weapon and shield.

Types of One-Eye's GuardsEdit

One-Eye's Guard
Home Settlement Alten Corimont
Race Argonian Gender Female
Health 10,229,568 (Invulnerable) Difficulty  
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Hard Profession Guard
Other Information
Faction(s) Tamriel Guard
One-Eye's Guard (female)

A female One-Eye's Guard.

One-Eye's Guard
Home Settlement Alten Corimont
Race Argonian Gender Male
Health 10,229,568 (Invulnerable) Difficulty  
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Hard Profession Guard
Other Information
Faction(s) Tamriel Guard
One-Eye's Guard (male)

A male One-Eye's Guard.


Guards pull from the Argonian guard dialogue pool.

Female ArgonianEdit

If alerted, they'll call for you to stop where you are.

"You can't escape, criminal!"
"Cease your movement!"
"Halt at once!"
"No sudden moves!"
"Erect the spine of surrender!"

They'll accost you when they catch up to you.

"I erect the spine of 'pay your bounty so I can get back to my patrol.'"
"Sithis can't forgive your crimes, but you are in luck. The law accepts gold."
"Surrender, scum! That means "give up." I know, I know ... small words, short sentences."
"I erect the spine of judgement. Will you pay your fine?"
"I do believe I'm supposed to ask you to pay your fine. Or was I going to offer you a glass of wine?"
"When life hands you a rotten mudcrab, your only option is to pay your fine and beg for the law's mercy."
"Great news! You get to pay my salary. I hope you've been busy, I could use a raise."
"I love collecting bounties. I always wanted to be a poorly dressed, underpaid tax-collector."
"Real law enforcement is so boring. Why stop crimes when you can just stand around demanding bounties?"
"Keep your hands away from your weapons ... or just stand there like an idiot. That works too, I guess."
"Time to pay the fine. Are you going to need help counting it? Basic arithmetic––a criminal's bane."
"Don't you just hate guards hassling you for bounties? Almost makes you want to stop committing crimes…."
"Surrender, scum! That means 'give up.' I know, I know…small words, short sentences."
"I erect the spine of 'pay your bounty so I can get back to my patrol."
"I don't make the fines. I just collect the bounty. Now pay up or I'll get rough with you.'"
"The mud of justice has finally caught up with you. You're under arrest."
"Pay your bounty and no one will get hurt. Except me. Trouble at home, you know?"
"Please, no sad tale of your innocence. I couldn't bear to listen. Just pay your bounty."
"I'm probably wasting my time, but I'll ask anyway. Will you pay your bounty?"
"I'm not a judge or a jury. I'm just here to collect your bounty."
"You're not going to pay your bounty, are you?"
"Your crime is like a blockage in the river of your soul. I can clear it up if you pay your bounty."
"Let me help you clear your soul. Hand over your bounty and I'll put in a good word next time I pray."
"Crime is a dank cloud of noxious vapor. Pay your bounty and let the winds of justice prevail."
"Meditation will ease your mind, but the demands of justice require solid, immutable gold."
"Why did you have to break the law? Now you have to pay the bounty."
"How does this go again? Um, yes ... 'Stop, criminal, and pay the bounty for your crimes.'"
"I was on a break, having a few drinks, when I noticed your criminal face."
"You're a very bad person, and I'm ... I'm going to take your bounty, all right?"
"Forget something, toad? Resist if you want, but it's tough to hop away with broken legs."
"I don't have a problem, you have a problem! You know what your problem is? You committed a crime!"
"There are many paths through the forest of life. For you? I think you best option is to pay your fine."
"Look, I'm new at this, so why don't you help me out and just pay the bounty?"
"If you run, you won't get away. Because I'll run after you. So just pay the bounty."
"It's the bounty or a shallow grave––you decide."
"Pay the bounty or lose a limb. Mine grow back. Do yours?"
"I've got a great epitaph for your tombstone. 'Did not pay bounty.' Has a nice ring to it."
"Back home we'd take a finger for each crime. Sadly, we deal in gold here. Lucky you."
"I'm here to collect––your bounty or your head. You strike me as the 'bounty' type. More's the pity."
"I know you committed that crime, so don't try to confuse me. Just pay the bounty."
"Know the best thing about being a guard? I don't have to pay a bounty for breaking your pelvis."
"Your crimes are known. Pay the bounty or suffer the fangs."
"You break the law, I break your jaw. Unless you pay the bounty of course."
"I may be drunk, but you're a criminal! Now, have a drink and pay your fine."
"Don't try to run from me. Because I'll…I'll chase you. Just pay the bounty, all right?"
"I don't know why people can't just be nicer. I mean––pay the bounty, criminal scum."
"You! I'm talking to you, criminal! You owe a bounty, so hand it over!"
"When life hands you a rotten mudcrab, your only option is to pay your fine and beg for the law's mercy."
"Let's pay your bounty and finish this so I can get back to my cups. Uh, patrol."
"My mind is a cloudy bog today. Still, there's no reason we can't settle your bounty peacefully."
"You're a criminal. And I'm not as thunk as you drink I am. Wait…."
"You soul is covered in mud. Pay your bounty and let the rain of justice wash you clean."
"I do believe I'm supposed to ask you to pay your fine. Or was I going to offer you a glass of wine?"
"Halt, lawbreaker. I have come to claim your bounty. Pay now or you will drink mud."
"I erect the spine of urgency. Render payment on your bounty now. Quickly, dryskin."
"The fruit of crime is tough and bitter, mud-mouth. It is also costly. Pay your bounty or die."
"You swim in troubled water, lawbreaker. Best pay your bounty now. The slaughterfish are circling."
"The people call for justice ... and restitution. Pay your bounty and you may escape my wrath."
"Pay your fine, villain, or we will battle! As soon as I remember where I left my sword…"
"Criminal, will you pay your fine before I…wait, what was I saying? Anyway, about your bounty."
"Have you seen an outlaw around here? I'm supposed to collect a bounty, but I can't seem to…oh, it's you!"
"Don't you get cocky with me, criminal! Pay your fine or face my wrath!"

If you pay your bounty, they'll be satisfied and let you go. The result is the same if you ask for clemency.

[Pay] Here's <payable bounty amount> gold and everything I've stolen. Clear my bounty.
"Pleasure doing business with you."
"Praise the egg! The bounty is paid."
"Wait, you paid? Oh thank you!"
"Well, that went better than expected."
"I'm supposed to be done here, move along."
[Clemency] I have powerful friends. My bounty has already been covered.
"You expect me to let you go then? Sure why not."
"Oh fine. I feel like I'm in the wrong line of work."
"Oh, this will be fun. I can arrest you later for a bigger bounty."
"I can't do that, you're going to jail. Just kidding, you can go."

If you flee, the guard will utter an ambient line of dialogue before giving chase.

[Flee in <30> sec] I won't pay the bounty.
"Attack the guard? Great idea!"
"I expected more of you, villain!"
"I knew you would be trouble."
"Suicide by guard? So be it!"
"One of us will regret this!"
"I expected more of you, villain!"
"You were hatched from a rotten egg!"
"Was I not intimidating?"
"I'll tell my superior about this!"
"Now you've done it!"
"I'll make a drum out of your hide!"
"Now I'm angry."
"Finally some action!"
"This will cost you, vermin!"
"This is entirely your fault!"
"Didn't I ask for your surrender?"
"Didn't I warn you not to do that?"

Male ArgonianEdit

If alerted, they'll call for you to stop where you are.

"Hold, criminal!"
"I found you!"
"Halt and surrender!"
"Stand still, criminal!"

They'll accost you when they catch up to you.

"I've had a hard day. Don't give me any grief, criminal scum!"
"I hate to claim an egg before it hatches, but I assume you will pay your bounty?"
"My scales moisten in your presence. I desire much from you, but I must settle for your bounty."
"I'm sorry, but I must demand your bounty. I'm sure you understand."
"There's no cause to fear me. I'm here to help you pay your bounty."
"We all forget things in the midst of our hectic lives. So I'm here to remind you to pay your fine."
"Uh, yeah, that's right. I represent the town guard. So, uh, pay the bounty, all right?"
"We must all face the consequences of our actions eventually. That's just how the river flows."
"Well met! I know you plan to pay your fine. I'm here to accommodate your needs."
"I'm here to collect your bounty. Then we can put this unfortunate business behind us."
"Good friend, it seems you forgot to take care of the bounty hanging over you."
"I must insist you pay your bounty. Justice shall be served."
"You'd think I'd find this more exciting, but no. Anyway, will you yield and pay your fine?"
"My scales blush at your beauty, but I must ask for your bounty."
"Neither of us wants to be here, but here we are. So, can I collect your bounty now?"
"What did you do? No, don't tell me, I'd rather not know. Just pay your bounty and be on your way."
"Another criminal? Why am I not surprised? I suppose you want to pay your bounty now?"
"My records indicate you owe a bounty for a past crime. And my records are never wrong."
"Such beauty––why must it be so savage? You must pay for your criminal transgressions."
"I am drawn by your musk, but also by my duty. Please. Do not make me scar such a pretty face."
"You are a shining fish caught in a foul current, but you can still return to the river's flow."
"Sometimes the law moves at the speed of mud flowing uphill. If you pay now, I'd be grateful."
"Bright flowers often have poison barbs. Is it the same with you? I will not be beguiled."
"I've heard every excuse, so spare me and just pay your bounty."
"Even the prettiest saplings must be pruned. Especially when they branch into criminal activity."
"I regret that we come from opposite sides of the river. Only your bounty can pass between us."
"If I'm not interrupting anything important, I'd like to secure your bounty now."
"Pay your bounty and maybe I'll let you walk away."
"I do hope you're not a violent sort. I much prefer to deal with civilized lawbreakers."
"You did some crime. Now you pay a bounty."
"You have to pay a bounty because you're a bad person."
"You're a bad person. Pay the fine."
"Why did you do such a bad thing?"
"I can take your gold now."
"The captain says you must pay 'restitution.' Whatever that means."
"Know what we do with criminals around here? Pay your bounty, and you won't have to find out."
"Bounty's too nice for the likes of you."
"You don't want to pick a fight with me. Pay your bounty or else."
"I've heard every excuse, so spare me and just pay your bounty."
"You'd think I'd find this more exciting, but no. Anyway, will you yield and pay your fine?"
"Another criminal? Why am I not surprised? I suppose you want to pay your bounty now?"
"You need to be careful. I'm a volcano of raw emotion and I'm ready to explode!"
"Take care, or collecting your bounty won't be an option. Bleeding on the ground? That's always an option."
"You can pay your bounty, or I can beat the snot out of you. Your choice."
"My last prisoner? Stabbed himself in the back, after roughing himself up a bit. Hint, hint."
"You should be careful. I'm an egg on a precipice and I'm about to crack!"
"Pay your bounty, criminal scum. Just pay it! I was having a bad day before I saw your ugly face."
"I've got you surrounded. Don't make me nervous! I get all twitchy when I'm nervous."
"Don't move. Pay your bounty and you can go. Did you move? I'd better not see you move. I'm warning you!"

If you pay your bounty, they'll be satisfied and let you go. The result is the same if you ask for clemency.

[Pay] Here's <payable bounty amount> gold and everything I've stolen. Clear my bounty.
"Ah friend! All is forgiven."
"Compensation for your debt has been received!"
"I erect the spine of bashful farewell."
"All right, I guess we're done here."
"Farewell, luscious flower."
"A pleasure, cleaning your record."
[Clemency] I have powerful friends. My bounty has already been covered.
"All right, but don't try my patience again."
"Fine, but if you try something, so help me."

If you flee, the guard will utter an ambient line of dialogue before giving chase.

[Flee in <30> sec] I won't pay the bounty.
"You just cracked the egg, scum!"
"You can't outrun the wamasu!"
"The wind of justice must blow."
"I'll make this painless as possible!"
"I tried to be nice about this."
"You should have paid the gold."
"The grass wanes in the wind and I do not!"
"I knew this would happen!"
"The wind of justice must blow!"
"Why did you try to run?"
"You crossed the wrong guard, villain!"
"You're leaving? Over my dead body!"
"Should have paid the bounty."
"Now I get to hit you!"
"And I thought I wouldn't hit anything today!"
"You trifled with the wrong guard, villain!"