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Online:Tamriel Guard

< Elder Scrolls Online: Factions


Guards are usually found patrolling most towns and settlements, if there are non-hostile NPCs around. Guards will only react to players with bounties, if one passes near enough. When stopped by a guard, you will have 15 seconds to decide whether to pay your bounty or flee.

Paying Your BountyEdit

If you choose to pay, that amount of gold is deducted from your inventory and all stolen goods on your person will be confiscated. Your status will be restored to "Upstanding".

Clemency Edit

The Thieves Guild skill line adds a third option for guards. Once per day you can ask a guard for Clemency (to let you off with a warning). They will not arrest you, or take any money or any stolen items. Additionally, guards will not accost you for one minute from this point, giving you time to locate an Outlaws Refuge or leave the area.


If you have insufficient gold, or choose to flee, the guard will immediately attack. Fleeing will raise your bounty, and mark you as "Kill on Sight" for the duration of the chase. As such, you are advised not to run into other guards when fleeing from the first one, since the damage dealt can quickly add up. If you get far enough, the guard will give up and return to his or her original spot. If you are killed, gold will be deducted from your inventory to pay your bounty, and all stolen items are confiscated.

The Thieves Guild skill line offers aid for fleeing criminals. The Timely Escape skill allows you to use Footpads to escape a chase, but only in cities with refuges.


Guards are extremely tough and have massive amounts of health (comparable to a trials boss) making them essentially invincible. They are always equipped with either a one-handed weapon and shield, or a two-handed weapon, along with other skills listed below. When fighting a guard, always flee, since the damage dealt by a guard is programmed to increase the longer the fight lasts. Crowd control and rooting effects may help you put some distance between you and a guard, but guards can break free from them.

One-Hand and ShieldEdit

  • Basic melee attack
  • Shield Charge, which knocks you over.
  • Power Bash, knocks player down and does high damage.
  • Fiery Grip, pulls player towards the guard.
  • Dark Talons, roots player in place.
  • Silver Bolts, a ranged attack.


  • Basic melee attack dealing moderate physical damage.
  • Uppercut, knocks player back while doing high physical damage. The damage exponentially increases as combat lenght increases.
  • Critical Charge, deals moderate physical damage, stuns the player and applies Major Defile for 15 seconds.
  • Petrify, stuns player.
  • Dark Talons, deals low flame damage and roots players in place.
  • Silver Bolts, a ranged attack dealing moderate physical damage.


  • Revealing Flare, Aoe that prevents player from going invisible.

Restricted AreasEdit

The following guards only appear in restricted areas, and do not make arrests under normal circumstances.


Guard dialogue consists of an opening line where they tell you to pay your bounty, a line for paying the bounty, and a line for running away/failing to pick an action within the allotted time limit after you've been caught. Which line are spoken by a character depends on their race and voice actor. These lines are sorted in clusters of three, including the dialogue window for when you get caught, the ambient line that occurs if you pay the bounty, and the ambient line that occurs if you attempt to escape.

Guards of each of race and gender have their own dialogue pools. Imperial and Reachman guards pull from the Breton dialogue pool. Nagas share the dialogue pool with other Argonian guards. The Deadlands DLC introduced Dremora guards to patrol Fargrave.

Unsorted LinesEdit

Unsorted Argonian lines
"Go ahead. Don't pay your bounty. That would make my day. I'm just itching to hit something."
"The law is a river--fight it and you will drown. So pay me your bounty ... or take a deep breath."
"Wise decision."
"This will cost you, vermin."
"The waters of justice flow downhill. Pay your fine or ... what were we talking about? Right, the bounty."
"You paid your bounty? That's wonderful news!"
"Didn't I warn you not to do that?"
"You give me gold, I make this go away. Just don't ask what the money's for."
"Your gold flows like a fresh spring."
"You should have paid the gold!"
Unsorted Dunmer lines
"You're just another lowlife fetcher who broke the law and got caught. Now you have to pay."
"Now get lost, scum."
"This should be easy!"
Unsorted Khajiit lines
"Aren't you in trouble now? Fortunately, I can make trouble go away. I just need a little gold, yes?"
"This will do nicely."
Unsorted Nord lines
"Don't tell me your story. I don't want to hear it. I just want to collect your bounty."
"I expect we'll see each other again."
"Didn't want to kill you, but oh well!"
"Paying a bounty's not so bad. Think of it as unintended charity. The people thank you! Honestly!"
"Painless, eh? Now, off you go."
"We're fighting? Well, all right"
"Looks like you broke some law or other. I believe this means you have to pay the bounty."
"That's right. I think."
"You'll never get away with ... whatever you did!"

These lines are sorted by NPC, when you get caught, if you pay the bounty, and if you attempt to escape.

"Used to be a better class of criminal in this town, but now I get to deal with the likes of you."
"I am surprised you could count that high!"
"Another stupid move!"

"Do not think about running. There is a bounty on your head."
"Good. Carry on."
"You will not escape!"

"Hold a moment! I--uhm ... I had something to say. Oh right, you've got a bounty! Pay up."
"What is this for? Oh right! Bounty."
"Why are you running? Oh, right!"

"It seems you owe a bounty. Once you pay, you will be on your way. Simple as that!"
"Wonderful! On your way, then!"
"Oh my! You will not get away!"

"I will give you some free advice--find a new line of work. Now, pay your bounty."
"Smart move. Now be about your business."
"Bah, I just polished my weapon!"

"You are cornered. Pay your bounty forthwith!"
"Go. Commit no further transgressions!"
"You provoke me? Foul grub!"

"It proves true time and again--criminals occupy the lowest rung on the social ladder."
"What a surprise! You paid!"
"Just as I expected! Not a bit of honor!"

"I believe you have a debt to pay, and not just to society. I require your bounty, friend."
"Thank you for your timely payment."
"What happens next is your fault, villain!"

"Did you forget to pay? I forget things, too. What were we discussing? Oh, yes, your bounty."
"I forget. Why were we talking?"
"Refuse to surrender, did you?"

"I sound angry? Of course I am angry! You would be angry too if you had to deal with idiot criminals!"
"A bit extra would have been appreciated."
"If you make me chase you, I will hurt you!"

"Your evil endeavors end here, wrongdoer! Pay your bounty or suffer my wrath!"
"The light of reason prevails!"
"Escape? Not on my watch, knave!"

"Did you fail to notice me, outlaw? I get that a lot."
"Another bounty paid in full."
"Why make this harder on yourself?"

"Anyone who tells you crime does not pay does it wrong. It always pays ... me."
"Yes ... well this ought to settle things."
"We could have made a deal ... too bad."

"I know, I know. You did not mean to do it. Irrelevant--the bounty must be paid."
"All right. Have a nice day, then"
"Why must it always end this way?"

"Good day, criminal! I'm excited to be able to accept your bounty and clear your name!"
"A pleasure doing business with you!"
"Very well, I can treat you like a criminal!"

"Another tramp dirtying up my streets. Typical. Just pay the bounty and be on your way."
"Painless, yes? Now get out of my sight."
"That was your last mistake, vermin!"

"You're not going to pay your bounty, are you?"
"Well, that went better than I expected."
"I knew you would be trouble!"

"How does this go again? Um, yes ... 'Stop, criminal, and pay the bounty for your crimes.'"
"Wait, you paid? Oh thank you!"
"Was I not intimidating?"

"Back home we'd take a finger for each crime. Sadly, we deal in gold here. Lucky you."
"Do it again and I'm taking some teeth."
"I'll make a drum of your hide!"

"You! I'm talking to you, criminal! You owe a bounty, so hand it over!"
"Now, was that so hard?"
"This is entirely your fault!"

"I'm here to collect your bounty. Then we can put this unfortunate business behind us."
"Ah, friend! All is forgiven!"
"I'll make this as painless as possible."

"My records indicate you owe a bounty for a past crime. And my records are never wrong."
"A paid bounty bores me to tears."
"I knew this would happen!"
"You have to pay a bounty because you're a bad person."
"All right. You can go now."
"Now I get to hit you!"
"You don't want to pick a fight with me. Pay your bounty or else."
"Damn. I was hoping you'd run."
"And I thought I wouldn't hit anything today."

"Uhm ... excuse me. I'm going to have to ask you to pay off your bounty .... Or else?"
"Thanks .... Seriously. Thank you."
"Oh, why me?"

"No one except you and me needs to know about this. Got it?"
"Plink, plink. Such a musical sound."
"Should have paid the gold!"

"So, criminal, what appendage would you like me to remove? Or will you ruin my fun and pay your fine?"
"The bounty has been paid. Hurrah."
"Ah, and now the fun begins!"

"Your illicit activities are remarkably noteworthy. I'm almost embarrassed to ask for your bounty."
"Consider your bounty paid in full."
"But I didn't want to hurt you!"

"You thought you could flee? Everyone thinks they can flee. You won't believe how many get it wrong."
"Don't do it again. Though I bet you will."
"I have a runner!"

"One way or another, you'll pay for what you've done. Best to pay the bounty now."
"It was inevitable, really."
"It's never good to resist fate."

"I owe you a bounty. No, that's not right. You owe me a bounty! Yes, that's it!"
"Good news! The bounty has been paid!"
"Cease and desist, evildoer!"

"Criminal. Pay your bounty."
"That's right."
"Wrong choice!"

"I hate to ask, but ... if it's all right with you, of course ... could you please pay your bounty?"
"We're done here? Yes, I believe we are."
"Might I trouble you to yield, please?"

"I guess you didn't see me there. Happens a lot. You still have to pay the bounty."
"Everything appears to be in order."
"Now, this is too much excitement."

"Excuse me. I ... I hate to be a bother, but I'm supposed to ask you to pay your bounty."
"I did it! I collected a bounty!"
"I wish it hadn't come to this!"

"The Eight may know you atoned for your crime, but I need to see your bounty."
"Praise the Eight! The bounty is paid!"
"Halt, scoundrel, or face judgment!"

"You don't want to be here. I don't want to be here. Just pay your bounty so we can get on with our lives."
"Yeah, yeah. Just move along."
"Just my luck!"

"Do you know how to pay your bounty, or are you as stupid as every other criminal I deal with?"
"Sometimes even the dumb ones surprise me."
"The ignorant never learn!"

"I understand. Times are tough. But you still have to pay the bounty."
"See? That was easy."
"I was having such a nice day!"

"Why would you do something like that? Do you enjoy paying bounties?"
"Honestly, the nerve of some people."
"Stop that! Stop that at once!"

"Such sad business, collecting criminal bounties. Now pay up before I start weeping."
"How sad. Your name has been cleared."
"It's probably my fault."

"This is a simple clerical matter. Pay your bounty and we can remove this blemish from your record."
"Consider your debt to society paid in full."
"I am within my rights to use force!"

"If you wanted to meet me, you could have asked. Now I have to make this official."
"Maybe we'll meet later. We could ... talk."
"I thought we had a good thing going!"

"Not much fun to walk around with a price tag on your head, is it? How about you pay up?"
"Good deal. On your way now."
"You people never learn, do you?"

"To break the law is to demand more of destiny than one is due. There are consequences for such acts."
"May the gods help you, my friend."
"Stendarr's justice must be done."

"Hello. Excuse me? Over here. I'm supposed to collect a bounty from you, I think."
"I'm so glad that's done with."
"Why does this always happen to me?"
"It's great to meet you! I wish it were under better circumstances. Alas, I must ask for your bounty."
"Much obliged! You're free to go."
"And this was going so well!"

"There is a protocol that must be followed in these matters. It starts with you paying your bounty."
"For the record, your honor has been restored."
"Such malfeasance cannot be ignored!"

"Such malfeasance cannot be ignored!"
"Good choice. Now get out of here."
"I'm going to make this hurt!"
"Your reign of evil ends here, malefactor! Pay your bounty or suffer the consequences!"
"Hurrah! The bounty is paid in full!"
"Escape? What audacity!"

"I'm not looking for a fight, but I-I have to ask you to pay your bounty."
"Thank you. A lot."
"Gall and pox, I hate this!"

"I'd love to just let you go, but that wouldn't be good for either of us. So pay your fine, all right?"
"Look how easy that was!"
"Why'd you go and do that?"
"Look, we all make mistakes. Pay the fine and we can put this ugly business behind us."
"Quick and painless, right? Off ya go."
"Oh, why'd you have to do that?"

"You can go no further unless you settle the bounty for your crimes."
"That's that, then."
"The painful approach, then!"

"Pay the bounty and you'll be on your way. Come, let's not make a scene."
"Be on your way, then."
"That was your last mistake!"
"You need to pay my tab. I mean, your bounty. Criminal."
"You're a good kid."
"You won't win this fight!"

"You're a criminal? Really? I don't think so. Still, if you insist on paying a bounty, I'll accept it."
"I doubt you'll try anything like this again."
"I doubt you'll defeat me!"

"The choice is clear. Pay your bounty forthwith or suffer the consequences!"
"Go and transgress no more!"
"You motivate me to violence, cur!"

"We can do this the pay-your-fine way or the tear-you-to-pieces way. Your pick."
"The boring choice, then."
"I was hoping you'd do that!"

"I'm not surprised you turned out to be a criminal."
"You paid? Surprising."
"Criminals are all cowards!"

"Be a good scoundrel and pay your bounty. It's the right thing to do."
"I love it when criminals pay!"
"If you get blood on my boots, I'll kill you twice!"

"Pay your bounty and we'll have no trouble."
"Your compliance is appreciated."
"I will end you!"

"Hands where I can see them. I believe you have a bounty to pay."
"Very well. On your way then."
"This is simply not proper!"

"This can't be right. You could never do that to a live guar. Going to strike that as an error ... now, for the rest of your bounty."
"Good. That's good."
"I gave you a chance!"

"Another vagrant disgracing my streets. Typical. Just pay the bounty and move along."
"Another happy customer. Huzzah."
"Did you not notice my foul mood?"

"Just my luck, bumping into the likes of you. Know what this means? Just more dung to deal with."
"Go on. No need to stand there gawking."
"Why do I always get the violent ones?"

"I have no choice but to follow orders. You? I have no idea why you decided to enter a life of crime."
"You paid, so move along."
"Why do I always get the eager ones?"

"Please! Don't attack. I'm just doing my job. Can you give me your bounty and let this go?"
"Oh! Thank the gods!"
"Please, don't hurt me!"

"Anyone who says crime doesn't pay hasn't seen me in action. My deals with criminals always turn a profit!"
"I was hoping for more, but this will do."
"Why couldn't you just take the deal?"

"Pay the bounty or meet your end. Very painful ... much folding."
"A puzzling tactical choice!"

"By order of the law, pay your bounty!"
"Very satisfactory."
"Guards, to me!"

"Bounty. Now."
"Not another step!"

"Let's not overcomplicate this. You committed a crime and got caught. Pay your bounty and you can go."
"All right. I'll be on my way then."
"I can't let you walk away!"

"I understand completely. Slip a little extra into your payment and I'll forget I ever saw you."
"Criminal? I see no criminal here."
"Then we work it out in battle!"

"Pay the bounty and get out of my way."
"Stupid criminal."
"Ugly and dumb, eh?"

"I've had a hard day. Just pay your bounty and let's be done with this business."
"My tired feet thank you for cooperating."
"Don't make me chase you, felon!"

"Pay or die, criminal!"
"The penalty has been paid!"
"That's your last mistake!"

"You're going to pay off your bounty, right? I'd hate to bloody such a pretty face."
"See? Easy. Now keep that nose clean."
"See? Easy. Now keep that nose clean.""

"Troll's blood! You owe a bounty? I'll happily accept payment to take care of that."
"Another happy customer!"
"The horker wants to fight? Gladly!"

"You owe a bounty for your crimes, and I'll accept not a coin less."
"You are now authorized to go."
"Duty demands I use force!"

"I need some gold. For … for your bounty."
"You did good, pup."
"I fight best when I'm drunk!"

"I don't have time for any nonsense. Pay your bounty."
"Good choice. Now go away."
"This doesn't improve my mood!"

"No need to worry. Just pay your fine and be on your way."
"Thank you for being reasonable."
"Even I have limits!"

"You've broken the law. Now it's time to ... wait, what time is it? Time to pay, that's it!"
"Oh, thank the Eight! I mean ... good."
"Oh dear. Stop!"

"Don't be a horker. Just pay your bounty and be done with it."
"Nice doing business with you."
"No one ever wants to pay!"

"Well, look at you! I'm sure we can work something out so you can put this business behind you."
"I regret that I must go back to my patrol. Maybe later?"
"You ruined such a nice time!"

"Uh, what is it you did again? No matter. Just pay the bounty and we're fine."
"Um, what was this for?"
"I think I have to kill you now!"

"I don't care what you did or who you did it to. Just give me the gold, and I'll look the other way."
"Just keep walking then."
"Have it your way!"

"I'm here to help you. Nah, not really. I just want to collect your bounty."
"I live to serve."
"You realize, this means war!"

"Hey! Yeah, you! I saw what you did. Pay the fine or face the consequences!"
"Hrmph. Now get lost."
"I warned you!"

"You got a bounty to pay, runt. And no funny business. Someone's gonna count it."
"Golly, this is heavy."
"Oh, you're gonna get it!"

"You're just going to go back to breaking the law, I know. But I still need to get your bounty."
"I guess I need to turn this in."
"Can't say I'm surprised!"

"Argh! I hate paperwork! Look, just pay your fine and we'll forget all about this."
"That's right, you paid!"
"I stink at this job!"

"There's no point in making me wait. Pay the bounty or face the consequences."
"You did well to pay me, criminal."
"You should have paid!"

"I feel all woozy when you're around. I'll ask for your bounty so we can spend more time together."
"A shame. I don't want to say goodbye."
"I was hoping for a different kind of contact!"

"We make the strongholds we live in. Yours has a foundation that's cracked and rotten."
"You're free. For now."
"If you escape, someone else will find you!"

"Another stupid bounty. What's the point ...."
"Yeah, fine. Now get lost."

"Got yourself into some trouble, eh? Give me your bounty. I'll sort it out ... trust me."
"Smart. Next time, don't get caught."
"Ha, you asked for it!"

"Someone said something about wine. No, that's not right. You owe a fine! That's it!"
"See you later, lawbreaker."
"Now this I understand!"

"You thought you could get away. Why do they always try to get away?"
"Finally. Someone sensible."
"You won't get away, weakling!"

"By blade and blood, halt villain and hand over your bounty!"
"A pleasure doing business with you!"
"I'm no easy prey, villain!"

"Am I standing too close? Too bad, Elf-breath! I want your bounty and I want it now."
"Just my luck. You paid."
"Finally! Now I get to hit something!"

"I respectfully request you shut your mouth and pay your fine."
"I knew you'd cooperate."
"Lawbreaker, stand down!"

"The journals of justice tell many tales about what befalls criminals who refuse to make payment."
"This will suffice."
"Criminals never cease to surprise me!"

"In my land, crimes are paid for in flesh and blood. Fortunately for you, we deal in gold here."
"Next time you will not be so fortunate."
"I take such pleasure in destroying you!"

"In the name of the law, make restitution, infidel dog!"
"I am satisfied with your penance."
"You dare turn your back to me?"

"I hope I am not disturbing you. It appears you've committed a crime, and I must collect a bounty."
"Much gratitude."
"You should have complied!"

"Bounty. Now."
"You coward!"

"I simply wish to collect the bounty for your crimes, but I will fight if you prefer."
"he wise choice is always the best choice."
"When we draw weapons, everyone loses."

"In exchange for a mere handful of gold, I can make your troubles go away."
"Mark this one paid in full."
"You wish to flee? How cute!"

"Hand over the bounty. I'm not asking twice."
"That's right."
"You have a problem now!"

"Neither of us wants a fight. So how about you pay the bounty for your crimes?"
"Right. Move along, then."
"Don't be unreasonable!"

"No more games. Your bounty. Now."
"Good. Now go."
"So be it!"

"Desist from your crimes and pay restitution."
"You are too bold for your own well-being!"

"Let's put this unfortunate business behind us, friend. Pay your bounty and you're free to go."
"Perfect. Stay out of trouble now."
"There's no need for this!"

"I refuse to work up a sweat for someone as pathetic as you. Just pay your bounty and go away."
"The infidel dog has paid the bounty!"
"You're hardly worthy!"

"Duty demands I request you pay your bounty. It also demands I warn you that refusal would be unwise."
"Long may you prosper, former criminal."
"I find no joy in this!"

"I hope that's gold and not a weapon you're reaching for. Paying is much easier than the alternative."
"That was easy. You're free to go."
"I warned you!"


  • No guards can be found in Cyrodiil or Coldharbour since the Justice System is not implemented in those zones.
  • Gold stored in banks cannot be confiscated by guards.
  • Polished Shillings can sometimes be found when pickpocketing a guard.
  • Throwing mud balls at a guard will result in a bounty. This can be done with the Mud Ball Pouch or a Mud Ball consumable, or during the quest Mud Ball Merriment.
  • Fleeing from a guard in an indoor area is extremely difficult, since you cannot open doors while receiving damage.
  • With enough damage output it's technically possible to reduce a guard's health to zero, although even this does not kill them.