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Online:Captain One-Eye

< Elder Scrolls Online: People(Redirected from Online:One-Eye)
Captain One-Eye
Home Settlement Alten Corimont
Location The Lost Fleet
Race Argonian Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Captain One-Eye

Captain One-Eye is an Argonian pirate in charge of Alten Corimont in Shadowfen. She can later be found at the Lost Fleet in Coldharbour, where she is a possible ally.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit


Warm WelcomeEdit

After you've received her location from beating one of the rowdy pirates, she will be sitting on her throne:

"You haven't introduced yourself, outsider. I don't care if you're brave or foolish. Don't waste my valuable time.
State your purpose. Why should you stand before One-Eye?"
Senil Fenrila asked me to speak to you about his current state.
"The sniveling Dark Elf? He needed the fresh air. His words were addled. Telling everyone how I should run my town.
As for his concerns, the Dominion deals with the Khajiit, not us. And for the moment, she is protected."
Who's the Khajiit?
"A pretender, that's all. She skulks in the shadows, afraid to challenge me, but she pays her spies well
I'd like to see that mangy cat as a new rug on my deck. I want her paychest in my hold! That would solve your problem, would it not?"
What can I do to get you to free Senil?
"Senil insults me with his fancy words and sense of superiority. Still, I could look the other way.
What's this Khajiit getting out of her deals with the Dominion? Find out where and what. Then we will talk more about Senil's freedom."
We have a deal. Where should I start looking?
"Everyone knows I'll pay well to know this Khajiit's plans. Plenty of bites, but no meat.
Right now, there's another wharf rat waiting outside. See what that squealer has to say. If it sounds useful, give him this reward."

Before you find the contact, she will ask you not to run off with the bribe:

One-Eye: "Mind you don't go running off with this."

Speaking to her again:

"Go see what the fool has to say. He's out on deck. And don't waste my money."

After eavesdropping the conversation between the Renrijra representative and the Dominion emissary, you will relay the information to her:

"And what do you bring me? It better be something of worth. I don't pay layabouts for rotten fruit.
That's bad for my reputation, but it's worse for the layabouts. I'm sure you understand."
This Khajiit is selling the Dominion weapons and protection.
"Fah, of course she'd sell them weapons. But protection? That's my business. Nobody but me offers protection here.
Seems like your Dark Elf friend was correct. Some of the lads are aiding the Dominion, and they're doing it without my say-so."
So you'll free him and put a stop to this?
"He can stay there a while longer. That would make it easier for you to work on my side, wouldn't it?
And after you help me rid my town of this Khajiiti upstart, we'll both have what we want."

If you exit the conversation before turning in the quest, she will alternatively say:

"It seems your Dark Elf friend was correct. Alten Corimont aided the Dominion without my permission. This displeases me."
So you'll free him and put a stop to this? (Leads to quest completion dialogue)

Last One StandingEdit

If you haven't started the quest, she will say:

"Time to skin a cat."

Continuing from her previous conversation, she will realize the threat the Khajiit pirate will pose to her and has propose intimidating some pirates to figure out where the upstart is hiding:

"So now we understand each other. My problems are your problems.
The crews in this town are loyal to one thing: gold. This Khajiit has been buying a little too much loyalty. She might even think she can threaten my power."
What can you do about it?
"Me? I won't do anything. However, someone else could deliver a good lesson.
The docks crawl with foreign 'merchants' tempting the local crews with their sweet High Elf gold. A little bloodshed will send them a message."
You want me to beat up some pirates?
"Fah! They're no good to me injured. But the Dominion lackeys are another matter.
Put the fear of One-Eye and her crew into them. That should loosen some tongues. Then find out where our Khajiit is hiding."
Not a problem.

Speaking to her again:

"Normally, I'd say gold is gold, but when someone tries buying my town, I get nasty.
Never liked Khajiit anyway. Nothing but mangy fur and lice. Not clean, like proper scales."

After you acquire the location of the hideout and arrive at the entrance to Tsanji's Hideout, she will be leading a tied up Senil Fenrila:

One-Eye: "Here all along, was it? By Sithis, it was right under my feet!"
One-Eye: "It's about time someone paid that Khajiit a visit."

You can speak to her before you go inside the hideout:

"Kaoc! Right under my snout. Kill her and any of her thugs in your way.
And don't get greedy. Don't try to sneak off with that Dominion paychest. That's mine! It's my payment for freeing your Dark Elf friend."
I'll take care of her.
"That soothes like a soft rain in the night. Her death will remind these mammal-lickers who's in charge here.
Then we will talk about your Dominion problem."

A Pirate ParleyEdit

After completing the heist on the Dominion ship, she will be at the Alten Corimont docks with a freed Senil. She will mention that a Dominion commander is in town and invites you to eliminate her:

"So the Khajiit didn't lie. I pegged you to make off with the money. I misjudged you.
Here's your Dark Elf. I expect the Dominion's prize will be delivered as payment for my largess. And I have yet another present for you."
What would that be?
"A High Elf has come visiting, demanding a supply line through Alten Corimont. She's willing to pay handsomely for the privilege.
Clearly she is a Dominion commander. If she dies, there is no one to execute their plans here ... and I will have her gold."
Where is she now?
"She's in a cabin on the lower deck, waiting for me to return. If someone else arrived instead of me, I'm sure they could take care of this problem.
I, of course, would never strike down a guest."

Speaking to her again:

"That High Elf won't wait forever. Get in there before she suspects anything."

After killing the Dominion commander, she will be waiting back on the top deck and will mention that a vicecanon has been waiting for you:

"A little messy, but sometimes you have to take the low road, right?
One of your vicecanons is waiting for you. I'll let them stay as long as you're vouching for their behavior. This is still my town, understand?"
Where are they in town?
"They're on the upper deck. Follow me."

Following her to the upper deck, she will present you to Vicecanon Servyna:

One-Eye: "Here's your hero, Elf."

After completing the quest:

"It's been a pleasure having you work for me. As long as I'm boss of this town, you're welcome in Alten Corimont."


A Graveyard of ShipsEdit

One-Eye in Coldharbour

While you explore Coldharbour, you can come across an area full of shipwrecks. Captain One-Eye can be found at her small camp with some others. When you approach her she will be talking to her crew:

"Finish your preparations. We head out momentarily."

You can talk with her to see what she is doing here, She will be surprised to see another living person.

If she hasn't met you before:
If you met her before in Alten Corimont:
"Sithis blind me! Be there other living mortals in this wretched waste? You're the first swab I've seen who still has meat on their bones."
"Sithis blind me! Look who it is! Seeing you is the first good news since we landed here. If you got in, maybe we can get out."
How did you get here?
"A whirlpool. It pulled in our ship and dropped us here. We fell right out of the sky!
We went looking for the shipwrecks of the Lost Fleet. Never expected to find them in another world entirely."
Is this all that remains of your crew?
"These and a few others. I sent the rest with my first mate, Jalan, up that canyon to investigate the nearest wreck.
I'm about to lead these lubbers to check out a second wreck. Anything we find will be more than we have now."
Need any help?

Asking her further questions about the ship graveyard:

"We're off to search the second wreck. I'd be obliged if you could follow Jalan's wake and see what's keeping him. Bring him along to the other wreck, so's I can dress him down for being a lazy lackwit.
If he ain't dead, that is."
I'm curious about something.
"Ask away, mate, but be quick about it. We need to move out soon."
Tell me about the whirlpool that brought you here.
"Many a year I've sailed the seas around Tamriel, but I've never seen its like. It was vast, larger than all Alten Corimont, and it spun up all sudden-like.
No wonder sailors call the waters around Thras the Cursed Sea."
Why did you sail into something called the Cursed Sea?
"We was searching for the shipwrecks of the All-Flags Fleet.
Do you know the legend? Scores of ships lost at sea, each one loaded with loot."
How did you know where to look?
"I found the log of Admiral Olo's navigator. That told me how to find the Thras Archipelago—or where it used to be, before it mostly sank.
Olo had himself a good navigator, all right. Her directions led me right into the maw of that whirlpool."
Why are you interested in these wrecked ships?
"Treasure, of course. It's a legend in Alten Corimont that some of our swabs sailed in the fleet that sacked Thras. The ones who survived came home loaded with loot.
If my ancestors could do it, so can I."
I know a safe haven in this place. I could lead you and your crew to it.
"Aye, that'd be a fine end to our adventure. We find the great Lost Fleet, and then we walk away from it.
We lost too many crewmates finding this place. We owe it to them to do at least a little plundering before we pack it in."
Have any more problems in Alten Corimont? (If you met her before)
"Nothing I couldn't handle. Bigfoot Jak challenged my leadership. Now they call him Pegleg Jak."

After finding Jalan and witnessing his transformation into a skeleton after touching cursed treasure, you can head to the Bonnie Spriggan to tell One-Eye what happened. You will find her alone and surrounded by broken skeletons.

"Cursed, Daedra take it! Cursed! A curse on all curses!"
The treasure. It's cursed. What happened here?
"My crew. They got excited and rushed to grab the treasure. The gold—it turned them into skeletons!
Then some kind of spectre appeared and ordered my own crew to attack me. I had to kill them, curse the luck."

Between Blood and BoneEdit

If you choose to not start the quest and when approaching her, she will caution you:

"There you are! Don't. Touch. Anything."

She will alternatively say:

"Me crew is dead. Looks like we be the only living things left in this wretched place."
Now what, Captain? (Leads to starting quest conversation)

Otherwise continue to talk to her as she plans to avenge her crew.

"Now we find the spook that ensorcelled me crew and destroy it.
Wasting good treasure by putting a curse on it—now that's foul play, by Sithis."
So you saw it, too?
"Aye, that I did.
And I swear on the blood of me crew, that spook will pay for this wicked trick."
I'm with you.

Once you agree to help her, an Argonian Skeleton will enter the ship.

Argonian Skeleton: "You have come to a very bad place."
Captain One-Eye: "Have you come to kill us, Lizard Bones!"
Argonian Skeleton: "No, I come to save you. Listen to me, child."

Before you speak to the Skeleton:

"Speak to this creature at your peril. I don't trust it, not a bit.
If it raises so much a finger, I'll strike it down."

After talking with the Skeleton who reveals a way to reach the Lost Fleet Admiral, the specter will appear and force the skeleton to attack Captain One-Eye. The skeleton will resist and One-Eye will strike him down. You can then talk to her and discuss what to do next.

"That Admiral spook, Sithis sink him, seems to control all the skeletons."
That Argonian Skeleton wanted to help you.
"And he did. He showed me the Admiral's control isn't absolute.
Meet me at the wreck of the Golden Era and we'll find his hidden journal."

When you have found Tsona-Ei's journal and his key in the Golden Era, One-Eye will enter the hold. You can show her what you found.

"I see your skin is still on your bones. I searched the rest of the ship, but there's no sign of the journal.
Did you have better luck?"
I found the journal.
"Did you indeed? That be well. Let me see it.
I have a plan, but it only includes me."
If you insist. Here's the journal.
Your chances are slim on your own. You should let me join you.
"Hrmm. Maybe I will, at that.
Let me see that journal, mate."
Here it is./If you insist. Here's the journal. (Both options lead to this)
"What's this? Alten Corimont …?
Sithis take it! This is nought but the ravings of a madman. Where's the secret he promised?"
This key came with the journal.
"Ah, that'll be the key that gets us in to the Admiral.
Or rather, you. I need you to get that Crown of Bones thing. I've got another task ahead of me."
You want me to go after the Admiral? I thought you wanted revenge.
"Oh, I do—and I've seen you in action, so I expect to get it.
But the dead skeleton had mates in his crew from my village. That makes them relatives, even ancestors, mayhap. I think I can use that connection to break their bondage. Worth a try."
What do you want me to do?
"The key must open the Admiral's Coral Tower. Take it, enter the tower, and kill the Admiral.
As for me, it's my duty to look up me dead relatives and see what I can do to help them. Even if it's only to lay them to rest."

If you talk to her again before leaving, she will usher you off.

"Go on, mate.
If things go well, I hope to help you when you face the Admiral"

After you have slain the Admiral and taken his crown, Captain One-Eye will be waiting for you outside the Coral Tower with some friendly skeletal Argonian sailors.

"Look what I found: some long-lost relatives. The shock of seeing me has knocked them out from under the crown's control, but it won't last.
That be the crown right there. What're you going to do with it, mate?"
What do you suggest?
"That there Crown of Bones—it's cursed, belike. You could destroy it. That might set the sailors free—or it might destroy them.
I have another proposition for you. Give the crown to me."

From this point you will reach a choice of whether to hand it over or not.

But you said yourself it's probably cursed.
"Aye, but Molag Bal made it for the Admiral, not for me.
I know a trick or two I learned from an old shaman. I think I can use the crown on the sailors, one by one, to set their souls free. But first …."
"But first," what?
"First we goes up against Molag Bal. That's a swab what needs taking down a peg. And I'm just the lizard to do it."
All right, here.
"Stand back then, mate, while I put on the crown.
If I turn on you, strike me down. Do it quick-like, there's a good chum."
Absolutely not. / Absolutely not. <Refuse to give the crown.>
"Damn and blast. Destroy the thing and be done with it, then."
That's madness. Not a chance./No. Too dangerous.
"I must ask you to reconsider, mate. I've got a quarrel with this here Molag Bal, and I intend to lead these sailors against him.
Afterwards, I'll set them all free. Assuming we survive."
I don't know. This relic is dangerous. (Leads back to But you said yourself it's probably cursed.)

If you choose to give her the crown and exit out of the conversation before turning in the quest, she will say:

"Look what I found: some long-lost relatives. The shock of seeing me has knocked them out from under the crown's control, but it won't last.
That be the crown right there. What're you going to do with it, mate?"
Very well. (Leads to quest completion dialogue)
Captain One-Eye
Location The Lost Fleet
Race Skeleton Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Captain One-Eye with the Crown of Bones, turned into a skeleton

If you did hand her the crown, she will put it on and be transformed into a skeleton and their new Admiral.

"Good choice, mate, giving me the crown.
Now I think I'd best be introducing me crew to their new captain."

She appears to have gained control as the Lost Fleet skeletons will no longer attack you.

However, if you refused to give her the crown, the crown will be destroyed in a small explosion. One-Eye will comment:

Captain One-Eye: "Hrmf. Belike I'll just have to rely on me old shaman's tricks to put right me new crew."

Speak to her and she'll say:

"Hrmm. Well, belike you're right, when all's said and done.
Now I'll just have to see what I can do for me new crew, here, with that old shaman's tricks."

If you refuse to give her the crown and before you turn in the quest:

"You're a stubborn one, mate. I'll give that."
It's too dangerous. Who knows what it might do to you? (Leads to quest completion dialogue)

The Citadel Must FallEdit

One-Eye at the Endless Stair

Captain One-Eye may be at the portal to the Labyrinth, with some of her Fleet Soldiers if you gave her the crown previously. She does not appear if the crown was destroyed.

"The Crown of Bones' power will grant us victory this day!
I can't wait to see what treasures await us inside the Endless Stair."

The Final AssaultEdit

Once you have received your orders, you can ask the Captain what help she can provide.

"Has the time come to sail into the stormy sea? Do we pillage and plunder the domicile of the Lord of Brutality now?
I'm eager to demonstarte 
[sic] the power of the Bone Crown!"
Do you think the Bone Crown will help?
"You've seen the Crown's power. It will turn the tide of this battle. That's a foregone conclusion!
My pirates are invincible. Even Molag Bal cannot kill death—and that's what we are now. Immortal!"
Will you accompany me on the initial assault?
"A crew is not complete without its captain. They would be lost without me.
So, sadly, I must refuse. But have no fear. When the sky clears and the wind blows strong, my pirates and I will sail to your side. It will be glorious!"


  • Captain One-Eye cannot be found in Alten Corimont until Warm Welcome has been started and you're on the objective to speak to her.
  • Her skeleton form used a human skeleton model at launch, but it was later changed to an Argonian skeleton.
