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Location Graven Deep
Coasts of GalenFiresong
Species Pangrit
Health Normal44,205 / 68,800Veteran123,034 / (?)
Reaction Hostile

Pangrits are bipedal creatures which can be found alongside Hadolids, and serve them as pets and beasts of burden. They can be found on the Uncharted Island at Graven Deep and on the coasts of Galen.

Skills & AbilitiesEdit

One unique mechanic associated with Pangrit in Graven Deep dungeon is the spawning holes (known as Pangrit Dens) that the Pangrit create. When one is found or created, it will continuously spawn Pangrit until someone uses the Bristlepitch synergy ability on it. Pangrits that emerge from a den have more health than their peers, and are referred to as "Pangrit Den's Pangrit" on the death recap screen.

Other abilities used by Pangrit include:

A basic melee attack that does minor physical damage.
A basic melee attack that does minor physical damage.
The Pangrit slashes its foe with sharp claws, dealing low physical damage.
The Pangrit's basic ranged attack which deals minor damage.
Sonic Howl
The Pangrit stands firm and howls, damaging enemies in front of it in a cone-shaped AoE. This deals minor physical damage and snares.


See AlsoEdit