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Online:Prelate Mazka

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Prelate Mazka
HomeĀ Settlement Dune
Location Outside the Temple of the Two Moons Path
Race Khajiit Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
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Condition Projection
Prelate Mazka

Prelate Mazka was a Khajiit in service to the First Mane Rid-Thar-ri'Datta. A vision of him can be witnessed outside the Temple of the Two Moons Path in Dune.

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Leramil the Wise will have summoned you to investigate various locations around Tamriel visited by Torvesard who is trying to find the third Glyphic so he may free his Prince. Leramil's portal to Reaper's March will bring you to Dune, following the threads of fate will lead you to the Two Moons Path. Here you will be advised to use the Echonir to view visions from the past.

Your vision will become green-tinted, and you will see Prelate Mazka walk up to the temple door, accompanied by two Two-Moons Sentries:

Prelate Mazka: "The First Mane has shown us a new path. This temple is to be razed! So commands Rid-Thar-ri'Datta!"
<Blade-Maiden Ishara and two Claws of Boethra appear out of nowhere and kill them all.>
Blade-Maiden Ishara: "No. This shrine is under Boethra's protection. Let this serve as a warning!"
Claw of Boethra: "Why does Boethra want this temple to remain intact, sisters?"
Blade-Maiden Ishara: "Do not question the Warrior of the East and West, my sisters. Now, back to Do'Krin."
<The three walk away.>