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Online:Reanimated Vampire

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Reanimated Vampire
Location Castle Thorn
Race Nord Gender Varies
Health Normal235,758Veteran760,077
Normal271,122Veteran874,089 (Vaduroth)
Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile Class Ravager
Other Information
Faction(s) Thorn Legion
Condition Vampire
Reanimated Vampire
Vaduroth reanimating a vampire

Reanimated Vampires are Nord vampires who can be found in Castle Thorn. Slightly stronger ones are found strapped to tables in Vaduroth's arena, where it will bring them back to life over the course of the fight.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Reanimated Vampires use ravager and vampire abilities.

Quick Strike
A basic melee attack that does minor physical damage.
Heavy Slash
A melee attack that deals moderate physical damage and knocks you back if it connects. This attack can be blocked to stagger Reanimated Vampire instead.
The Reanimated Vampire swings their weapon around, dealing minor physical damage to all enemies in front of them. This attack has no red cone indicator.
Red Breath
The Reanimated Vampire sprays a red mist in a cone in front of itself dealing moderate magic damage and knocking down any targets hit by it.
The Reanimated Vampire begins feeding on the player, dealing moderate physical damage, stunning the target and restoring its health every 1 second for 3 seconds.