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Online:Scholarium Scribblings

< Elder Scrolls Online: Books-Collections
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Scholarium Scribblings is a collection of (?) books related to Scribing and The Scholarium that make up part of the Eidetic Memory.

Title Author Description Location
ON-icon-book-Generic 325.png
Ancient Hunter's Journal
Here-Seen An ancient journal by a faun hunter
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An Argument For Common Sense
Uruld, preserved by Gollred A record arguing against the veracity of certain Beastfolk
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The Ashes of Red Mountain
Unknown Words of a recently changed Dunmer after the Battle of Red Mountain
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The Atmoran Cult Writings
Archivist Oriane Pamarc Fragmentary translations of esoteric Atmoran religious texts
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Caal: Assistant Chronicler
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Captain's Log of the Intrepid Guar
Captain Turseth Garil A log of an ill-fated journey
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Challenges of the Indrik
The Indrik
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A Change in the Chimer
Carlotta Maro, Alessia's Chosen A documentation of the curse from Red Mountain
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The Chronicler's Travelogue Volume 8
Chronicler Firandil
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The Chronicler's Travelogue, Volume 4
Chronicler Firandil of the Mages Guild
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The Class Script Conundrum
Chronicler Firandil
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The Conquests of Hubalajad
How Abah's Landing gained its name
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Cries from Empty Mouths
Varederil, Psijic Order Translation of prose from the Sinestral Elves
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Fable of the Crow
A fable about Ulfsild and Shalidor's life
Fable of the Dragon
The story of Mizbi and the Dragon in her head
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Fable of the Dragon (Annotated)
A fable about a Khajiit and Dragon with annotations
Fable of the Gryphon
The story of Gray the fox and Zariah
Fable of the Gryphon
Fable of the Indrik
A story of a hunter and an Indrik
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Fable of the Indrik (Annotated)
A fable with annotations relating to the locations it mentions
Fable of the Netch (Annotated)
Priest Lucilan searches for the mysterious source of blessings
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Firandil's Scholarium Experience
Chronicler Firandil
  • On a wall near the Scribing Altar
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First Letter to the Mages Guild, Draft Copy
Adept Irnard Rirnil
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Games of the Netch
The Netch
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Gryphon Fable (Annotated) Page 1
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Gryphon Fable (Annotated) Page 2
  • On small pennisula east of Honrich Tower (Quest Related) (map)
  • May have multiple locations due to Quest finish sequence
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Gryphon Fable (Annotated) Page 3
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Gryphon Fable (Annotated) Page 4
  • Southeast passage in the Broken Helm Hollow (Quest Related) (map)
  • May have multiple locations due to Quest finish sequence
ON-icon-book-Generic 354.png
The History of Yawning and Proper Technique
ON-icon-book-Generic 422.png
How to Scribe
Ulfsild A guide to scribing
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Julian Notes
Julian Catous Julian Catous' contribution to the works in the Scholarium
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The Largesse of the Archmagister
Chronicler Firandil Announcement of free Scripts to all Mage Guild members
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Mizbi and the Magic Door (Annotated)
Ulfsild Mizbi the Bard stumps the Dragon with a riddle
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Nable of the Fetch
The Netch The Netch's personal account about itself
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Nahlia's Journal 1
Votary Nahlia A Votary's first assignment with the Order of the Lamp
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Nahlia's Journal 2
Votary Nahlia The conclusion of a Votary's first assignment
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Nahlia's Journal 3
Votary Nahlia Votary Nahlia's first meeting with a caustic mage
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Nahlia's Journal 4
Votary Nahlia Votary Nahlia's first meeting with a caustic mage
ON-icon-book-Generic 414.png
Notes on the Fable of the Dragon
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Notes on the Fable of the Netch
ON-icon-book-Generic 125.png
Our Story, Part I
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Our Story, Part II
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Our Story, Part III
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Our Story, Part IV
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Riddle of the Luminary Fires
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Riddles of the Dragon
The Dragon
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Riddles of the Dragon
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Safeguards of the Gryphon
The Gryphon
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png
Second Letter to the Mages Guild, Draft Copy
Adept Irnard Rirnil
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The Secret of the Netch
The Netch The Netch makes some claims about the nature of their mundane kin
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The Ship of Ice
Kjalsdottir A possible explanation for the freezing of Atmora
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Sigil of the Dragon Analysis
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Sigil of the Gryphon Analysis
Chronicler Firandil
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Sigil of the Indrik Analysis
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Sigil of the Netch Analysis
ON-icon-book-Note 05.png
Special Volume Instructions
ON-icon-book-Note 03.png
Third Letter to the Mages Guild, Draft Copy
Adept Irnard Rirnil
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Thulgeg's March
Kraltha the Rememberer An account of the life of Warlord Thulgeg, who led the Orc exodus from Hammerfell to Wrothgar
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Ulfsild's Log: The Dragon
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Ulfsild's Log: The Gryphon and the Fox
Ulfsild Ulfsild account of meeting the Gryphon and the Fox
ON-icon-book-Generic 133.png
Ulfsild's Log: The Indrik
Ulfsild Ulfsild's accountof meeting the Luminary Indrik
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Ulfsild's Log: The Netch
Ulfsild Ulfsild's account of meeting the Luminary Netch
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Ulfsild's Log: Your Discovery, My Farewell
Ulfsild Ulfsild's account of meeting the Luminary Dragon
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Ulfsild's Note
Ulfsild A fragment of a bitter farewell
  • On left side in the Sunnamere Study (Quest Related) (map)
  • On table in Main Hall of the Scholarium (Post Quest) (map)
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Ulfsild's Notes: The Impossible Riddle
Ulfsild Assistance from the past for an impossible riddle
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Ulfsild's Notes: The Origin of Luminaries
Ulfsild Speculation on the origin of the Luminaries
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Votary Llaren's Addition to the Scholarium
Votary Llaren, Knight of the Lamp Votary Llaren thoughts on recent events
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We Sail for the Horizon
Unknown Words of one of the Ra Gada fleeing Yokuda
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