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< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Location Shrine of the Black Maw, Sentinel Outlaws Refuge, Motalion Necropolis
Race Wood Elf Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Condition Vampire

Silverslip is a Wood Elf vampire who can be found in the Shrine of the Black Maw.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Cold Blood, Old PainEdit

You'll find out Silverslip was taken to the Shrine of the Black Maw by vampires, you and Ember rushed out to rescue her.

Soon you will find a journal from Silverslip revealing that she inadvertently caused mercenaries to abduct her and her friends when picking up a letter addressed to Song. Soon, she will make a surprise appearance from a ledge and asked Ember to speak to her outside: <Silverslips makes an appearance with her vampiric aura>

Silverslip: "Ember? What are you doing here?"
Ember: "Silverslip! You, oh no, you—"
Silverslip: "Don't you dare pity me, Ember."
Silverslip: "Meet me outside. We can talk there."

<Silverslip disappears with her vampiric aura>

Ember: "She never could deal with kindness or pity at all."
Ember: "Silverslip is safe and well. But Silverslip is also a vampire. I'm really not sure how I'm supposed to feel right now."

Once outside to meet up with Silverslip, Ember is hesitant to speak to her:

Ember: "Can you talk to Silverslip for me? I need a moment to brace myself."
Silverslip: "I'm still me, Ember. I'm not going to lose control. But fine, I'll speak with your friend. They already read about all my secrets already."

Speaking to Silverslip who is already exhausted from guilt:

"You read my journal, so now you know all my sordid secrets. Like how this was all my fault, and I'm the one that got my friends taken away. Did you come here to shame me? Well you're too late. You can't say anything I haven't already told myself."
Ember wanted to find you.
"And now you've found me? Shall I recount the tale for her? That one where I'm a gullible, foolish child who thought Song's family really missed her, and that I could help reunite them?
I should have burned that letter. That's how they found us."
You mentioned the letter in your journal.
"Indeed, a letter supposedly from Song's heartbroken mother. I read it because I'm an idiot, but I remember a drawing on the parchment. A strange eye. It must have been magic, a glyph maybe? I'm almost certain it's how they tracked us down."
Learning more about the glyph might lead us to Song.
"Hmm, you might be right. I never looked into it because I thought it was better if everyone assumed I was dead. Then, I wouldn't ever have to face the truth.
But deep down, I always knew this day would come. Now that it's here…I want to help."
I'm sure Ember would welcome your help.

You can ask more questions:

"I always figured it would be Ember who came looking for me. That girl doesn't know when to quit.
Go on, talk to her. Apparently, she isn't ready to speak to me."
Why didn't you tell any of your friends about the letter?
"Because I was stupid, all right? I was a dumb, naive kid who thought she knew the world better than everyone else. I never thought it was that big of a deal. I just wanted to help Song, and I didn't think I needed anyone's help. Lot of good that did."
You didn't know what would happen.
"Maybe not, but I should have been smarter.
I just wanted Song to have a family who loved her. I wanted a family, a real one, my whole life, and there was one practically begging her to come back. I thought I was doing the right thing."
So…you're a vampire now.
"Noticed that, did you? That's a keen eye you have.
But yes, I am. It wasn't exactly my choice, but I've learned to accept it. I have people that look out for me now, almost like the old days, It's not unbearable or anything."

If you haven't turned in the quest to Ember:

"I can tell Ember's getting restless. Hasn't changed a bit, she's got all the same tells. Go talk to her before she gets any more wound up.
I'm not going anywhere, I promise."

After the quest, Ember forgives Silverslip for the past and asked her to help find Song:

Silverslip: "I don't expect you to forgive me, Ember."
Ember: "I'm just glad you're alive, Silverslip. We already found Jhaka, too. He's in Marbruk."
Silverslip: "Really? You found him? Oh, Ember. I'm…I'm different now, but I can still help. Let me atone for all of this."
Ember: "You're the only one who saw that strange eye drawn in the letter. We need you, Silverslip. We'll find Song together."
Ember: "Let me send word to Jhaka before you find him in Marbruk. Just so he's prepared."
Silverslip: "Hah, probably a good idea. I'd hate to scare the stripes off him."

Speaking to her after quest:

"I've changed a lot since my days in Skywatch. I buried that life a long time ago out of necessity. But I never stopped loving my friends, not even for a moment.
If you and Ember are finding Song, I promise to do everything in my power to help."

Green with EnvyEdit

After speaking to Ember in the Sentinel Outlaws Refuge, Silverslip has been following you both to assist on rescuing Song:

Silverslip: "Hey! Over here!"
Ember: "Silverslip? Ha, I knew you'd follow us."

You can speak with her that her and Jhaka cannot leave you and Ember alone to deal with the Emerald Eye:

"Jhaka and I have been tailing you and Ember. Between his sense of smell and my eyesight, we make a good pair of trackers.
Ember told us to stay behind, but we couldn't let the two of you go off on your own. Song is our friend too."
We have a solid lead on Song. A group called the Emerald Eye is involved.
"Emerald Eye? That must have been their symbol on the letters I saw before everyone got taken.
I trust you and Ember to figure out what's going on. Jhaka and I will follow close by if you need anything, but we'll leave any fighting to you."
Where's Jhaka?
"He's around here somewhere, either dozing or meditating. For such a large cat, he has the ability to make himself pretty unobtrusive.
His health has improved a lot. I didn't have to slow down for him at all."
Did you run into any trouble while tailing us?
"No, but we know how to take care of ourselves. And even if we didn't, there aren't many people keen to try and take on a Pahmar and a vampire.
Most people give us a wide berth when we're together. You don't have to worry about us."
Ember and I are going to find the Emerald Eye encampment. (Closes conversation)

After speaking to her:

Silverslip: "Jhaka and I will be close by."

Speaking to her again before finding the camp:

"I've never stopped thinking about Ember, Jhaka, or Song. Not even for a moment. Just because I buried my past doesn't mean I forgot it.
But I suppose that doesn't count for much, does it?"

Once you destroy the Emerald Eye Relic, Song will be free. Ember will check up on her, but will soon be accompanied by the arrival of Jhaka and Silverslip:

Ember: "Song? Are you all right?"

<Jhaka will rush through the door>

Jhaka: "We heard fighting and could not help ourselves. Is everyone safe?"
Song: "Ember? Jhaka? You're alive? How are you here?"

<Silverslip makes her entrance with her vampiric powers>

Silverslip: "Don't forget about me, precious."

Speaking to her before Song as she's unsure if Song will accept her current state:

"Sorry we weren't much help. Jhaka's still not up to full strength and I figured you and Ember had it covered anyway.
I can't believe Song is here, and she's safe. I hope she doesn't recoil from me. Or hate me."

After speaking to Song and before speaking to Ember:

"I'm not looking forward to telling Song about what really happened that day. But she needs to know. I want to tell her the truth.
You should talk to Ember. She looks like she's getting ready to hug you or something, watch out."

If you exit out of the conversation with Ember and before you complete the quest, she will say:

"Don't worry, I'll keep a close eye on Song. If she wavers for even a moment, I'll catch her. I'm surprised she's still on her feet.
She always was tough. I'm not surprised that's changed. And she's just as pretty as I remember, too."

After the end of the quest, she will express her gratitude in helping reunite everyone:

"I'll be honest, I wasn't sure about you at first. But you've done more to undo what was done to us than I ever did. You're all right.
Thanks for reuniting us, and for being a friend to Ember."
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