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Online:Snapdragon's Research Journal

< Elder Scrolls Online: Items: Books
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Book Information
Snapdragon's Research Journal
ID 8204
Collection Companions Correspondence
Needed for Of Crown and Flowers
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Snapdragon's Research Journal
Speculation about members of the Garland Ring

After my abduction and subsequent imprisonment at Sunhold, I felt it was prudent to create a second copy of my research into the Garland Ring traitor. Within this journal, you'll find I've been tracking the movements of key members of the Garland Ring. Yourself included. I am nothing if not thorough.

Tanlorin if you're reading this, then I'm dead. Sorry about that. You always were the best of us. I hope this helps you find the traitor that killed me. The original should also be available at my cottage in Firsthold. You remember the one. I can't shake the feeling that stashing this away will be something that helps us all in the long run. Good luck.

* * *
While much can be said about Hyacinth's abduction from his Greenshade greenhouse, I find it hard to believe our skilled tinkerer lost a fight in his own workshop.

Hyacinth also has a history of isolating himself for weeks at a time. He would have us believe that these long absences are spent researching and designing new devices and mechanisms for the Garland Ring. I posit that Hyacinth is instead using this time to coordinate his efforts with Ceythalmor contacts. Though, I have no definitive proof.

* * *
Wisteria is as skilled a spy as any I've met, and I've gutted a few in my time. In the days following Oleander's death, I've noticed a pattern in her travels. My old contacts in Greenshade have reported Wisteria's presence all across the province, but specifically at the following locations:

A coastal area southwest of Seaside Sanctuary, near the front entrance to the Labyrinth, and Echo Pond.

If the Garland Ring still primarily operated out of Hyacinth's greenhouse, this would make sense. But with the move to Malabal Tor, I think it's odd that Wisteria is frequenting Greenshade. Especially knowing they had an embedded presence within Rulanyil's.

* * *
The Gardener is an enigma. Behind the pleasantries, he reeks of riches and politics. I've long suspected he is an elite of some sort playing at spycraft, but no mission in the Garland Ring's long history has ever directly benefited Thalmor politicians. That I'm aware of at least.

I begrudgingly admit that he may in fact be doing exactly what he preaches. Using his not inconsiderable wealth to give the Garland Ring the best chance it can have at making Summerset society better. That doesn't mean I have to like him, though.

* * *
Then there's Bogcup. Or, rather, Tanlorin of Rellenthil. Born to a wealthy family of architects and mages, Tanlorin was oustered, stripped of their family name and banished, when they were unable to bring their magical powers under control. Records seem to hint at a disaster of some sort, but specifics are hard to find. Which I presume is by design.

Despite this mystery, I have no reason to believe they are the traitor. Chief among my reasons is the strange travel companion they've recently been spending all their time with. An adventurer of some sort, and I hear the two have made a name for themselves.

To this I say, good for them. I worry Tanlorin's ousting put too soon an end to their childhood. This new friend seems to be giving them a chance at being themselves again.

Also, frankly, the detail-focused skullduggery required to be a traitor to one's friends is exactly the kind of work that Tanlorin despises.