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Online:Stormsurge Face Markings

< Elder Scrolls Online: Head Markings
Artists in Shimerene [sic] paint the bodies of explorers with paints made from crushed shells. The designs are said to focus the explorer and help them sense the sea's temperament to avoid disaster.
Stormsurge Face Markings
ON-icon-head marking-Stormsurge Face Markings.png
Stormsurge Face Markings
Type Head Marking
Acquired From Master Marine

The Stormsurge Face Markings are acquired by earning the Master Marine achievement in Dreadsail Reef.


There is one achievement associated with this collectible.

Achievement Points Description
   Master Marine 50 Defeat Lylanar and Turlassil, the Reef Guardian, and Tideborn Taleria, after raising the challenge banner in Veteran Dreadsail Reef in one run without gaining the benefits of any Prismatic Resonances.

