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Online:Strange Goblin

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Strange Goblin
Location Breagha-Fin
Race Goblin Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Strange Goblin

Strange Goblin is a named Goblin located in Breagha-Fin. He was originally a Breton named Amberic, and one of the assistants hired by Lady Clarisse Laurent to retrieve the Emerald Chalice, before the curse of the Chalice turned him into a Goblin.

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Quest-Related EventsEdit

After you have defeated Malofar and taken the chalice, an odd, non-hostile Goblin will be waiting for you outside the inner sanctum. Attempt to speak with him:

"Wait, you there! I'm not a … not a Goblin!"
What are you? Get out of my way.
"No! Listen! Oop! Oop! Breton. Breton!"
What happened to you?
"Not … not here. I can show you way out. Make sure Goblins … leave you alone.
Follow me … ack!"

The goblin will stop once he feels he is far enough away. You can then ask him for his story:

"Ack … ook … gah! Now we can talk safely."
What did you want to tell me?
"This … Lady Laurent's fault! We told her about … Goblins!"
You're one of the people she hired to help her?
"We had contract. And the lady … pays well. She wanted stupid cup.
She needs to know … the cost of recovering the cup."
How did you end up a goblin?

You can ask him further questions about the possibility of reversing the effects of the cup's magic and what happened to Malofar's clan:

"Ack! Oop! The stupid cup! Anyone who drinks from the cup turns into a Goblin!
And the cup's owner can control them."
What happened to Malofar's clan?
"Where do you think all these … ack! … Goblins came from? Malofar betrayed them and turned them into a Goblin army!"
Is there a way to turn you back?
"It's too late. I think the cup's magic is forever!"
Someone in the Mages Guild must know how to reverse the enchantment.
"No. Feel more … Goblinish every moment. Fate. Destiny. And … another Goblin fancies me."
Can you tell me anything else about the cup?
"Don't drink … from the cup! You don't want to turn green!
Maybe the lady should drink … drink from cup? That would show her!"

Once you finish speaking with him, he will lead you to an alternate exit:

Strange Goblin: "Follow me! Out the back!"

When you arrive back at camp, if you talk to him, he will ask you to lie to Lady Laurent.

"Don't … ack … tell her. Make her pay."

After speaking with Lady Laurent, events can go two ways, depending on what you told her about the Emerald Chalice.

If you told Lady Laurent the truth about the Chalice, she will undo the enchantment on the Strange Goblin by using Stibbons' blood:

Stibbons: "Yes m'lady. Please try not to get any on my clothes. Blood is murder to get out."
Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Now just hold still Stibbons …."
<She takes some blood and puts it in the Chalice.>
Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Now you, Goblin, drink from the chalice."

When the goblin takes a sip, he will transform back into Amberic. However, Laurent appears to have miscalculated:

Stibbons: "What? What's happening …?"

Stibbons will then transform into a goblin and will walk away to sulk.

Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Oh, dear … that was an unexpected side effect."

If you lied to her ladyship, you'll witness the following:

Stibbons: "As you wish, m'lady."
<Stibbons drinks from the cup>
Stibbons: "What? What's happening …?"
Stibbons: "What happened? No. No! I'm a Goblin!"
Amberic: "Har! Yes … revenge!"
Lady Clarisse Laurent: "What have you done? My manservant is a Goblin! It'll take me forever to undo this!"

If you speak with the goblin before turning in the quest whether you told the truth or not, or if you completed the quest by choosing the lie:

"Yes! Happy!"