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Online:Mages Guild (Velyn Harbor)

< Elder Scrolls Online: Places: Malabal Tor / Guildhalls(Redirected from Online:The Mysterious Glyph)
Mages Guild
(view on map) (lore page)
Malabal Tor
Velyn Harbor
Crafting Stations
  • ON-icon-Alchemist.png Alchemy Station
  • ON-icon-Enchanter.png Enchanting Table (x2)
  • ON-icon-Outfit Station.png Outfit Station
  • ON-icon-Jewelry Station.png Jewelry Station
The Velyn Harbor Mages Guild

The Velyn Harbor Mages Guild is a guildhall in the central part of Velyn Harbor housing a local branch of the Mages Guild. It is a two-story building with upstairs and downstairs areas. The ground floor houses all the resident vendors of the magical supplies along with alchemy and enchanting stalls. All the inhabitants can be found on this floor, either tending their stalls or practicing spell casting. There is an alchemy station, an dye station and two enchanting tables, all available for crafting. A note, Dead Man's Drop, which adds a map marker to the mine with the same name, can be found here. An advanced safebox can be found in the middle of the room. An extensive library is situated upstairs, with quite a few bookshelves along the walls.

When you first arrive in Velyn Harbor, the building is accessible but overrun by Drublog invaders. The Mages Guild services become available only after the successful completion of One Fell Swoop, during which you need to liberate Velyn Harbor from two invader groups attacking the city at the same time. A thieves trove is on the beach next to a boat east of the guild hall

Related QuestsEdit


Mages Guild
Noam Geric  
The Greenglass Vial — An alchemical shop run by Marantar.  
  Hues of the Harbor — An outfit station in Velyn Harbor.  
The Mysterious Glyph — An enchanting stall owned by Hamira.  
Mystic Gemworks, a jewelry crafting station.


  • One of the bookshelves on the ground floor generates a random book each time you activate it.
