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Quick Summary: written by Enodoc, checked by MolagBallet

Walkthrough: written by unk, checked by Solomon1972

Quest Stages: written by MolagBallet, not checked
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Defend the Sphere of Storms from the Sea Vipers.
Zone: Malabal Tor
Objective: Ilayas Ruins — Save the Sphere of Storms from destruction.
Quest Giver: Mariel the Ironhand on the western road;
Atirr on the eastern road
Location(s): Ilayas Ruins, Stormwarden Undercroft
Reward: Cuirass of Storms
High Leveled Gold
XP Gain: High Experience XP
ID: 4119
Maormer Sea Vipers invaded Ilayas Ruins, searching for a weather-controlling relic called the Sphere of Storms. I've been asked to help the stormwardens defend the sphere until reinforcements arrive.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Find the Sky-Key in the Maormer camp.
  2. Go to the ruin entrance.
  3. Find the Stormwarden Sanctuary.
  4. Recharge the Sphere of Storms.
  5. Escape the ruins.
  6. Talk to Mariel the Ironhand.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

You'll find Mariel the Ironhand or Atirr near Ilayas Ruins. They'll tell you of the dangers of allowing the Maormer Sea Vipers to access the Sphere of Storms in the ruins. After agreeing to help, search the Sea Viper camp for the chest containing the Sky-Key. With key in hand, meet Mariel at the entrance to the ruins. She is wounded and won't go any further, but will ask you to carry on. If you can persuade her, she can tell you the correct order to activate a set of stones later in the ruins.

Enter the Stormwarden Undercroft in the Ilayas Ruins and fight your way through numerous Sea Vipers to the puzzle chamber. Activate the Tower, Shadow, Lover, and Thief tiles in that order. If you did not get the hint from Mariel, it's possible to figure out the puzzle using brute force. The puzzle will reset if you press the wrong tile, which means you have seven possible combinations to try without repeating. (A maximum of 3 possible wrong answers on the first tablet, 2 on the second, 1 on the third).

Once you have reached the Stormwarden sanctuary beyond the door, speak with Stormwarden Cirnean. She will tell of Firras's betrayal, which you may have read about in his journal found earlier in the ruins. She explains you will need to collect two Thunderstones to re-power the Sphere of Storms. They can be taken from the Storm Atronachs in the next room.

In the hallway beyond the sanctuary, you'll find the spirit of Master Stormwarden Faranwe. She is furious and condescending after having been awakened due to the ineptitude of the current Stormwardens. If you can intimidate her, she'll agree to help and grant you a minor boon.

After harvesting thunderstones from the atronachs, place the thunderstones in the marked receptacles and leave the chamber. On your way out, Master Stormwarden Faranwe asks you to complete one last task: find and kill Firras. Conveniently, he is waiting for you in the entrance chamber, which is accessible through the nearby one-way door. He will have two Sea Vipers with him.

Once the traitor is dead, Faranwe will reappear with some sour congratulations and a reveal of a secret passage to leave the ruins quickly. You can opt to leave via the secret door or you can can escape by fighting your way back through the Sea Viper camp (this does not present as much of a problem as Stormwarden Faranwe seems to think, since you already came in that way.) Mariel will be waiting near the wayshrine with your reward (and a squadron of Fists of Thalmor to take care of any Sea Vipers that you might have left standing in the external camp).


  • Unlike most other similar puzzles, other than the puzzle resetting itself, there is no harmful consequences to failing the combination.
  • The buff Faranwe applies on you with the Intimidate option lasts for a very short time, thus it provides limited utility.
    • Additionally, after using the Intimidate option once, it doesn't reappear when initiating dialogue again so the buff cannot be reapplied.
  • For unknown reasons, the ghosts in the large room are neutral, thus can be entirely avoided.
    • No they're not. They are aggresive.
  • While displayed as a hint needed to proceed along the quest, speaking with Faranwe after placing the thunderstones is not required as leaving through the door behind her completes the current objective.
  • Despite Faranwe warning not to get spotted on the way to the secret exit, all the Sea Vipers are removed from the ruins interior after Firras is defeated so that is not something to be worried about.
    • Similarly, while she warns of a large army of Sea Vipers waiting outside the main entrance if you want to leave that way, in actuality there will be the same amount of them outside as when first passing through the area.


  • The buff Faranwe applies on you is not displayed at all in the Character section, thus it is unknown what it does. ?

Quest StagesEdit

The Storm's Call
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
  (If you got the quest from Atirr)

Atirr asked me to find the sky-key possessed by the Sea Vipers, and meet Mariel the Ironhand at the entrance to the ruins.

Objective: Recover the Sky-Key
  (If you got the quest from Mariel the Ironhand)

Mariel the Ironhand asked me to find the sky-key possessed by the Sea Vipers, and meet her at the entrance to the ruins.

Objective: Recover the Sky-Key
Now that I've recovered the sky-key from the Sea Vipers, I should meet Mariel the Ironhand at the entrance to the ruins.
Objective: Talk to Mariel the Ironhand at the Ruins' Entry
Mariel the Ironhand met me outside the entrance to the ruins, but was too injured to continue. She asked me to return the sky-key to the stormwardens.
Objective: Enter the Stormwarden Undercroft in Ilayas Ruins
Mariel the Ironhand asked me to return the sky-key to the stormwardens. I need to find the entrance to the stormwarden's sanctuary.
Objective: Find the Stormwarden Sanctuary
The stormwarden sanctuary is sealed by a puzzle. I'll need to solve it to gain entry.
Objective: Solve the Puzzle by the Sanctuary Door
With the puzzle solved, I can enter the stormwarden sanctuary.
Objective: Enter the Stormwarden Sanctuary
I should return the sky-key to the leader of the stormwardens.
Objective: Talk to the Stormwardens
I need to recover the thunderstones from nearby storm atronachs drawn by the Sphere of Storms.
Objective: Collect Thunderstones from the storm atronachs
I've recovered the thunderstones needed to power up the Sphere of Storms. I need to place them in the receptacles in the main chamber of Ilayas Ruins.
Objective: Place Thunderstones in the receptacles
Hidden Objective: Place the Thunderstone in the Southern Receptacle
Hidden Objective: Place the Thunderstone in the Northern Receptacle
With the thunderstones placed I should leave Ilayas Ruins before the stormwardens seal the exits.
Objective: Leave the Main Chamber
Objective Hint: Talk to Master Stormwarden Faranwe
Now that I've re-energized the sphere, I shoud leave the ruins before I get sealed in. The traitor, Firras, stands in my way.
Objective: Kill Firras
Now that I've dealt with the traitor, I should leave the ruins and find Mariel the Ironhand.
Objective: Leave Ilayas Ruins
Finishes quest  Now that the stormwardens have sealed Ilayas Ruins, I should find Mariel the Ironhand and tell her what happened.
Objective: Talk to Mariel the Ironhand near Ilayas Ruins
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
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