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Online:Thorn Legion Sanguimancer

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Thorn Legion Sanguimancer
Location Castle Thorn
Race High Elf, Nord Gender Varies
Health Normal58,940Veteran191,386
Reaction Hostile Class Blood Mage
Other Information
Faction(s) Thorn Legion
Condition Vampire
Thorn Legion Sanguimancer

Thorn Legion Sanguimancers are vampire blood mages and members of the Thorn Legion who can be found in Castle Thorn.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

They use blood mage and vampire abilities.

Fright Force
A basic ranged attack that deals moderate magic damage.
Pool of Shadow
An AoE attack which is centered on the caster. Once it is cast, the pool will remain for a few seconds, any time spent within the AoE will cause high magic damage over time.
When cast, this interruptible attack will fire slow moving AoE circles in the direction the caster is facing, dealing moderate magic damage and stunning whoever it hits.
Shadowy Duplicate
The Sanguimancer will teleport a short distance away, leaving a Shadow in their place. The Shadow be shielded and cast Fright Force dealing minor magic damage until it is killed. When killed, it explodes and leaves a Pool of Shadow in its place, which deals moderate magic damage over time.
Summon Bound Hemoptera
The Sanguimancer summons a Bound Hemoptera, which channels a buff on the Sanguimancer that causes them to do twice the damage and take less damage If the Hemoptera is interrupted, it becomes an Unbound Hemoptera. They will be rebound to their summoner after 15 seconds.
Sacrifice Hemoptera
The Sanguimancer can destroy its Hemoptera to heal itself.
Bat Swarm
The enemy summons a cloud of bats around itself dealing moderate magic damage to nearby players every 1 second for 7 seconds.
Drain Essence
The enemy drains your life force, dealing high magic damage and restoring its health every 1 second for 3 seconds.
The enemy begins feeding on the player, dealing moderate physical damage, stunning the target and restoring its health every 1 second for 3 seconds.