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Naryu has wetwork to do for Telvanni
Quick WalkthroughEdit
- Speak with an agree to help Folsi Othril.
- Travel to Ald Isra and speak with Naryu Virian.
- Investigate the servant's quarters.
- Investigate the House Dres Camp.
- Share your findings with Naryu.
- Report to Master Sulis and Foves.
- Search the Kagouti nests.
- Travel with Naryu to complete the writ, with a choice to inform on Foves's involvement to Sulis.
Detailed WalkthroughEdit
Acting as a CourierEdit
While traveling near Ald Isra you may hear Folsi Othril call out for aid:
- Folsi Othril: "Wait, hold on! Headed to Ald Isra?"
You can speak with her to see what she wants:
- "Oh, good, you stopped. No time for details. People eager to see me dead will come over that hill at any moment.
So, want to earn some easy gold?" - What do I need to do for this easy gold?
- "Tel Huulen. The tower at Ald Isra's east end. Inside there's a green mushroom. By that mushroom, there's a Dark Elf. She'll probably insult you. She's my contact.
Deliver this letter, then walk away with a pocket full of gold." - What's so important about this letter that people want to kill you?
- "Better you don't know. But … fine. There's a spy among the Assembly of Masters. My contact's here to end the threat.
Look, can you take this letter to her? Don't open it. Don't look at it. Don't talk about it. Hand it over and you're done. Deal?" - All right. I'll take the letter to your contact in Ald Isra.
- "Remember, a Dark Elf by a green mushroom in Tel Huulen. Tell her, "both light and shadow can be deadly." She'll reply, "Though only one chases the other." Then hand over the letter and she'll give you gold.
Now go while I lead my pursuers away."
You will be handed Folsi's Report, although she will tell you to stay vague on the details, you can choose to read the letter. Follow her instructions and go to Tel Huulen in Ald Isra. Enter the structure and you will immediately witness an argument between the Morag Tong assassin Naryu Virian and House Telvanni members:
- Master Foves: "Any delay is unacceptable! We hired the Morag Tong to deal with this problem."
- Naryu Virian: "Bellow all you want. It won't change my process."
- Master Foves: "Outrageous! How dare you—"
- Master Sulis: "Master Foves. A word, if I may."
- <Sulis and Foves will walk away to talk.>
You can speak to the various Telvanni representatives in this area, but to advance the quest you must speak to Naryu and hand her the report and say the code phrase, she will recognize you if you met before:
- Both light and shadow can be deadly.
- "Though only one chases the other.
All right. It's obvious Folsi sent you. And she gave you the code of a courier. That tells me you have something for me. Go on, then. Hand it over." - Folsi gave me this letter. Said you'd pay well to get it. She was being followed and led them away.
- "Folsi can fend for herself. Right now, I need to see if she learned anything to point me to the true identity of my target. Tredecim, the name on the writ, is an alias.
Interesting. According to Folsi, House Dres established a camp to the south." - Is that important?
- "Folsi seems to think so. Since you want to get paid, how about you help me out? I need to assassinate a spy in Tel Huulen. But to do that, I need to figure out who actually deserves my blade.
It's quite legal. I have a Morag Tong writ of execution." - What's a writ of execution?
- "A binding document that gives me the authority to eliminate the name on the writ.
We figure out who Tredecim actually is, I finish the job, you get paid, and we go home. Not together, necessarily. Depends on my mood. So, what do you say?" - Sure, I'll help you figure out who Tredecim is.
- "Congratulations, you're my new Folsi. First, go the the [sic] servants quarters to the west and ask Aki-go about the spy. Then visit the Dres camp to the south and see if they have any connection to this Tredecim.
I need to keep watch here, just in case."
At this point you will have two objectives you will need to complete before you can progress with the quest, investigate the Dres encampment to the south, and look into the servants of Ald Isra.
Investigating the ServantsEdit
Of the two leads, you can start the closer of the two by speaking with Naryu's local contact, Servant Aki-go. He can be found outside the Servant's Quarters sweeping and already knows who you are:
- Servant Aki-go: "I have nothing to say to you, friend of the dark lady."
He will at first be reluctant to help, but is willing to give information. Namely a servant leaves the quarters late every Sundas and Middas night, then returns early the next morning and there is always a strange smell afterwards. When you ask to investigate the Servant's Quarters, he will refuse to just let you in or hand over his key.
At this point, you can either demand he give his copy of the key to you or listen to his suggestion on how you can easily grab one from a table nearby. If you decide to do the latter, you can head down the path and grab the Servants Quarters Key from the table near where Servant Garnse is sweeping.
To continue your investigation, you will need to search the dorms upstairs and speak with the servants. You can speak with Norus and Daya before you head upstairs, but it is not necessary yet. Of the pair, Norus is more willing to talk, he corroborates Aki-go's lead about a servant leaving the quarters at night and a strange smell afterwards. He also mentions he overheard that the Masters Foves, Sulis and Thilse have been working on secret project.
Head up stairs when you are ready and there will be a few things you can search. You can find some Fake Jewelry in a mushroom box on a table, and Paper Scraps near a bed. More significantly, you can find a Jar of Kagouti Musk in a footlocker. After collecting it and heading downstairs, you will overhear Servant Norus and Servant Daya in discussion:
- Servant Norus: "Did you see that woman outside? If looks could kill, she wouldn't need those knives."
- Servant Daya: "Shh! She asked about her assistant. Just keep your head down."
If you did not speak with Norus before, you can speak with him now, though his answers will slightly differ due to stench the Jar of Kagouti Musk is emitting. But it will confirm the strange smell is due to the musk.
Back outside, Naryu will be waiting for you. She will call to you to get your attention:
- Naryu Virian: "Hey, hero. Find anything pertinent to my writ?"
Speak with her to explain what you have learned, she will be confused about the Kagouti Musk but is quite interested in the secret project. If you have not yet been to the Dres camp, you will be asked to go there to investigate while she stays behind.
Investigating the Dres EncampmentEdit
Head south from Ald Isra and you will find the Dres encampment over the bridge, the camp has various workers and guards, with the guards ready to attack you on sight. Your goal is to find any written intelligence relating to Ald Isra spread throughout the camp. In total you will find three documents, two are in a mess tent, and a final document is on a table in a smaller tent.
While the Camp Update talks about mundane happenings, the other two relate to your mission. The House Dres Orders refers to their ongoing operation against House Telvanni and makes mention of an Morag Tong agent holding important documents. The Letter Concerning Tredecim makes mention that Tredecim is a direct aide to a Master, and that there is plan to frame Master Sulis after he alerted the Morag Tong about a possible spy in House Telvanni. It also gives code names to the Masters involved with the secret project.
Once you have collected all of the documents, you will need to find Naryu who turns out to be waiting for you outside the camp. She will be surrounded by bodies and calls you over once she sees you:
- Naryu Virian: "Over here, hero. Got anything interesting for me?"
Speak with her to explain what you learnt, she will give her opinion and will link some details together if you previously investigated the Servant Quarters. If this is the first place you have visited you will need to return to Ald Isra to investigate before you can continue the quest.
Putting the Pieces TogetherEdit
Once you have investigated both locations, Naryu will ask you to head over to Tel Huulen and provide an update to Master Sulis, while meeting with her at the Kagouti Nests afterwards. Before you leave you can ask Naryu to go over what you learnt as a refresher.
When you return to Tel Huulen, you can inform Master Sulis that you are close to identifying the spy and also ask questions about the secret project he is involved in. He says little but that Master Foves stopped meeting about the project in person after suspicions of a spy came to light, with Alam Guitot attending as his proxy.
After your conversation, Foves will demand that you speak to him as well:
- Master Foves: "You, hireling. Follow me."
- <Master Foves walks over to a corner of the room.>
- Master Foves: "Outsider, a word."
Master Foves explains he has suspicions about Sulis and asks what you spoke of with him. In return he claims that both Master Sulis and his aide Alam have changed in behavior recently, with Sulis becoming insistent on meeting regularly despite security risks and Alam avoiding Foves and an apparent drop in hygiene.
With your report done, all that is left is to head north from Ald Isra to the Kagouti nesting grounds to meet with Naryu and look for evidence:
- Naryu Virian: "There's a kagouti nest just up ahead. Let's look around."
The Kagouti will pay a minor threat to your investigation, as will the Dres operative Bar'tolo the Blade who will ambush you as you get close to the meeting spot:
- Bar'tolo the Blade: "Here's the other one. You'll bleed before I let you find our spy."
Dispatch him and start looking around the campsite, you have the option of relaying of what happened in Tel Huulen to Naryu while you do so. A Dres Message can be found on a nearby table, while a Mud-Covered Letter can be found on the ground. While not necessary, you can also find the body of Folsi thrown to the side of the camp.
The letters reveal what what you likely already suspected, firstly, Alam Guitot is Tredecim and is spying on behalf of House Dres. And secondly, Master Foves is complicit in this and is one of the people behind framing Master Sulis. Once you have completed your search, Naryu will walk away to the cliff edge and ask you to speak with her:
- Naryu Virian: "Interesting. Let's talk where there's some fresh air."
Speaking with her, you explain what you found and she quickly puts the pieces together with the clues found earlier. When you ask what will happen next, she states she will follow the Writ of Execution and asks that you meet with her back at Tel Huulen, "My next step is quite clear—I kill Guitot. The writ covers Tredecim and just Tredecim. Anything you want to do beyond that is up to you, hero. Let's return to Tel Huulen. Hopefully Guitot is there so I can wrap this up."
When you arrive, Naryu will be speaking with Master Sulis while Foves, Alam Guitot, Servant Zemzo and Servant Keera-Ra are also attending.
- Master Sulis: "Tell me, assassin. Have you dealt with our spy?"
- Naryu Virian: "Not yet, but I'm about to."
Speaking with Naryu, she will explain how her Writ of Execution works. While her contract only covers Tredecim, she gives you the option of telling Master Sulis about Foves involvement. These choices will be marked in red and so the quest will branch into two endings.
If you decide to keep quiet and just have Naryu fulfill her contract, select the No, let's just stick to the writ. and the quest can be completed if you continue speaking with her.
If you decide to inform Sulis about Foves' involvement, you will need to speak with him and hand over the evidence. Master Sulis not act very surprised or upset, but will have to think on what he wants to do next. You can then speak with Naryu who will be patiently waiting to proceed, and complete the quest. In both cases, you will be given the Shadow's Hood and some gold as a reward.
In the case that you did not expose Master Foves, he will watch without concern as Naryu fulfills her writ:
If you reveal the truth to Master Sulis, Foves will be unruffled by the accusation while Alam is executed:
- One or more of the documents in the House Dres camp may not have the quest marker above them, but Naryu won't talk to you until you have read them all.
- If Naryu won't talk to you, search the camp again for missing documents.
Quest StagesEdit
Tracing Shadows | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
Folsi gave me a letter and a phrase that will identify me to her Dark Elf contact. I should go find the contact under a green mushroom inside the Tel Huulen tower in Ald Isra.
Objective: Find Folsi's Contact
There's a Dark Elf by a green mushroom inside Tel Huulen. I should determine if she's the contact I'm supposed to deliver this letter to.
Objective: Talk to Naryu Virian
While Naryu keeps watch at Tel Huulen, she asked me to talk to Aki-go in the servants quarters to the west and investigate the Dres camp to the south of town.
Objective: Talk to the Servants
Objective: Investigate the House Dres Camp
After learning all I could from the Ald Isra servants and at the House Dres camp to the south, Naryu wants me to return to Tel Huulen and update Master Sulis about our investigation.
Objective: Return to Tel Huulen
Naryu wants me to provide an update to Master Sulis about our investigation into the identity of the spy.
Objective: Talk to Master Sulis
After I spoke with Master Sulis, Master Foves approached and asked for my attention. I should go see what he wants.
Objective: Talk to Master Foves
I checked in with Masters Sulis and Foves. Naryu said she wants to search through local kagouti nests for clues. I should head north to the nests and meet up with her.
Objective: Find the Kagouti Nests
Naryu and I found a kagouti nesting site outside Ald Isra. This is likely the place the spy uses to relay messages. I should look around and see if they left anything recently.
Objective: Search the Kagouti Nests
We uncovered Tredecim's true identity—the spy is Alam Guitot. Naryu returned to Ald Isra to find him. I should meet her inside Tel Huulen.
Objective: Meet Naryu inside Tel Huulen
I found Naryu inside Tel Huulen. I should follow up with her to complete the writ.
Objective: Talk to Naryu Virian
(Choose to expose Master Foves) It looks like Master Foves was the true source of the information Guitot passed to the Dres. I decided to tell Master Sulis the truth so he can deal with Foves. Objective: Talk to Master Sulis
(Both quest branches lead to this) I should talk to Naryu and see how she feels about the resolution of the writ. Objective: Talk to Naryu
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.