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Location Grunda's Gatehouse
Race Xivilai Gender Female
Health 127,470 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile Class Spellblade
Daedra Hearts, Daedra Husks

Xxthauaa is a Xivilai found at Grunda's Gatehouse. She and her two Reaper Mender attendants guard the North Flywheel.

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Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Quick Strike
A basic melee attack that deals low physical damage.
Heavy Attack
The spellblade performs an overhead swing that causes a frost explosion, dealing high frost damage. This can be blocked.
Hand of Flame
The spellblade sends three fire lines towards its target, indicated by moving red circles, dealing moderate flame damage. The fires split off a second time shortly afterward. This can be interrupted.
Lightning Grasp
The spellblade raises their hand and shoot a bolt of lightning which spawns numerous small pools of energy on the floor, indicated by small red circles, dealing low shock damage each.
Ice Cage
The spellblade summons a ring of frost around themselves, indicated by a donut-shaped red circle, dealing continuous moderate frost damage and snaring targets.
Xivlai's Servant
The spellblade summons a Daedra. It can either be a Clannfear, Flame Atronach, Flame Ogrim, Scamp, Spider Daedra, or a Winged Twilight.


  • Before Update 12, her maximum health was 42879.