Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Coal for the Furnaces
< Mod / Morrowind: Project Tamriel: Project Cyrodiil: Quests: Order of Itinerant Priests / Anvil
Quick WalkthroughEdit
- In Anvil, talk to Luaki on the TEM Kintyra's Shield about works and the Temple of Dibella Estetica.
- (Optional) Get Luaki's thoughts on the Cult of Dibella, and the hedonist and ascetic factions.
- Talk to Dalia Lasalian at the Temple of Dibella Estetica about works.
- Answer Dalia's question with any answer other than "I don't know".
- Talk to Ussas about coal for the furnace rooms.
- Bring the Coal Purchase Receipt to Alerios Catiosho at Fort Heath.
- Take 20x Coal to Ussas.
- Shovel the coal onto the coal pile in front of the furnace.
- Talk to Ussas once more.
- Return to Dalia.
Detailed WalkthroughEdit
The TEM Kintyra's Shield is a vessel of the West Navy docked at Fort Telodrach in Anvil. Aboard it, you will find an Itinerant Priest named Luaki, who conducts services in the hold. He has works for fellow members of his order. Specifically, he seeks to secure funding from the Temple of Dibella Estetica for his (currently unpaid) ministrations to the sailors of the Imperial Navy. He asks that you begin to build a relationship between the order and the temple by making yourself available to Dalia Lasalian, an important member of the Dibellan cult. He'll also go into some depth on the minor schism between two factions in the Cult of Dibella if asked about that topic. Apparently the ascetic faction (focused on ethereal beauty and aesthetic purity) currently has the upper hand over the hedonist one (focused on rapture, lust and sensuality). It's not particularly relevant to your quest, but is a theme that will crop up throughout your interactions with the cult.
The Temple of Dibella Estetica is the large white cathedral on the city's other side. Divine Intervention can get you there if you prefer not to walk. To find Dalia inside, enter via the main doors, then turn right and ascend the stairs. Take the door on the right to the tower area - Dalia is on the same floor as you enter. She is annoyed to see you, guessing correctly that you have been sent by Luaki. She'll ask questions to determine how much you actually know about Dibella. Any answer other than I don't know will do - you can't improve her mood much either way.
Dalia will set you a task. The temple caretaker, Ussas, needs coal for the furnace rooms that heat the Temple's baths. To reach him, return to the Temple's main entrance. The door to the sacred workshops is to the left of this entrance on entering. Proceed through this area to the fresco of a naked lady. The door to the cellars is just opposite this painting. Ussas is in the Cellar area. Talk to him about coal for the furnace rooms. He needs somebody to collect the temple's coal order from Alerios Catiosho at Fort Heath, and gives you a Coal Purchase Receipt to take there.
Go to Fort Heath. The quickest way is to fast travel using the carriage at the gates of Anvil, going to Hal Sadek. Then walk to the fort to the north of that village. Alerios is in the mine to the fort's west. Once in the mine, you may need to open the portcullis blocking your way - a button to your left should allow you to do this. Then enter the mine's main pit and look for a tower - this houses the coal pit where Alerios stands. Once you've found him, speak to him about 'coal for the furnace rooms to receive 20x Coal.
Return to Ussas with the coal. He'll ask you to put it onto the coal pile by the furnace - this is in the Furnace Halls, connected to the Cellar by a door. Activate the Small Coal Pile in front of the fire here to place the coal there, then return to Ussas. He'll tell you to go back to Dalia. She'll reward you with 100 gold for your troubles, while firmly telling you "goodbye".
Quest StagesEdit
The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal
console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.
Coal for the Furnaces (PC_m1_IP_Lki1) | ||
Index | Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
10 | Luaki informed me that the Temple of Dibella Estetica, a fantastically wealthy and popular cult, may be looking for an Itinerant Priest to perform works. He suggested I seek out Dalia Lasalian in the temple if I'm interested. He also said I should listen to what he has learned about the Cult of Dibella before I visit. | |
20 | When I asked Dalia Lasalian at the Temple of Dibella Estetica for works, she told me to find Ussas, the temple caretaker. She said I could assist him in procuring coal for the furnace rooms. | |
30 | Ussas told me that the temple has an arrangement with Fort Heath for purchase of coal for the furnace rooms, but he hasn't yet had a chance to collect this month's order. He asked me to go find Alerios Catiosho, the manager of the coal pit in their mine, and procure the coal with the purchase receipt as proof of payment. | |
35 | Ussas told me that the temple has an arrangement with Fort Heath for purchase of coal for the furnace rooms, but he hasn't yet had a chance to collect this month's order. He said that although he heard Alerios Catiosho, the manager of the coal pit in their mine, was recently found dead, he still needs the coal he purchased and asked me to just go ahead and procure it from the coal pit of the mine. | |
40 | Alerios gave me the coal for the furnace rooms. He also gave me a verbal message about next month's prices to relay to Ussas when I head back to him with the coal. | |
50 | Ussas asked me to go to the furnace room and add the coal I procured to the small coal pile in front of the furnace. | |
60 | Ussas thanked me for adding the coal to the pile in the furnace rooms. He told me he doesn't need my help with anything else, but that maybe Dalia could direct me to someone who does. | |
100 | Dalia thanked me for helping Ussas procure coal for the furnace rooms and paid me for my assistance. | |
110 | I killed a Dibellan, eliminating any chance the temple would let me assist with their works. |