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Check the Sacred Workshops; someone over there might need help.
Quest Giver: Dalia Lasalian
Location(s): Temple of Dibella Estetica: Tower, Anvil
Prerequisite Quest: Coal for the Furnaces
Next Quest: Meat-Cute
Reward: 1x Pink Pearl, 4x Paintbrush,
1x Blue Paint Pot, 1x Green Paint Pot,
1x Red Paint Pot, 1x Yellow Paint Pot.
Disposition: +15 (S'Karra), +10 (Venas Arethan), +5 (Dalia Lasalian, Cassandra Verach)
Reputation Gain: +5 (Order of Itinerant Priests)
ID: PC_m1_IP_Lki2
S'Karra's completed painting

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Ask Dalia Lasalian about works.
  2. Find Venas Arethan in the temple's Sacred Workshops and ask her about works and imperial purple dye.
  3. (If you have some) Give Imperial Purple Dye to Venas (ends quest).
  4. Talk to S'Karra at the Conservatory of St Laeca about imperial purple dye and landscape painting.
  5. Bring S'Karra's painting supplies to her easel by the Wayshrine of Mara.
  6. Wait six hours and speak to S'Karra.
  7. Take S'Karra's Packaged Painting to Dalia Lasalian.
  8. Report back to S'Karra.
  9. Bring the Imperial Purple Dye to Venas.
  10. Return to Dalia.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Maybe Dalia's "goodbye" in Coal for the Furnaces wasn't quite firm enough. Perhaps you're a dogged sort, or not likely to take a hint. Whatever the case, after that quest concludes, you may choose to revisit her tower (to her evident dismay) and request more works. She'll tell you to go bother somebody in the Sacred Workshops instead.

It's rude, but a good tip all the same. Return to the main entrance of the temple, and enter the Sacred Workshops from there. Here you'll find the Dark Elf, Venas Arethan. Asking her about works will see her request your help in procuring imperial purple dye. If you possess this already, you can give it to her immediately to end the quest, but if not, Venas believes that the Conservatory of St Laeca will have some. This art institution is in Anvil's Marina Quarter, opposite the Temple of the First Breath. Its occupants will refer you to S'Karra as the person last seen using the purple dye you've come for. She's on the first floor, and says that she will happily part with the dye in exchange for help with her landscape painting. She'll give you a large number of painting supplies and tell you to carry them to the river by the Wayshrine of Mara.

To reach the Wayshrine of Mara, leave Anvil by its main gate and immediately take the dirt road to your left which runs behind the Caravan Stop. Follow it through the city graveyard and to the wayshrine. S'Karra and her easel are immediately to the north of it. Speak to her to give her the supplies. She'll ask for six hours to finish her painting, so wait or return once that time has passed. The painting is colorful and complete, and S'Karra has named it "S'Karra's Joyous Painting". Canny, ambitious, or just genuinely proud of her work, S'Karra will ask you to get the painting hanged somewhere prominent in the Temple of Dibella Estetica before she will give you the purple dye. She'll give you the S'Karra's Packaged Painting.

While S'Karra believes that you should present the painting to the temple's Primate, Hiral Varollus, that individual will only direct you to Dalia, so to Dalia you should go. She's quite impressed by S'Karra's production, and takes it in rather happily. You can now return to S'Karra at the Conservatory to tell her as much. She'll give you a Pink Pearl in thanks, and the Imperial Purple Dye you need. Take this back to Venas Arethan, and you will receive a large number of painting supplies in thanks. Then speak to Dalia to conclude the quest - rather unceremoniously, she'll tell you find someone else to nag. Your next step will need to be speaking to Luaki.


  • S'Karra's painting supplies comprise of 1x Palette, 4x Paintbrush, 1x Blue Paint Pot, 1x Green Paint Pot, 1x Red Paint Pot and 1x Yellow Paint Pot.
  • On finishing this quest, S'Karra's Joyous River painting will appear in the Sacred Baths area of the temple, to the immense disgust of the hedonist, Lessi Hecaria, who sees Dalia's purchase of it as the calculated provocation it is. You can therefore steal it without consequence.
  • If you acquire Imperial Purple Dye after agreeing to help S'Karra with her painting, but without helping her finish it, Venas will insist that you do so before she accepts the dye from you.

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Dye Me a River (PC_m1_IP_Lki2)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Dalia said that if I wanted to perform more works for the Temple of Dibella Estetica, then I should check the Sacred Workshops. Someone over there might need help.
20 Venas Arethan in the Sacred Workshops asked me to obtain some imperial purple dye for her next piece. She suggested I look for some at The Conservatory of Saint Laeca. A painter there might be generous enough to donate one.
30 S'Karra at the Conservatory of Saint Laeca told me that she wants to make a painting for the Temple of Dibella Estetica. She said she knew a place overlooking the Naharine River that would be good for her landscape painting, and asked me to help her carry her painting supplies there. She gave me a paint palette, four used paint brushes, and four open paint pots. The spot is on a beach near the Wayshrine of Mara, just outside Anvil's northwestern walls.
35 Ussas told me that the temple has an arrangement with Fort Heath for purchase of coal for the furnace rooms, but he hasn't yet had a chance to collect this month's order. He said that although he heard Alerios Catiosho, the manager of the coal pit in their mine, was recently found dead, he still needs the coal he purchased and asked me to just go ahead and procure it from the coal pit of the mine.
50 After I carried S'Karra's painting supplies to her by the Naharine River near the Wayshrine of Mara, S'Karra thanked me but said that she still needs the imperial purple dye to paint her piece for donation to the Temple. She asked me to return in six hours to give her enough time to finish her painting.
55 Six hours have passed since S'Karra began her landscape painting. The painting should be finished by now.
60 S'Karra gave me the packaged painting of the landscape she completed and asked me to deliver it to the Primate of the temple. She said she would finally give me the dye back at the conservatory after I've made the delivery.
70 Dalia, although initially reluctant, accepted S'Karra's painting on behalf of the Primate of the temple.
80 S'Karra was happy to hear that the temple accepted her landscape painting. As thanks, she gave me the imperial purple dye to give to the temple, along with a gift for me personally.
90 Venas was very thankful for the imperial purple dye I gave her. She rewarded me with her spare set of paint and paint brushes and told me she'd put in a good word to Dalia for me.
100 Finishes quest  Dalia told me that she has no further works for me.
110 Finishes quest  I killed a Dibellan, eliminating any chance the temple would let me assist with their works.